Love Uncovered (Forbidden Fruit) (7 page)

BOOK: Love Uncovered (Forbidden Fruit)
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She felt herself dissolving i
n the rain, dissolving in the heat of his mouth on her body. Standing suddenly became too much work and she slid to her knees in front of him. Kneeling on the wet deck boards, she took his cock, hard and straining, all velvet covered steel in her hands and stroked. The rain provided its own lubrication and it was his turn for his head to fall back as she slid her hands over him.

Holding him in her fist, she took the tip of him into her mouth and sucked hard. His answering groan sent heat and slick arousal flooding her sex. She felt his hands in her hair and
the rain falling harder, peppering her shoulders and running down her body. Julie gave herself over to the sensations and lost herself in the sheer pleasure of running her tongue over all that hard flesh, sucking the length of him deep in her mouth. She worked him hard, holding onto his hips and forgot everything but the feel of him, the increasingly demanding noises he made and the rain.

“Let me have you.” His voice came out on a groan and he reached down to lift her to her feet. “Here,
Jules, let me have you here.”

Max kissed her hard, his lips punishing and she opened for him
. Their tongues met in a fierce tangle that stole her breath. He pulled away with a curse and turned her around in his arms so she faced the Adirondack. Grabbing her hips, he pulled her back against him and she felt his erection and the heat of his body. He slid his hand over her rain slicked skin and found her clit swollen and ready. He rubbed small circles over the tight bundle of nerves and she felt her climax start to build.

“Now, Max, please now.”
There was no thought, no worry, just the feel of him and the rain. Julie bent over the chair, resting her elbows on the flat wide arms and opened her legs for him. When she felt the tip of his cock nudging her opening, she pushed back, taking him inside her in one smooth movement. “So good, God, you feel so good.”

Max held her hips and seated himself deep inside her, rocking rather than thrusting.
He drew circles with his hips that made his cock nudge all the sweet spots inside her. Her breast swung free and the water traced trails to the tips of her nipples, tickling and teasing her aching flesh. The rain was falling hard now and she felt it hitting her back and running down her face. It was cold, chilling her except for the place their bodies joined – burned together. Max thrust and she met him, pushing back, their wet skin slapping together as he drove into her.

He covered her with his body and she felt the slide of his chest against her back.
Reaching around her, he found her clit. His hands played with her tender flesh, touched the place where their bodies joined and the orgasm crashed over her.

“Fuck, God, fuck,” he chanted, his strokes coming hard and fast, drawing out her climax. Julie arched her back, tipping her head back and opening herself completely to him. He pulled her hips against him harder enough to leave bruises and cried out with his own orgasm.





“Emily! Amanda! Jake! Get a move on. Your grandparents are waiting.”
Julie looked over at Max and grinned. “Come on guys. We’re in a hurry.”

The car was packed; everything was ready. All they
had to do was drop the kids at Julie’s mom and dad’s and they’d have three days alone together.

It had been
over five months since their time at the cabin and he couldn’t wait to get back. It was a strange feeling to be looking forward to the six hour drive instead of dreading it, but he couldn’t imagine anything better than time with his wife. When Alan and Carol offered to take the kids for part of their fall break, he and Julie had jumped at the chance.

Things between them had been so good lately. Since they’d come back, his wife had been easier on herself and everyone else.
And happier. They spent time together every day – even if it was only a few minutes. He was so grateful they’d found each other again, uncovered the love that had been buried under responsibilities and obligations.

“Ready?” Julie asked, dragging him out of his thoughts.

“Absolutely.” He caught her as she went past him and pulled her in for a kiss. “I love you, Jules.”

“Love you, too, babe.” She grabbed a handful of his butt and grinned playfully up at him. “Seen a weather forecast?”

He hadn’t even looked. He didn’t care what the weather did; he just wanted his wife, alone, naked and screaming in pleasure.

“Don’t know; don’t care.”

“It’s supposed to rain.” She smacked his butt and turned to follow the kids out the door to the car.

, thought Max, grinning like a fool.
God, he loved the rain.



Indulge in more Forbidden Fruit with a sneak peek at


Jack and Christine rarely have sex anymore, and when they do, it doesn’t satisfy either of them. Christine’s let herself go and doesn’t believe her husband could be interested in her. She’s always had trouble reaching orgasm during intercourse. After sixteen years of marriage, she’s given up.

Jack thinks his wife just isn’t interested in sex. He’s tried to fill his own needs by watching online porn and masturbating in the shower, but he’s tired of feeling like a dirty old man. He wants to be more than paycheck to Christine, and he’s at the end of his rope.

Together, they’ve created a perfect storm of missed opportunities and misunderstanding.

But an accident and a near miss may give them both a chance to find their way back to each other and unlock a whole new level of pleasure.


The hot, wet, rhythmic tugging on her nipple pulled her out of sleep. Keeping her eyes closed, she
slid her fingers into Jack’s hair and relished the feel of his mouth suckling her. He sucked harder, molding her nipple into a long peak and then released it, blowing gently across her damp skin.

She felt the firm pinch of something that wasn’t Jack on the tight pebbled bud and heard a faint tinkling. Her eyes flew open just in time to watch Jack fastening a tiny clip to her nipple.

“I opened one of your presents.” He smiled at her and then turned his attention back to the small metal clip. Crystal beads and a tiny silver bell dangled from the end of what looked like a short lasso. The clip held onto her nipple which had tightened to a round bead under the pressure. Jack slid a clasp along the loop, and she gasped as it tightened. God, it felt so good—just on the right side of the line between pleasure and pain—and she arched, offering herself to him.

“Too tight?”

“No,” she said on a breath.

“Good.” He bent his head and licked the tip of her bound nipple. She moaned in pleasure and tried to press herself closer to his mouth. Instead he turned his attention to her other nipple, suckling it deep into his mouth. She watched, fascinated, as he repeated the process and fastened a tiny bell clip to her other nipple. He licked the tip and then sat back to admire his work.

“How does it feel?”

Tight. Good.” Her words came out as shallow gasps and he grinned down at her.

“It looks sexy as hell.
Here.” He caught her hand. “There’s something else, but you have to sit up first.”

He helped pull her up to a sitting position and the bells tinkled as she moved. Her heavy breasts hung down with their decorations providing a constant delicious tugging. She watched, eyes wide, as he picked up a length of silver chain off the nightstand.

“What are you doing?” She sat up straighter, and every time she moved, the sound of the bells and pull of the clips made her very aware of her nipples. It was like having indifferent fingers pinching her and following her however she moved. The constant awareness of her breasts turned up the volume of her desire.

“You’re mine. I’m marking you as my slave girl.” His cheeky grin dared her to contradict him.

She grinned right back at him. Her conservative engineer husband bought her nipple jewelry to make her some kind of sex slave. It was crazy, but she didn’t laugh. When he said she was his, heat pooled deep in her belly. Being his, being forced to please him excited her. She watched as he fastened the end of the chain to one delicate clip.

“I’m not calling you master.”

He quickly hooked the other end of the chain to the remaining clip, setting the bells and beads swinging. He gave a gentle tug on the chain linking her bound nipples, and her back bowed.

It was like the clips were attached to her clit instead of to each other. She moaned and pressed herself toward him. She needed so much more from him.

“Really?” Amusement danced on his smug face. He was having fun, and she was in heat. “I think before the night is over I can get you to call me anything I want you to.” He flicked one of the tiny bells with his finger and watched mesmerized as is swung from the tip of her bound nipple. “They’re supposed to feel even more intense when they come off.”

The confidence in his voice made her squirm, and she felt her own slick heat between her thighs. She fought to keep from melting into him. When had he planned all this? Imagining him picking these things out excited her. He’d obviously thought of her wearing them, and the idea sent another wave of heat low in her belly.  A sharp rap on the door jolted her out of her thoughts.

“If you don’t want to give the room service guy a heart attack or a raging hard on like mine.” He winked at her and pulled the cover aside so she could see his cock, hard and smooth and straining upward. “You’d better hide under the covers. Come in,” he called.

Christine heard a key card slide into the lock and she bolted, scrambling out of the bed and dashing for the bathroom. She’d never been an exhibitionist, and she didn’t like the idea of anybody but Jack seeing her like this.

She heard the tinkle of bells, Jack’s low chuckle and the door to the room open as she made the safety of the bathroom. The chain swung between her breasts, tugging on her overly sensitive nipples. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at the crystals winking from the tips of her nipples. They were beautiful.

She was beautiful.

Her dark hair tumbled in tousled curls around her face. Her lashes were still impossibly dark and thick thanks to the makeup clerk, and her lips were full and red from Jack’s kisses. And her breasts. God, her breasts looked like something out of a porn magazine. She opened her robe, pushing it to the outside of her breasts so she could get a better look. The tips of her nipples were bound into tight round pebbles under the clips and the chain shone between them, linking her breasts. With the bands of cranberry silk running down the sides of her body, she didn’t look like a woman that needed to lose twenty pounds. She looked full and lush and ready to be fucked. She looked like she belonged in a harem and not on the PTA.

Gingerly she reached up and smoothed a finger over the exposed tip of her nipple. Her gasp at her own touch sent the tiny bells chiming and her pussy clenched. It was like he’d installed buttons to immediately turn up her desire.

“You can come out now.” Jack sounded so smug and sure of himself. She decided it was time to take some of the power back.



Read more of Jack and Christine’
s story in

Indulge in more forbidden fruit with a sneak peek at


Cat loves her husband. He’s a sweet, tender man and a great father. Their sex life is fine. With the kids and their careers, they don’t have as much time as she’d like, but she really can’t complain. She is used to being in control – at home, at school – but lately some of the books she’s been reading make her wonder what it would be like to surrender for a change and give control to the man she loves.

When Owen overhears his wife’s book club, he gets a “shade” more than he planned on. How is a sensitive, equal opportunity man supposed to dominate his strong, competent wife? Using his scientist’s mind and some careful planning, maybe he can turn his Cat into a kitten—at least for the weekend.


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