Mad Season (6 page)

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Authors: Katia Wildermann

BOOK: Mad Season
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Knowing how Adam could always hear when she unlocked her door, Lyla decided she'd just walk in over at his apartment. Leaving them alone had been a spur of the moment inspiration, and she was curious to see if Adam had acted on the opportunity. After all, it had taken him nearly a year to engage her—and even then it had been her initiative.

Setting the three bags of Chinese takeout quietly outside her door, she tiptoed over to Adam's door and pressed her ear against it, listening intently. She thought she heard some rustling noises, but she wasn't sure.

Suddenly uncertain whether she should knock or just walk in, she decided on the latter, sticking to her original plan. If they weren't up to anything, it wouldn't be a big deal, and if they were, well....

She smiled. Maybe she'd just have to join in.

Casually swinging the door wide, she frowned when she didn't see them on the bed or in front of the computer, where she'd expected them to be. Then she heard a snort of laughter and she looked to her right to find both of them looking up at her from the couch, each with his own dick in hand.
what she had expected.

"What's this?" she asked. "Circle jerk?"

Cal snorted in laughter again, and Adam actually blushed. "Kind of. We were just thinking...."

Cal kicked sideways at Adam's leg and he glanced over at him in surprise, then his mouth formed a little "o" and he clicked his teeth shut over whatever it was he'd been about to say.

She moved into the room until she was standing over them, hands on her hips. "Is that how this is going to be?"

They looked at each other again, and Cal burst out laughing. Adam chuckled, shaking his head to indicate he didn't have anything to say.

"Fine," she said evenly. "Either of you need any help with those? Or do we just go eat? Dinner's going to get cold."

"I'm fuckin' starving," Cal said, jumping to his feet and tucking his flaccid cock into his pants. "I haven't eaten all day."

Lyla raised her eyebrow at Adam, noting his cock wasn't quite so soft, but he stood up with a sigh.

"It'll keep," he said, chucking her under the chin before pulling his pants up, too. "Let me grab some beers, I'll be right over."

"I hope you both like Chinese," she said, loud enough for them both to hear as she headed for the door to her apartment. "I got a large assortment since I don't know what you each like." She paused a moment. "Make sure you both wash your hands!"


Lyla sighed in her sleep, frowning slightly as she realized she'd left the television on. Some show with men talking about fighting. Or fucking. Or both, she wasn't sure.

She sighed again, moving her head only to find it was resting on flesh. Hard, smooth, muscled, familiar flesh. Her fingers brushed across a nipple that instantly pebbled beneath her touch, and she smiled.

"Cal?" she asked sleepily. She knew that chest. He had been flaunting it at her all day. All evening, too. Memories began to rise out of the fog of sleep.

They'd talked late into the evening, eating Chinese food, drinking beer and the sake she'd brought, and laughing. The topics had ranged from Cal's last few fights, to Call of Duty and Adam programming the content scrubber, to her stint working at Jackson & Jackson. She hadn't wanted to talk about it, but the boys were persistent. They had laughed, but more about the two jackasses who didn't know what to do with a sex kitten like Lyla.

But her lack of sleep the night before had taken its toll, and she had fallen asleep quite against her will.

She wasn't sure what time it was, or why Cal was still with her, but then she remembered his apartment still wasn't ready.

"Oh, god," she groaned. "All that talk about the jackasses.... I had the worst dream. You know those dreams where you're horny as hell, but you never quite get off...."

She felt as much as heard Cal chuckle, and felt his fingers stroke her cheek. "Those are the worst," he agreed.

She sighed again as Cal continued to stroke her, his fingers brushing across the pulse in her throat, down lower to the hollow of her shoulder, and down farther to her breast, which suddenly ached for his touch. His other hand cradled her head to his chest, fingers stroking through her hair.

"Ah," she murmured, not stopping to wonder when—or how—she'd gotten naked. "This is nice."

She felt a hand come to rest on her waist and froze. Last thing she knew, Cal only had two hands. But the third hand drifted closer to her sex, which betrayed her by quivering in anticipation, slick moisture already starting to make her ready for anything.

Fluttering her eyes open, Lyla took in her surroundings. She was in her own bed, the studio lit by the earliest signs of daylight coming in through her sheer curtains. She was nestled in Cal's lap, his erection building and pushing against her ass cheeks. He was sitting up, leaning against the wall, an indulgent smile on his face.

She looked down as the third hand stirred a deep heat inside her. One, then two fingers slid through her folds to rub against her girl button. She gasped, her gaze following the arm up to its owner to find Adam grinning at her.

"Hey," he said in a voice that could melt sugar. His fingers continued to move in a magical way, stimulating her clit while dipping into her heat, making her gasp again.

"Wait, Adam," she panted, clutching Cal's arms in a fit of uncertainty.

"What's wrong, lover?" he asked, but he didn't stop.

"Why are you still here? I mean, you aren't upset about me and Cal getting busy together? Did you two talk about it? I thought we might all want to talk about it before things get even more complicated."

"Did you?" Adam asked, continuing to finger fuck her while Cal massaged her breasts until it was too hard to concentrate. "You're safe, here. No one in this town knows you better than I do, Lyla, and Cal is smitten with you, aren't you Cal?"

Cal nodded, leaning down to nuzzle her cheek.

"Nothing matters except you, me, and Cal, and right now, we are here for you. We understand that jackass duo couldn't satisfy a rock much less a sexy horndog like you, so we are going to fuck you until you beg us to stop."

"Ah, hell," she whimpered. "Talking can wait."

"I thought so," Adam growled. He shifted, and he and Cal worked together to turn her so her back was to Cal, spreading her legs so Adam could move in close. She could feel Cal's hard-on like she was straddling a fence rail, and she looked down to see the tip of his cock peeking out between her legs.

How is that going to work?
she wondered, but her curiosity didn't last long as Adam moved in, adding his tongue to the fingers that hadn't left her for even one second. She gasped and writhed at the feel of Adam's tongue applying delicious friction to her clit.

When Adam brought his other hand in, she heard Cal grunt in pleasure, and she realized Adam was treating Cal to some of his magical hands, too.


Lyla threw her head back, almost head-butting Cal, but he tilted his head just in time.

Adam must really be working his magic
, he thought, with a hint of envy. He knew this was supposed to be all about Lyla, but still....

Cal could appreciate Lyla's sexual frustration. Masturbation was a poor substitute for the real thing, but damn, he was so turned on right now it was hard to not focus on himself. For maybe the first time in his life he tried to restrain himself to activities that would bring them

He continued to massage Lyla's breasts, teasing her nipples into taut peaks and pulling on them, making her cry out for more.

Nuzzling his mouth near her ear, he whispered, "You are so fucking beautiful Lyla. You could give a monk a hard-on. Do you know how much I'm getting off just seeing Adam work you over? I can't wait until it is my turn to taste you."

He jerked with pleasure himself when Adam—as if reading his mind—took a moment to draw his cock into his mouth, letting his teeth graze the tip. Cal's eyes rolled back in his head at the promise of pressure that never quite manifested. God, he loved getting teased like that.

Lyla was writhing in his lap, her silky cheeks grinding against him, adding to the building sensations. He was ready to rocket into space, but he grit his teeth and thought of "The Price is Right" to keep from coming too soon.
Yeah, nothing sexy about Drew Carey.

When Adam let go of his cock, Cal lifted Lyla just enough to get her in position, and Adam helpfully guided his cock into her tight hole. Adam must have been working her over good, because she didn't even tense up as he slowly pushed inside her. He could get used to having that kind of help—Adam had said Lyla wasn't against anal, but this was the easiest time he'd ever had getting into a woman's back door.

Holy fuck, her ass felt so good clenched around his dick. He was panting now as he lifted her off him, then back down his shaft. He looked over her shoulder to see Adam looking up at him from where he was laving her pussy with his tongue.

Adam winked, then tugged Cal's legs down straight and climbed up to straddle them, keeping Lyla's legs around his waist as he drove into her pussy with one deep thrust. Their balls crashed together, and Cal found that exhilarating, being so close to another man with just a hot redhead between them.

Adam kissed Lyla as she mewled in the throes of passion, then he leaned over her shoulder to kiss Cal, too.

Oh holy hell, this is hot!
Cal thought, not caring in the least that he was kissing another man for the first time. "I'm gonna cum," he whimpered.

Lyla clenched around him as Adam withdrew from her and then slammed home again. She cried out, obviously tipping over the edge of passion while Adam kissed Cal again, moaning into his mouth as his orgasm took him, too. That was all it took. Cal exploded into a million shattered pieces of pleasure as his cock throbbed and released his cum into Lyla's ass.

"Oh my god," Lyla panted, slumping back against Cal. Adam released Cal so he could kiss her, too, and then the three of them, still connected in that most primal of ways, shared several heartbeats of pure bliss.

"Satisfied, lover?" Adam asked, turning from Lyla to Cal to include them both in his question.

"Oh hell yeah," said Cal.

"Mmm hmmm," Lyla sighed. "I probably won't be able to walk for a couple hours, but yeah. Me too."

Adam lifted her off Cal's cock, kissing and stroking her hair, then carried her to the bathroom. Cal slowly eased himself off the bed and followed.

That was one hell of a three way
, he thought, wondering if it was something that could ever be duplicated.



Adam lay on one side of Lyla, running his hand up and down her arm in tender strokes, every once in a while meeting Cal's hand and stroking up his arm. They made a sexy sandwich, lying side-by-side-by-side in a tangle of naked limbs on Lyla's bed. The other two had drifted off to sleep, but Adam found himself wide-awake.

He hadn't felt this alive in a long time.

Sure, he enjoyed gaming, and he enjoyed the challenge of designing and programming new games, and the occasional hacking job that came his way. But since he'd met Lyla, he'd begun to suspect that there was more to life than computers. More value to true face-to-face human interaction than he could get talking to his buddies while they fought it out on alien planets, blowing each other up.

And sure, much of what he knew about Lyla came from watching her through the pussy cam, not to mention checking out the things she searched for on the web that turned her on. He spent hours at a time with a webcam window open so could feel like she was sleeping in the same room while he worked.

But he had been working his way into her real life, they'd talked about real life issues, and now that they had come together in the most intimate way, he was hooked. Even tonight, sharing her with Cal, he couldn't help but think he had been in the perfect place at the perfect moment in his life.

He wouldn't call it love. He figured he was too old and wise to fall in love, but there was a measure of contentedness in his heart that hadn't been there before.

Cal had been a complete and pleasant surprise, but Adam held no illusions that the fighter would stick to the plan Lyla had laid out for him without screwing up. He
pull it off, but frankly, Adam wasn't optimistic.

He'd spent the better part of yesterday using his spiders to search out and remove compromising photos and videos from the web, and there had been more than three hundred unique photos already posted out there, and probably another one hundred out in the Cloud that had lapsed or hadn't yet been posted.

At Lyla's request, he had left a few choice photos out there—the party photos from
Cal took his shirt off, and the video of him helping a disabled, homeless vet cross the street—but so many of them showed a lewd, indecent drunk who didn't know what he was doing with his life.

He was a real lost soul, as Lyla had said.

Adam had spoken the truth, earlier, when he'd said that if anyone could sort Cal out, it would be Lyla. But at what cost to Lyla?

For his part, Adam decided he would continue to just be with her. Be there for her as she dealt with whatever came at her. And he realized he was going to need to tell her, to make sure she knew what he had been doing, watching her all this time. It was time to come clean.


A cell phone buzzed on the end table, rousing Cal, as the closest of them to it. He disentangled his hand from Adam's grip and reached over to pick it up. Without thinking, he swiped his thumb across the screen and put it up to his ear.

"What?" he said groggily, bringing his other hand up to rub his head.

For a moment, there was only silence on the other end of the line. Then, "Mr. Reed?"

"Who wants to know?"

Silence again. Then, "This is Dean Kincaid. Ms. Mason is late for work. Can you put her on the phone, please?"

Cal frowned. "Who is

"For fuck's sake. Put Lyla on the phone."

Kincaid's sharp tone finally registered with him, and he began to realize what was being said. And that he wasn't speaking into his own phone.

"Shit. Hang on."

He shook Red's shoulder and she groaned, batting at his hand. He shook her again. "It's your boss, Red."

That got her attention. She sat straight up, grabbing the phone out of his hand and turning it to look at the screen. "Mr. Kincaid," she said.

Cal could only hear a tinny voice coming through the speaker. He couldn't make out what he was saying, only that the tone was disapproving and harsh.

"No, sir," she said at length. Another tirade before she spoke again. "We did shop, sir.... No. It's not like that. His apartment was empty...."

She turned to glare at Cal, and he suspected she was learning that his things had indeed been brought over yesterday. He grinned sheepishly at her and she frowned, reaching up to rub her forehead as she continued to listen. Then, "I understand, sir. I'll come by to collect my things."

"What?" Cal sat up himself, grabbing the phone out of her hand before she could hang up. "Did you just fire her?" he asked into the phone.

Kincaid's voice sounded surprised to hear his question. "As a matter of fact, Mr. Reed, I did. Ms. Mason's inability to...." Cal stopped listening. It was all gibberish.

"I won't let you do that," he said. "I work with Red, or you can shove your damn contract up your ass. Period. She
come by, and I'll be with her to make sure you are reasonable." He took the phone away from his ear and stabbed at the end call button.

Lyla stared at him. By this time Adam was awake too, watching from where he lay against the pillows.

"What?" Cal said. "I thought it was my phone."

"Not that," Lyla said. "You'd really go in breach of contract for me?"

He shrugged, suddenly realizing that was exactly what he'd said, and exactly what he would do.

"I'll pay you directly if it comes to that. Lyla Mason, best damn PR agent in Vegas. Fuck Kincaid."

She stared at him in shock. "You remembered my name. My whole name."

He shrugged. "I remember my friend's names. You and Adam are good people, and I'm happy to count you as friends. Let's not make a big deal out of it, all right?"

"Okay," she said with a laugh, but still hugged him. "Thanks."

"So what now?" Adam asked, putting his hands behind his head and watching them with a nonchalance Cal couldn't believe he really felt.

"I guess I go in and face the music," Red said, turning so she could see both of them. "As awesome as last night and this morning was.... I hate to think it was a mistake, but Dean is right. I shouldn't be sleeping with a client, no matter how hot he is."

That stung, but Cal could see the reality of the situation. He had been having fun pursuing her yesterday, but it had been her job that was on the line. Callum Reed the MMA fighter was her client, and as Adam had said, it was a big deal for her. For her livelihood.

He said two words that he hadn't said in years. "I'm sorry. Sorry that you might lose your job, but I meant what I said. Kincaid will lose me as a client if he fires you. I shouldn't have fucked with your job, Red, but I don't regret fucking you."

There. It could have been more poetic, but that was how he felt.

She stared at him without saying a word until he started to feel self-conscious. He fidgeted with a corner of a pillow before turning to Adam.

"A little help here, bro?"

"Actually, I have a plan."


Lyla felt curiously detached from her body as she looked between Cal and Adam. For starters, just waking up to two gorgeous, hot, naked men in her bed should have made for a glorious start to her day. But reality had come crashing back when her boss called and Cal had answered.

There was no backpedaling, no excuses. Dean had called her on it immediately.

Hearing Cal say he would break contract to keep her was something like a Cinderella moment, but it was also a little horrifying. Was she supposed to be his pet? Kept around to make him look good,
feel good?

Even as she had that thought, she realized it was unfair. Cal had never been anything but direct and honest, and he was a beautiful soul in his own unique way.

"What plan?" she asked.

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