Mad Season (2 page)

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Authors: Katia Wildermann

BOOK: Mad Season
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Lyla sighed again, reaching both hands into her panties now, spreading herself wide with the fingers of her left hand while the fingers of her right hand circled her clit, alternately rubbing the throbbing nerve bundle and dipping into her cleft, bringing more juices out to stimulate herself further.

She groaned at the sensations she was creating in herself. Since she'd moved to Sin City she hadn't had time to hook up with anyone, not to mention find a boyfriend. She'd been too busy, first trying to satisfy two men who had never satisfied her, then trying to find a new job, and doing her best to keep it without having to sleep with her new bosses.

She heard a thump next door and smiled. Adam. She looked straight at the statue of the kitten he'd given her and spread her legs wider, propping one foot up on her bed and licking her lips again as she dipped her fingers further inside herself.

It should freak her out, she knew, that her cute-in-a-nerdy-way neighbor had given her a spy-cam. And it had, when she first started hearing suspicious sounds through his wall shortly after he'd given it to her. Sounds that always corresponded with her masturbation sessions.

He'd all but told her that's what the kitten was when he gave it to her. He'd said it was so she wouldn't feel lonely, that she could look at it and know he was watching out for her. And for some reason, she hadn't confronted him with the truth, and hadn't discarded or destroyed the device. In fact, knowing he was watching turned her on even more.

They'd never spoken about their activities. She'd always hoped he would come over one of these days and give her a good dicking. She was getting tired of her toys and pleasuring herself.

Why not tonight?
she thought, glancing at the picture on her screen again. If she was going to have to deal with a troublemaker like Reed, she'd best not go into it too horny to be able to keep her hands to herself.

"God, I need to get laid," she said aloud, looking straight at the kitten again.

A louder thump, followed by a crash, made her smile even broader. Oh yeah, that nerd next door was totally primed to come and take care of her needs. She hoped he had as big a cock as his package promised.

She reached for her phone to send him a text.

You okay?

It was a moment, accented by another thud, before the response came back.

Yeah. Knocked one of my monitors over.

She hesitated a moment before she responded.

Need me to come fuck you?

She could always claim autocorrect if it didn't go down the way she was hoping. She looked back at the kitten and continued stroking herself, arching her back at the pleasure. "I need to feel a dick inside me," she said, pouting for him.

My door's unlocked.

It was a safe response from him. He was letting her choose, without giving himself away...yet. If she went over there and found him with a hard-on, she would definitely take advantage of that.

She sat up quickly and adjusted her panties, then took a big gulp of wine for just that extra bit of courage she'd need to actually go out the door.

Courage bolstered, she stood and crossed to her door, opened it, and peered out into the hallway. Adam lived in the corner apartment at the end of a short hall, and the two-bedroom unit across the way was vacant. There were only the three doors on this wing, and Lyla felt confident that she could make it to his door without being seen. Which was a good thing. If she'd had to stop and put on some clothes, she might back out.

She slipped out her door and into his in seconds, pushing the door closed behind her and leaning against it, looking around. The room was dim—she didn't think he ever opened his curtains—and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust enough to see him leaning over his desk, his face lit by the dual monitors in the moments before they went dark.

He was going to try to play it cool.

"Adam," she said breathlessly.
Show me
, she wanted to say. But she didn't want to ruin her chances to get fucked tonight. That could come later.

"Lyla," he said, and she saw his jeans were unbuttoned enough to show the tip of a cock poking out the top. She licked her lips.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Her pussy still tingled from her fingers, and the fabric of her damp panties only stirred her up more.

"No, I...."

She pouted at him. "I was hoping to take advantage of that," she said, pointing at his package. She moved away from the door and closer to him. He stood up straight and adjusted himself, a smile creeping onto his lips. "It's been ages since I've been properly fucked."

She could hardly believe she was saying things like that aloud. Of course, it was part of the reason she'd gotten in trouble at Jackson & Jackson. She had a hard time filtering the things she said, and the younger Jackson had been hot. But right now, Adam—with his dark brown curls and blue eyes—was hotter.

She watched his face closely, hoping she hadn't been wrong. Maybe the kitten statue really was just a statue....

But before she could work herself up into too much of a state, Adam smiled.

"I can take care of that."

She heaved a sigh of relief. "Good."

Without further ado, she walked up to him and pushed the jeans down on his hips, exposing a cock that was erect and every bit as magnificent as she had imagined whenever she'd surreptitiously checked her neighbor out.

He gave a little grunt of surprise, but didn't stop her. In seconds she had her hands wrapped around the hard length of him, stroking him to even greater rigidity.

Her name on his lips was gratifying to hear. "Lyla."


Adam could hardly believe Lyla was in his apartment with him, not only barely wearing any clothes, but stroking his cock so persuasively he wondered if he was somehow dreaming. He put his hands on her shoulders as much to convince himself he was awake as to steady himself against the sudden wobbly feeling in his knees.

"I need a favor," she said, and he looked down into her eyes, losing himself in the heat he saw there.

"Anything," he said, and realized it was true. He would step in front of a firing squad for her, as long as they pulled the trigger while her hands were still on him.

Or something
, he thought, realizing the outcome of that little scenario hardly made sense. But that was what she did to his normally logical mind.

"I need you to fuck me," she said, looking him straight in the eye. "No strings, no drama, just hot sex. Can you do that? I really need you to do that."

"Hell, Lyla. That's every man's dream," he said. "I've been dreaming of that very thing for a while."

"Good," she said again, and pushed him backwards onto the bed so she could pull his 501s all the way off. Once the jeans were on the floor, she prowled her way up his body until she was straddling him, hands on either side of his shoulders, briefly grinding her sex against his erection. Her stare was almost ferocious as she seemed to be waiting for him to make a move.

With little hesitation, he put his hands on the thin strings of her panties and pulled out to the sides, stretching the fabric until he heard a ripping sound, and there was no longer any resistance to him pulling the scrap of material away from her. She closed her eyes with a sigh as he deliberately pulled the remains of the garment up between her legs, drawing the material through the folds of her sex and feeling the damp material gathering in his hands.

"Yeah," she whispered. "Oh yeah."

Tossing the ruined panties to the side, he put his hands on her hips and pushed up, suggesting that she lift herself off him so he could get busy with the part where he fucked her. She obliged and as she raised up, he reached between them and positioned himself at her hot entrance. He thought he might have to work a little to spread the wetness around, but she was so ready that she just lowered herself onto him with a moan, sliding home with the perfect amount of friction.

She was hot and tight around him, clenching her muscles and squeezing as she lifted back up his length, and he was afraid for a minute that he was going to blow his wad right then. It had been far too long since he'd been enveloped by anything other than his own hand, and this...this was heaven.

In an effort to distract himself from reaching orgasm too fast, he reached up and palmed her breasts through the silky material of the camisole. Touching them for real beat any fantasy he'd entertained while watching her through her webcam. The material warmed under his hands, and he felt her nipples tighten under the friction created while she rode up and down his shaft.

Her breasts were smallish, and fit in his hands perfectly. He pinched both nipples gently and she gasped.

"Harder," she said. "They won't break."

He did as she requested, and she moaned and paused in her ride to grind her pelvis against his.

"Lyla," he gasped. "If you want this to last, you'll have to...."

"Nonsense," she said. "Just stay with me. I have faith in you."

"You hardly know me," he said, another gasp escaping as she ground against him again.

"I can tell." He didn't have time to wonder at her confidence as she leaned forward close enough to kiss him. Her mouth tasted of wine and her tongue ran along the seam of his lips, demanding entry. He couldn't do anything but comply.

She was right. That kiss was searing hot, and it consumed him so that, even while he was aware of her body matching the movement of his own, he could only hang on for the ride.

She broke the kiss and sat up, moaning as her entire body tensed around him. She grasped his hands to steady herself, and he found himself watching the curve of her neck as she threw her head back, shuddering with her release. As if she'd granted him permission, he felt himself carried away with her orgasm and let himself go, too.

"Jesus, Lyla," he said, tugging on her hands so he could bring her down to kiss him again.

She shuddered again, grinding herself against him, milking him for every ounce of energy she could take. And he let her.

"Adam," she said, a note of contentment in her voice as she looked into his eyes. She didn't look like she was in any kind of hurry to move. "That was awesome."

"Yes," he agreed, and kissed her.



Callum Reed grunted as the woman's teeth grazed the tip of his cock again, and he couldn't help it. He shot his load into her mouth and she lapped it up, every drop.

"Good god, baby, that was great." He couldn't remember her name. He could never remember their names.

She smiled up at him, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked like she was going to say something and he stood abruptly, pulling up his shorts. "Got a big day tomorrow, baby. Have to get my beauty rest, you know." He chuckled to forestall any arguments. "See Trevor on your way out if you need anything."

The woman pouted, but he held out his hand to help her to her feet and she stood. "Really, baby. Thanks to you I'll sleep well." He was repeating himself, but he didn't want her to talk. Especially when all he could imagine was his cum in the back of her throat, garbling her words. He all but pushed her out the door.

It wasn't that he hadn't enjoyed himself, but this deal Trevor had been working on for him was bumming him out. How was he supposed to feel good about a blowjob when he was worried whether or not pictures would somehow end up online? It wasn't as if he was out there fishing for social media whores, whose sole aim in life was to get a picture of themselves half-naked on the internet with a celebrity. They just found him, and yeah, he wasn't hard to persuade to chase a skirt or two to see where he ended up.

But now his trainer had found him a PR agent? Someone who was going to make his life a living hell until he stopped trying to get laid altogether?

That wasn't going to work for him. Nights like tonight, when his opponent only lasted one round and he was still so jazzed up and wired in his "fight-mind" that he wouldn't have been able to sleep without some kind of release. And since street fighting was worse for his reputation—and freedom—than spreading the love, he had always just kept his hands in his pockets and his dick wet.

Trevor wanted him to stop that, too? Trevor didn't know it, but it was like asking a volcano not to erupt. He couldn't keep that kind of energy bottled up and only let it out in the cage. Not when his star was on the rise and it seemed like no one could touch him.

Once the woman left his room, he heard her speaking briefly to Trevor in the adjoining room. He hoped Trevor wasn't asking to check her phone's camera. He was going to get a reputation with the ladies as more trouble than he was worth.

But...out of sight, out of mind.

All Callum wanted right now was to shower and hit the sack. His "big day" tomorrow was a meeting with the PR firm Trevor had hired to help him clean up his image. He understood that he needed to land good sponsors, the kind who would get him into the fights that would take him to the championship. Good sponsors required an athlete who wasn't a waste of skin.

The only thing he wanted more than
going to the PR firm was to get to the championship, so he had agreed to go. But he didn't have to like it.


Lyla knew she should get up, try and put some distance between the two of them, but Adam felt so good inside her that she really didn't want to move. He didn't seem to mind, just wrapped his arms around her as she collapsed against his chest and they lay skin on skin, breath and heartbeats slowing together.

Well, that's new and pleasant
, she thought. She couldn't remember ever sticking around long enough to cuddle with a guy she'd just thrown herself at. She thought she was beginning to understand the appeal.

"So," he said after a bit, "rough day?"

He was stroking his hands up and down her back, lulling her into near somnolence.

"Yeah," she said slowly. "You could definitely say that. I got assigned a new client at work at the last minute. He's going to be a handful." She and Adam had talked enough over the year since she'd moved in that he knew she did PR for public figures. "You ever hear of Callum Reed?"

"Who hasn't? He's hot," he said, then paused. "He's a hot mess. I assume you saw that tweet today before it got taken down?"

"Hmm. One of many, I'm afraid. Problem is, stuff like that never really goes away. Twitter can take it down, but it's probably in the Cloud where half a billion users can just reach out and grab it."

"It's not completely out of reach," he said with a chuckle. "A good hacker can scrub all but the stuff that's actually been downloaded onto a secure hard drive. I can take a crack at it, if you want."

She lifted her head to look at him. She'd known he was a game designer, and a good one, but she hadn't figured he was a hacker, too. "You'd do that? For me?"

He smiled at her and lifted a finger to tap her nose. "Well, I want to meet him, of course."

For the first time since she got the news, she felt encouraged. "I think I can arrange a meeting."

His cock twitched inside her as she said that, and she lifted her eyebrows in surprise. "Does that excite you?"

Uncertainty flashed in his eyes for a moment before he nodded slowly. "Like I said, he's hot."

"Adam," she said with a playful growl. "Do you swing both ways?"

The uncertainty turned into an impish smile as he bit his lower lip ever so slightly. She could feel him growing harder inside her and she wriggled a bit to see if anything might come of it. Sure enough, she thought she might be able to get another round out of him, and that was an unexpected bonus. Most guys were one and done.

She pinched his nipples into hard peaks. "Do to take it in the ass, or give it?"

He inhaled sharply, either at her words or her teasing hands. "Either," he confessed. "What about you? Do you like to take it in the ass?"

Smiling seductively, she pushed herself upright and clenched her pussy around his rapidly engorging cock. "When I'm in the mood."

"And are you?" His hands ran along her inner thighs, teasing their way toward her pussy. "In the mood?"

"Think you can manage it?" she teased.

The words were hardly out before he'd moved, somehow lifting her with his hips and pulling his legs under himself so he could drop her onto her back, all without his dick leaving her body or dumping them off the bed.

"Oh my," she said, impressed, as he drove his now rigid dick in and out of her slick pussy a couple times, getting everything wet again with his cum and her renewed juices.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet," he growled, then pulled out and reached down to position himself at her back door. "Ready?"

"Hell yeah," she said, extremely glad she'd tried cuddling. She'd have to do it more often if it was going to lead to round two.

Adam dipped his head to kiss her as he slowly pressed his cock into her tight hole, giving her time to adjust to the size of him. Also a pleasant surprise. Most guys seemed to assume you could just ram it in there like you could a wet pussy. Must be a side-benefit of getting fucked by a guy who knew what it felt like.

Moaning, Lyla pressed her tongue into Adam's mouth and mimicked the motion of his cock entering her ass, slow and inexorable. Then as he began to piston in and out, she tangled tongues with him, reveling in the heights the friction was driving her to. This was such a different kind of pleasure than getting fucked in the pussy. It was deeper, more intense.

When a guy gets it right,
she thought,
it almost makes it worth having tried all the times when the other guys didn't.
If she had given up on anal due to all the failures, she wouldn't ever have felt this amazing....

Adam sat back and hitched her legs up, hooking her knees over his shoulders so he could go deeper, and she thrashed her head against his mattress, all other thoughts driven out of her mind as pleasure overrode everything.

"Oh god, Adam," she called, her voice rising into a fevered pitch. "Oh god, I'm ...!"

Her whole body tensed, lifting her off the mattress in ecstasy as his cock filled her and held for a moment while she clenched her ass around it, helpless to do anything but cry out at the exquisite deep climax that shook her.

"God," he said, hands kneading her hips as he held her impaled there. "You're so beautiful."

Then he began to move again, slowly at first, and she opened her eyes to see him gazing down at her with passion in his half-lidded eyes. As their eyes met, he started driving in faster, his grip moving to her waist and squeezing as he drove her into the mattress with the pounding he was giving her.

He was grunting with the effort, now, and she felt another orgasm building as she watched him watching her, saw his release building in the tension of his shoulders and the set of his jaw.

"Lyla," he growled, thrusting even harder.

God, hearing her name on his lips was enough to send her over the edge again and she screamed his name as they both tensed, each reaching the heights of ecstasy together this time.

"Lyla!" This time it was a shout as he threw back his head, holding her like that for an extended moment before he released her legs and briefly collapsed on top of her.

"Holy fuck!" he exclaimed, lifting his head to gaze at her. She noticed the sheen of sweat on his face and figured it matched her own. "That was incredible."

"So much better than having that wall between us," she said, deciding now would be a good time to get that out in the open.

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