Love Under Two Navy Seals (5 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Love Under Two Navy Seals
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She’d survived every form of torture that her brothers—all six of them—had been able to devise. More often than not, she’d emerged the victor. These two Navy SEALs would be no match for her.

“We are indeed with you in Lusty, Texas. We like your town,” Drew said.

“So do I. But it’s a strange place for two Navy SEALs to be bunking down, don’t you think?”

Dev smiled. Julia had forgotten what a killer grin he had.

“We’re not bunking down, Julia. We’re here for the duration,” Drew said.

“I just meant there’s no Navy base close by.”

Dev shrugged. “Navy SEAL teams are put together early on—as soon as you enter the program, in fact. We train together, we live together, and we serve together.” Devon’s grin faded. “We lost half of our team. Our fourth member, Kenny, also survived but is recovering at home. That leaves just the two of us. We were given the choice of training with a new team, or moving on to something else.”

“And you chose the something else?”

“We’re in our mid-thirties,” Drew said. “As much as we’ll miss the action, it was time to move on. So we took the opportunity to become instructors. We’re training a mixed group over at Goodfellow Air Force Base,” Drew said.

“It must be different, going from living a life of high adventure to teaching,” Julia said.

“The hours are good, and no one’s shooting at us,” Dev said.

“But it’s not without its frustrations, as you have that long drive every day.”

“We start early and leave early,” Dev said, “and only have classes Monday to Thursday.
here, Julia, so this is where we needed—and wanted—to be.”

What the hell was she supposed to do with comments like that? She didn’t want to tell them how thoroughly they had gotten to her, or that she still felt as hot for them as when they’d first met. But she wondered if they didn’t somehow already know that, anyway.

Her mother had once told her that when she’d met Julia’s fathers, she’d known, almost instantly, that they were the men for her. She’d confessed to her only daughter that the sudden knowledge had thrown her for a loop because she’d never had any intention of having even one husband, let alone
. She’d even tried to pretend they didn’t get to her. Julia recalled the way her mother had laughed, and shrugged, and told her that they’d known, anyway. That it had been as if they really were meant to be together—as if they’d been one flesh even before they’d become intimate.

“Where did you go just now, baby doll?”

Julia blinked. The air between them seemed to crackle with sexual tension. They continued to give her their full attention, and she felt like a steak being eyed by two ravenous carnivores.

“I’m not going to tell you.” She tilted her head to one side. “In this two-against-one tug-of-war, I reserve the right to keep some things to myself.”

“Oh, sweetheart, it’s not two against one. That implies that we have an adversarial relationship. Trust me, the last thing we feel toward you is adversarial.”

“Did you miss us, kitten? I know Dev asked you earlier, but I don’t feel as if you really answered. Did you miss us?” Drew’s expression—half hopeful child, half winsome puppy—melted her heart.

In the face of such need, such longing, how could she pretend to be aloof?

“Yes.” Julia wished she could have sounded just a bit stronger just then. The passion they’d aroused in her with their kisses had not been a new, fresh passion. They’d merely stirred to life the embers they’d left smoldering within her so many months before.

Like any fire that had been left waiting for six long months, she knew hers would explode back to life with just the slightest bit more kindling.

The men must have realized that, too. They exchanged a look she didn’t have any trouble reading.

“Are we done talking for now, baby doll?” Dev’s voice dipped, and something about that particular tone sent shivers trembling through her body.

Her mouth had gone dry, and the words she might have said refused to form. She licked her lips and nodded once.

“Good. We have only one more question for you.” Drew lowered his arms and took two steps away from the counter.

God, I can feel them both from here
. Every little part of her body that was female began doing a happy dance.

Civilized? No, humans weren’t all that civilized Julia realized as her body had begun to prepare itself to receive her mates.
We’re still, at the very base of everything, feral beings

Just as she sensed the heat and the promise in them, they surely must have sensed her hormonal changes. Drew’s erection pressed against his pants. Dev’s sharp inhalation told her he, too, was ready.

A fine trembling began inside her, and her voice shook when she said, “Ask your question.”

“What time do you need the alarm set for in the morning?”

Julia looked from one to the other of them. She didn’t think any of them would be able to hold out much longer. They seared her with their gazes, and her body burned to cradle them once more.

“Eight. That’s early enough for me to call in and cancel my one meeting for the day.”

Drew shifted slightly and nodded, but it was Dev who moved. He stood and reached for her, lifting her out of the chair before he was completely on his feet.

“Next time we’ll show a little more finesse,” he promised.

Julia couldn’t see the sense in not being honest. She wanted these Navy SEALs. She’d never stopped wanting them. She wrapped her arms around Dev’s neck, confident he wouldn’t drop her. “Screw finesse,” she said. “Just hurry.”

How strong he is to be able to take the stairs two at a time with me in his arms
. Dev strode down the short hall then turned to the left, entered a room, and then stopped.

He eased her back just enough that he could kiss her, a hot, wet, totally carnal kiss. His tongue dominated hers, hard, deep strokes and Julia felt as if she was being devoured, one lick at a time.

Drew ran his hands over her bottom and then, as Dev had done earlier, made very quick work of stripping off her skirt. But he didn’t stop there, and in just a few more seconds she was naked from the waist down.

Julia wasted no time winding her legs around Dev.

“Baby doll?” Dev had taken his mouth off hers to string kisses across her face, down her throat. “Julia?”

She blinked, realizing he’d called her name twice. Well, sort of.

“Hmm?” She didn’t want to talk, she wanted to get down to the very serious business of having and being had by these two men. He’d stopped kissing her, so she set about tasting him, his face and neck, anywhere she could reach. Her lips kissed, her tongue lapped.

“When we come up for air, remind us to show you our doctor’s letters, okay?”

“Doctor’s letters?” She leaned back and met his gaze, wondering what in hell he was talking about.

Then he stroked her, back and forth over her slit, and she moaned, her eyes closing in pure pleasure. He kept moving the back of his hand, and she understood he was petting her and untying the drawstring on his track pants at the same time.

Now that’s what I call efficient.

She heard his pants hit the floor, a soft whoosh of sound. His cock sprang free, hot and hard and naked against her slit. Julia couldn’t help herself. She pushed herself against him, tiny little seeking motions until his cock nestled between the lips of her pussy.

He stepped forward, leaned forward, and laid her on the bed, coming down on top of her.

“Yeah, letters. We were coming for you, and only you. There will be no other woman for either of us, not ever. So we had ourselves tested. And, baby doll? We both passed.”

Julia gasped as he plunged into her, one solid thrust that buried his cock in her to the hilt. Dev held himself inside her, flexing his cock, his gaze locked on hers. Then he slowly pulled out, and thrust into her again.

“Oh, God.” She’d never had a man naked inside her before, would never have believed how different it felt. The friction of his flesh moving in hers shot her arousal high, and when he picked up the pace, when he flexed again, she returned the favor, clenching her inner muscles as if performing her daily Kegel exercises.

, Julia. That felt good. Do it again.”

“I’m on the pill,” she said. Were they hoping to get her pregnant? Did men even
that anymore, get their women pregnant so the women would feel obliged to marry them?

“Good. We were hoping you were. Now give me your mouth, baby doll.”

Julia couldn’t resist his kiss, any more than she could resist his cock’s hard, deep possession of her. She wrapped herself around him, arms and legs, and gave herself over completely to the joy of having him inside her again.

It’s been so long.

Did she miss them? The way she imagined a person would miss a limb.

His tongue danced with hers, the ballet sexy and sultry. His flavor flooded her, a taste she’d tried, and failed, to forget.

Beside her the bed dipped. She felt the heat of Drew’s body next to hers. Devon slowed his kiss, then eased his lips away from her.

Drew stroked the side of her face then turned her head toward him.

His mouth took hers, a hot, demanding mating of lips, his kiss wet and wonderful. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, drank him in, his flavor subtly different from Dev’s but no less potent to her senses, and no less necessary.

She tilted her hips to rub her clit against the hair that nestled Dev’s cock. Tiny shivers shot out from the contact, and she clenched her inner muscles again.

“Hang on.” Dev reached beneath her, cradling her ass, pulling her into his thrusts. Hard and heavy, fast and furious, he plundered her pussy, tearing away any illusion of control she may have had.

Julia released Drew’s lips. “Oh,
.” The sigh turned into a hiss as her orgasm erupted, a molten-hot and all-consuming explosion of ecstasy that drenched every nerve in her body. Julia grabbed on to Dev and clung to him, whimpering as the waves buffeted her, drowning her in pure pleasure, a pleasure she’d thought had been lost to her forever.

She felt the pulsing of his cock inside her. The spurt of hot semen shocked her, sending even more orgasmic waves through her when she thought she must surely be spent.

Above her, Dev fought for breath, his arms holding her close. His weight didn’t crush her, and she thought he must somehow be holding himself off her just a little, protecting her.

That was a wonderful memory from their one night together, the way the men had cherished her.

“God in heaven, Ms. Benedict, you pack a wallop.”

“Me?” Oh, she knew the truth of things, and that power hadn’t come from her. “I never knew I could fly apart like that until you two sweet-talked your way into my bed six months ago. So don’t be blaming that earthquake on me.”

He eased back from her, and his grin simply melted her. “Uh-huh. Not our first time around the block, either, baby doll. It has to be you.”

Dev kissed her lightly then pulled out of her. He stood, shucked his shirt, then stretched out on the left side of her. “We were still half dressed,” she said. It hadn’t even occurred to her, so lost had she been in the sensations of lovemaking. Beside her, Drew chuckled.

“Don’t worry, kitten. You won’t be half dressed for much longer. First I’m going to strip you, then I’m going to have you.”

Chapter 4

Julia raised her chin a notch, trying for an air of hauteur. Of course, considering that she was lying on her back with her legs spread wide, her pussy still damp and vibrating, perhaps hauteur was too much to hope for.

Still she could give it a shot. “Maybe, Lieutenant Commander James,
going to have

“God, I hope so.” Drew moved quickly, going from reclined and relaxed to feral and on the prowl. Hovering over her, he very quickly skimmed her blouse off her, and then easily dispensed with her bra.

He ran the back of his hand along the underside of her breasts. The gossamer touch stirred her arousal back to life.

“You have got the most beautiful breasts.” The words brushed her nipple just seconds before he closed his mouth over her tender flesh.

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