MadMoon (6 page)

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Authors: Regina Carlysle

BOOK: MadMoon
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Oh yeah.

He had her exactly where he wanted her.

Lana turned her head, dampened her lips with her tongue and
focused on his bare torso before sliding her gaze to his face. “You’re
overdressed. Soooo not fair.”

Mad smiled. Sassy. He liked it. Reaching down, he tugged off
one boot and then the other, sending them to the floor with a thud before
turning his attention to his jeans. The rasp of the zipper was loud in the
sudden quiet of the room. He removed the worn denims, relieved as hell to be
free of them. His cock pulsed, his balls swelling high and hard against his
body as he looked at her.

Fisting his hand around the base of his dick, he dragged it
slowly up then down. Normally staying power wasn’t a problem for him but Lana
had him downright worried. He’d never wanted a woman this badly and with all
the extra energy thrown into the mix, he might not last as long as he wanted.

”Come to me.”

The plaintive sound of her voice urged him onto the bed. He
crawled between her pretty thighs and knew he’d never forget this exact moment
with her. Her skin was creamy perfection so he gave in to the urge to touch,
tracing with fingertips and palms. Her pussy was wet, glistening with her need
to mate. Mad touched her belly then reached beneath her to grip the firm globes
of her ass.

“Gonna eat you out, darlin’.”

Her face flushed with color and in a helpless manner she
sent her fingers into her pale, spiky hair as if seeking purchase, preparing
herself for what was to come.

She went still the moment he drew his tongue over the seam
of her labia. A breath expelled, a sigh broke the air above them. He did it
again and again before finally diving deep to taste her fully. Her restraint
breaking free, she moved against his lashing tongue, writhing against the
mattress as little cries burst from her lips.

Mad sipped her hot, wet flesh, finding her clit swollen and
hard. Tenderly, he circled it with his tongue and lightly teased with his teeth
before finally sucking it. Gently at first, then harder, he hungrily ate at

Her fingers gripped his hair and her knees went up on either
side of his head. She pushed against his mouth in a rhythm as old as time.
Needing to take things deeper, he released her butt to grip her knees. Once
he’d propped her long legs over his shoulders, he got down and dirty, sucking
harder, licking repeatedly.

Lana’s cries turned frantic.

Mad’s heavy cock brushed the surface of the sheets and raw
power sizzled over his skin and through his core. He wanted to howl. He wanted
nothing more than to ram deep into her body to relieve the ache. The energy
curling through his belly grew stronger. It rolled through him in a giant wave
of sexual hunger making him burn.

Carefully he released a bit of the inborn lycan energy.
Playing it safe, not wanting to hurt her, needing to see if she could take it,
he let the surge go. Power hummed along his lips and tongue, branding her
vulnerable flesh as he pushed deep into her body.

It was too much for her and not nearly enough for him.

Lana screamed.

Her body stilled then pushed against his mouth as she flew

Coming to his knees, he sent two fingers into her slick
pussy while lightly pressing his thumb to her clit. Every muscle in her body
twitched from the violence of her orgasm. Tears rolled from her eyes to dampen
to her temples.

“I felt it,” she managed. “The power. Gods!”

“Ready to feel it again?” He looked at her, lax in the
aftermath of that powerful surge, and moved over her body. His mouth found her
lips, tasted the breath that escaped her body in soft little bursts.

Lana reached for him as he deepened the contact, sweet perfection
as her body pressed to his, her breasts flattened against his chest. His heart
thudded with pounding need as her hands stroked the lines of his back,
exploring the surface of his flesh. Mad reached between their bodies and,
taking his cock in his hand, dragged it repeatedly over her creamy pussy. Her
eyes went wide.

“You’re hot. Slick.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” she whispered, her back
bowing on the bed. “More. I need to know what it’s like to have you inside of
me. Fuck me, Mad.”

She sure as shit didn’t have to ask twice.

Bending his head to one tightly drawn nipple, he sucked it
into his mouth as he traced her opening with the head of his dick.

Tight. Deliciously tight.

Lana gasped as he breached her. She was an innocent but
lycan woman didn’t feel pain during a first sexual experience. Aside from
adjusting to her mate’s size, which was much larger than that of a human male,
she might feel only some initial discomfort. Neither was a rubber needed. Their
kind was immune to disease, thank the gods.

Inching deeper, he heard her gasp, felt her quiver then lost
all train of thought as he rammed his cock home. Instantly her legs went around
his waist, her heels digging into his ass as he plunged and withdrew. In. Out.
In. Out. He circled his hips, careful to rub her clit with each downstroke.
Sensation whipped over his flesh, curled low in his belly, and every nerve
ending sat up and yelled for him to thrust heavier and harder.

Her pussy squeezed his erection with a pulsing action that
threatened to drive him insane. Mad couldn’t remember a time that a woman’s
body had affected him this way. Sizzles and pops filled the air, signaling a
beginning to the magic they would make together.




Only time and more experimentation with sex would tell him
when they could fully consummate their union but he was prepared to dive in, a
happy student of her delicious body. Harder and faster he thrust, pounding to
the rhythm of his heart. His balls tightened. Close. He was getting closer.
Tingles coursed the length of his back, danced along the base of his spine and
over his scalp but still he moved, reaching for climax, both his and hers.

Beneath him Lana went still. She sucked in a breath then dug
her fingers into the muscles of his back.


“That’s right, darlin’. Let go. Just let it all go. I’ve got
you.” Her face, illuminated by pleasure, was the prettiest thing he’d ever
seen. “Oh yeah, like that. Yes, darlin’, you’re so damn hot. Come for me.”

Cries of pleasure broke the surface of her lips as orgasm
carried her over that razor-sharp edge. Her grip tightened. Mad felt every
tremble of her body against his flesh and the impetus of her pleasure crashing
into his sent him following her with a low growl he couldn’t suppress. Lust
burned over his skin from his heels to the top of his head and over his spine
as climax overtook him.

Would he ever get enough of her?

The simple answer was no.

Chapter Six


The days stretched into weeks with no sign of Lana’s father,
Anton or any of the wolves from the Snow Wolf clan intruding into the town of
Sweetridge. A sense of lassitude filled her days and if she hadn’t known
better, she would almost feel like a prisoner. Since the night of her first,
mind-blowing sexual experience with Mad, she’d been relegated to the house and
the grounds and was never without a shadow following her around.

Logically, she knew why Madden insisted she stay close to
the house. To call the man overprotective was an understatement but from what
he’d told her, the entire wolf population of Sweetridge was ready to fight to
the death to see that she stayed safe. After he headed out to work each
morning, pack members would show up to keep an eye on things. Usually Linc
Calder or some of the other younger wolves took on the task but they rarely
entered the house. She supposed they all considered their Alpha an intimidating
guy and, well, of course he was, but it seemed to her they carried their
distance from her to the extreme. Lana knew they were just trying to be
respectful but would joining her for a simple lunch be too much to ask?

She was the mate of their Alpha and it was a testament to
the pack’s loyalty that they would take her into their fold and care for her.
It was strange to know so many accepted her without knowing her. Once this mess
was over, her first order of business was to get acquainted with everyone. They
were her people now. From the time she’d been little, Lana had wanted what
other girls had—close friends, a loving family and the promise of a future
filled with happy times. Until now, she’d never thought it was possible. Most
of her life she’d lived in isolation and she was sick of it. She was ready to
get out there and explore her new world.

Yesterday Mad had brought home bags of books and movies as a
kiss-earning surprise so now she sat curled up on the living room couch with
her nose stuck in a thriller she had wanted to read for ages. Lost in the
intrigue, she jumped a little when she heard a car pull up in front of the

Was Mad home early for some reason?

No, he would have pulled into the garage, as usual.

Lana set her book on the coffee table and headed to the
front windows. Linc stood near the door of a small white SUV, talking with a
pretty auburn-haired woman she’d never seen before. Hmm. A visitor. The woman
seemed to be in her early thirties, about her own age, and Lana watched as she
stood on her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss on the quiet lycan’s cheek. Linc’s
sudden grin caught her off guard. Lana hadn’t thought the man ever smiled but here
he was, laughing and showing a humorous side she hadn’t thought he possessed.

Who’d a thunk it?

Determined not to be left out, Lana opened the front door
and stepped onto the porch. Linc had buried his head in the back of the SUV and
was busy pulling out assorted bags while the woman slung a giant tote over her
shoulder and hoisted a huge cake into her arms.

“Hey there,” her visitor called as she walked around the
front of the vehicle. “I’m Savannah and I’ve come bearing gifts. I figured it
was way past time you were welcomed properly.”

Lana laughed. “Well, I just love gifts so you’ve come to the
right place. I’m Lana.” She trotted down the front steps and took what looked
to be a triple-layer chocolate cake. It was tucked nice and tight into a clear
plastic cake dish and someone had gone to the trouble of decorating the center
of all this yummy goodness with several beautifully arranged strawberries. They
stopped there at the bottom of the steps to smile at each other. “Mm,
chocolate. I think we’re going to be good friends.”

Savannah smiled. “Me too and if you have some coffee to go
with the cake we’ll be friends for

Oh, she was nice.

Lana liked her instantly and together they went up the steps
and into the living room while Linc hauled colorful bags into the room. He
looked around, seeming a little lost, and Savannah quickly directed him to just
put the bags anywhere.

“Thanks, Linc.” Lana hoped he would unbend enough to talk
with her. “Savannah has brought this delicious cake. Want to share some with
us? I’ll put on a pot of coffee.”

Linc shoved back the brim of his battered straw cowboy hat
then shook his head. “I’d better not but thanks just the same. I told Moon I’d
help him fix a loose gutter so I’d best be at it.”

“Can’t the gutter wait?”

“I’m afraid not, but thank you.”

Savannah marched up and planted a hand on one hip. “Lord,
you’re ornery, Linc. Okay, we’ll bring you a piece of cake and some coffee
later and you can just stay out here all alone. Stubborn man.”

Linc grinned again and then left the women to their own

“Let me just take this into the kitchen, make the coffee and
then we can see what’s in the bags.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Savannah said as she kicked off her
shoes, making herself right at home.

As Lana scrambled around the kitchen she wondered about her
visitor. Savannah seemed awfully at home here. Was she close with Madden? Maybe
a former girlfriend or something? There was no need to speculate because she
knew she’d have answers soon enough. She returned from the kitchen to find
Savannah checking out the cover of the book she’d been reading.

“Is it good? I’ve been dying to read this one but just
haven’t picked it up yet.”

Lana took a seat beside her on the couch. “It is. Mad
doesn’t want me getting out right now and I think he knows I’m losing my mind
here all alone so he brought me several books and movies. I was tickled to see
this one. Want to borrow it when I’m finished?”

“Oh yes, I’d love to,” Savannah said. “Our introduction
wasn’t very proper was it? I’m Savannah Hill, a friend of Moon’s. I figured you
were going nuts out here so if you don’t mind, I’ll keep you company.”

She was a beautiful woman, her fair skin and dark hair
emphasizing big, sparkling green eyes. Her nose was small and turned up and her
wide mouth was constantly smiling. Like herself, Savannah was petite but with a
daintier build. She was appealing on every level and Lana looked forward to
getting to know her, perhaps her first friend in the town of Sweetridge.

“It’s really great to meet you. I’ve been surrounded by men
these days and it can get a little lonely out there.”

“I can only imagine.” Savannah stood and dragged several
bags close. “These are for you. Moon hunted me down this morning and asked for
my help. Since he doesn’t want you coming into town until things settle down,
he figured you’d need some basic necessities.”

Lana’s face burned. It was pathetic to be reminded that
she’d basically arrived here with only the clothes on her back. Pretty sad. She
reached into a pale-pink sack and pulled out several tops, two pairs of slacks
and some casual shorts. “Oh boy, this is nice.” She shook her head. “I can’t
believe he bought all this stuff.”

“He cares about you. Now granted, he didn’t pick this out. I
did. He said he didn’t know crap about ladies’ fashions so he enlisted my
expert advice.” Again Savannah grinned. “Hope you like everything. I don’t know
your tastes so I just picked things that I might like myself. If you see
something that doesn’t suit you, I’ll run it back into town and we’ll try again.

Everything was lovely. Lana couldn’t argue with the woman’s
tastes. By the time she’d gone through the five or so bags she sat among a pile
of lingerie, shoes, jeans and even blingy jewelry and handbags. “I’m
speechless,” Lana said at last. “I just love everything. Hope it all fits
because I don’t want to return a single item.”

“I’m sure it will. Moon said you were about my size so I did
some guessing.”

“I don’t know how to thank you, Savannah. Even back home in
Colorado, I didn’t have such nice things.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I mean, Moon slipped me some
money and I went shopping. Win-win, ya know?”

Once they’d checked out the clothing and accessories, Lana
and Savannah moved into the kitchen where they polished off two pieces of cake
and were now working on their second cup of coffee each. It had been the best
afternoon Lana could remember in a very long time. She had enjoyed a strong
bond with her mother but after she passed, Lana hadn’t had much in the way of
female friendships. Tomin’s isolated mountain home and his very nature kept
away people who might have kept a lonely girl company. “How long have you known

Savannah set her cup down and leaned back in her chair.
“Forever, I think. Madden and my brother Jess were best friends. Jess was a bit
older than me so I think I’ve always been an annoying little sister to Moon.
When Jess died in a hunting accident several years ago, I worried that our
relationship might change but it never did. I adore Moon. He’s the best person
in the world. I know a lot of people are kind of awestruck by him because he’s
Alpha and all, but not me. He’s a sweetheart.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your brother.”

“Thank you. I worshipped him. Mom and Dad did too. Thought
they’d curl up and die when we lost him but our family is strong. We just dug
in, reminded ourselves that we still had each other. We got through the worst
of it and Jess would be proud that we can now remember him without tears.
That’s what family is all about.”

“I envy that. I was close to my mom but that’s pretty much

Savannah nodded. “Yep, heard your dad is something of a

Laughter burst from Lana’s mouth and it just kept going
until tears rolled and her belly ached. “Dickwad! Oh my gods! I’m trying to
imagine the look on the great Tomin Vronski’s face if he ever heard himself
described that way.”

“Well, if he were here that’s what I’d call him.”

“Does everybody in town know about him?”

She nodded. “Moon called a meeting a few nights after you
showed up. We were all there. He wanted everyone to be on the lookout for
lycans from the Snow Wolf pack. Now he didn’t go into detail about your dad or
anything but he made it clear that he and the shithead you were supposed to
mate with might cause trouble.”

Shithead and Dickwad.

Savannah nailed it.

Feeling lighter than she had in years, Lana steered
conversation away from her current troubles. It was nice not thinking about the
mess she was in and she wanted to get to know Savannah. “Tell me about your
family. Have you always lived in Sweetridge?”

“Yes, all of us born and bred. Mom and Dad are the fourth
generation to live in this area. Dad has a small oil production company and
does pretty well. After Jess died, he had hopes of me entering the family
business and I wanted to please him so I got a geology degree.” She shrugged.
“I’m a rock scientist. Go figure. Thing is, I hated it. All I really ever
wanted to do was bake so I explained to Dad, as honestly as possible, that the
oil fields weren’t for me. He was a little disappointed at first but in the
end, he gave me seed money to open my bakery. Savannah’s Sweet Shoppe.”

“Are you kidding me? You baked that cake? It was wonderful.
I think I saw your place when I toured around the town after first getting

“You should come by once everything is settled and I’ll
fatten you up.”

Lana rolled her eyes. “That wouldn’t be hard to do. Am I
keeping you from work?”

“Nah, Mom is holding down the fort. Our busy times run from
early morning until right after lunch so she’s probably sitting there with her
feet up reading a magazine or something. I can’t wait for you to meet my mom.
She’s a sweetheart.”

“There are just so many people that I’m anxious to get to
know. I never imagined finding a mate, especially not under these
circumstances, but now that I have it seems I’ve inherited a whole pack. It’s
kind of mind-boggling.” Lana walked to the coffeepot and poured them both a
refill. At this rate she wouldn’t sleep tonight but that was okay. She was
enjoying herself too much. “What about you? Are you mated?”

For the first time her new friend got quiet. She looked down
and jabbed at a couple of cake crumbs with her finger. “Still waiting for that.
I know every unmated male in town but so far there isn’t a glimmer of hope that
it might be one of them. No sparks. No electrical energy pulses clogging my
brain. Hey, I may be destined to never find the man for me.”

“Don’t give up, Savannah. You are so cute, so sweet. Surely
the right guy will pop into your life.”

Savannah shook her head. “I don’t know about that. I’ve been
really tempted to move. There are plenty of shifters in the Dallas Metroplex
but thinking about leaving my family and the people I love gives me a

Hours after Savannah headed back into town, Lana felt guilty
for being envious of her friend’s life. She’d been blessed with a loving family
and a solid place in her community but was mateless and worried about it. Lana
knew that most wolves had a different DNA from the Snow Wolf pack and that
Savannah couldn’t shift until she’d consummated with a mate. In this, at least,
Lana was lucky. Though her time with Madden had been relatively short, the
power of their connection was an almost instantaneous thing and she’d felt the
connection all the way to her toes. She believed her happy ever after would
come. She had hope and that was a lot.

The sun began to set on what had turned out to be a great
day. Madden was still coming home really late at night although the Moon
Construction house was almost finished. Figuring she’d wait until later to have
dinner with him, she headed upstairs to play with her new things. She couldn’t
remember the last time she’d had so many nice clothes. They weren’t fancy but
she was getting weary of washing and rewashing the few items she’d managed to
stick into her small suitcase before running from Colorado.

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