Loving Angel 2 (18 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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“You really need to lay off that stuff,” she suggested. “It’s cool and all to do a couple lines occasionally, but you’ve been doing a lot more than that lately.”

It was really nice of her to be concerned about me
, but what I did with my own body was none of her damn business. “Don’t fucking worry about me Crystal because as I said before I’m good,” I snapped, using my index finger to wipe the coke residue from the mirror and rubbed it against my gums.

I rose from the chair and looked myself over in the vanity mirror. I was sti
ll looking fly no matter what those bitches thought, or what this virus was trying to do to me.

The tall bottled blonde scowled at me before walking away. I guess she didn’t appreciate me snapping at her.

I made my way to the club floor and ignored all the twittering Delicious and her crew were doing behind my back. I went to the bar and got myself three shots of Patron and downed them like a champion before I started circulating the room. I still turned a lot of heads and a lot of men were ordering lap dances. I was still the hottest thing around that motherfucker and the amount of dough I was rolling in was proof of that.

One of my regulars was in the house and wanted a private show in the back. He was a fat middle aged small dicked cracker who did nothing but play in the pussy
, but I wasn’t about to complain because his pockets were mad long.

I escorted him to our private haven and got down to business. After we undressed I had him sit on the sofa while I
got down on my knees before him. I moved his big ass belly out the way and took his little pecker into my mouth. The easiest thing in the world was deep throating his extremely small dick.

“Oh Juicy,” he moaned, grabbing onto my weave. “You make me feel so good my black bitch.” That right there was the reason I didn’t feel bad about
giving that asshole the virus. He was just another racist prick who wanted to fuck my good black pussy and call me names. “Suck this big dick bitch. Suck it.”

Sure the dick was big sure, and pigs could
also fly.
I had to roll my eyes mentally.

“You’re ready to fuck this pussy now big daddy?” I asked the fat fucker after popping his little sucker out my mouth.

“Oh, you know I’m ready.” He salivated and smacked me on my ass.

I sat on his cock in the reverse cowgirl position and began working both my hips and my pussy muscles. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he came becaus
e he couldn’t handle all of that warm wetness.

He moaned and groaned like he was dying or something while grabbing onto my hips. “You love this dick don’t you black bitch.”

“Yes big daddy,” I moaned in return, faking the requisite sounds of pleasure since I sure as hell wasn’t feeling anything. I was going to have to take another hit after this shit.

He made one last feeble thrust and came inside me, breathing real hard like he had run a marathon. “That was really good Juicy, really good. That’s why I pay you the big bucks.”

I hopped off fatty, grabbed a couple of napkins from a corner table and wiped away the semen running down my legs. That was really bad sex and that was why he had to pay me the big bucks for me to do it.

“I really enjoyed you too Detective Parker,” I smiled, eliciting a smug look of male satisfaction from him.

After we got dressed and he paid me my five hundred dollars, I headed back to the dressing room for a break and another hit.

“She’s done sucking another dick for a dollar,” Delicious stage whispered loudly to one of her followers and they both began tittering.

I think she thought I was some type of soft bitch because she had been fucking with me from the moment I started working at Glitter. I hadn’t done anything about it, but she was getting bold. I was tired of her crap and wasn’t about to let her get away with it anymore.

I kicked off my heels and then stepped to her. Before she even realized what was happening
, I delivered a quick two piece to her dome. She fell from the chair she was sitting in and I followed her to the floor sitting on her stomach and raining blows on her chest and face. She tried fighting back, but was no match for all my hatred and anger. I blacked out while beating her ass, forgetting that she wasn’t the source of all my animosity. She wasn’t the one who gave me this virus. She wasn’t the nigga who kidnapped me and raped me in the ass. She was just the bitch who annoyed me occasionally. She should have just kept her mouth shut because all the hatred I felt towards everyone else transferred to her. I didn’t stop beating the bitch until two bouncers dragged me off her. I was kicking, screaming and cursing at all their asses.

The weak bitch was still lying on the floor bloody and in tears as I was pulled from the room. For someone with that much mouth
, she sure as hell couldn’t fight for shit.

“You can’t be pulling that type of shit up in Tyga’s spot,” Mike chastised. We were standing outside in the parking lot because they wouldn’t let m
e back in the club. They were afraid I would beat Delicious some more. “I don’t care that you’re the boss man’s cousin-in-law. Fighting is bad for business.”

Mikey,” I huffed. I really wasn’t in the mood for a lecture. I just wanted to get my shit so that I could go home and get high some more. “Just let me grab my stuff so I can get out of here.”

He shook his head in the negative. “I’
ll go grab your things and bring them to you. I don’t trust you to not do something stupid. You should take the rest of the week off and get your mind right. The only reason you’re not fired now is because of Tyga.”

I rolled my eyes at him while negligently waving him off.
“Yeah, yeah. Just meet me by my car please. It’s mad cold out here and I’m not even dressed properly.”

I walked away not waiting for his reply.

I was opening my car door when someone walked up on me, grabbed me by the hair and pointed a gun under my chin.

“You thought you saw th
e last of mi didn’t you gyal?” He growled, making me almost piss myself.

“What do you want Ninja,” I whispered fearfully. I was expecting Dread to accost me at some point
, so I always kept my eyes opened. The fight with Delicious had me off my A-game because ninja had taken me by complete surprise.

“I saw you shaking your ass in the club and selling that rotting pussy,” he laughed evilly, not answering my question. “Dread should have seen you. You know he’s looking for your hoe ass don’t you? He went to the doctor last week and found out you gave him both HIV and herpes.” He gave me a look of disgust. “I always knew your ass couldn’t be trusted.”

I actually felt my pee trickling down my shaky legs at his revelation. I always knew Dread would find out that I gave him the virus and come gunning for me. I just didn’t think it would happen that soon. The fact that he had herpes too was news to me. I didn’t know I was carrying that shit. I guess with all the tricks I was fucking without protection, passing the virus around, one of them must have given me something in return.

“I hope you know that the manager from the club and a couple of the bouncers will be out here in a minute.” I was trying to scare him
into leaving me alone. I didn’t think Ninja would be afraid of just Mike alone and that was why I had added the bouncers to the equation.

“They better have some guns plus balls big enough to use them
, because if they don’t they’re going to end up in body bags tonight,” he gritted in my face. “If you tell mi what I want to know I’ll let you go. I know Dread has some real special plans for you and he’ll come get you when he’s ready.” He smirked and I didn’t even want to imagine what Dread’s plans were.  “But if you hold out information I’m going to say fuck what he wants and off your hoe ass right now.”

“What information?” I inquired cautiously.

“On your cousin. Since she escaped I’d been keeping tabs on her, but two months ago she just up and disappeared. Where is she?”

“I don’t know,” I lied. “Even after everything I’d done for her the bitch didn’t even tell me she was leaving NY.” There was no way I was going to tell him where Angel
had gone. I didn’t even give out that information to her husband when he came inquiring. This nigga must be off his meds or something if he thought I was going to rat on my cousin to him.

He pushed the
gun into my neck forcefully. The muzzle was cold against my clammy skin. “Are you sure that’s the answer you wanna stick with, because if you’re lying to me you’re going to regret it?”

“I swear on everything I love I’m not lying,” I promised emphatically.

Without any warning he hit me in the side of the head with the gun. It was such a powerful blow that it caused me to fall to the ground in agony as I held my bleeding dome. While I was down he started stomping on me. All I could do was curl up into a ball to ward off the blows.

“You s
till don’t know where she is?” He growled.

“No,” I moaned in pain.

He gave me one final kick before saying, “Just remember I know where you work and I know where you live because I’ve been watching you. If I find out you’ve lied to mi you’ll wish I did kill you tonight because whatever Dread is planning for you, my brand of torture is much worse.” The look in his demented eyes made me know without a doubt that if he ever discovered that I’d lied, I was in for a world of hurt.

After he had left me with his dire threat I lay in the parking lot on the cold, wet, and ice slicked ground
with blood seeping from my head. It felt like my dome had been split in two.  My ribs and back were also weeping in pain. As I groaned in agony, I was kicking myself for not taking my cousin up on her offer when she asked me to leave NY with her and my sister.

If I survived Ninja’s beat down
I was still going to have to deal with that crazy motherfucker named Dread. He had two very valid reasons for hating me and I just knew my days were now numbered.


















I took his big black dick in my hand and massaged up and down the shaft. It was such a beautiful thing; ten and a half inches of dark chocolate stiffness just waiting for me to gobble it up. The nigga that the dick was attached to wasn’t too bad either. He was tall, dark, muscular and sexy as hell; just the way I liked my men.

“Do you like that baby?” I purred giving the big mushroom head a slow lick. His dick was so yummy; it had just the right amount of saltiness to it.

“Come on Mickey, stop playing and suck it for me,” he moaned. He was sitting on the edge of the sofa with his pants pulled down to his feet. And I was kneeling before him, ready to give him some of my super head that I knew had him hooked.

I gave a throaty chuckle before taking him into my mouth. He groaned at the feel of my warm wetness enveloping his dick and started pulling on my twenty-four inch long Peruvian weave. My head bobbed up and down the dick as I pumped the base of his shaft, slobbering all over it so that it glided along my lips and tongue as I took that donkey kong deep within the back of my throat. It took less than five minutes of him fucking my face before I felt him pulling on my hair roughly as he shot his babies down my throat. I sucked up his cum like it was the sweetest nectar and to me it was.

“Your head game is always off the fucking chain,” he complimented as he pulled up his pants and buckled his belt. “That’s why I fuck with you. Ain’t nobody else know how to give some good head like you do.”

I preened at his compliment until I realized he was getting ready to leave.

“Where are you going?” I pouted, looking up at him from my position on the floor. “Aren’t you gonna take care of me?”

He used my arms to pull me to my feet and then he slapped me on the ass. “Come on Mickey, you know I miss that fat ass but I got shit to take care of in these streets.” He removed a stack of money from his pocket and peeled off five C-notes then handed them to me. “Get yourself something nice,” and he kissed me on the lips softly.

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