Loving Angel 2 (14 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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I parked my car in the almost empty parking lot and texted Junior telling him I was outside. I was on my way i
n when I saw him heading toward me. He was a chubby nigga with a medium brown complexion, a low fade and an extremely large nose. I had met him only once previously at a basketball game I was attending with my cousins and we ran into Chance and his crew.

“He’s in the office at the back,” he informed me. “I had one of the guys help me drag him there so he could lie down.”

I sighed in irritation. “Chance is really starting to piss me off with his antics. I should be in bed right now trying to get some sleep. Instead I’m in the Bronx in this God forsaken place about to drag a grown ass nigga home,” I railed as I followed him to the back.

It seemed the lounge didn’t have a lot of customers because there were only three people sitting at the bar and all
of the tables were empty. I didn’t blame people for not wanting to hang at that spot. It didn’t look like it was a very safe place. I was going to be more than happy when I got my hands on Chance and my foot out the front door.

When we got to the office Junior opened the door and waited for me to precede him. I stormed inside the room ready to lay into Chance for being an idiot
, but abruptly stopped in my tracks. As soon as I got inside I realized I had made a fatal mistake. By then it was too late because Junior had already closed and locked the door behind us.

I had expected to find Chance lying on the couch sleeping off his inebriation
, but instead I found the dark skinned dread that came to the club opening with my cousin and a light skinned nigga with a shaved head.

I knew they
were the niggas who were at war with my husband and the fact that they had lured me to an isolated location in the middle of the night didn’t spell anything good for me. My heart rate began to increase until I could have sworn I heard it beating like a drum.

“Where’s Chance?” I asked with false bravado, successfully hiding the fear that was churning in my stomach.

The dread laughed. “Can you believe this Ninja? She’s worried about somebody else when she should be worried about herself.”

The guy with the shav
ed head whom I assumed was Ninja joined in on the laughter. “She’ll learn who she should worry about.” The look he was giving me had my skin crawling. It was a look I had seen many times before on Boss’s face. It was one filled with unadulterated lust. Only his look was much worse because even though he was one of the most handsome niggas I had ever seen, his eyes were also some of the most sadistic I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting.

They held a cruel edge as he stared at me
, but I refused to break eye contact first. It was better to stare into the eyes of evil without flinching when you faced it. That way it would assume you felt no fear even if it was a false assumption.

“I did what you told me to do Dread,” Junior interrupted our staring contest. “You said if I stole her number from Chance’s phone and then got her here you’d let my sister go.” That explained why Junior had helped them lure me
there. It seemed they had taken his sister captive and blackmailed him into helping. Although I was still mad at him for placing me in the situation, at least I could breathe a bit easier knowing that Chance was safe.

I was completely taken off guard when Dread pulled his gun
out and shot Junior several times in the chest without any warning what so ever. Junior was standing so close to me that when his body hit the floor he almost took me down with him. My eyes felt as if they were popping out of my head and I had to stifle the scream that was building in my throat because I was afraid that it would cause Dread to shoot me too. Although I was successful in swallowing my scream there was no way for me to suppress the trembling that finally took over my body. As I watched Junior choking on his own blood, my false bravado slipped from my body like an expensive mink coat I had discarded on the ground.

“Idiot batty bouy,” the dread drawled carelessly. “I killed his sister a long time ago. H
e should have known he should never betray his brethren no matter what.”

hy are you crying sweetheart?” The one called Ninja asked as he rose from the couch and started toward me. I didn’t even feel the silent tears running down my cheeks until he brought them to my attention. “We aren’t going to kill you because you’re going to be the bait that leads that batty bouy you’re married to right into our hands.” His lustful look intensified. “While we’re waiting for that nigga to get back to the city you and I can have some fun.” He smiled at me sadistically and then said to his friend, “I’m not sharing her with you Dread.”

I retreated away from Ninja as he tried to brush the tears aw
ay from my cheeks with the back of his fingers. In my haste I almost slipped on the blood that was leaking from Junior’s body and spreading across the floor. He smirked at me finding my behavior amusing.

“You’re going to deny mi a piece of that ass when she’s hotter than a fire side,” Dread complained, lighting up a fat blunt and taking a puff of the pungent weed.

“You already have that bitch Keya.”

“I don’t understand why you don’t like to share. I already told you that you could fuck Keya if you wanted and I could get some from this bitch in return”

“I don’t trust that hoe. I already told you I think she’s up to something.”

While they bickered with each other I started slowly edging towards the door.

“Keya knows not to fuck with mi. Not after what she saw me do to Hindu,” Dread said with a reminiscent smile on his face. “I’d do her ass much worse than that. Anyways, if you want to keep the bitch to yourself go ahead. I’m not gonna fight with you over no hoe.”

Ninja turned back to me causing me to freeze in my tracks.
“Come here sweetheart.” He beckoned me. “What are you doing all the way over there?” I was only a few steps away from the door. All I had to do was navigate around Junior and I could make a run for it.

I still couldn’t believe t
hey had killed him.

had killed him right before my eyes.

His body was now
just a corpse lying in a widening pool of blood on the floor.

heart was beating a staccato rhythm in her ear drums, but although I was afraid I knew I had to get away.

I spun on my heels and started for the door, but the floor was slippery from all the blood causing
my feet to skid across it. I wind milled my arms trying to keep my balance, but eventually gravity took over and I fell backwards onto the body. As my clothes and hands got stained red I couldn’t prevent the scream I had been holding in all night from escaping my throat. Once I started I couldn’t stop.

All the little threads that had been hold
ing my sanity together had finally snapped.

“I think you’re going to have to knock that bitch out to shu
t her up,” I heard Dread saying, as if from far away.

“I’m glad I came prepared because she’s about to scream my head off,” Ninja replied, kneeling beside me.

I scrambled away from him on my hands and ass, sliding around in the wet slippery blood. He grabbed one of my legs, dodging the kick I aimed at his face as he pulled me back towards him. He quickly used his superior strength to pin my body to the floor with his own, capturing both my wrists with one large hand.

I tried unsuccessfully to buck him off me as he used his other hand to retrieve a hypodermic
needle from his jacket pocket. He uncapped it with his teeth and squirted some of the clear liquid from the tip. At the sight of the needle I increased my efforts to escape, but like the sting of a viper it bit into my neck.

I couldn’t believe what
was happening to me. If when I woke that morning someone told me I would be kidnapped by two psychos, I would have highly doubted them. As I felt my eye lids getting heavy from the drugs, I couldn’t stop the tears that were running down my cheeks. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I would be unconscious and completely at their mercy.

I felt Ninja running his fingers against my cheeks with a pleased look on his face as the drugs overcame my system and my eyes slowly closed.

“Night night,” he whispered in my ear before licking my salty cheek.

I wanted to stop him from touching me with his disgusting wet tongue
, but my body wouldn’t work and soon I was dead to the world.











I gained consciousness slowly. M
emories of my kidnapping flickered to life inside my head, triggering a new wave of fear. I felt both groggy and nauseous and for a second I thought the bile rising in my throat was going to get the best of me. Fortunately I was able to swallow it down, along with a portion of my dread. When I got enough of my wits about me, I realized that I was lying naked in a plush bed. My hands were bound together above my head by silken scarves tied to the headboard. Ninja was sitting on the edge of the bed beside me watching with a satisfied look on his face as I pulled against my restraints.

“I’m glad you’re finally awake.” He smiled.  Although he was fully clothed
, I wondered if he had raped me while I was unconscious. The thought immediately brought tears to my eyes. “Maybe you should save the tears for when you really have a reason to cry,” he suggested, trailing his index finger across my cheek, upsetting the waterfall running down my face.

I turn
ed my head away from his touch with fear and hatred blending together, creating a toxic mix in my stomach.

“Don’t turn your fucking face away from me,” he ordered, roughly grabbing onto my chin with his vicious fingers and yanking my head around to face him.

I glared at him, making sure I expressed all the loathing I felt toward him with my stare.

“Hate me all you want,” he said, sounding
completely unfazed by my animosity. “But don’t turn your fucking face away from my touch. Do you understand mi?” When I didn’t reply to his question he repeated it again. “Do .You .Understand?” That time it was said through clenched teeth, each word punctuated with a hard squeeze to my chin.

I knew better than to stay quiet. His cold hard stare had a dangerous edge to it that advised me to take caution. “Yes,” I croaked, my throat was extremely dry and my mouth felt cottony.

“Good.” he smiled, patting me on the head like I was his prized pet who had performed a trick that pleased him. It took all of the control I had to prevent myself from spitting in his face, but something told me that would have been a fatal mistake. “I’m really not a bad nigga once you get to know mi.”

He retrieved a cup of water from the bedside tab
le and brought it to my lips. I turned my head away causing the lukewarm liquid to splash down the side of my face and onto my chest. Fear of being drugged again had caused me to make an impulsive decision that I immediately regretted.

He delivered a resounding slap to my face that had my head snapping to the side and my ears ringing. The pain was an instant throbbing current in my cheek and I knew that my face would soon be decorated with an ugly bruise.

“What the fuck did I tell you about turning away from mi?” His fingers sunk cruelly into the flesh of my cheeks, squeezing until my mouth popped open so he could pour the water down my throat. I swallowed quickly trying to prevent myself from choking. “See, that’s not so bad.”

He placed the cup on the table and returned to my side wearing a lustful expression on his face that told of my imminent rape.

“You don’t have to do this,” I said in a shaky voice.  “You have no idea how much money my husband has and he’ll pay you whatever you want if you release me without causing me any harm.” Not only was I trying to distract the asshole from his dark intent. I was also trying to appeal to his basic human-nature of greed by offering money as a replacement for raping me.

He shook his head in the negative. “I’m going to get what I want from you and you
r husband is still going to pay,” He paused, “with his life.”

“You’re the one who is going to end up dead,” I snapped, forgetting my fear and becoming uncaring of his retribution.

I thought my statement would make him angry, but it made him laugh instead. “Your husband is an idiot bouy, so he can’t kill mi. Not only did he allow another man to kidnap his wife, but he’s a bitch nigga who allowed it to happen twice.”

“Just remember
that the last nigga who kidnapped me is six feet under right now.”

“And who’s going to kill mi
?” He chuckled before glaring at me with those cold, soulless eyes. “I’ve got you tied to my bed, so you can’t do shit. That batty bouy has been trying to get at mi for months without success, so it sure as hell won’t be him either.”

His words were so true
that they made me feel like crying and giving up hope of getting away unscathed. But hope was all I had holding my sanity together at the moment. Things were not looking good. Not only could I not kill him from the position I was currently in, I also couldn’t think of a way I was going to escape his clutches while I was tied to a fucking bed.

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