MadLoving (5 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: MadLoving
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“God almighty,” Nevar gasped.

Allison’s face was smashed into his pillow, but she couldn’t
move. Her limbs weren’t under her control at all. She groaned when Nevar eased
his cock out of her. After a few seconds, he rolled off the bed and padded out
of the room.

She lay there, wondering if she should get up, pull on her
clothing and leave. But she didn’t have the energy to do so yet. She yawned and
shifted one of her legs to get more comfortable. Her shoe caught in the
comforter on the bed. Her shoe.

She was still wearing her shoes and stockings.

Allison pushed herself upward and glanced down. Her
underwear was torn half off, but was still caught around one leg. For some
reason that struck her as funny and she started to laugh.

She tried to stop but that made her laugh even harder.

Nevar returned and stood in the doorway. Backlit by the hall
light, he seemed like something from an erotic fantasy. A dream. Not real at
all. That sobered her quickly and she suddenly wanted to cry.

He came to her and sat next to her on the bed. He stroked
her hair and she shivered, suddenly cold.

Nevar frowned. “Let’s get you more comfortable.” He rose and
went to the foot of the bed. He removed her shoes one by one, giving her instep
a quick rub. She curled her toes at the caress.

He made quick work of her thigh-high stockings and torn
underwear. Feeling suddenly exposed and unsure of herself, Allison pulled up
her legs and wrapped her arms around them. “I should go.”

He half lifted her and yanked back the covers. She sighed
when the comforter and sheet were pulled over her, needing both the warmth and
the security. Then he slid in next to her and tugged her into the curve of his
body. He didn’t try to make her turn back to him. Instead, he curled around her
until her butt was resting against his groin and her back was against his

“Rest. Let me hold you while you sleep.”

“I really should go home.” Her voice was slightly slurred
and she made no move to get out of bed. She was exhausted, her body relaxed
with pleasure, her mind shut down, not wanting to examine what had happened
just yet.

“No.” He brushed his hand over her head and kissed her nape.
“You should stay. With me.”

She meant to get up, really she did, but he was so warm,
like an electric blanket on a cold night. The way he massaged her scalp and
played with her hair relaxed her further. Soft kisses on her shoulder and neck
and behind her ear warmed her even more.

Sighing, Allison let go and simply drifted, content to be
exactly where she was.

Chapter Five


Nevar studied Allison as she dozed. He’d turned on the
bedside lamp and eased the covers down to her waist so he could see her more
clearly. He wanted to memorize every curve and valley of her naked body. She’d
been asleep about a half hour now and he’d been watching over her, learning
every line of her face.

It had been close there for a moment. He’d thought for sure
she would leave. And that was the last thing he wanted.

He’d totally lost it. Rutting on her like a bull in heat.
Hell, he’d ripped her panties off.

A slow smile made his lips curve.

He might have torn her clothes, but she’d been right there
with him, her hot, wet pussy clamping down on his dick until he’d exploded.
Fucking Allison from behind while she was still wearing her stockings and heels
was a huge turn-on. His dick swelled in agreement.

He’d figured his cock wouldn’t be doing much of anything for
some time after the orgasm he’d had a short while ago, but the appendage had
other ideas. All of them centered around Allison.

Her breathing deepened and he carefully rolled her onto her
back. She made a small snuffling sound, but didn’t wake. He might have missed
his chance to look and touch every inch of her the first time around, but he
wouldn’t make the same mistake the next time.

He was filled with the longing to know everything there was
to know about Allison. And not just in the bedroom. Sure he wanted to know what
turned her on, what made her scream with desire. But he also wanted to know her
favorite color, what kind of flowers she liked, did she cook, what kind of
movies she liked to watch.

In short, he wanted a relationship with her.

It had been a long time since he’d considered anything
nearing a relationship. Hatter’s kept him busy 24/7. Running any business, but
especially a nightclub wasn’t for the faint of heart. It took plenty of blood,
sweat and nerves of steel. But the business was up and running like clockwork
and he realized he’d been missing something in his life.

He placed his hand on her stomach, admiring the contrast
between his tanned skin and her much paler flesh. Dark, light. Male, female. So
different, yet when the right two people came together it could be magic.

His parents were a prime example. His father often talked
about the night he’d met their mother. Love at first sight. Nevar had never
really believed the old man, but his parents had been together for thirty-five
years and were still very much in love. He wanted that closeness, that kind of
love and acceptance.

He studied Allison. How did he feel about her? Was it love?
It was certainly desire. Not that it really mattered. All he knew was he wanted
her in his life. The rest would work itself out over time.

He stroked upward, teasing one pert nipple with his fingers
before sliding over to the other one and giving it the same attention. Allison
shifted restlessly against the sheets. He caught the nipple between his thumb
and forefinger and gently tugged.

Allison moaned and her eyelids fluttered open.

He saw surprise and momentary panic before recognition set
in. Nevar smiled down at her. “How was your nap?”

“I slept?” Her voice was sleepy. Sexy. “How long?”

“Not very. About a half an hour.” He cupped her breast and
softly squeezed.

“Ohhh.” Her reply turned into more of a moan. She licked her
very kissable lips and rubbed at her eyes, slightly smudging her mascara. “I
didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“I wore you out.” And didn’t that make his chest swell
several inches. Nevar skimmed his hand down her stomach and over the swell of
her hips, pushing the covers out of the way as he went. Her legs were slightly
parted and he took advantage, dipping his hand between them.


He loved the sound of his name on her lips, the passionate
way she said it. “Hmm,” he replied as he stroked the slick folds of her pussy.

“You can’t be serious. Again?”

“Oh, I’m very serious.” He scooted down the bed, making a
place for himself between her legs.

He loved her vivid blue eyes, the slight tinge of
embarrassment that colored her cheeks. She obviously wasn’t used to being naked
in front of a man and, Neanderthal that he was, he couldn’t deny he was pleased
by that fact.

Allison was sweet and hot, a deadly combination.

“The last time was too fast. I didn’t get a chance to savor
you.” He shouldered her thighs apart and his cock pulsed at the sight of her
slick pussy. “And, Allison, I really need to savor you.”

He tongued her clit, wringing a guttural moan from her. He
loved the way she didn’t hold back, giving him every gasp and sigh, every moan
and groan.

“Nevar.” Her fingers gripped his hair, keeping him where she
wanted. He could stay here forever.

The small nub of her clit was swollen and he tongued it. Her
hips undulated, her breathing ragged. He stroked the inside of her thigh and
kept going until he was stroking her pussy. He rimmed the opening to her slit
before slipping a finger inside.

Her hips arched up and a long, low keening sound broke from
her lips. Damn, she was hot. She was also close to coming. The inner muscles of
her pussy rhythmically gripped his finger.


Nevar eased away, ignoring her cry as he did. He grabbed a
condom from the top of the bedside table and rolled it on in record time.
Allison watched him deal with protection and that just turned her on even more.
His dick was standing at attention by the time he was done.

He rolled onto his back and held out his arms. “Ride me.”

Allison felt as if she must be still asleep, having the most
spectacular erotic dream. Only it wasn’t a dream. Nevar was very real.

She reached out and circled his cock. It was hot and hard
through the latex barrier. She wished there wasn’t a need for protection, but
she was glad he didn’t have a problem taking care of such things. It wasn’t as
though she had condoms in her purse.

Tonight was magical, like being lost in another world. Oh
she knew morning and real life would arrive soon enough. But for now she was
happy to be here with Nevar, with a man who wanted her as much as she wanted

She came up on her hands and knees and straddled him. It was
intoxicating to have so much enticing male at her disposal. She spread her
hands over his broad chest, feeling the play of firm muscles beneath her palms.
He was so strong, his skin warm and supple, yet so hard beneath.

His erection pressed against her stomach, standing bold and
proud. He lay back on the bed, his black hair falling to his shoulders, his
dark eyes smoldering with desire. The muscles in his thighs clenched beneath
her and she knew he was holding on to his control by a thread.

Some latent sense of her own sexuality sprang to life, and
she slowly lifted her hands to her breasts, cupping them, running her thumbs
over her distended nipples. Her moan mixed with his growl of pleasure.

“Allison.” There was a wealth of promise, as well as a
threat in his voice. He gripped her hips, his fingers digging in slightly.

She gripped his cock and stroked from base to hilt, rubbing
her thumb over the bulbous head. His eyes half-closed, he continued to watch
her. Once again, she damned the condom, but at the same time was grateful for

Her pussy ached to hold him. She wanted Nevar to sink inside
her until he filled her completely. She came up on her knees and angled the
blunt head of his cock until it was pressed against her opening. Holding her
breath, she eased down, one slow inch at a time.

He was so big and stretched her to her limits. She gasped
and pushed down, driving him deeper until he was buried inside. Her head
dropped forward. Her hands rested against his chest, supporting her while she
panted in an attempt to regain her breath.

Hard, gentle hands stroked over her thighs and up her
stomach. She raised her head and watched as he cupped her breasts. He had big
hands. She sucked in her breath when he teased her taut nipples with his
fingers. His touch felt so much better than her own had.

There was so much she wanted to say, but she couldn’t form
her thoughts to utter one single word. The moment was too big. And that scared

How could a man she just met mean so much to her?

Physical attraction. That’s all it was. All it could be.

As if sensing her rising tension, Nevar gave her breasts one
final caress, found her hands with his and gripped them. “Ride me, sweet
Allison. Ride me.” He gave her fingers a squeeze of encouragement.

She began to move, raising her hips up and then bringing
them down hard. At first, she took it slow, letting herself enjoy each and
every erotic sensation that rippled through her body. Her skin tingled and
every part of her felt alive.

But soon it wasn’t enough.

She moved faster, taking him harder and deeper with each
downward thrust of her body. He released her hands and gripped her hips,
helping to lift her and to pull her back down on his cock, establishing a
rhythm that worked with hers.

They moved together as one, as though they’d been doing this
for years. She rode him, her body arching and stretching to accommodate every
hard inch of him.

His fingers dipped between her thighs, found her clit and
stroked. Allison cried out, letting her orgasm overtake her. She closed her
eyes and let it wash through her, felt the swell of passion between her thighs
and the way it spread over her entire body like a wave of pleasure.

Nevar gave a yell and his cock pulsed and jerked inside her.
He pulled her down onto his chest, his arms banding around her to keep her there.
There was nowhere else she’d rather be.

Their breathing slowed and their hearts eventually stopped
racing at a breakneck speed. He nuzzled the top of her head and stroked his
hands over her spine, calming and petting her.

Allison knew she had to move soon. It would be too easy to
simply stay there and that was dangerous considering he was still wearing the
spent condom. She pushed herself up and slowly disengaged from his semi-hard

She didn’t get far. Nevar cupped the back of her neck and
pulled her toward him. Their mouths met in a kiss that was more a promise than
passion. When he pulled back, she blinked at him, unsure what to say.

“I don’t know about you, but I could use a bath.”

That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. But he
wasn’t waiting around to hear a reply. Nevar rolled out of bed and held out his
hand. She stared at it uncertainly and then back up at his face. He waited
patiently and she finally took it. His fingers closed around hers and he tugged
her off the bed.

Silently, they padded toward the bathroom. Allison had no
idea what time it was but it had to be getting late. Thankfully tomorrow was
Saturday so she didn’t have to worry about work. But she really should get
dressed, call a cab and go home.

He pulled her into the bathroom and she forgot all about
leaving. She knew her mouth was hanging open. She was speechless. The room was
huge for a bathroom in the city. There was a tub that would have no trouble
accommodating two people. He walked over to it and started the water running.

The floors were tiled in an earthy brown. The tile work
continued around the tub and into a separate shower enclosure. There was a
shallow trough sink in the middle of a stone countertop that had to be at least
four feet long. Thick chocolate-brown towels hung on the rods.


Nevar flashed her one of his devastating smiles. “Like it?”

“What’s not to like. This place is amazing.”

He stepped into the tub and sat. He held out his hand. “Join

No way she wasn’t trying out that deep soaker tub. She took
his hand and allowed him to steady her as she climbed in. She sat and he pulled
her back against him until her back was resting against his chest. His erection
pressed against her back, but she ignored it. She was going to be sore tomorrow
if she wasn’t careful. She simply wasn’t used to this much sexual activity.

They didn’t try to speak while the tub was filling. When the
water was high enough, Nevar reached past her and turned off the taps and
settled back again. “Tell me about yourself.”

She shrugged and sent a small wave lapping against the white
porcelain. “Not much to tell. I told you I grew up on a farm in the Midwest. I
have two older brothers, Joshua and Matthew. They’re both married and have two
kids apiece. Joshua works the family farm with Daddy, while Matthew lives and
works the spread his wife inherited when her folks died.”

Nevar scooped a bar of soap out of the dish and rubbed it
between his hands. Soap bubbled between his fingers and he created a thick
lather. He dropped the soap back into the dish. “How did you end up in New
York?” He rubbed his hands up and down her arms and then across her collarbone.

Allison sucked in a deep breath. He was getting closer to
her breasts with each stroke of his soapy hands. “Ah, I wanted more. I wanted

He cupped her breasts, sliding his hands over them and
leaving a froth of bubbles behind. He continued working his way down her
stomach. “So, what happened when you arrived in the big city?”

The memory made her smile. “I was lucky. I got the job at
the school where I’m still employed. A friend of the family helped me find my
apartment. I moved and the rest is history.”

His hands dipped beneath the water and slid down her thighs.
“What do you do at the school?”

It was getting harder to focus on his questions with his
hands wandering closer to her pussy. She squeezed her legs together. “Ah, I
work in the admissions office.”

He gave a small laugh when she refused to part her legs.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be good. I don’t want you to be sore tomorrow.”

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