Mad Season

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Authors: Katia Wildermann

BOOK: Mad Season
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Drifting Sinners


Wayward Angels




Katia Wildermann


Copyright © 2015 Katia Wildermann

All rights reserved.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, business establishments, or events is entirely coincidental.

Cover Design by Katia Wildermann & Dana Lamothe

(Designs by Dana - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)



Author's Note

This novella has sex in it. I can't be bothered to write about responsible sex. The characters are going at it without talk of condoms and STDs.

It's fiction. They're going to be okay.

As a real-life person, I don't recommend unsafe sexual practices. If you go out ballin', use a condom. STDs and babies are kind of a big deal in real life.

But within the confines of this book, it's okay to pretend to be as bold as Lyla, Callum and Adam. Throw caution to the wind and enjoy them as much as they enjoy each other. I'm not going to bog the hotness down with talk of foil packets and birth control pills or whatever else.

I promise, it is blunt, dirty-sweet and has a happy ending for all. So enjoy!



"You can't be serious," Lyla Mason said, staring across the desk at her boss.

Dean Kincaid pushed the file at her. "You're the best cleaner we've got, Lyla. Callum Reed is the biggest account we've managed to land, and we need the best."

Reluctantly, Lyla opened the file and was immediately treated to a picture of an impressively erect penis, attached to a tweet from @i<3randyboys that read
"Guess who sexted me a pic of his junk!!! #CallumReed #MMAbadboy."

"Jesus," she muttered, slapping the file shut. "This guy could break us, you know."

Kincaid & Masters were very much new kids on the block in the cutthroat field of public relations in Las Vegas, and while they had been building a solid reputation as a firm that got results, one nightmare client could bring it all crashing down.

"Then you had better make sure he doesn't."

"But...," she said, trying one last time to back out.

"He could make us, too, Lyla. If we can show the world that we can turn Callum Reed into a
household name, clients will be lined up down the street to get on our list. I know you're up to the challenge. Daniel and I agree that a success here could net you a partnership. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Lyla frowned. Dangling a partnership in front of her now, after she'd been promised one and denied at her last firm, was tantamount to emotional blackmail. Kincaid & Masters had come to her rescue after she'd been fired from working at Jackson & Jackson and no one else in town would hire her.

As horrible as it had been, getting fired was the best thing to come out of that job. She'd let herself get talked into sleeping with the boss—both of them—but the sex had never been good. It had been all about pleasing the father and son, and not about filling any of

New in town and lonely, she had fallen for the classic "my wife's a frigid bitch and I'm leaving her" line from Jackson Junior, and before she knew it Junior was sharing her with Senior. They'd used her guilt and remorse to keep her in line, along with the fear of losing her job. Having their wives find out had just been the catalyst to get her out of a crappy situation. They'd fired her for "non-performance" to save a scandal, although everyone in town knew there was more to the story than that.

She had come away from the whole experience determined not to get screwed over again.

Looking at Dean now, he nodded as if to say he knew what she was thinking. He knew she'd never find another job anywhere in the business if she lost her job here, or quit over not being willing to take on a client. He had her over a barrel and they both knew it.

"What if I fuck it up?" she asked, licking her suddenly dry lips.

fuck it up," Dean said with a deceptively pleasant smile. "I would take failing with Reed to mean that you're really just not cut out for this profession."

. Well, at least she knew the score. At Jackson & Jackson, they'd strung her along, blithely making promises while they shoved their dicks in her ass. She'd been totally taken in by Junior's charm, and then Senior's bullying and bullshit.

She lifted the folder off Kincaid's desk and he smiled in victory.

"Do your best," he admonished, before returning his attention to his monitor.

Lyla checked her watch, seeing that she had just enough time to catch the usual bus home, if she hurried. She had the long ride home to think about her predicament.

She'd take a better look at the file when she got home, and Google Reed to see what she'd just been stuck with. Maybe it wasn't as bad as she'd been led to believe.

Yeah, right


Adam Rhodes heard his neighbor's door open and close, and he glanced at the clock on the wall and smiled. Lyla was as reliable as clockwork. Every night, almost without fail, he could lift one earpiece out and turn down the volume of whatever game he was playing to hear her walk in her door.

He used to hate the paper-thin walls of his studio apartment, but all that had changed shortly after the redhead had moved in next door.

"Gotta go," he said quietly into his headset, and logged off mid-gunfight, but not before he heard
laugh and say, "Pervert."

All his gaming buddies knew to expect his absence for a least an hour after Lyla got home.

With a couple keystrokes he had piggybacked onto her wireless router and hacked into her webcam, anxiously waiting the few seconds for the system to link up. Just seeing her as she crossed into the camera's field of vision caused his dick to go half-wood on him.

God, she was sexy. His favorite moment was coming, now. She'd taken off her blazer and was reaching up to unpin her hair.

"Oh yeah," he whispered as the long red locks fell about her shoulders and she shook them out.

He had long ago stopped feeling bad for watching her without her knowledge. In the earliest days after she moved in a year ago, he'd tried to resist hacking her system. He'd even visited her under the pretext of the friendly neighbor helping her secure her system, but the devil had made him leave a back door....

Sometimes he even pretended she knew he was watching, the intimacy of the moments he witnessed were so powerful. And she surely suspected the kitten statue he'd given her for Christmas and insisted on putting on a particular shelf—the shelf that had the best alternate view of her—was more than just a statue.

Lyla was unbuttoning her blouse now, standing in perfect view of the camera he'd dubbed the "pussy cam." He watched, mesmerized, as more and more of her creamy flesh was revealed. He savored the moment her belly piercing became visible. Unbuttoning his 501s, he pulled his cock out, making the most of the moments before she slipped on her camisole. He wrapped his hand around his fevered flesh and tugged, inhaling at the sight of her nipples as she pulled her bra off.

She let the cami slide down her upraised arms, and Adam imagined it was his hands running along her flesh as he tugged a little harder, his breath coming more quickly.

That rockin' body of hers in that camisole had sealed the desire he'd had to see more of her after he'd caught her ducking into the hall to fetch her paper one Sunday. Between that glimpse of her and hearing her giving her vibrator a workout nearly every had been impossible to resist getting a better look at her.

She must have had a rough day,
he thought as he watched her pause in her undressing to pour herself a glass of wine. Then, after setting the glass on the desk, she unzipped and shimmied out of the pencil skirt, leaving the fabric puddled on the floor in front of the bed.

Adam used to hate living in a studio and not being able to separate his bedroom from his living room, but ever since he'd started spying on Lyla, he was glad she had the same setup.

to know he was watching her. Why else would she change clothes like that immediately upon getting home from work?

Instead of turning on the TV or fixing herself something to eat, Lyla sat down in front of her laptop computer, giving Adam a good look at her lovely face as she looked down at something she'd placed on the desk. Adam checked the other monitor and saw it was a file folder of some sort, but the angle was wrong for him to see what it was.

Must be work related
, he decided. It didn't matter, though. Lyla was hot no matter what she was doing.

She frowned as she looked up from the file and Adam jumped. It totally looked like she was frowning at him, even though he knew that was stupid. She woke her computer with a shake of the mouse and clicked on something, then typed a few words. Adam let go of himself long enough to break into her screen so he could see what she was up to.

It was his turn to frown when he saw that she'd Googled Callum Reed, the MMA fighter. Why would she be interested in him? Then he saw her glance down at the file on her desk, and realized he must be a new work project for her. The images and news stories that came up in that simple search told Adam she'd have her hands full managing that guy's image.

She was looking at the screen again, and he saw the familiar look of desire cross her face as she licked her lips. His cock jumped in response, and he grasped it firmly, feeling a drop of pre-cum gathering at the tip.

God, what I'd give to have her look at me like that!
Lyla had never been rude to him, but she'd never shown him any real warmth, either. He glanced at the mirrored image of her screen and saw she'd opened up a picture of a huge cock, identified as Reed's.

Oh yeah,
he thought, and bit his own lip as he anticipated what she was about to do. This was his lucky day. Lyla
her cock pictures.

Sure enough, she pushed herself away from the desk. Adam turned to the "pussy cam" monitor and watched as she reached between her legs and pushed her lace panties aside to run her finger down into the folds of her sex. That's one of the things he loved about Lyla. She didn't fiddle around; she went straight for the prize.

He lengthened the stroke of his hand on his cock, using his own pre-cum to lubricate himself, feeling it stiffen exponentially at the sight of her tipping her head back briefly in pleasure.

She must already be wet, he realized. She hadn't even had to lick her fingers as she spread the lips of her pussy open with two fingers and slipped a third finger inside. He had the perfect vantage to watch her delicate digits working against the pink flesh of the most beautiful pussy he'd ever had the pleasure of jerking off to.

Through the headset, he heard her sigh as she gazed back at the dick on the screen, and it wasn't hard to imagine she was biting her lip just for him.

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