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Authors: N.J. Walters

MadLoving (3 page)

BOOK: MadLoving
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Nevar put his arm around her shoulders, leaned down and
spoke into her ear, his breath tickling her skin. “This way.”

Her entire body clenched at his touch and her grip on her
glass increased until her fingers were almost white. She felt hot and flushed,
and it wasn’t all due to the alcohol in her drink.

No, it was all due to Nevar’s closeness. It was his fault
she her face felt flushed, that her nipples were puckered and her panties damp.
A sense of anticipation had all her senses humming.

They went partway down a short hallway, stopping in front of
a glass case that held artwork of some kind. She angled her body for a better
look. “Oh, it’s from the book.
Alice in Wonderland

Nevar stood behind her and wrapped one muscled forearm
across her front just above her breasts. Her nipples puckered into taut nubs
and she had the urge to turn around and rub them against his firm, muscled

She should have been appalled, but she was too darn aroused
to care how unlike her the thought was.

“Yes.” He leaned down and talked into her ear, pitching his
voice just above the music without shouting. “It’s a page from one of the
oldest copies of the book. I bought it when I was a kid.”

“Really?” It didn’t seem like the kind of thing that would
interest a young boy.

“My name is Hatter. My brother is named Rabbit, as in March
Hare and my name is Nevar, raven spelled backward.”

When she looked at him in question, he laughed. “You know,
like the book.” At her blank look, he continued. “Why is a raven like a writing
desk? The author intended the question to be nonsensical with no answer. But
people kept writing and asking Lewis Carroll what the answer was. He later
wrote a reply to all those who wanted to know the answer. He used the word
never in his reply, except he originally spelled it as nevar, raven backward.
It was a play on words from the original question. Some proofreader changed it
to never in a later edition and that was the end of that.”

He laughed and she felt the rumble throughout her entire
body. With her back plastered against his front and his arm around her, it was
as if she were surrounded by him. Instead of feeling awkward, it felt very

“My parents love the book and named both of us accordingly.
I grew up steeped in all things
Alice in Wonderland

“That’s amazing.” She couldn’t imagine growing up in such a
whimsical household.

“What about you?” His breath was warm against her skin. Was
it her imagination or had his lips touched her neck? Either way, goose bumps
raced down her arm in the most delicious way.

“Me?” It was getting harder to concentrate having Nevar so
close. “I was raised on a farm in the Midwest. Dairy. My parents are wonderful,
but they’re very pragmatic people.”

“No mad tea parties when you were a child?”

Allison burst out laughing at the mere thought. “No.
Never-ending chores to be done, but lots of freedom to run and play too.”

“I bet you were an adorable little girl.”

She wasn’t mistaken. His lips had caressed her neck this
time. She was suddenly fiercely glad she’d had her hair chopped off today.

“No.” Was that her voice? It sounded breathy, sexy. “I was a
tomboy, always running after my older brothers.”

Nevar started to sway with her in his arms. “Let’s dance.”
He turned her so she was facing him. “I want you in my arms.”

Allison swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes.”

Chapter Three


Nevar took the half-full glass from her hand and set it on a
nearby ledge. She blinked up at him, her blue eyes wide and filled with barely
suppressed passion. Her lips were slightly parted and begged to be kissed.

He couldn’t resist their silent invitation and leaned down
and gently pressed his lips to hers, withdrawing when she sucked in a breath.
“Come.” He slowly led her to the edge of the dance floor. He knew he had to
slow down or he’d scare her off. She was as skittish as a newborn fawn and he
felt like the Big Bad Wolf, ready to gobble her whole.

Her big eyes searched his and whatever she was looking for,
she seemed to find. She walked into his arms and he settled her close, grateful
for the slow song that pumped out over the speakers. He took one of her hands
in his and held it to his chest. His other hand he placed on her lower back.

They moved to the music, their bodies swaying in sync to the
heavy beat and to each other. They danced as though they’d been doing it
together for years. Her body fit perfectly against his. There was no awkwardness,
no hesitation as they moved to the song.

At first glance there seemed to be nothing exceptional about
Allison, but when you looked deeper it was easy to see her true beauty. She was
a little above average height with a lovely shape, but it was her face that
captivated him. Her eyes were the color of the sky on a summer day and fringed
with thick, dark lashes. Her skin was smooth and fine. Giving in to a whim, he
skimmed his fingers over her cheek.

Her lips parted when she sucked in a breath. He leaned down
and kissed her again. Her lush mouth had his brain conjuring all sorts of
wicked fantasies. She had full lips, which she’d painted a light rose. The
color suited her well.

Her hair was short, but the style suited her. The way her
nape was exposed was sexy as hell.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” There was a little
hitch in her voice.

Nevar eased her away from another couple that was
threatening to bump into them on the dance floor. “How am I looking at you?” he

She hesitated briefly, but forged onward. “Like you want to
eat me up.”

Allison couldn’t believe she’d said those words aloud. She
was assertive and assured when it came to her work, but not when it came to her
relationships with men. Maybe that was her problem, why she’d ended up with a

No time like the present to change things. Plus, it was
easier somehow to be totally honest with Nevar. Maybe it was because she’d just
met him. There were no expectations on either side. Of course the drink and the
atmosphere didn’t hurt either.

Hatter’s was a whimsical realm well beyond the normal world.
A fanciful place where anything could happen.

“Because I do.” Nevar’s reply shocked her to the tips of her
toes. “I’d love to taste every inch of you.” He slowly leaned down and kissed
her again.

This time, he didn’t keep the kiss light and short. No, this
time he cupped her jaw in his big hand and held her as he devoured her.

Allison had been kissed many times before but, at the
moment, she couldn’t remember a single other one. Oh the man could kiss. His
lips were firm and warm against hers, molding his mouth to hers. He took his
time, unhurried and thorough as he eased his tongue past her lips and proceeded
to claim every inch of her mouth.

She moaned and went up on her toes, trying to get closer. He
tasted like mint with a hot, dangerous edge that was all male animal. The hand
on the small of her back dipped lower and urged her closer.

A large, hard bulge pressed against her lower belly. Nevar
was very aroused and his erection was impressive. Her pussy clenched, a silent
reply for her to continue. She wanted more, much more.

Liquid heat flowed through her veins, warming her from the
inside out. She ached to rub her swollen breasts against his broad chest and
her mound against his hard cock.

The thought was so unlike her, she pulled away.

He was breathing heavily, but so was she. Allison shook her
head, trying to catch her breath and regain her scattered wits.

“I don’t do this.” She didn’t want him to think she went
into strange bars every night of the week and picked up strange men.

“I know.” The music changed to something faster and louder,
breaking the sensual mood. He caught her wrist and pulled her away from the
other dancers and into the shadows. “I don’t do this either.” His lips were
once again against her ear as he spoke. His breath and the brush of his mouth
made her shudder with growing need.

“I should probably go.” Before she did something totally
stupid. But she didn’t want to go. She wanted to stay with Nevar and experience
the erotic sensations he inspired in her.

“No, stay. Please.” He rubbed his hands up and down her
arms. Her shawl slipped and she pulled it around her shoulders. “I don’t want
you to go.”

There was a wealth of need in his voice. Allison knew if she
agreed to stay she’d end up sleeping with Nevar. And, surprisingly, the idea
didn’t bother her half as much as it should.

“I don’t know.” Common sense dictated she leave. She looked
out over the crowd, still seeing no sign of Barb and the others. Maybe her friends
had decided not to come after all. Allison hadn’t checked her phone for
messages in the last hour. Maybe something had come up and they’d canceled.

“Let’s go upstairs to my place and talk. It’s quieter up
there. No pressure. We can just talk if that’s what you want.” He brushed his
hand over her hair. “I just want to be with you.”

Had any man ever said such seductive words to her before?
She didn’t think so. What woman wouldn’t want a man like Nevar claiming all he
wanted was to be with her? She knew he meant it, but she also wasn’t stupid. If
she went upstairs with him, they’d end up in his bed.

She paused, wondering briefly if she was one of many who’d
been asked upstairs. Common wisdom would say yes, but Allison was a fairly good
judge of character, Bradley aside. And even with Bradley she’d known things
weren’t what they should have been, but she’d ignored the signs, too
comfortable in their bad relationship to end it when she probably should have.

Nevar was watching her, waiting. She lost herself in his
dark eyes, in the sensual promise that simmered there.

Maybe it was only for one night. And maybe that was okay.
Didn’t every woman deserve to have a man like this, even for one night? He made
her feel beautiful and sensual and totally alive.

“Okay.” One small word that promised so much more.

Nevar wrapped his arm around her shoulders and propelled her
down a short hallway, past the restrooms and several other closed doors. The
music and voices dropped into the distance. “This way.”

Her nerves got the better of her when he pulled out a set of
keys and unlocked a door at the very end of the hallway. It was a thick, heavy
door with several locks. She took a couple of steps away from him and looked
back toward the lights and crowd of the club.

“Allison?” Nevar opened the door, and she caught a glimpse
of a small foyer and a set of stairs before he closed it again. “I’m sorry. I
don’t mean to frighten you.” He raked his fingers though his long hair. “Damn,
I’m an ass for rushing you like this.”

“Where are you going?”

Allison jerked at the sound of another male voice and
whirled around. Nevar’s brother was coming toward them with a frown on his
face. He looked intimidating and slightly scary. She found herself
instinctively moving closer to Nevar.

“Nowhere.” Nevar put his arms around her and kissed the top
of her head. Just like that she knew he wouldn’t pressure her, that she was in
charge of whatever happened.

Her fear dropped away and she grabbed Nevar’s hand and gave
it a squeeze. “I thought we were going up to your place.”

Nevar was surprised by the turn of events. He’d been an
idiot, trying to rush Allison upstairs. He should have taken her to a table
near the far end of the club so they could talk for a few hours, get to know
each other better before suggesting they go to his place.

In his defense, he’d never had such a volatile reaction to a
woman before. He knew if Allison walked out of the bar and he never saw her
again, he’d regret it for the rest of his life. He had to have her. If not
tonight, then another night.

He was damn well going to do his best to make it happen

But not at the price of making Allison feel scared or
uneasy. She was smart to be wary. There were a lot of crazies out there. And
while he was unconventional, he’d never hurt a woman.

If anything, Allison drew out his protective instincts. He’d
noticed how she’d moved closer to him when Rabb approached them. Then again,
that only proved she was smart. When he frowned, Rabb looked like a mean son of
a bitch.

“I’d love to take you up to my place.” He gently stroked
Allison’s cheek, enthralled by the softness of her skin. Would she be this soft
all over? His cock jerked at the thought.

He looked at his brother, silently willing him to keep his
mouth shut for once. “I’m taking the rest of the night off.”

“That’s a first,” Rabb muttered.

“Yes, it is.” He hoped his brother would get the message
that Allison was special and back off.

Rabb looked at Allison again and then back to Nevar. He
nodded. “I’ll handle things here and close up.”

“Thanks. I owe you one.”

Rabb smiled. “You do and you can be sure I’ll collect.”

Nevar opened the door and ushered Allison through it. The
heavy steel door closed with a bang and she jumped. Her eyes widened as he
engaged the three locks.

“That’s a lot of security.”

“The family apartments are upstairs. It’s convenient for
Rabb and me, but we don’t want anyone accidentally finding their way up there.”

In the full light of the foyer, Allison looked even more
beautiful than she had in the dim light of the club. The dress she wore hugged
her curves, leaving little to the imagination.

“Come on, let’s go up.”

She swallowed heavily but nodded. He sensed that in spite of
her bravado in front of Rabb, Allison was still nervous. He took her hand in
his as they walked up the stairs.

“So you and Rabb both have apartments in the building.” She
paused and looked slightly pale. “Or do you share a place?”

Nevar shook his head. “No, we definitely don’t share. You
don’t have to worry about him barging in on us at any point.”

Her relief was apparent and she started walking up the
stairs again. She had one hand on the rail and he noticed her fingernails were
relatively short, but the tips were painted white. Her wrist was slightly
arched, making her hand look incredibly graceful, yet strong at the same time.

He could easily picture her hands on his chest, his
shoulders or wrapped around his cock. Oh yeah. He let her get a step ahead of
him and reached down to discreetly adjust himself.

Because seeing his pants tent out in front would really put
her at ease.

They reached the first landing and he motioned to the right.
“Family’s shops are on this level.”


He admired the way the fabric of the dress clung to her ass.
He’d had his hands on that fine area, if only briefly during their dance.
Allison had a first-class ass. He could easily imagine her bent over with him
slamming into her from behind.

“Yeah.” His voice was hoarse and he cleared his throat.
“Both my parents have businesses. The apartments are on the next two levels.”

They continued up and Nevar prayed his parents weren’t
around. That would be a complete buzzkill. Thankfully, they remained alone as
they made their way to the top floor. “This is my place.” He motioned to the
brightly painted blue door on the left. “That’s Rabb’s place.” His brother’s
door was painted a bold red.

He unlocked his door and pushed it open. “Welcome to my

Allison wondered for the hundredth time if she were doing
the right thing. But a guy who lived in a building with his parents couldn’t be
all bad, could he?

It was too late now, she was here and she was curious. She
stepped past the blue door. Nevar followed and turned on the several lights,
allowing her to see his home. She peered around with undisguised interest.

The living space was open and airy and about twice the size
of her entire apartment.

“Let me take your wrap.”

She wanted to cling to the shawl as kind of a security
blanket, but let it go for that very reason. She was a grown woman, not a
child. She wanted to be here with Nevar. A few nerves were only natural. At
least that’s what she kept telling herself.

She handed him the shawl and her purse and he hung them on a
hook by the door. “You have a wonderful home,” she told him. And he did.

A sectional sofa in a rich chocolate-brown dominated the far
end of the room. You could either watch the large flat-screen television
mounted on the wall above a long, low bookcase or you could look out a set of
three windows that spread across the entire far wall.

An antique dining table was surrounded by eight plush
chairs, creating an eating area. The kitchen was next with its bright white
cupboards and dark granite countertops. The hardwood floor gave the entire
space a warm feeling.

“Thanks. Can I get you something to drink. Wine? Coffee?”

“A glass of wine would be nice.” And having something to
hold in her hands would help her feel less awkward.

Nevar strode into the kitchen and opened a small wine cooler
tucked under the counter. “How’s white sound?”

“White is good.” And could the conversation be any more

Sighing, Allison sat on one of the wooden stools set in
front of the long countertop that separated the kitchen from the dining area.
Nevar pulled two glasses down from the cabinets before he deftly opened the
wine bottle.

BOOK: MadLoving
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