Love Under Two Navy Seals (6 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Love Under Two Navy Seals
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He opened his mouth wide over her nipple, using tongue and teeth and suction to drive her wild. Julia arched against the sensations that rippled through her. As if a silken thread connected her nipple to her clit, she felt that tiny nub twitch, and stretch. She rolled her hips in response as she got hotter and wetter.

Drew’s suckling felt beyond wonderful. She ran her fingers through his hair then cupped his head with her hands, holding him in place. He murmured his approval, and the sounds vibrating against her wet flesh made her shiver. He slowed his caresses, as if he had all night to do just this.

Julia whimpered, already needing more. How could she hunger for more when she’d just had such a fabulous orgasm? Flushed and greedy, she decided to do some arousing and exploring of her own. She sent her right hand traveling, intent on touching his body while her left caressed his hair.

Her fingers reacquainted themselves with his chest. She loved the feel of the corded muscles dusted with a fine smattering of golden down. He pushed his hips closer, hunching over her, likely so she could better reach his hard cock. Taking his hint, she fisted him. She stroked her hand up and down the velvety shaft, loving the feel of him in her hand.

“Mm, your hand on me feels good, kitten, but I’d rather have my cock buried deep in your cunt.”

He nuzzled her other breast, treating that nipple to the same luxurious attention he’d given the first.

“Yes, Drew, I want to feel you inside me. I want your cock in my pussy. I really did miss you.” She turned her head so she could meet Dev’s eyes. “I missed you both.”

“Take me, kitten. Take me inside you.”

Drew settled between her thighs, and oh how nice to feel his big, buff body press her into the mattress, to feel the heat and the hardness of his cock caressing her wet folds, seeking the entrance to her body.

“Ah, yes, please.” She lifted her hips to help guide him in and then sighed as he sank into her, as he began to fuck her with long, steady strokes. His chest brushed her still damp nipples. He worked one arm under her bottom, holding her lower body closer for his thrusts, and the other he slid around her neck so he could angle her for his kiss.

He nuzzled her first, and she opened her mouth under his, sliding her tongue against his, sipping his essence as she would a fine wine.

Hot and hungry, their tongues dueled and played, their mouths sipped and sucked. Julia loved his kiss, loved the taste and the heat and the command of it.

His lips left hers to kiss a trail across her cheek to her neck as his hips continued to move, his cock caressing her pussy in a steady in and out that sent tingles of excitement through her entire body.

“I won’t last much longer, kitten. Squeeze me. I want to feel your tunnel caress my cock.”

“Like this?” She flexed her pelvic floor muscles, and Drew’s deep groan of satisfaction thrilled her.

“She feels good, doesn’t she?” Dev, lying on the bed beside her, stroked a finger up and down her arm as he moved in closer to them.

“Better than good,” Drew agreed.

“It’s so hot, watching the two of you fuck.” Dev leaned over and placed a kiss on Julia’s cheek.

Julia turned her head and kissed him, a quick, hungry caress that he returned briefly. Then his lips left hers and he smiled.

Drew bent close and licked her lips. “I like seeing you kiss him while I’m fucking you. It’s just so fucking

Julia stretched up and kissed Drew, her tongue dipping into his mouth, gathering more of the taste of him. She was so close to coming. “Fuck me harder, Drew.” Julia’s clit twitched, and she felt the shivers that signaled the beginnings of her climax. She inhaled deeply and could smell both of her lovers from the heat rising from her skin. The scent of the two of them together, the heat and the feel of them overwhelmed her senses, and she loved it. She loved everything they made her feel. “More, oh please, I need more!”

Drew’s rhythm became sharp and hard as he chased his climax, and hers. His body broke into a sweat and Julia licked him. Her body strived and reached, needing just a little bit more. And then she cried out as she got it, as her rapture seized her, spiraling through her with the electric snap and sizzle of erotic pleasure.

“Mm, yes, kitten, come on my cock. God!” Drew held himself deep inside her as he came, the flood of his seed into her a molten gift that her body seemed to devour. On and on her climax shook her, the pleasure so sharp, so enormous, she wondered how she ever could have thought she could live without it.

Finally, she felt the tremors ease. Julia closed her eyes as lassitude settled over her. Two powerful orgasms in such a short time had stolen her strength, leaving her more than sated.

“Mm, you’re looking very content there, Ms. Benedict.” Dev’s soft words caressed her face, and she smiled.

“One might even say smug,” Drew said.

Julia opened one eye. The men were on their sides, ranged over her and looking down at her. “No.” She closed her eyes again. “Smug is what I see on

“Yeah, probably.” Drew grinned. Then he looked around the room. “I have to tell you, Ms. Benedict, this is one hell of a bed. And that bathroom in there? It’s certainly the right size for all three of us.”

“Hmm, yes. Benedict-sized.”

“So all the members of your family have big beds and showers and tubs?”

“My understanding is it began with the first Benedicts and Jessop-Kendalls, the ones who created the town.”

“Tell us more,” Devon said.

“Later. Tomorrow, I’ll take you to the Lusty Historical Society Museum.” Then she opened her eyes again. “I’m surprised you didn’t visit the museum already and introduce yourselves to Aunt Anna.”

“It was on the list,” Drew said. “Along with the grocery and the restaurant.”

Julia grinned. She just couldn’t help it. “I can guarantee you that if you’d shown up at any of those three places, your next destination would have been as a guest of my cousin Adam.”

“Let me guess,” Dev said. “He would be the sheriff?”

“He would. Actually, I’m surprised he hasn’t been by to visit the two of you already.”

Drew leaned over and kissed her. “We only just began our campaign today. Give it time.” Then he rolled off the bed and reached for her.

Julia shrieked when he scooped her into his arms. “Let’s shower,” he said.

“Ooh, water sports,” Julia teased.

“In this hedonistic bathroom?” Dev said. “You bet your very fine ass there are going to be water sports.”

* * * *

Drew had very rarely allowed himself to hope for things in life. One of his earliest lessons was that mostly, you didn’t get what you wanted no matter how badly you wished for it. Since each disappointment had devastated him, he’d learned to stop wishing.

At the moment, however, he figured all those disappointments, from the time he’d been sent to his first foster home, to now, had been worth it. They had guaranteed his having the one thing he wanted more than anything in his life to date.

He’d wanted Julia Benedict with a craving that had frightened him just a little. More, he’d wanted—no,
—her to accept both him and his best friend as her lovers.

“I like my showers hot,” Julia warned.

He set her down gently outside the glass-enclosed stall and placed a kiss on her nose. “What a coincidence. That’s how I like my woman. Hot.”

He set the water temperature, then picked her up and carried her in. Looking over his shoulder, he watched as Dev came into the bathroom, a tube of lube in his hand.

He and his brother—for that is how he’d thought of Devon Wakefield for years, now—apparently were of the same mind.

He turned Julia around so that the water didn’t hit her face, and eased her away from the nozzle to make room for Devon.

Julia’s sigh as the hot water rained down on her made him smile.

“We didn’t hurt you, did we, honey?”

“Of course not.”

“There’s no ‘of course not’ about it, Julia. Dev and I are both big men.”

“Brag, brag, brag.” The words came out against his chest. He felt her smile, and then she straightened, insistent, he thought, on standing on her own two feet.

“I wasn’t talking just about our cock size. We’re both a lot bigger and stronger than you. We have to be careful not to hurt you.”

Julia frowned, then went up on her toes and cupped his face in her hands. “Drew, there’s not a lot I know in life, but I do know one thing. You and Dev would
hurt me.”

“Certainly not on purpose.” Drew could see the conversation was upsetting her, and that was the very last thing he wanted.

“Give me your arms, baby doll.” Dev reached from behind and took Julia’s arms in his hands, stretching her up just a little. Drew grabbed the soap and worked a good lather into his hands.

“You’re so beautiful to me,” he said. He covered her breasts with lather, smoothing it back and forth over her nipples, and then spreading the soap down, over her abdomen then around her hips to her ass.

He brought his hands back around to her front. Leaning down, he spread foam down her legs before he brought both hands back up to caress over her pussy.

“Mm, that feels good.” Julia had closed her eyes, nearly purring, and looking very much like the kitten he likened her to.

“Enjoy, Julia, because I sure am.” She felt like every definition of heaven he’d ever come up with, right there under his hands.

“Mm, let’s see how Julia under foam feels,” Dev said. He let loose of Julia’s arms and kissed her ear. Then he lathered his hands and ran them down her back, and over her ass. When Julia jerked, Drew met Dev’s gaze. The sparkle in his eyes told him he’d just stroked over her anus. “Wonderful, that’s how you feel,” he said.

“Not fair. I want to play, too.”

Drew grinned at the pout in her voice. “Who’s stopping you?” he asked.

A few moments later he wondered if he should have issued such a broad invitation. Julia’s small hands, soft and slippery from the soap, petted his chest, stroked his arms, and even caressed his back.

He groaned when she pressed herself against him and rubbed her breasts with their pebble-hard nipples back and forth against his chest.

“Like that, do you? Then you’re going to love this.”

He heard the teasing in her tone and could only gasp when she fisted him and began to wash his cock more thoroughly than it had ever been washed in his entire life to date.

“God, woman, you’re right. I do love that.”

“Mm, good. Now I have just one more thing I need to do.” She stepped to the side so that the water rained down on his chest, washing the lather from his body.

“Only one more thing? Kitten, I have a lot more than one more thing planned for you.”

She stepped in front of him again, then closed her eyes and groaned when Dev reached between her legs and teased her with his fingers covered in suds.

“Do you really?” She all but purred that. Drew grinned because between them, he and Dev were coaxing some very interesting sounds out of Julia Benedict.

“Yes. As a matter of fact I…
mother of God

Drew closed his eyes and threw his head back. Julia had bent over, wrapped her fingers around his cock, and then sucked him into her wonderful, wet,

Liquid heat surrounded his cock, and Drew shivered as the amazing sensations assailed him, one on top of the next.

Julia sucked, tiny little rhythmic motions that he swore made his cock grow five inches. She ran her tongue up and down along his shaft as she moved her head up and down on it.

“God, kitten, what a great mouth you have.” He couldn’t stop himself from gripping her head, neither could he stop his hips from rocking. He used every bit of his will to ensure that the motions were small. He wouldn’t hurt her for the world yet there was a part of him, a very greedy, primitive part that wanted to fuck her mouth with the same deliberation he’d just used to fuck her cunt.

“God, that’s hot,” Devon said. “Our woman looks good with cock in her mouth.” He’d lathered his hands again and worked on cleaning himself, including his cock, which was hardening with every moment of the show he and Julia were giving him.

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