Love Uncovered (Forbidden Fruit) (8 page)

BOOK: Love Uncovered (Forbidden Fruit)
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Owen. It was Owen. A thrill ran through her, but Cat couldn’t bring herself to strip naked in the middle of a warehouse. She’d never been comfortable getting naked in front of other people even though she was sure the man in the shadows had already seen everything a thousand times over. The snap of what sounded like leather hitting leather brought her back to the present.

“Do it now, kitten.” Another snap. “Or I’ll have to punish you.”

Cat’s mouth went dry. He wouldn’t really hurt her, would he? The next snap was louder and made her jump. She stepped quickly out of her shoes, unfastening her jeans with shaky hands. She shimmied out of them and her trembling fingers paused on the buttons of her blouse. She hadn’t bothered with pretty underwear. She hadn’t expected anyone to see them. She certainly hadn’t been expecting to do a strip tease. She wore her serviceable but definitely not sexy everyday bra and panties.

The leather snapped again, and she hurried to undo the buttons on her blouse. Shrugging out of it, she stood in the pool of light wearing nothing but her bra and panties, feeling both vulnerable and excited.

Snap. Snap. The leather cracked louder this time. “I’m losing my patience, kitten. I said all of it.
Now.” Snap.

Cat slid down her panties and toed them off. She unhooked her bra, tossing it to the floor. She’d never been comfortable without a bra, and her generous breasts hung heavy on her chest. Her nipples pebbled in the cool air and the temperature combined with her nakedness made her tremble.

“Mmm, very nice.” She heard the appreciation in his voice and strained her eyes for a glimpse of his face. She couldn’t see him in the shadows.

“Now, kitten.” Snap. “I’ll be the only one binding you this weekend.” Snap. “Take down your hair.” The crack of leather against leather punctuated his seductive words, warning or promising her of what was to come.

She raised her arms to pull her hair out of the ponytail she’d fastened it in when she rushed out of the house earlier. The movement thrust her breasts forward, and she paused with her hands still on her hair. He’d put a lot of effort into pulling this off. Her husband loved her breasts. Maybe there was a way she could get him to show himself sooner.

Pretending to struggle with the tie holding her hair, she arched her back harder, thrusting her nipples toward the figure in the shadows. She let her lips part and her eyes drift closed as she tipped her head back and pretended to work on the tie. She heard a low throaty chuckle and the snap of the leather.

“So, you like showing off, kitten. Or perhaps you’ve decided to tease me.” Snap. God, what was that? A whip? A crop? A belt? Cat’s mouth went dry. What would it feel like on her skin? “But you don’t have to decide anything this weekend. It’s my job to take care of you—to make sure you get what you need.” Snap. “Now, take down your hair.”

Well, that hadn’t gone the way she wanted it to, but his words sent a thrill rippling through her. She could feel herself getting wet. Just the idea of not having to be in control
excited her. She pulled off the tie and shook out her dark hair, hurrying to follow his instructions. It didn’t make sense, but she wanted to please him.

“Good, kitten. Since you liked showing off, spread your legs.”

“What? I…” Her words trailed off. She couldn’t do that, could she? Stand naked in a warehouse with her legs spread open. The leather snapped again and she took a shaky step, opening her legs a few inches.

Snap. Snap.

She was going to break that damn crop or whatever it was if he didn’t stop snapping it at her. The problem was she was trembling and she didn’t think she could move.


“Wider, kitten. I want to see the lips of your pretty pussy. Spread your legs wide enough or I’ll have to bind them open.”

Her first thought was that she couldn’t imagine having her legs spread apart and tied. But she had imagined it—imagined what it would be like to be bound and taken like that. Part of her wanted to try it. Instead she took another step, spreading her feet more than shoulder width apart. The cool air assaulted her delicate wet lips, and she felt so exposed. He would see how aroused she was.

“Good. Very pretty and very wet. Now, let’s see how wet we can make you. Play with your nipples. I want them rosy and stretched to peaks, ready to be suckled.”

She felt her face heat and knew she was blushing. It was just the two of them. She shouldn’t feel so vulnerable, but she did. Not being able to see or touch him and knowing he was watching made her
feel exposed and excited her.

She cupped her breasts with her hands, tentatively brushing her thumbs over the tight buds of her nipples.

“Tsk, tsk. You can do better than that. Do it harder, kitten.”

Nervous and aroused, Cat closed her eyes and started to roll her nipples between her fingers and thumbs. She alternated between pinching the aching flesh and gently tugging. After a few moments, she started to lose herself in the sensation and gave into the pleasure. She could smell the musky scent of her own arousal and feel the increasing wetness between her legs. She felt wanton and embarrassed. It was a strange mix of emotions and it kept her off-balance, frozen in place, touching herself.

“Keep your eyes closed.” The voice was soft but she could tell he was closer. She squeezed her eyes shut and stilled her hands. “Don’t stop.”

She felt him behind her, felt the warmth of him along her naked back, not quite touching her. He smelled like leather and man, his scent richer and spicier than the clean citrus scent Owen usually wore. Leather gloved hands covered her own and cupped her breasts, kneading gently. She arched, pressing her breasts into their hands and letting her head fall back against his chest. Using his gloved hand, he guided her fingers from her nipple to between her legs. He pressed her hand against her mound and her fingers slipped between her slick swollen lips.

With a firm steady pressure he used her fingers to stroke her aching flesh. God, she was so wet and her opening was so swollen. As he pushed her slender fingers inside her, the leather of his gloves scraped deliciously against her sensitive flesh. He rolled and tugged her nipple, pinching it between his leather clad fingers. His touch strayed along the edge of pleasure and pain, the leather feeling both impersonal and completely masculine.

Under his touch Cat felt delicate and vulnerable. He stroked and tugged her nipple and she rode their combined hands, rubbing her clit against the heel of her hand as she plunged her fingers into her slick tight opening. The pleasure built and her legs trembled. She didn’t think she could stay standing, but he drove her on, stroking relentlessly. When the orgasm crashed over her, she collapsed against him, and he held her up one arm wrapped around her middle while his other hand cupped her mound.

As her trembling slowed, her eyelids fluttered and started to open.

“Not yet, kitten. We are nowhere near done yet.”




Owen and Cat’s story in


Indulge in more Forbidden Fruit with a sneak peek at




Abby is in a hurry to meet her husband at home for their anniversary weekend, but it’s the last thing she plans to hurry. With two jobs and two kids, she and Tim have been rushing through their lives, barely taking time for sleepy sex at the end of the day. The best anniversary present she can imagine is time together – enough time to really make love; to enjoy each other’s bodies like they did when they were first married.

Tim loves his wife more than he did the day he married her, and he’s looking for a new way to show her. After fifteen years, they know exactly how to please each other and how to touch each other. Without intending it, their lovemaking has become routine. Tim wants to try something new, and if his plan works, they’ll have a whole new kind of intimacy to explore. 

With three child-free days stretching out in front of them, Tim and Abby have a chance to unwrap the best present ever and celebrate an anniversary they’ll never forget.





Tim put the bag with the food in the fridge and called out for Abby. Her car was in the garage so she had to be home somewhere. He hadn’t expected her to be back already, and it made him smile to think she was as eager for their weekend as he was. Hopefully, she’d think eating in was a good idea, too. He didn’t want her to think he didn’t want to take her out. He just didn’t want to waste a minute of the time they had together out in public around other people. He walked to the base of the steps and heard the shower running. Perfect. Picturing his wife naked in the shower, he took the steps two at a time.

He tossed his jacket and the small black bag on the bed and unbuttoned his shirt. He could smell the peach scented body washAbby loved and he moved faster, dropping his pants to the floor and stripping off the rest of his clothes
He pushed open the bathroom door and stepped naked into the steam filled bathroom. Abby obviously hadn’t heard him come in. Her head was tipped back, mouth open in pleasure and she was using the shower sprayer and her hand to get herself off. His cock, already hard, turned to steel. He’d been married to her for fifteen years. How was it possible to want her so much? But watching her give herself over to her pleasure, he couldn’t imagine anything sexier – unless it was him making her come.

He heard her breathing pick up, coming in gasps as the orgasm took her. He stepped closer so he could see her better through the steam and spray. She must have sensed him because she straightened quickly, sliding the glass door open to look at him. Her expression shifted from startled to guilty.

“I couldn’t wait,” she said sheepishly.

“Don’t stop,” he said. “I love watching you.”

She made a disbelieving face, and he reached out and caught her hand. “Don’t believe me?” He took her warm wet hand and wrapped it around his cock. Her eyes went wide with pleasure at the evidence of his arousal. He leaned in and kissed her, licking the water from her lips
“Is there room for me in there, too?” he asked.

“Absolutely,” she said, grinning.

Tim climbed in, blocking the spray, and she reached for him, feeling the water slip between them as her hand grasped the hot hard length of him. He felt like iron covered with velvet, and the water made everything smooth and slippery. She stepped closer to lick at the trickle of water that ran down his chest. He bent his head and caught her mouth with a kiss. She tasted mint and the familiar taste that was Tim. Running her hands across his chest, she let them slide down his belly to his hips. His hands cuffed her wrists, stopping them from moving.

“Let me make you come this time,” he murmured against her ear. Shivers raised across her skin, warring with the heat from the shower.

Spinning her around, Tim put her hands on the wall of the shower. He wedged his legs between hers and used his feet to press hers against the edges of the tub. Abby felt him hard and ready, and she arched back into him.

“Don’t move.”
The command in his voice started delicious tremors low in her belly.

           He stepped back, still blocking the shower, and she felt cold and vulnerable and more excited than she’d been in a very long time. She stifled a giggle. This was so much better than showering alone. He shifted slightly and the hot spray hit her back, a glorious contrast to the chill. The scent of peaches filled the cloud of steam, and she felt him move in behind her, stroking soapy hands down her back and sides.

“God, you are so beautiful,” he said as his hands slid over her skin in long smooth strokes.

Every inch of her skin felt alive and tingling. She could barely breathe let alone speak. She was a quivering pile of need and would have turned toward him. Before she could, he stepped against her and slid his soapy hands around to cup her breasts and tease her nipples to hard peaks. He rubbed his palms against the tight points, before kneading gently while he licked and bit along her neck. His five o’clock shadow tickled and scratched, adding to the sensations overwhelming her body.

“Please,” she begged, pressing back against him. Need made her weak. She wasn’t sure how she was still standing.

“Not yet.” His voice was a low, throaty growl, and the force in it had her shaking in place. He pulled back a bit, holding her still with one arm while his other hand slipped between them, stroking her ass, letting his slick fingers press against the tight ring of her ass before sliding between her legs. His thumb slid inside her, curling to stroke her while his fingers played across her aching flesh. Only his arm wrapped around her waist kept her standing while the pressure built.

“I love you, Abby.” He spoke the words with his lips playing along her neck and his hand stroking deep inside her.

“Love you, too,” she said, her breath coming in shallow gasps.

He shifted, letting the hand around her waist dip to stroke her sensitive clit. She arched, trying to rub his cock against her cunt, but he pulled his hips back. “You first, baby. I won’t last once I’m inside you.” Using two fingers, he slid them deep inside her. Her breath whooshed out in pleasure and she arched, lifting her ass and giving him better access to her. As he continued to thrust his fingers inside her, he pressed his soapy thumb against her tight rosebud.
  When she pushed back against him, he groaned and pressed his thumb past the ring of muscles.

“God, Tim,” she panted, lost in her own pleasure. Taking her breathless cries as acceptance, he thrust with his hand, his fingers sliding deep in her cunt while his thumb glided in and out of her ass. He felt her start to tighten under his hand and picked up his pace.
  Watching the way her tight ass swallowed his thumb had his cock so hard it practically bounced in front of him. He wouldn’t be able to hold out for much longer.

“Come for me,” he whispered against her ear. He bit down on her shoulder, and she did, clamping down on his hand and calling his name.

Before her body finished pulsing, he pulled his hand away and replaced it with the thick hard length of him. She stretched up on tiptoes, gasping as he filled her and even more when she felt his fingers slide into her ass. While he fucked her with his hand and his cock, she braced herself against the tile shower wall, trembling with pleasure. The spray from the shower washed down over both of them, driving away a chill she hadn’t known she felt.

Surrounded with peach scented steam and the man she loved, she lost herself again. She surrendered to the sensation of him moving inside her and shattered as one orgasm stretched into two. He slid his fingers out of her and she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. His hands gripped her hips tight enough to leave bruises, and she felt him shudder inside her. Tipping her head back, she kissed him wrapped in the warmth of the water and his arms.

“Happy anniversary,” she murmured against his mouth.


Read more of Abby and Tim’s story in

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