Loving Angel 2 (11 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 2
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After security h
ad escorted us from the mall to our car, she had gone crazy on me while we were driving home.

“You’re having bab
ies with bitches now?” She railed. “I can’t believe this shit. If somebody ever told me you’d do something like this to me I’d tell them they’re fucking lying.” I could hear the tears in her voice and I felt like a piece of shit for putting her through that. “So you’re not even going to deny that the bitch is pregnant by you?”

“What do you want me to say Mari? I’m sorry ok,” I replied regretfully. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Oh my God! Oh my God,” she wailed with tears pouring from her eyes. “How could you do this to me after everything I’ve done for you? I spent three fucking years of my life in prison just because of you and this is the thanks I get. You’re cheating on me and got the bitch pregnant. I guess that explains where you’ve been all those nights you didn’t come home. How long has this been going on?”

I knew that if I answered that question truthfull
y she would only get madder. I also didn’t want to lie to her, so I kept silent. It seemed to have been the wrong thing to do, because her anger escalated and she threw a couple of punches into the side of my head. That shit made me nearly run the car off the road.

“Chill, you fucking crazy bitch!
Do you want us to die?” I yelled at her as I fought her off with one hand and tried to get the wheel under control with the other.

“Maybe we should die!
” she screamed, grabbing the steering wheel and twisting it. We swerved into the other lane and almost hit the car in front of us, but luckily I was able to maneuver around the car.

I pushed her away roughly and she slammed into the passenger side door. She gave up trying to take control of the steering wheel and began hitting me again.  It took almost getting sideswiped by a passing trailer truck for her to stop her assault.

“I can’t believe you’d do this to me,” she kept repeating as she sank into the car seat sobbing.

I couldn’t believ
e I had done some shit like that to her either. I really did love her, so I felt all types of fucked up knowing that I was the one causing her all that pain. Pain that I knew she didn’t deserve.

When we got to the crib her tears had once again dried up and her anger had returned.

“You just wait and see what I got in store for you motherfucker,” she promised as she got out the car. “Running up in bitches raw and risking my fucking life.”

I wasn’t in the mood to see what type of crazy she had up her sleeve
, so I put the car in reverse as soon as the passenger door was closed. After that I sped down the street with her running behind the vehicle screaming at me.

My intention was to give her some time to cool off and myself some time to formulate a believable story that woul
dn’t make her any angrier. As I looked at my demolished car that was once my pride and joy, I realized that by leaving I had only made things worse.

I knew Maria was probably at her sister’s house and wouldn’t be back for the night
, so I got back into my car and headed for Tyga’s house. I also knew that I had another fight on my hands with Daisy. Despite the fact that she was the one who had caused the situation by not keeping her mouth shut, she was mad at me and not answering her phone.

When I got the
re it was almost twelve a.m. Tyga’s mother-in-law answered the door wearing a short red nightgown. I wondered if she was walking around in that shit trying to entice my boy. After all, everybody knew how Mina loved herself some young dick.

“I’m tired of having to get up to open the door for you at these late hours,” she complained as I closed the door behind me. “You should tell your baby mama to take a room on the first floor
, so she hears the bell when it rings.”

“Ok, I’ll let her know
,” I placated. I couldn’t be bothered with another nagging female. I had two of them already.

Satisfied with my reply
, she sauntered off to her room and I took the stairs to the second floor where Daisy’s room was located.

I thought she would have been asleep already
, but she was sitting up in bed watching TV when I entered her room.

the fuck are you doing here?” She demanded when she saw me.

“What do you think?” I returned, taking a seat on the bed beside her.

“Nigga, if you think you’re going to come up in here tonight and everything is gonna be good you’re making the saddest fucking mistake of your life.” Her anger was palpable in the air.

“Come on Daisy, chill,” I tried soothing her. I knew her like the back of my hand
. She would be mad for the moment, but it would only take a couple of minutes of cajoling before we were good again.

I’m not going to fucking chill!” She screamed, surprising the shit out of me. I’d never heard her yell like that at the top of her lungs. That was more of Maria’s speed. “I’m tired of this fucking bullshit, so you better choose. It’s either you want to be with her, or you want to be with me, but you can’t have the both of us.”

The look on her face said this time she was as serious as a heart attack. I’d never seen such a look of utter determination on her before
, so something told me she wasn’t joking. “Are you trying to tell me you’re leaving me while you’re pregnant with my seed?”

“I’m not le
aving you Delco,” she replied. Her eyes got watery and her voice was choked up. “I’m telling you that it’s either her, or me. If you choose her then we’re done, but you have to make a choice. Take some time if you need it. I guess you’re going to need time to think, but I’m not going to continue like this anymore.”

How could she expect me to make such a decision? My head
felt fucked up and confused. I didn’t know how to make any of it right without someone getting hurt.

“Can I sleep here tonight?” I asked with hope in my voice.

“Hell no,” she shook her head at me as the tears silently slid down her cheeks. “I’m more than serious this time.”

I could really tell that she was.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead and tried to ignore the pain I felt inside as I left her room. Seeing Daisy hurt was killing me. My eyes got watery as I took the stairs to the first floor and I had to wipe them with my shirt sleeve. Whoever said thugs didn’t cry didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about.

I went to the den in the basement, grabbed a bottle of Hennessey from the bar and raided Tyga’s personal weed stash. I
was rolling a blunt of sour as I reflected on how my life had gone to hell, when my nigga walked in the room and took a seat on the couch beside me.

He didn’t say anything
. He just held out his hand for the bottle. After taking a sip, he passed it back to me. I had another drink before returning it to him and a rotation started between us. When I finished rolling the blunt, it joined the rotation too.

“Man I’m fucked,” I announced. I was both drunk and high and everything was slowly coming into perspective.
“I really can’t fucking choose between the two of them. Everyone thinks I’m just trying to have my cake and eat it too, but they don’t know what it’s like to love two women. What do you think I should do?”

He was my boy and
he had helped me out in a lot of sticky situations in the past. I knew without a doubt that he had my back. He was one of the only two niggas I’d die for gladly. The other one was our boy Tyrone who was currently living in Boston.

, I wish I could tell you what to do, but I don’t have a clue either,” he drawled drunkenly. “I’m just glad it’s you and not me.”

I had to chuckle at that becaus
e I would have been glad if that shit was happening to anyone else, but me.

I yawned causing Tyga to yawn too. I wondered what time it was because I was getting mad tired. “I guess for now I’m just going to wait and see if Daisy is serious about me choosing.”

“And if she is?”

“Then I guess I’m going to have to man up and make a choice,” I sighed.







Sometimes I felt like karma was a bitch out to get me. It was like everything I’d ever done wrong was coming back to bite me in the ass. I knew I was wrong for a lot of the shit that I had done in the past, but I was only human and I was allowed my mistakes.

I knew it was wrong to harbor envy
and jealousy in my heart toward my cousin Angel for most of our lives, but who could blame me. Angel had always been the smart beautiful girl that everyone liked. She always got whatever she wanted and life was simply easy for her, while I had to fight for whatever I wanted.

, it was only natural that I’d covet a lot of the things she had. I was covetous of the way she looked, the clothes she wore, and the men that were always throwing themselves at her. I felt like I had finally got something she really wanted when I snagged Von from under her nose, but I quickly realized he didn’t mean that much to her. She had been more upset at me for betraying her than she was at him for doing the same. That was because she wasn’t in love with him, while as fucked up as my ways were, my cousin really loved me.

I also knew it was fucked up to fuck my sister’s baby daddy
, but everyone was fucking that nigga, so I thought one more person couldn’t hurt anybody. Plus, I always resented the relationship Daisy had with Angel. I mean the bitch was my sister, yet she was always on my cousin’s side whenever we had an argument. I also wanted a little payback for her not being loyal to me. Well guess what? Payback is a mother and I was the one who was paying. That asshole Carter gave me HIV. He was my sister’s man and while she is virus free, I was living with the disease.

I knew it was wrong to be going around giving unsuspecting men the virus
, but I figured since it was a man who had given it to me, I should return it to all the rest of those assholes. It wasn’t as if I was infecting decent men. I chose to work in the strip club, so that I could pass it on to all the lowlifes who wanted to demean us women. I was also stacking up my paper while I did a service to humanity. Turned out that the same place I was picking victims was where I’d been picked by a bigger predator. Now I was the victim.

I was scared out of my mind of Dread. The nigga was like a ticking time bomb. One
minute he was being sweet to me and I would enjoy the perks of our relationship. He would do things like take me shopping, take me to dinner at expensive restaurants and throw money at me. The next minute it was like Mr. Hyde had taken over from Dr. Jekyll. He would become volatile and my only reward was a beat down if I so much as breathed the wrong way.

I didn’t know what to do
, because I couldn’t get away from him. He lived in a mansion in the countryside surrounded by high walls and a guarded gate. He had taken my cell phone, denied me use of the internet and set Jeff to watching me. If I so much as wanted to take a piss it seemed that the bodyguard/driver was there making sure I wasn’t drowning myself in the bath tub, or slitting my wrist with a razor to get away from the crazy fucker. I didn’t know how much more of that shit I could take. I was living on the edge of my nerves wondering when Dread would blow up next. I was also fretting that he was going to find out that I gave him HIV. The fear was taking a huge toll on me and I was sure by the end of my stay I was going to develop ulcers.

I was in the kitchen trying to get something to drink
, because I couldn’t sleep when Jeff walked into the room.

“You should go back to your r
oom Keya,” he warned. “The boss won’t like you being down here right now.” I should have known he would be lurking in the shadows ready to exile me back to the four walls that were my prison. 

“Why doesn’t he want me down here right now?” I inquired curiously. The fact that Dread didn’t want me downstairs at the mom
ent quickly caught my attention, because it meant he was up to something that I wasn’t supposed to be privy to. Whatever it was I wanted to know.

“Don’t worry about that. Just get what you need and go back upstairs.”

“What are you doing down here?” Dread’s annoying niece interrupted our conversation. Her tone was rife with suspicion as she glared at me.

“What does it look like I’m doing,” I snapped at her. I mean it s
hould have been obvious since I was holding a cup of juice.

“I’m about to head up to bed,” Jeff mumbled, making a hasty retreat. All the staff stayed away from Lee because she was the boss’s precious niece and she was one vindictive bitch. Last week Dread shot one of his cronies in both kneecaps
, because she complained that he kept undressing her with his eyes.

She rolled her eyes at me. “Bitch you better
chill your hoe ass out. I’m sure my uncle won’t appreciate you talking to me like that.”

If we were on the street I would have popped her in her smug face
, but I knew that Dread would really beat my ass if I hit her, so I held in my anger.

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