Love's Someday (26 page)

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Authors: Robin Alexander

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Lousiana, #Lesbians, #Lesbian Couples, #Fiction

BOOK: Love's Someday
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Janet Jackson’s “That’s the Way Love Goes” began as they walked onto the crowded floor, and Ashleigh’s heart sank into her stomach. The beat was slow and sexy, and she knew Alex’s body would be pressed snugly against hers as they danced. It was no big deal, she’d danced this way with Jaclyn a few minutes before, but then again, she’d never experienced the things she had with her that she had with Alex.

“Having a good time?” Alex asked against her ear. It sent chills down her spine, even though Alex only did it to be heard over the music.

“Yes,” Ashleigh lied. “You?”

“No, I’d like to be home on my couch with a bag of potato chips.”

Ashleigh found some comfort in Alex’s shared misery. What she found discomforting was the way Alex’s body fit with hers. And the way Alex’s firm back felt beneath her fingers. She told herself there was nothing wrong in appreciating how Alex’s toned body felt under her touch. Or the way her strong arms held her. Then it occurred to her that she’d never danced with Erica like this. She’d always shied away from the dance floor; it brought back memories she fought to keep suppressed. Erica had pleaded but was always denied. Ashleigh could only imagine the betrayal Erica would feel if she saw her now. Ashleigh went rigid.

“Something wrong?” Alex asked.

Ashleigh pulled away and made a weak attempt at a smile. “I’m exhausted. Do you think anyone would be upset with me if I called a cab?”

Alex looked at her strangely for a second. “I would, unless you were going to offer to share.”

“I just want a shower and to sleep.” Ashleigh took a step back.

Alex smiled and took her hand. When they exited the building, she felt like she could breathe again. “Do you think Chantal and Vicki will be upset that we didn’t tell them we’re leaving?”

“I’ll send them a text message after I call a cab.” Alex pulled out her phone. “I have a cab company programmed in my speed dial. This isn’t the first time I ditched a party.”

Ashleigh blew out a sigh of relief and leaned against the cool brick of the building and hoped that Alex wouldn’t offer to stay and chat when they got home. She needed her distance from everyone, especially Alex.

When the cab arrived, Ashleigh sank into the seat, hoping the cabbie would take the most direct route. Alex seemed to be on the same wavelength and leaned forward, giving directions to the shortcut. They were in Vicki and Chantal’s driveway within ten minutes.

“Chantal texted me back,” Alex said as she followed Ashleigh up the walk. “They’re gonna be leaving soon too. If you don’t mind, I’ll just cut through the house to the back. I can’t wait to get home and get out of these smelly clothes.”

Ashleigh felt relieved and a little guilty that she didn’t invite Alex to stay. “Do you want me to walk with you part of the way? It’s kind of late.”

Alex opened the back door and stepped onto the patio. “No, I’ll be fine. Thank you for rescuing me tonight.”

“My pleasure,” Ashleigh replied, and for a fleeting moment, it had been a pleasure to have been in Alex’s arms. Ashleigh felt an embarrassed blush creep over her face.

Alex brushed her cheek with a friendly kiss, turned, and walked away. “Good night,” she called out as she made her way into the darkness.

Ashleigh made a beeline for her room where she stripped off her clothes, eager to be rid of the smell of sweat and Alex’s perfume that caused conflicting feelings to bounce around her brain. It was just a dance. She hadn’t done anything wrong, but she felt miserable just the same.

Ashleigh awoke early the next morning and grabbed her cell phone, a habit she’d developed as of late. No new messages. She chewed at her bottom lip for a moment and called home. No answer. Next she dialed Erica’s cell phone, and it went promptly to voice mail. It was turned off. Without giving herself time to think, she rose from the bed and showered. She was on the road to St.
thirty minutes later, not taking the time to even dry her hair.

Since there was no answer at home, she’d driven past Erica’s office first and saw no sign of the silver SUV. Erica still wasn’t home when Ashleigh pulled into the driveway. A tap on the glass startled her as she stared at the empty house. “I was hoping she was with you,” Kaitlyn said, looking worried.

“She’s not at the office, either,” Ashleigh said as she rolled down the window.

Kaitlyn looked at the house and shook her head. “I haven’t seen her since the banquet Friday night.”

“She wasn’t home last night, either?” Ashleigh picked up her cell phone, hoping that she would see a text message.

Kaitlyn shook her head. “Want to go inside and talk? I’d invite you to our house, but Drew is still sick.”

“Want me to call one of the doctors at the clinic and see if he can call something in for her?”

“Her doctor has already called in something for nausea. There’s a stomach virus going around. He’ll see her on Monday if she’s not better.”

“I’m gonna take a rain check on that chat if you don’t mind.” Ashleigh looked back at the house as a frown creased her face. “Will you let me know when you hear from her? I just want to know that she’s okay.”

Kaitlyn smiled sadly. “You know she is. She’s just been spending a lot of time alone lately.”

Ashleigh nodded. “Bye, sweetie.”

She pulled back onto the road and made her way slowly through town. Her eyes burned with unshed tears as she wondered if Erica was seeking consolation in the arms of another.

Erica dropped her keys on the kitchen counter as she walked into the house. Bitter tears streamed down her face. She reached for the phone and dialed, debating on whether to hang up between each ring. “I need you,” she rasped when she heard the voice on the other end.

It seemed like only seconds passed when she heard the kitchen door open. Erica turned to face Kaitlyn as she strode up to the sofa and sat next to her. Erica sank into her arms and let go of the emotion that lay coiled up in her chest. She sobbed as Kaitlyn held her, stroking her back and whispering words of understanding into her hair.

When Erica was spent, she pulled back and looked at Kaitlyn feeling slightly embarrassed.

Kaitlyn dabbed at her own tears. Where’ve you been? I’ve been worried about you.”

Erica grabbed a box of tissues and offered Kaitlyn one before blowing her nose. “I went to the club last night to watch her, then I stayed at a hotel because I drank too much.”

“And you said something to her you now regret?”

Erica averted her eyes. “She didn’t know I was there. I sneaked in and watched the show and I left.”

Kaitlyn took Erica’s hand in hers. “If you wanted to see her, why didn’t you just go visit so you could talk?”

“I don’t know how to deal with the new Ashleigh. I tried to be understanding in the beginning, but…I’m having problems with…Oh, hell, I don’t know what I’m having problems with anymore.”

“I understand.” Kaitlyn squeezed Erica’s hand. “I do. It would be a lot to cope with if I suddenly discovered that Drew had a hidden past. But I can also understand Ashleigh’s desire to confront her past.”

“I’ve blown this all out of proportion,” Erica said as fresh tears filled her eyes. “I’ve been an ass to her and you, as well. I’m so sorry, Kaitlyn.”

“It’s okay. I know what you’ve been going through. It’d take a lot more to run me off,” Kaitlyn said with a smile.

Erica grabbed another tissue and wiped her eyes and nose. “Thank you.” Erica laughed mirthlessly. “I’ve been a real tool. I just feel like I’ve lost control.”

“We’re never really in control of anything, and you’re just learning to accept that.”

“Is that your way of saying I’ve tried to control Ashleigh?”

“I wouldn’t put it that way,” Kaitlyn said with a smile. “You may have some…flexibility issues. But seriously, you do have some genuine arguments. Ashleigh needs to understand that you need time to adjust to all the change. And you need to give her some room to deal with what she’s going through.”

Erica sighed in resignation. “So how do I fix this?”

Kaitlyn was thoughtful for a minute. “Date her.”

Erica laughed. “Date?”

“Okay, I’m going to tell you this, but if you rib me, I’m going to make your life miserable…well, worse than it is now,” Kaitlyn said with a grin. “When things get kind of stale between me and Drew, we play ‘start over.’ We go on a date and pretend it’s our first. We ask all of the questions you would on a first date, even though we both think we know the answers, and sometimes we’re surprised by the responses.”

“Y’all are so weird.”

“Hush, jackass. It works. Sometimes we make a weekend of it, then when we come back to reality, things are better. Don’t bring Ashleigh home and try to pretend everything is the same. Get to know who she is now and let her get to know you again.”

“Well, you have been together for ten years, so you must be doing something right,” Erica admitted reluctantly.

“And we’re happy. Not every long-term couple can say that.” Kaitlyn gave Erica a playful nudge. “Show her how much fun you can still be.”

Erica looked stunned. “Am I boring?”

“No…just…predictable.” Kaitlyn looked away and gave Erica a sideways glance. “You work a lot.”

“We both do,” Erica said, feeling her defenses rise.

“True, but Drew and I do things together. You know, like when we hike the
. It’s refreshing to get away and do something simple together.”

“Hiking isn’t really my thing, and I can tell you that it’s not high on Ashleigh’s list, either.”

“Okay, what is your thing then?” Kaitlyn asked pointedly.

Erica found herself tearing at the tissue she held in her hand. Nothing came to mind. “Oh, my God, Katie, I really am boring.”

“Focus, Erica.”

Erica watched as the remaining pieces of tissue floated down into the pile she’d made. “There is one thing I’ve been mulling over for a while.” Suddenly, she was on her feet. “Take a ride with me.”

Kaitlyn scrubbed her hands together and jumped up. “What’s on your mind?”

“I need to do a little shopping.”

Kaitlyn’s face fell. “Not for clothes, please tell me it’s not for clothes.”

“Red, is definitely your color,” Kaitlyn said as she circled Erica. “I like this much better than the green.”

Erica sat astride the Honda Recon ATV with an ear-to-ear grin. “Do you remember how much fun we used to have on that old three-wheeler?”

“We rode the wheels off that thing, didn’t we?” Kaitlyn grinned.

“This is a far cry from the old three-wheelers we rode behind the house as kids.” The salesman walked over with a key dangling from his hand. “I’ll make you a good deal, Barrett.”

Erica’s eyes sparkled as she looked over at Kaitlyn. It’d been years since she’d seen that youthful look, especially as of late. “I think you should do it.” Kaitlyn watched as the childlike excitement on Erica’s face changed into something mischievous.

“Clarke, what kind of deal would you give me if we bought two and a trailer?”

“Oh, no, you don’t.” Kaitlyn wagged a finger at Erica. “Drew would kill me.”

Erica climbed off the machine and patted the seat. “Come sit. See how it feels.”

“I’ll sit on it, but I’m not buying one.” Kaitlyn climbed on the ATV and crossed her arms as Erica took her turn circling.

“How many fountains does Drew have?” Erica asked in a devilish sounding tone. “How many hat-wearing frogs are in your flowerbeds?” She came to stand directly in front of the ATV with her hands on her hips, one eyebrow arched.

Kaitlyn felt her own grin spreading across her face. “Clarke, if you throw in a pair of riding boots, I’m in.”

“Yes!” Erica pumped her fist in victory and did a little dance.

Kaitlyn grabbed her as she spun around. “Show Ashleigh this Erica,” she whispered with a grin. “This is the woman she fell in love with.”

Erica sobered for a second. “I’m not sure what Ashleigh is going to think about this.”

“Ash will probably think it’s cool. Drew, on the other hand, will kill us both, especially since I’ve taken advantage of her drug-induced state.”

Erica raised a brow and waited for Kaitlyn to explain herself.

“Drew’s got a stomach virus, and the nausea meds knock her on her ass. She’s gonna be pissed that I left her alone to shop for expensive toys.” Kaitlyn took Erica by the arm. “So you’re coming home with me to explain that it was all your fault while I hide.”

Chapter Thirty

“You ran out early this morning.” Vicki looked over the top of a book. Chantal lay on the other sofa covered in newspaper like a homeless person on a park bench.

Ashleigh sat next to Vicki as they listened to Chantal’s soft snores with matching grins. “I went for a drive. I needed time to clear my head.”

“Feel better?”

“The jury is still out on that one,” Ashleigh said with a wan smile.

“The girls are all coming over tonight for the usual Sunday dinner,” Vicki said around a yawn. “Do you think Drew is feeling better? I’d like to invite them.”

“Drew is still hugging the toilet, according to Kaitlyn this morning. I don’t think she’ll be up to it, but I’ll tell her that you thought of her when I call her later.”

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