Love's Someday (22 page)

Read Love's Someday Online

Authors: Robin Alexander

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Lousiana, #Lesbians, #Lesbian Couples, #Fiction

BOOK: Love's Someday
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“I don’t want to end a good night talking about her, so I think I’ll hit the shower and get some sleep,” Ashleigh said as she stood.

Vicki stood, as well, and linked her arm through Ashleigh’s. “We have a lot of material to cover over the next week. Are you sure you’ll be up to it?”

“I’ll be fine. It’ll be good to focus on something else.”

“Good night, sweetie.” Vicki kissed Ashleigh’s cheek and sent her off to bed.

Ashleigh showered and dried her hair. She climbed into bed and plugged her cell phone into the charger when she noticed she had a couple of text messages. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Erica’s name.

I wasn’t being an ass. I thought you might need more clothes
. The next message read:
I know you need your time. I need mine too.

Ashleigh read the second message twice more before turning off the light unsure of what it meant. It was a start, though. Erica had opened a line of communication. Ashleigh’s reply was short, but she thought it sweet.

Take all the time you need. I’ll be here when you’re ready.

Sleep came quickly for the first time since she’d left home.

Chapter Twenty-five

Ashleigh spent her days at work in St.
and her nights in the shed learning new songs and polishing her vocals on the old material. Practicing occupied her mind and eased the pain of separation, but when she climbed into an empty bed each night, she ached. In the early hours of morning when she tossed and turned, Ashleigh would remind herself that she was equally lonely lying in bed next to Erica separated by the abyss between them. But then again, Erica was still there, and she could at least feel the warmth of her body and smell the familiar scent of her skin.

Saturday morning found Ashleigh alone. Vicki and Chantal each left her a note. Vicki’s with a granola bar on top said she had errands to run and groceries to buy. Chantal’s note, written after Vicki’s no doubt, was sticking out from beneath a plate bearing a jelly doughnut. It read:
Vicki wouldn’t let me have this. Somebody should enjoy it.

With a big glass of milk, Ashleigh did enjoy the raspberry-filled ball of fat, and for dessert, she ate the granola bar. She was surprisingly hungry. Maybe the breakfast bar combined with the sugar would give her body the boost it needed. As she polished off the last of her milk, she wondered what she would do with her day. If she were at home, she’d… Ashleigh didn’t allow her mind to finish that train of thought. Instead she got up and got moving.

The cool of the morning invigorated her as she walked past well-manicured lawns. The owners seemed to be in competition, attempting to outdo the other with colorful flowers and perfectly trimmed hedges. Ashleigh made the block when she recognized Alex’s car in front of another well-cared-for house. “So this is it,” she said aloud as she gazed at the immaculately trimmed hedges and wondered what the interior looked like.

“You found me.” Alex smiled as she walked up. Her hair was pulled through a ball cap that did little to keep the sweat from pouring down her face and dripping onto the damp T-shirt that clung to her body.

“I should’ve been running too,” Ashleigh said awkwardly, feeling embarrassed about being caught in front of Alex’s home. “Chantal left me a doughnut, and I’m trying to walk it off.”

“Sorry about that.” Alex smiled and wiped her face on her sleeve. “My neighbor brought them over this morning, so I took them to Chantal. I only ate one, but Vicki busted Chantal on her second. She was supposed to throw them out.”

Ashleigh returned the smile. “So you’re to blame for me having to take a two-mile walk just to burn off breakfast.”

Ashleigh felt self-conscious as Alex made a point of looking her over from head to toe. “You’re not sweating in the least. You better add a couple more miles to your walk if you’re getting rid of a jelly doughnut.”

“Actually, I just got started.” Ashleigh nodded toward the house. “You have a nice place. Your yard is beautiful.”

A flicker of pride crossed Alex’s features. “It took me a while to master the hedge trimmers. The first time I did it, the neighbors made fun of the gaps. I cut the grass too low, as well, and scalped the lawn in about a dozen places.” Alex pointed at the house across from her. “That’s how I got to know the neighbors. They took pity on me and gave me all sorts of tips. Frankly, I think they just couldn’t stand looking at the mess I was making.”

“So you do all this yourself?” Ashleigh asked, surprised.

“Uh-huh, those who hire lawn services are cheaters, so they’re not allowed in our secret group. I’d show you the handshake, but it’s too dangerous standing out in the open like this.” Alex placed a hand on Ashleigh’s lower back. “Come see the inside.”

The touch made Ashleigh jump, but if Alex noticed, she didn’t let on. Ashleigh allowed herself to be led inside and found the interior to be equally as immaculate as the exterior. “Tell me that you have a cleaning service.” Ashleigh took in the polished surfaces of the kitchen. The appliances looked as though they had just been installed.

“Don’t cook,” Alex said. “The only thing I do in here is make coffee. That’s not hard to clean up.”

Ashleigh moved through the archway in the large living room. Not a speck of dust was visible on the highly polished furniture. Everything was in its place right down to the strategically placed magazines on the coffee table. Ashleigh wondered if Alex ever sat on the sofa with the perfectly arranged pillows.

“Yes, I do have a cleaning service,” Alex said with a smile. “They were here yesterday, and I haven’t had a chance to mess it all up yet.”

Ashleigh walked over to the mantel and looked at the framed pictures. There were photos of trips taken with Vicki and Chantal, a few of the group as they performed at Lindsay’s club, but most were old shots of the band and all included Ashleigh.

“My bedroom is off-limits,” Alex said as she came to stand beside her. “It’s a mess.”

Ashleigh was relieved that she would not be given a tour of that particular room. A bedroom in her opinion was personal space, something intimate. She did not want to see the room where Alex took her lovers. Didn’t want to see the bed where she knew Alex more than likely slept naked. Being in her house stirred something within. Perhaps it was the smell. The whole house seemed to be filled with her scent that not even sweat could hide.

Alex was talking about a trip she’d taken with Vicki and Chantal, but as Ashleigh stared at one of the photos taken of the band, Alex’s voice faded. She could remember the events of that night as though it had happened yesterday. It was the night that she’d foolishly confessed her love for Alex.

They’d come off stage and were headed to the dressing room. Ashleigh felt Alex tug her hand and allowed herself to be pulled into a storage room. Alex smothered her in savage kisses. She felt Alex unfastening her pants and pulling them down her legs as she knelt.

“I’m all sweaty,” Ashleigh said as she wove her fingers into Alex’s hair.

“You still taste sweet.” Alex slipped her tongue between her legs. “I’ve been waiting all night for this.”

Ashleigh leaned hard against the wall and clutched a metal shelf with one hand while the other twisted in Alex’s wet hair. Within minutes, Alex had her ready. It had always been so easy between them. Alex knew where and how to touch her with no guidance. She’d been the one to teach Ashleigh how to let go and give into passion. Her first orgasm had been at Alex’s touch, and now Alex was bringing her effortlessly to another one.

With a groan, Ashleigh slid down the wall and away from Alex’s relentless tongue. “I love you,” she said, looking into Alex’s eyes. For a split second, she saw something in them that said Alex felt the same. Alex opened her mouth to say something, then looked away.

Ashleigh felt herself being tugged to her feet. Alex kissed her quickly, then knelt and pulled up her pants. “We have to go. They’re going to take us to the bus in a minute.”

Ashleigh bowed her head and focused on fastening her belt. She couldn’t bear to look back into Alex’s eyes.

“You have no idea what you mean to me, Ashleigh,” Alex whispered in her ear, then she turned and walked from the room.

“I guess I never will.” Ashleigh leaned against the wall, choking back the tears and feeling utterly foolish.

“Ash?” Alex said, drawing her back.

“Sorry, I guess I just zoned out there for a second. Must be all the sugar from the doughnut,” Ashleigh said with an embarrassed smile.

“Want to see my handiwork?”

“Your what?”

“Come.” Alex took her by the hand and led her to the back door.

The backyard was divided into two sections. One side was a winter garden, and the other was tilled up into rows waiting to be planted. Beyond that was a greenhouse. Alex let go of her hand and opened the door. A wave of heat assailed Ashleigh as she stepped inside.

“It’s like summer in here all year-round,” Alex said proudly. “I’ve got tomatoes, cucumbers, and some squash that isn’t doing very well.” Alex tugged at one of the vines and frowned.

The same perfume that Alex had always worn seemed to intensify in the heat and a flood of memories washed over Ashleigh again as Alex talked about her plants.

“Always in control, aren’t you?” Ashleigh said as she pushed Alex back onto the bed.

“I only want to please.” Alex grinned.

“What if I want to please?” Ashleigh ran her fingertips over Alex’s stomach.

Alex didn’t utter a word. She watched as Ashleigh’s fingers trailed lower.

“Look at me, Alex.” Ashleigh smiled as Alex did as she asked. “Put your hands on the headboard and don’t move them until I say you can.”

Alex’s lip twitched, and for a moment, Ashleigh thought she wouldn’t comply.

“Do it.” Ashleigh watched as Alex slowly raised her arms. “Keep your eyes on mine.”

Ashleigh supported her weight on her elbow so that she could keep eye contact while her other hand traced lazy circles over Alex’s skin. She bit her lip when Alex’s eyes widened for a second as she slipped her fingers between her legs. “I think about touching you like this when you’re touching me.” Alex’s eyes slipped closed as she moaned softly.

“Open your eyes,” Ashleigh said as she kissed the corner of her mouth. She stared into eyes so dark they were almost black. Ashleigh’s arousal rose as Alex took shuddering breaths. The muscles in her legs twitched and shook the bed. “Too quick,” Ashleigh said and pulled her hand away for a moment. She heard Alex’s hands slip from the headboard. “Don’t let go.”

Alex tightened her grip and her body trembled when Ashleigh resumed. Her eyes became unfocused and heavy-lidded. Ashleigh leaned down and kissed her parted lips, then looked back at her. “Close your eyes now, Alex, and come for me.” Ashleigh kissed her way down the side of Alex’s face and buried her face in her hair. Alex’s body shook once more, and the sound she made filled Ashleigh with excitement and wonder.

“Zoned out again?”

“I’m really sleepy, I guess,” Ashleigh said dreamily. “I haven’t been sleeping well and…it’s sweltering in here.”

“I’m sorry. I start talking about all this stuff and I get carried away.” Alex brushed past Ashleigh and held the door open for her to exit.

Guilt assailed her as Erica’s face replaced Alex’s in her mind. She felt unfaithful and ashamed. “Um, I’m gonna go back to the house,” Ashleigh said, backing away from Alex. “I think I need a nap.”

“Want me to walk you?” Alex looked a bit confused.

“No, I’ll be fine.”

“Okay then. There’s a shortcut through the vacant lot a block down. I’ve made a trail, you’ll see it. It’ll take you right up to the hole in the fence.”

“Thanks, I’ll see you later.” Ashleigh hurried through the gate and nearly ran to the sidewalk. Her head cleared as she walked quickly down the street and found the trail. “Never, never spend time alone in her house with her,” Ashleigh said, chastising herself. As if to accentuate the point, she felt her phone vibrate. She pulled it from her pocket and saw that Erica had sent her a message.

May I call you?

Ashleigh dialed the number, and when Erica answered, she said, “Yes, but I thought I’d call you.” Hearing Erica’s voice chased away the lustful haze that memories brought back unbidden.

“Are you doing okay?”

“No, are you?” Ashleigh said with a goofy smile.

“Better, now that I’ve heard your voice.”

Ashleigh closed her eyes and leaned her head against the fence that separated her from Vicki and Chantal’s yard. Tears sprang to her eyes. She wanted to scream,
I want to come home.

“I was wondering if you’d like to do something Saturday night.”

“Yes…no, I can’t,” Ashleigh said as she remembered her prior commitment.

“You have another date?” Erica asked playfully, but there was an edge to her voice.

“I promised to do a show Saturday. How about Friday?”

“Friday’s not good for me. We have the employee banquet then.” Neither said anything for a moment. “And here we are,” Erica said faintly.

“What does that mean, Erica?” Ashleigh asked dejectedly.

“Nothing really. I guess we both have other obligations. I’ll call you next week. Maybe we’ll have time then. Bye.”

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