Love Under Two Navy Seals (8 page)

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Authors: Cara Covington

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Love Under Two Navy Seals
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Heat rose from her body, fragrant, Julia-scented heat that stirred his cock to life and actually made his mouth water.

He began to stroke her, light, loving caresses down the right side of her body. He smiled when Drew took up the same rhythm on her left side.

Julia stirred on the bed and groaned, still asleep but clearly responding to their touch.

Dev knew just exactly how he wanted to wake her up. He rolled onto his knees and began to kiss a trail where his hands had been.

Julia groaned again, and Dev smiled as he kissed and licked her stomach, and then worked his way farther down her body, on his way to heaven.

Drew eased her left leg onto his, making more room for Dev between her legs. He placed gentle butterfly kisses on her thighs, and then inhaled her woman’s fragrance.

She still shaved her pussy. Dev didn’t have a preference, except this way he could see all of her the way he liked to. He blew a stream of air on her and grinned when her labia quivered.

He took one moment to look up and meet Drew’s gaze, then he took a long look at their very own sleeping beauty.

Hungry for her, for the taste he’d sampled six months before and had dreamed of ever since, he licked her, a long, luscious stroke of his tongue, delving between her pussy lips and ending over her clit.

Julia gasped and arched her hips. Dev rubbed his lips back and forth across her slit, his tongue spreading moisture and gathering the flavor of her.


He looked up and met her sleepy gaze. Saying nothing, just staring, he moved her legs until her feet were flat on the bed and her knees bent and as far apart as they would go. And then he set out to drive her wild.

His tongue slid along the contours of her slit, long, slow strokes that teased, tickled, and tempted her clit to come out and play. Her scent—rich, ripe woman, and her flavor—pure ambrosia, sailed straight to his cock, making him harder than he’d been in a long time. He pursed his lips and made a slight humming noise.

Oh, God
.” Julia squirmed on the bed and under his hands.

“Mm.” He repeated the sound vibrations, then gripped her ass, holding her steady, holding her still. He flicked his tongue over the tiny nub of her clit, now emerged from its little hood, a tiny stiff button of his woman’s pleasure. Each time his tongue stroked it, she shivered.

Drew moved in closer and turned her head toward him. He kissed her at the same time he began to caress her breasts, and Dev smiled against her pussy, because Julia moaned, grabbed for Drew’s head with one hand and his cock with the other.

Dev drank her, sucking in her juices as her body released them, then changing the rhythm of his sampling so that he rubbed his open mouth across her slit once more. The change in motion, he knew, brought her back from the edge of her orgasm.

“Dev! Damn it!”

Oh, she could be a demanding little thing when she wanted to be, and that suited him just fine. He wanted his woman to feel free to command and demand, not just to submit and beg.

He felt the tiny shivers that skittered through her. “Close, baby doll?”

Give me more. I need more!” Her demand came wrapped in a whimper, and he knew her climax hung just out of reach, and she was desperate for it.

Using two fingers, he penetrated her pussy and fucked them in and out of her. Spreading them inside her, he stroked the tiny little G-spot just up, inside her vagina. Then he captured her clit between his lips and sucked it into his mouth.


He felt her tunnel convulse around his fingers as he moved them within her faster and firmer. He kept her clit in his mouth as the storm took her. As she cried his name, she bowed off the bed, her entire body shaking with rapture.

When the contractions began to slow, he moved up her body, swift, sure, and impaled her with his cock, thrusting hard and deep, filling her. Her pussy clamped onto his penis, her wet heat caressing him with little tremors that felt so fucking fantastic he nearly shot his load then and there.

“This time, we’ll come together.” He kissed her, his tongue penetrating her mouth, sharing her essence with her as he began to pump his cock into her. He surrendered to the urge and just took her, sliding his hand under her and holding her close so that he could caress her clit with his groin as he drove into her again and again and again.

She wrapped herself around him, but this was no sweet surrender. She took as much as she gave, her own hips hitting hard, taking him deep, demanding all he could give her, taking him into oblivion. He tore his mouth from hers, gulped air, and growled, feeling rough and primitive and

“Now, baby doll. Come with me now!”

Julia screamed as she came, her pussy convulsing tightly around his cock. Her inner muscles milked him, claiming his seed for her own, as surely as she had already claimed his heart for her own.

Chapter 6

Julia could definitely get used to this.

Oh, not just the hot and lusty sex all through the night, but also the bantering, the teasing, and the snuggling. Then to awaken to the aroma of bacon, toast, and coffee—this, she thought, must be heaven.

Prone, sheet pulled up to her back and with a pillow over her head, Julia could smell the breakfast being made downstairs. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she never did have a chance to eat dinner last night.

The men had offered to make her a sandwich after their last round of lovemaking, but she’d fallen dead asleep before she could accept.

She supposed she should get up, shower, eat, and then…what? Those Navy SEALs couldn’t have been serious about spending the entire day in bed. They must have been teasing. Julia grinned. Still, considering the way they’d taken care of her the night before, she could see no reason
to spend the day with them.

The bed dipped, and Julia thought that just maybe the shower would wait. She felt the sheet sliding off her. Then a man covered her, lying on top of her, his naked cock nestling just between the cheeks of her ass.

She flexed her gluteus maximus, and smiled when that action gave the hard male flesh a rippling caress.

In response, her lover thrust his hips slightly, returning the gesture. He said nothing, just leaned over her, burrowed under the pillow, and nuzzled her, kissing her neck where it joined her shoulder.

Julia closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She could already distinguish her lovers by their scent. “Mm, good morning, Drew.”

“You knew it was me? I’m impressed, kitten.”

“Well, I had a fifty-fifty chance of being right.”

“Minx!” Drew whispered. He shifted and then tickled her.

Julia squealed and tried to get away from his menacing fingers, but of course, he had her well and truly pinned to the bed. The more she struggled, the more he tickled, and the harder she laughed.

By the time she called uncle, he’d managed to spread her legs under him so that they splayed just a bit wider than they had been.

“So you give?” he asked.

“Yes! Yes, I give.” Julia sighed, and relaxed on the bed.

“Good. In that case, I’ll take.” He shifted and his cock surged into her in one solid thrust.

“That feels so good.” It totally amazed her that beyond the arousal and sexual thrill and eventual orgasm, just having one of these men inside her body felt
. She hadn’t been a virgin when she met them. She’d had three relationships in her life to that point, but none of those lovers had managed to arouse her beyond making her a little bit horny. Certainly, none of them had ever given her a full, all-consuming, totally out-of-her-control orgasm.

She’d already come to the conclusion that she couldn’t have the kind of sexual experiences she’d heard others talk about. And then she’d met these two Navy SEALs.

feel good, kitten. Your cunt is all tight and hot and wet around my cock. When I’m inside you, I feel like I’m home.”

He began to fuck her in long, even, steady strokes, leaving her no breath to talk, or argue the deeper meaning of his words.

Or so she told herself.

Now was not a time for discussions. Those would come at some nebulous point in the future. Now was for feeling and experiencing and pleasure. Julia bent her knees, bringing them under her just a little, elevating herself so that her pussy no longer rested against the bed. Almost on her knees, this change in position worked like a high-voltage accelerator, charging her hormones to a fevered state. Refusing to think, she focused all she was on the man inside her, and using him as her own personal sex toy. She squeezed him, and when he inhaled sharply, when he grunted and changed his angle to a sharper one and his rhythm to a faster one, she smiled and did it again.

“God, I love how you do that.” Drew slid an arm under her and pulled her into his thrusts.

Julia pushed back against him, working with his motion. Her arousal climbed, her desire for completion sharp and sweet. She whimpered and used all her energy to try and force her climax to come to her.

Drew shifted and used his fingers to brush against her slit, back and forth. He grasped her clit, and just one stroke of that nub of flesh made Julia fly apart. The orgasm washed over her in a pulsing wave of pleasure, each spasm sexy and sensuous, loading her body with tiny atoms of happy.

Drew’s grunt, the way he held himself solidly inside her told her he joined her over the edge of rapture.

The sensation of his hot seed spurting inside of her made her shiver, and gave her another few pulses of bliss.

Julia grinned when Drew collapsed on top of her. His sweat covered her back, his panting breath bathed her neck, and his heat warmed her right to her bones.

“Thank you.” He kissed her shoulder and sighed.

“You’re welcome, though I really think I should thank you. After all, I just laid here and let you do all the work.”

“I’ll let you ride the top next time, kitten.” He kissed her shoulder again, and then eased off her, staying close so that he stretched out beside her. “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Do you want company in the shower?”

Julia rolled over so she could face him. “I’d love company in the shower. It’s always a good idea to conserve our natural resources.”

Drew grinned. “You’re such a forward-thinking woman.”

Julia appreciated that her lover accommodated her desire for a light and playful mood. But she didn’t kid herself that this kind of banter would last.

These two Navy SEALs had already made it clear—to her and to a few others in town—that what they wanted with her wasn’t a casual dalliance, but a forever kind of love.

Julia was all for a forever kind of love, in theory. What she
want was a forever kind of domination. Just the thought of being bossed around for the rest of her life was enough to make her want to shave her head and join a convent.

Devon and Drew certainly had shown themselves more than adept at behaving like alpha males. They’d all but given a Tarzan yell and beat their chests last night when they’d brought her to their bed.

A lifetime of enduring her brothers’ bossy behavior had cured her of whatever need she might have had for strong, domineering men. And in truth, she’d seen enough relationships amongst her cousins and aunts and uncles that she knew that wasn’t the way most relationships worked in Lusty.

There may be a few bedroom games played here and there involving shackles and submissive feminine murmurs of “yes, master.” But those were games only, and not the reality.

What these two macho males needed was a real tour of the town, beginning with a walk through the Lusty Historical Society’s museum, and ending with meeting some of her family.

After that, whether or not she and the men would be able to come to terms would remain to be seen. It would all come down, she supposed, to just what their expectations of a permanent relationship with her might be like.


* * * *

Dev couldn’t help but grin as he heard the shower go on. Earlier, he’d heard Julia’s shrieking laughter and Drew’s deeper tones. It pleased him to know the woman he loved was as drawn to his best friend as she was to him.

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