MadLoving (7 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: MadLoving
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“No way to know what will happen, but I want to give it a

Rabb checked his watch. “I’ve got a phone meeting with a
supplier in twenty minutes. I’ll head upstairs now and get set up.” He grabbed
his laptop and papers from the desk.

“Rabb?” Nevar hated seeing his brother hurting but knew
there was nothing he could do about it. Hell, he didn’t even know the woman’s
name. Rabb had never shared it. “Thanks.”

Rabb shrugged. “No problem. Whatever I can do.”

His brother exited the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Allison was coming. Not only that, but she’d called him. He hadn’t had to go
looking for her. That gave him hope that she had feelings for him too, feelings
that went beyond the sexual spark that surged between them.

Not that he minded the sexual spark. Hell, last night had
been a first for him. He’d had Allison several times but it hadn’t been enough.
He could have fucked her another couple times at least. It hadn’t been easy to
play the gentleman and not be on her every second of the night.

His dick rose in agreement. He glanced down and grinned. The
woman certainly did have a lasting effect on him.

But it was more than that.

Allison had a quick mind and laughed easily. They’d
discovered they both loved watching old mystery movies and basketball. She read
several of the same authors he did and they’d debated which books were their
favorites. She was also close to her family. Sure, she’d moved away from home,
but her love for them was there in every word she spoke.

He understood family.

Leaving the office, Nevar made his way into the club.
Everything was quiet. The staff wouldn’t arrive for a couple hours yet. That
meant he and Allison would have the place to themselves.

He went behind the bar and quickly started putting the
things together he needed to brew a pot of tea. He’d make her some tea and
they’d talk.

He slowly grinned. He just didn’t need tea, but something
more. Nevar fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed the first name on the
contact list. “Hey Mom. I need a favor.”

Chapter Seven


Allison straightened the short-sleeved, hip-length
russet-colored tunic she wore over her jeans. She’d opted for casual rather
than dressy, sporting flats instead of heels. This is who she was so it was
better Nevar realized she wasn’t a fashionable woman. She preferred jeans and
casual clothing when she wasn’t working.

She clutched her purse strap and stared at the large
red-and-black door that announced the entryway into Hatter’s. It seemed so
different with the sun shining and the only noise came from cars and people on
the street. There was no music, no bustling crowd.

It was just a door.

She raised her hand and knocked.

It opened before she could knock a second time, and Nevar
stood before her. He looked as good as she remembered. No, that wasn’t quite
true. He looked even better. He too was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. The shirt
was dark brown and clung to his shoulders and torso like a second skin. His
dark eyes trailed over her from head to toe, making her shiver even as her skin

“Come in.” God, his voice. He had the sexiest voice she’d
ever heard.

He stepped back and held out his arm, inviting her into his
club, his domain. The place was well-lit and just as she remembered—the huge
oak bar off to the right, the booths with their red seats and the cute, round

Allison gripped the strap of her purse and took a deep
breath. They’d talk like two mature, sensible adults. There was nothing for her
to be nervous about.

“I’ve got tea set up over here.” He put his hand on the
small of her back. The heat of his skin seeped through the material of her top
and sent little tendrils of pleasure rocketing through her.

She wound her way through the empty tables toward the dance
floor, stopping a few feet away. A lone table was set up in the middle of the
space and a single spotlight shone on it. A red-and-white tablecloth was spread
over it, along with a gorgeous tea service, complete with pot, cream, sugar and
plates. But that wasn’t all. A vase with brilliant-red tulips stood in the
center and was surrounded by a half-dozen china plates, each filled with a
different delicacy. There were cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, and several
other varieties of squares she couldn’t readily identify.

“What’s all this? The Mad Hatter’s tea party?”

He gave a deep laugh. “It’s more of a family tradition.”
Nevar held out one of the chairs. She hooked the strap of her purse over the
back of the chair and then sat. He picked up the teapot and poured the steaming
liquid into the fragile cup as though he’d done it a hundred times.

“I don’t understand.”
Why the elaborate setup?

Nevar lifted one of the delicate china plates and filled it
with two cupcakes—one chocolate and one vanilla—and several squares before
placing it in front of her. Bemused, she watched as he filled another plate for
himself and sat in the chair directly across from her.

“In my family we always have tea when we discuss important
issues. We grew up having tea parties whenever the urge took my mother or
whenever there was a family matter that needed to be decided.” He picked up his
teacup, which looked so incredibly fragile in his large hand, and took a sip.
“I wanted you to understand that this is important to me. You’re important to

! If she hadn’t already been charmed by him she
certainly would be after that pronouncement. When was the last time a man did
something just to let her know he thought she was special?

Allison had to really think about it. It was probably her
high school boyfriend when he’d spent twenty dollars at the local fair just to
win her a cheap stuffed animal. A long, long time ago.

She picked up her tea and tasted it, not surprised it was a
mellow brew that went down smooth. Nevar wouldn’t have it any other way. She
set her cup back down on the china saucer and the
sound it made
was loud in the otherwise silent room. “You wanted to talk.”

Nevar propped his elbows on the table and studied her. She
stared back, forcing herself not to look away from his intense gaze. It was
certainly no hardship to look at him. The spotlight was only partially
illuminating him, leaving part of him in shadows.

“Do you believe in love at first sight?”

Not exactly what she’d expected him to say and it took her
aback. She thought about her own parents. They loved one another, but she didn’t
think it had been love at first sight. It was more that they had things in
common and had come to care deeply for one another. All of her relationships
had starting with liking and gone from there.

She started to shake her head, but then changed her mind.
She wasn’t sure if what she felt for Nevar was love, but it was definitely
something. “I don’t know.”

“Fair enough.” He drank some more tea and she watched the
strong column of his neck ripple as he swallowed. “My parents do. Ask either of
them and they’ll tell you they knew from the moment they laid eyes on one
another that they’d found the person they were supposed to spend the rest of
their life with.”

Allison’s throat tightened and her chest ached. “That’s

A gentle smile eased over Nevar’s face. “It is beautiful.”
He gave a deep laugh. “Doesn’t mean they don’t fight on occasion, but anyone
who sees them together can’t help but see the love they have for one another.”

He pushed back his chair, stood and slowly made his way to
her side. “My father always said I’d know the right woman when I met her.” He
reached out and took her hand. “I never believed him.” He pulled her to her
feet. “Then I met you.”

Nevar kissed her then. Or maybe she kissed him. They met
halfway, each of them reaching for the other. His hands stroked over her back
as he pulled her closer. Their lips melded. He tasted like the tea, but beneath
it was the hot pulse of male.

Allison went up on her toes, wanting to get closer. Maybe
she was a fool for putting her heart on the line so quickly for a man she’d
just met, but she’d be a bigger fool if she didn’t give them a chance.

She felt more for Nevar than she ever had for Bradley, so
obviously the quality of her previous relationship had been seriously lacking.

Nevar slid his tongue into her mouth, teasing hers until she
stroked back. He groaned and she felt the hot pulse of his cock against her
belly. Her pussy clenched in response and she creamed her panties.

She’d never reacted so quickly to a man as she did to Nevar.
He was special.

Nevar knew he had to slow things down. He had a plan. First
he had to sit with her and talk over tea until she realized he was serious
about pursing their relationship. Check. Next, he wanted to dance with her, woo
her. He’d already rushed her to bed, causing her to run from him. He needed to
slow things down and make her see there was more to what was between them than
just sex.

Not that the sex wasn’t spectacular. His cock flexed in
agreement, shoving harder against the zipper of his jeans. He ignored the
smaller head in favor of the larger one. This was too important to him to fuck
up by rushing Allison.

He broke the kiss, hating to leave her sweet lips. But he
kept his eye on the prize—Allison in his life permanently.

“Let’s dance.”

“What?” She seemed slightly dazed, her eyes glazed with
passion and her chest rising and falling rapidly as she sucked in air. Her lips
were moist and he groaned and looked away before he yanked her into his arms
and kissed her again.

“Dance with me.” He picked up the remote from the table and
turned on the music he’d programmed. Soft, jazzy music flowed from the
speakers. He took Allison’s hand and began to sway.

She moved closer and the corners of her mouth turned up in a
sensual smile that had his balls clenching. He cupped her hip with his free
hand and eased her closer. She placed a hand on his chest and he knew she could
feel the heavy thud of his heart beneath his shirt.

“Not that I’m not enjoying this, but why are we having tea
and dancing?” He could see the myriad questions in her eyes. This wasn’t
exactly going as he’d planned.

Nevar sighed. “I want you to understand that what’s between
us is more than just sex. Last night was too much too fast and it frightened
you.” He stopped dancing and cupped her face. “I never want you to run from me
again.” Remembered pain stabbed him. “We can take things as slow as you need.”
Even if it killed him.

Allison could only stare in wonder at Nevar. He truly meant
it. Her leaving had also hurt him more than she ever could have believed. It
was in his eyes when he spoke of her running out on him this morning.

“I’m sorry I left so suddenly. I just needed some time. Like
you said, it all happened so fast.” That was putting it mildly. They’d gone
from meeting to bed in a matter of about an hour. And any sane woman would be a
little scared of the intensity of their lovemaking.

Nevar nodded. “I understand.” He kissed her nose, her
cheekbones and her lips. Soft, butterfly kisses that were meant to be
reassuring but which fired her libido instead. “We can take things slowly. I
want you to give us a chance.”

And what did she want? Did she want to go back to her safe
life where she was content but no more than that? She deserved more. She
deserved passion and fire and love. She deserved tea parties in the afternoon
and dancing.

And what did Nevar deserve?


“I want to give us a chance too.” Because if she didn’t,
she’d always regret it. There was something between them, something that made
the air around them sizzle with energy.

His slow smile made her nipples tighten. Holy hell, the man
should come with a warning label—may spontaneously orgasm on sight. Because she
was pretty close. With his raven-black hair falling to his shoulders of his
tight T-shirt and the way his jeans clung to his thighs and cupped his cock,
Nevar was the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on.

The music played on. Nevar put one hand on her hip, took one
of her hands in his and began to sway to the pulsing rhythm. Each brush of
their bodies made her skin tighten. Her nipples were standing at attention and
her pussy ached to be filled.

Nevar was obviously turned on too. There was no mistaking
the hard ridge pressed against her for anything other than an erection.

Her body knew what it wanted and so did she. Nevar might be
willing to go slow, but she wasn’t. Now that she was sure of both their
intentions, she didn’t want to wait. She wanted to reclaim the glorious
sensations of the night before.

Maybe it wouldn’t live up to the memories of last night.
Maybe it would be even better. Either way she wanted to find out and she wanted
to find out now.

She’d almost always taken a backseat in her relationships
with men, letting them set the pace. Now it was her turn to take the lead.

Allison slid her hands over his taut chest, feeling the
muscles jump beneath the thin cotton of his shirt. She kept going higher,
spearing her fingers through his soft, silky hair. His eyes burned with passion
and need. For her. Was there any bigger aphrodisiac for a woman than a strong man
burning to have her?

If there was, Allison didn’t know what it could be.

She pulled his head down, ignoring the harsh whisper of her
name that fell from his lips just before she claimed him.

Heat slammed into her with the force of a hurricane. This
was what she wanted, what she needed. And this is what she was going to have.


Nevar thought his dick might explode when Allison rubbed her
hands over his chest. But that was nothing compared to how he felt when she
slid her fingers into his hair and pulled his mouth down to hers.

How could a man resist such honest passion? He couldn’t.
Nevar kissed her back, tasting the heat of her mouth, the sweetness of her

He placed a string of hot, open-mouthed kisses down her
slender neck. “Are you sure?” He didn’t want her to have any second thoughts or
regrets. Not this time.

“I’m very sure.” The husky purr in her voice pushed him over
the edge. The lady knew what she wanted and he always tried to please a lady,
especially when she was his lady.

He gripped her ass in his hands and rubbed her pelvis
against his. Damn, she practically set him on fire and they were both still
fully dressed. He slowly danced her in a circle, their lower bodies connected
the entire time.

The throbbing in his dick was at an all-time high.

He kissed her again, loving the way she responded. Allison
held nothing back, giving him everything he wanted. He kept one eye open as he
maneuvered them toward the hallway. He wanted to simply pick her up and carry
her upstairs to his bed, but he honestly didn’t think he’d make it that far.

She slipped her hands under his shirt, stroking his skin. He
groaned and she laughed.

Two could play that game.

He slid her top up, pushing under it until his hands made
contact with her breasts. Now it was her turn to groan. Her nipples pebbled
against the lacy fabric of her bra. He pushed one of the delicate cups down
until he was touching the hard nub with the tip of his finger.

She made a sound that was almost a purr. It made his balls

He shoved her against the wall and yanked her top higher,
dragging it over her head. There was enough light here at the end of the
hallway for him to see her pale flesh. Reverently, he peeled the straps of her
bra down, exposing both breasts to his view.

“Exquisite,” he murmured. He leaned down and dragged his
tongue over one aroused nipple before moving over and doing the same with the
other. “Sweet.”

She tugged at his T-shirt. “Off. I want it off.” There was
an edge to her words that told him she was as far gone as he was. He pulled
back long enough to yank his shirt over his head and toss it over his shoulder.

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