Love's Someday (33 page)

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Authors: Robin Alexander

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Lousiana, #Lesbians, #Lesbian Couples, #Fiction

BOOK: Love's Someday
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“Are you holding on back there?” Kaitlyn yelled as she maneuvered her four-wheeler behind Drew as she jerkily drove Erica’s up the trail. “I don’t wanna throw you off the back.”

Ashleigh gathered fistfuls of Kaitlyn’s shirt and yelled back, “If you do, you’ll be coming with me.”

Erica wasn’t sure what possessed her to offer to let Drew drive. They’d veered off the trail more than once when Drew noticed a deer or other wildlife and decided to watch it instead of where she was going. She thanked God for the helmets because they’d knocked heads a few times when Drew got too aggressive with the throttle, then let off abruptly. She’d nearly cried with relief when Kaitlyn suggested they go to the beach for lunch and a swim.

“Learned your lesson, Einstein?” Kaitlyn asked with a teasing grin.

Erica watched as Drew and Ashleigh pulled off their boots and crept to the river’s edge, tentatively testing the water with their toes. “Now I know why Drew never drives when we go places together.”

“I kid you not, she scared me so bad one time it made me cry. She drives well when you make her pay attention, but the minute you let up, she’s staring at the pretty billboards and driving on the sidewalk.”

Erica sat next to Kaitlyn in the sand and pulled off her muddy boots, eager to get into the water and wash the smelly mud off her clothes. “Let’s swim first, then gather some wood for the fire. We’ll be cooler that way.”

Kaitlyn looked around and sighed. “I think this is the last time we’ll be able to do this until next spring. It’s been a lot cooler at night, and soon it’s gonna be too cold to come out here and get muddy.”

“You think she’s really having a good time?” Erica nodded in Ashleigh’s direction.

“No, she looked really bored when she was pelting my ass with mud earlier.”

Erica laughed as Drew and Ashleigh moved knee deep into the water. “I’m so unsure where to step with her right now.”

“Communication would help that.”

“I know we need to talk. It hangs over me like a dark cloud, but right now, I just want to enjoy her in case…” Erica couldn’t make herself finish the sentence.

“In case she tells you that she doesn’t want to get back together? That’s kind of stupid, don’t ya think? She’s here, that’s got to tell you something.”

Erica found it impossible to watch Ashleigh and have this conversation. She stared into the woods and choked down the emotion that rode so close to the surface lately. “What if we can’t work things out? What if we’ve run our course?”

“You’ve run the course if one or both of you don’t want the relationship.” Kaitlyn’s tone softened as she nudged Erica’s shoulder with hers. “I know you want it, and I believe she wants it, too, but the only way to really know is to talk things out, and you can’t keep putting it off.”

“I wonder how cold the water is,” Erica said.

Kaitlyn sighed and stood. “Let’s go find out because I know we’re done here.”

The water had cooled considerably despite the warm days that refused to allow the autumn. They stayed in long enough to wash the mud from their skin and hair. Ashleigh’s teeth were chattering when Erica wrapped her in a towel. “I brought some of your clothes.” Erica rubbed Ashleigh’s arms, trying to warm her. “I can hold the towel up and give you some privacy if you want to change.”

Ashleigh graced her with a grateful smile. “That sounds heavenly.” Erica left her long enough to retrieve the clothes from the box bolted to the rack on the back of her ATV. That had been Kaitlyn’s brilliant idea and she chastised herself for not thinking of it first. She handed the clothes to Ashleigh and held up the towel, allowing Ashleigh her privacy, which seemed silly. Drew and Kaitlyn had seen them both naked over the years, and of course, she knew every inch of Ashleigh’s body…every freckle, the birthmark next to her navel, the sensitive spot on her neck that made her squirm when kissed.

The light touch on her arm made her jump. Ashleigh stood next to her fully dressed, looking at her with an amused smile. “I can hold it for you now if you want to change.”

Unable to say anything halfway intelligent, Erica handed the towel to Ashleigh and changed as quickly as she could. She struggled with the wet jeans that clung to her body as if they were glued.

“You okay over there?” Ashleigh asked. “Sounds like you’re fighting off a wild animal.”

“Just having a little bit of trouble getting my pants off,” Erica said breathlessly.

“Need some help?”

“No,” Erica said more forcefully than she intended. She’d felt emotionally exposed lately, and she’d be damned if she was going to allow Ashleigh to see her struggling with her pants around her knees. “I’m almost done.”

“Okay,” Ashleigh replied, and Erica wasn’t sure if she sounded amused or confused.

Erica took the towel and wiped at her brow that was sweating again. The idea of building a fire to roast the hot dogs had lost its appeal, but Drew had already tackled the task. Ashleigh smiled at her sympathetically.

Ashleigh lay back on the blanket that Erica had spread out for them, full from her meal of hot dogs and chips. The music that played in the background was provided by frogs, birds, and insects. The sound and the scenery was so different than what she’d become accustomed to as of late. She watched as Kaitlyn and Erica pulled sticks and clods of mud from beneath the fenders of the ATVs, debating which trail to take out that would be the least muddy. Drew was skewering marshmallows on a stick and waving them over the fire. A feeling of contentment washed over her as she watched.

Her reconnection with her former life had brought with it change that she believed wreaked only havoc in her life with Erica, but now as she stared at Erica’s profile, she wasn’t so sure. The tense expression she always seemed to wear was gone. Erica had not pulled out her cell phone to check e-mail or the time. Ashleigh wasn’t even sure she had the ever-present phone with her. Maybe all the change in their lives had truly been good despite the pain it caused. As Erica approached her with a smile, Ashleigh hoped she could have it all—Erica and the music that had taken root in her soul once again.

“You look tired,” Erica said as she settled on the blanket next to Ashleigh. “Are you wondering what the hell I’ve dragged you into?”

“I’m not tired, I’m relaxed and content.” Ashleigh tucked a wayward strand of hair behind Erica’s ear. “This has been a lot more fun than I expected.”

Erica sighed as she stretched out next to Ashleigh. “I’ve wanted to do this for years.”

“I never knew.”

“I know.” Erica turned to look at Ashleigh. “I didn’t mention it. I used to share all my hopes and dreams with you, and I can’t remember when or why I stopped. When I think about the last few years, all I can remember talking to you about was work. I guess somewhere along the line, it became habit.”

“I could’ve talked to you, too. We both know that now,” Ashleigh said with a wry smile. She nodded toward Drew and Kaitlyn. “They’ve been together ten years with no sign of stopping. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from them.”

They both turned and watched as Drew and Kaitlyn worked together to make

“See, now you’ve set it on fire again, Drew.” Kaitlyn snatched the stick from Drew’s hand. They watched as the engulfed marshmallow dropped from the stick into the fire.

“It doesn’t get mushy on the inside if you don’t roast the outside. Besides, I like it burned. Get your own damn stick.” Drew plucked the stick from Kaitlyn’s grasp. “You can’t boil water, but you’re telling me how to roast marshmallows.” Drew whipped the stick away as Kaitlyn reached for it again. “I said get your own stick, or I’ll stick your ass on the end of this one.”

Erica looked back at Ashleigh. “Maybe we should find someone else to get advice from.”

Chapter Thirty-seven

Muddy but not nearly as wet, they took the trailer with the ATVs to Erica’s office to store them in an open bay. Drew leaned up when Erica and Kaitlyn climbed from the vehicle to unhook the trailer. “You two seemed pretty snugly this afternoon.”

“Sit back, Drew, you stink.”

Drew slapped her on the shoulder and did as Ashleigh requested. “You smell just as bad, sister, and don’t change the subject on me.”

Ashleigh watched Erica in the side mirror as she and Kaitlyn pushed the trailer deeper into the bay. The muscles bunched and flexed in her shoulders. “She looks so good in that tank top,” Ashleigh said with a sigh and regretted it when she realized she’d put voice to her thoughts.

“Hmm, now I know what’s on that mind of yours. Remember to bathe first ’cause like I said, you smell as bad as I do.” Drew laughed.

“Hey, do y’all want to barbecue tonight?” Kaitlyn asked as she climbed into the truck.

“No,” Drew said to Ashleigh’s relief before she had to. “I’m tired and, according to rose petal in the front seat, stinky.”

Ashleigh wondered what she was supposed to do after they dropped Kaitlyn and Drew off and Erica pulled into their driveway. Did she just thank her for a pleasant day, get into her car, and leave? She resented the awkwardness and the indecision she felt as they climbed from the vehicle and stood under the carport staring at each other. Erica looked just as conflicted as she moved slowly toward her. Before she could second-guess or reason away the impulse, Ashleigh walked up to Erica, grabbed her by the front of the shirt, and pushed her against the wall. At that moment, she didn’t care what the neighbors saw in the dim light. The only thing that mattered was making Erica understand that she wanted whatever she had to offer.

She felt Erica’s lips relax and respond as she recovered from the initial shock. Ashleigh molded herself against Erica’s body, reveling in every curve as her tongue slipped past her lips. She paused only long enough to allow them both a labored breath before she showered Erica with kisses, each one more fervent than the last, until she broke down the walls of Erica’s restraint. She felt Erica’s body tense and her fingers dig into her shoulders as she pulled her closer. Every fiber in her body rejoiced when Ashleigh broke the kiss and nibbled Erica’s ear, causing her to groan and writhe against her.

“Want to go inside?” Erica asked breathlessly as Ashleigh ran her hands under her shirt, desperate to feel warm skin beneath her palms. “We could shower together and—”

“Yes.” Ashleigh took her by the hand and dragged her to the door. Erica dropped the keys three times before she managed to turn the lock. Ashleigh took full advantage and ran her hands over anything she could touch. Erica took one of Ashleigh’s roaming hands and pulled her through the dark house and up the stairs at breakneck speed.

“I’m filthy,” Ashleigh said between kisses as Erica tore at her clothes.

“Oh, yeah,” Erica said, but didn’t stop until she had everything stripped away. “Get into the shower. I’m right behind you.”

Ashleigh did as she was asked, but as the water hit her, the lust-induced haze flowed away. She turned and watched Erica as she pulled off her mud-caked clothes, then she too seemed to sober. They were separated only by the glass door. Ashleigh pressed her palm against it, and Erica did the same on her side.

“This isn’t about sex for me,” Ashleigh heard Erica say over the running water.

The barrier between them was the very epitome of what lay between them. Two distorted figures clinging to a door hoping the other would let her through. Ashleigh pushed the door as Erica stepped back and allowed it. “I know what this is.” Ashleigh extended her hand. Erica took it.

Neither said a word as they bathed each other, and when they were clean, Erica ran her palm over Ashleigh’s chest where it rested above her pounding heart. “Do you still hold me here?”

Ashleigh laid her hand atop Erica’s. “You’ve always been right here.” She could feel Erica smiling against her kiss until she slipped her tongue into her mouth. Ashleigh ran her hands over silky slick skin that covered muscled shoulders and moaned into the kiss as her hands roamed over the flare of Erica’s hips. Encased in her arms was everything she loved in a woman—strength and femininity all in one perfect package—and she couldn’t get enough of it.

Ashleigh backed Erica into the corner of the shower. She lifted Erica’s arms and pressed each palm against the steamy walls. “Hold on,” she whispered against Erica’s ear before flicking her tongue against it. Erica leaned her head back and groaned as Ashleigh kissed and grazed her teeth over the skin of her neck. Ashleigh watched as her fingertips grazed over Erica’s stomach, feeling and seeing the muscles there tense under her touch. As the water that had grown cold poured over her back and shoulders, her fingers dipped into warm wetness.

“I was so afraid that we’d never be joined like this again,” Ashleigh whispered against Erica’s lips as her fingers dipped inside. She could feel Erica’s entire body shudder as she received her. Erica tried to speak, but her response was drowned in Ashleigh’s kiss. Ashleigh could feel the muscles in Erica’s legs quake as she slowly worked her. Weaving her fingers into Erica’s wet hair, she tucked her face against her neck as she felt Erica’s insides begin to quiver and spasm.

Erica didn’t remember if they took the time to dry off; her short-term memory had short-circuited. Ashleigh’s skin was beneath her lips, her scent was in her nostrils, and her fingers were woven into her hair. There was no other woman she wanted to experience this with. There would never be another. With every touch, every kiss, she would make Ashleigh believe it. This wasn’t about bringing a lover to release. This was a wonder shared. She could hear Ashleigh’s erratic breathing, feel her reacting to the touch of her tongue, and finally taste the wondrous reaction she had caused.

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