Loving Angel 2 (12 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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atever,” I replied instead. After glaring at me and getting herself a bottle of water, she went back upstairs.

I couldn’t stand that bitch. She was always acting like she owned th
e place when she came over. Although Dread claimed she was his niece I was convinced there was some sort of freaky shit going on between the two of them.

One time I heard moaning coming from her room
and sometime later Dread snuck out of there looking all sweaty. I was sure those two were into some type of incest shit. I was scandalous, but even I wouldn’t go that far.

I was just about to head back upstairs when I heard a lot of shouting coming from the basement. I knew the smart thing to do was mind my own damn business
, but who said I was smart.

I immediately forgot that I was thir
sty and started creeping toward the basement door. Lucky for me, when I tried the handle the door wasn’t locked. I peeked down the staircase while straining my ears. I wanted to be aware if anyone was coming, or if I could make out what those fuckers were saying. Fortunately no one was on their way up and even better, I could hear every word coming out of their mouths as clear as crystal.

“You think you can
betray mi and get away with it?” I heard Dread asking someone in that deadly voice he used when he was about to do something really evil. He once used that exact tone with me when he found me trying to get away. That nigga punished me by fucking me in the ass with his twelve inch monster dick without using any lube and that shit hurt like a bitch. I couldn’t walk properly for three days.

“I swear on my kids I didn’t tell them anything,” an unknown voice sobbed in reply.

“You hear that Ninja? This batty bouy think him can fool mi,” Dread chuckled.

“This fool must really think we’re stupid,” Ninja replied while laughing also. Ninja was Dread’s best friend. He was the shaved head dude who was sitting with Dread at the club when I met him. He was Dread’s partner in crime and was just as diabolical as him. He was a very handsome nigga on the outside, but ugly as hell inside. When Dread had raped me in the ass Ninja had watched
the entire assault with a pleased look on his face. He just sat there laughing at all of the blood and shit leaking from my asshole. Sometimes I wished he would fuck me too so that I could infect the evil bastard, but he didn’t seem interested in me sexually. The perverted bastard was probably gay.

“We’re going to have to teach this bouy a less
on. Too bad for you Hindu. You won’t be alive to learn,” Dread declared.

“Please Dread, I’m begging you. Don’t kill me. I didn’t tell them anything,” their victim sobbed harder.

I really wanted to see who the person was and what Dread was going to do to him. I tip toed down the stairs until I got to the bottom. I peeked around the corner and saw Dread and Ninja standing around a small dark skinned man who was sitting in a chair crying. He had both his legs casted so they were stuck out in front of him.

, I wasn’t as incognito as I’d thought because Dread’s next words made me realize that he knew I was listening in on them.

“Keya, come over here and see what I do to people who betray mi.”

I was so freaking scared. I didn’t want to go anywhere near him, but I knew better than to disobey him. I sucked up as much of my fear as I could and dragged myself over to him.

“You see this batty bouy here.” H
e pointed to the man in the chair with his lit blunt. “He snitched to that nigga Tyga. Told him I was the one who sent them bouys to kill him.”

As the unknown man began another fit of sobbing, begging and denying
, I felt like someone had pulled the rug from under me. I knew that Dread was having beef with my cousin’s husband, but I didn’t know he had tried killing him. That must have been what Dread was talking to the person on the phone about the night of Tyga’s club opening.

“This idiot bouy better shut up his mouth before I cut out his tongue,” Dread ranted, waving around a huge machete that I hadn’t
noticed he was holding until then.

“Maybe you need to do that because this
bouy’s annoying me with all this bawling.” Ninja laughed.

“No man, I have something even better. Learn from this
bouy’s mistake Keya.” Dread chuckled evilly as he suddenly lifted his hand and brought his weapon down on his victim. The strike drew a shocked scream from me and a howl of pain from the injured party, as the sharp blade sliced through his shoulder like a knife going through butter.

The second cut caught him in the shoulder again and elicited another gut wrenching scream from his lips and a river of blood from the wound. The next
was to the head and that one had blood squirting over us because it seemed to have broken through his skull.

I turned from the grisly scene ready to run
, but Ninja caught me and turned me back around. He held me in a tight hug to ensure that I wouldn’t be able to turn away again and miss his best friend hacking away at the corpse. It was just a corpse now, because it was obvious that the man was dead. His death was probably the result of the cut that had removed half his head from his body and had it tilting to the right.

I could feel tears running down my face and pee running down my legs. To say I was scared out of my mind would be an understate
ment. If I lived through the night I would be scarred for life.

“You see what
happens to people who betray mi?” Dread asked after he had finally stopped hacking away at the body. He still had his blunt in his left hand and although speckles of blood had caught it, it was still lit. He took a toke and blew the smoke in my terrified tear streaked face.

“The bitch piss
ed on herself Dread,” Ninja chuckled. “I think she got the point.”

Dread threw down the rest of his blunt and the murder weapon and snatched me by the hair from Ninja’s
grasp. “You got the point bitch?” He ranted. “You see what happens when people fuck with mi?”

I nodded vigorously
, but I don’t think he was satisfied with my answer because he threw me down on the blood drenched floor. I landed on my hands and knees, which hurt like hell. The next thing I knew he was behind me ripping off my thong as Ninja pulled my T-shirt off, laughing manically.

I felt that twelve inch monster dick that I was beginning to despise ramming its way into my asshole and ripping it apart once more
. As the excruciating pain racked my body I was thinking to myself for what seemed like the hundredth time that Karma really was a bitch out to get me.




Those two Jamaican cats were sleeping, or maybe they were just laying back in the cut watching and waiting. See, Jamaicans are sneaky like that. They wait until your back is turned and when you least expect it, they attack. It had almost been a month since I left Hindu’s bloody body on Kit’s and Dread’s doorstep, but there still wasn’t any retaliation from either of them. I wasn’t stupid enough to believe this shit was over. I had my guard up, so when they came at me I’d be ready for them.

While things in Harlem were on chill it seemed things in Miami were about to heat up. A couple weeks back I had sent John to pick up some product from my wife’s father and the coke came up short by two bricks. At first I was wondering if the shortage was on my end
, but when I spoke with my boy Tyrone and he told me the same thing happened with his order, I knew that something fishy was going on in Angel’s camp.

I took the first flight I could get from NY to Miami. It was the middle of the day when I got there and hot as hell too
, but the locals didn’t seem to mind. It gave them an excuse to walk around in even less clothes. I was planning on heading back to NY the next day, so I didn’t bother renting a car. As I rode in the back of a cab to the hotel, I saw all types of half-naked people walking, cycling and hanging around on the boardwalk. With the sun high in the sky, the cool breeze blowing off the water and the many tall palm trees for shelter, I guess it was a good day to be outside in South Beach.

Tyrone had also flown down to see Angel about his missing product. After I checked into my hotel room I called him to see where he was chilling. The meeting wasn’t until three in the evening therefore we had a couple hours to kill. He told me he was in the hotel bar on the main floor so I headed downstairs.

I found him sitting by the counter in the bar nursing a drink and eating some wings.

“What’s up my nigga,” I greeted him with a pound and a one arm hug.

“Chilling and trying to get this money. You know how we do.”

“Word, I can
hear you on that,” I replied, snatching one of the chicken wings from his plate. They were mad spicy, so I waved the short chubby Caucasian bartender over and ordered a Ciroc and coke. “How are things going in Boston?”

, you have no idea,” Ty replied, shaking his head while he rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Uncle Sam is all up in my business and I got niggas around me been carted off by the second.”

“Damn man
, what happened?” I asked in surprise. I had no idea things were going to shit on his end. I had been so involved in my beef with the Jamaicans that I hadn’t talked to him in a minute. I guess while I was going through my shit he was going through some shit of his own.

After the bartender delivered my drink my boy started recounting what was happening in his neck of the woods. “Nigga
, I think I got a snitch in my camp feeding information to the DEA and them boys are trying to build a case on me. So far I got three members in my organization that have been picked up. One of them niggas is even in my own crew. He said they tried to offer him a deal that would give him immunity if he testified against me. That’s my boy though, so he told them to go fuck themselves with their deal. I know it won’t be long before they get someone who’s too scared of prison time and that bitch will turn rat.”

“Damn nigga
, don’t you think you should be getting out of there while you still can?” I suggested. “If shit like that’s happening it won’t be long before they come knocking on your door.”

“What’re you asking me to do? Run from them like I’m scared?” H
e scoffed. “Nigga, you know better than anyone that I’m not scared of anybody. I built my shit from the bottom to the top and I’m not leaving it because of a bunch of pussies.”

“I’m not telling you to run and I know you ain’t a coward
, but you should at least come chill in Harlem for a while until things cool off in Boston,” I advised. “You know I could always use your help because since Boss died I’m the one who has to oversee his crew.” I still hadn’t appointed another lieutenant to the spot my twin had occupied.

, I don’t know about that, but I’ll think about it,” he conceded.

This fool was one of my best friends
, so I knew how hard headed he could be. I was hoping he would take me up on my offer, but I knew the chance of him doing the smart thing was slim. He was my dog and all, but I don’t think that nigga really thought things through all the way. Most of the time he would let his temper guide him instead of his brain. I personally didn’t believe it would be a pussy move to put business on pause if you felt the law was closing in on you. A smart nigga would realize that the perception of others wasn’t worth more than his freedom.

We hung out in the bar catching up until it was time for us to bounce. Around two-thirty we jumped in the car and head
ed to the big ass mansion Angel had by the beach.

I remembered the first time I came to Angel’s house a
couple years ago for Christmas dinner with my wife. It was the first and last Christmas I had at his house. His botoxed face bitch of a wife was very hateful to Sexy and I didn’t appreciate that shit one bit. I had returned a couple times after that to conduct business with Angel, but most of the time I sent Dwayne, Biz or John down with the money and to pick up the product.

We pulled up to the gate and after giving our names the security let us through. After parking the car we headed for the front door and Angel met us there.

“Tyga, how was the flight?” He greeted me with a smile in his hazel green eyes as he gave me a quick pat on the back. He had the exact same eyes as his daughter.

“Long and boring and I’m tired as hell,” I answered truthfully.

“It’s good to see you again Tyrone,” he said as he gave my friend a pat on the back also. “Are things still crazy in Boston?”

“Will they ever change,” was Ty’s reply.

We entered the main foyer with the gleaming marble floor and huge elaborate chandelier occupying the high ceiling. The three of us made our way past a sitting room with expensive looking pristine, white furniture that sat unused paying homage to a large fireplace. Down a long hallway was a locked door that led to Angel’s huge office with an unobstructed view of the beach because one of the walls was made of glass.

“You need to get out of there Tyrone. I already told you that you could set up shop down her
e. Make yourself a lot of money,” he offered as he opened his office door.

“I also offered this nigga a spot in NY
, but he’s being stubborn,” I interjected. I realized I wasn’t the only one trying to get Ty to relocate.

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