Magic of the Nile (44 page)

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Authors: Veronica Scott

BOOK: Magic of the Nile
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He sat up, mouth gone dry, dread like a stone in the pit of his stomach. “Have I been reported to Pharaoh for such?”

“No, for I—I couldn’t believe it of you.” Tyema swallowed hard. “I thought I needed to know more before speaking of it, about you or anyone here.”

He squared his shoulders and nodded. “I’m grateful you had that much good opinion of me left at least.”


“We’ve been over this before.” Clasping his hands around one knee, he leaned back and chose his words with care. “I think we both know the true heart of the other now.”

Tyema nodded. “As if Lady Ma-at had weighed us in her golden balance.”

“Then if you didn’t truly suspect me, why not share this burden with me on the day we had the plunge into the Nile? When we made love?” He was rueful, frowning. “I thought all walls between us had broken down that day, but it seems I was wrong.”

“Sobek ordered me to strict secrecy. I was to discuss the matter with Pharaoh only.” Tyema narrowed her eyes and frowned as some new complication apparently occurred to her. “I think the queen knows, though.”

“Probably. Nat-re-Akhte keeps no secrets from her.” Sahure raised a hand to forestall her answer. “I meant nothing extra by my remark, beloved lady. I believe the Chief Scribe knows as well. He was oddly reticent to discuss why you were remaining here as a guest after the dedication ceremony.”

“Well, I soon discovered the flickers of black magic affected a number of people here, but such an odd mix—servants, scribes, members of the Court—there seemed no pattern. But two people stood out to me.”

Determined to have all the facts now, Sahure followed up on her last remark. “Lady Nidiamhet and who else?”

“Baufratet.” Casting her eyes down, as if she feared the name would bring him pain, Tyema identified the woman. “But now I realize she was an unknowing pawn for Nidiamhet.”

He nodded. “Baufratet told Pharaoh you’d sing at the dinner, in hopes of embarrassing you. She and I had harsh words later, once Edekh told me what he knew of how the impromptu concert came about.”

Tyema put the baby to her shoulder and burped him, before settling the child to nurse at the other side. “I’m grateful I still have sufficient milk for him, after three days of fever. Where was I? Oh yes, Baufratet. I’ll admit I didn’t care for the way she acted. Nidiamhet was friendly, right up till the moment she poisoned me and sent my
to the Afterlife. I believe she tried to influence others, like yourself, or has bent them unknowingly to do her will, which is why I saw the fainter flickers around various people, a residual effect, I guess.” She laughed without humor. “I probably have flickers myself now, since I’ve been a direct victim.”

“Your pendant was missing when Nidiamhet brought you to your rooms,” Sahure told her.

“Easy enough to steal from me, unfortunately, once I was sickened from whatever drug was in my food or wine. Sobek wouldn’t think to guard me from poison. He worries about physical force or outright use of black magic.”

“It’s beyond me to answer the riddle how she could possess powers of black magic deriving from the god of the Hyksos, but I think you need to set this in Pharaoh’s hands now,” Sahure said, prepared to argue the point vehemently if necessary. “Let him get at the truth with no further risk to you. Sobek can’t expect more from you, not after what we just went through.”

Tyema seemed to be in full agreement. “Yes, I need to speak with Pharaoh, put him on alert, let him decide how to proceed. We should ask to see him immediately, although I’m not sure how we can prove she’s the sorceress, other than through our testimony about what happened.”

“I forget you’ve been unconscious for three days. He’s gone on a hunting expedition. I was given leave to remain here, since you were so ill. He should be back in Thebes in two days.” Sahure drummed his fingers on the bed. “We have another problem. Nidiamhet will surely know she’s failed. Whatever result she was expecting to reap from sacrificing your
to Qemtusheb obviously didn’t happen, although she does have the curse the demon told us was her reward for sending your
to the underworld

Tyema shivered. “What will she try now?”

Sahure considered their options. “Can you summon Sobek?”

“He made it clear he can only intervene if Pharaoh is directly, physically threatened. If I called him, if he came, he’d most likely tell me to speak with pharaoh. Back to square one of the senet board.”

“Loyal as I am to Nat-re-Akhte, my concern is for you, my heart,” Sahure said. “Without your amulet, you’re unprotected. What if you went to the temple?”

“I—I don’t know. I did go there, remember?”

“To check on your precious crocodile, I know.” He chuckled, remembering how discomfited the second priest had been when Tyema insisted on praying in the sanctuary alone.

Tyema was shaking her head. “No, the crocodile was just an excuse. I actually went to speak with Lemertet.”

Her statement was news to Sahure. “Oh? For what reason?”

“To see what the situation at the temple might be, if I asked Sobek to allow me to move here.”

Sahure was speechless. “That was the purpose of all those questions you threw at him like darts? And?” he said, swallowing hard.

She shook her head, toying with the baby’s curly hair. “You heard Lemertet—there’s only one female of any importance at this temple, and she’s mistress of the dance. She performs none of the daily rituals of worship, does no singing. Remember how cordially Lemertet started out explaining the running of the temple and its business affairs? His demeanor changed as he began to suspect there was deep purpose behind the questions. I think he feared I was evaluating his temple and its affairs for Sobek. Rather than make him an enemy with too many questions, I asked to be allowed into the inner sanctum to pray.”

She fell silent, holding the baby more closely.

After a minute Sahure said, “What happened when you went to the sanctum?”

“I couldn’t feel the presence of the god at all.” She raised a grief stricken face to Sahure. “Even when he’s absent from our temple for days or weeks, I can always sense a connection between us when I stand on his beach or in the ancient sanctuary. How can I serve in a place where I can’t reach Sobek? Can’t sing for him? I owe him so much.”

Sahure was connecting a chain of events now. “And the next day I showed you the little temple I’d designed and asked you again to marry me. You told me you never loved me,” he said.

“Yes.” Blushing, she focused on the baby. “I thought I should set you free of—of trying to figure out a future together, since I couldn’t even be a priestess in Thebes.”

“Thank the gods you went into the Nile later the same day then!” He held up a hand to stop her protest. “At least we had an honest conversation as a result. We’ve much to settle between us, my heart, but I think first we have to finish your hunt for the sorceress, see her captured and defanged. You’re in danger while she goes free. Sekhmet made it clear she’d discharged any debt she owed me, and I doubt if Duaen’s flail will get me back into the underworld should you be taken again. Do those emeralds detach from the collar?”

She put her hand protectively over the pectoral, rubbing her thumb across the largest emerald. “They do. Why?”

“I want you to wear the largest one as your amulet then, from this moment onward. I want you protected.” He knew he was using his officer’s voice, giving commands, but the idea of Tyema being flung back into the underworld tormented him.

Thankfully, Tyema apparently shared his concerns and took no objection to the way he was dictating to her. “All right, you’ll get no argument from me. I’ve no desire to walk around Thebes without Sobek’s protection.”

Having reached a decision, Sahure stood up. “I’m going to take my chariot out to the hunting grounds, talk to Pharaoh, tell him you sent me with urgent news, implore him to make an early return to Thebes. I hate to leave you alone here, but I can’t protect you against black magic. No human can.” Idly, he flicked the leather thongs of Duaen’s flail against the bed.

“I have my makeshift amulet and I’ll not eat or drink unless I’ve seen the dish prepared.” She smiled. “I’ll tell the Chief Steward my illness has given me strange food cravings.”

He grinned. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to oblige you, no matter what outlandish favor you request. We can drop a word in Edekh’s ears as well. In fact, I think we’ll tell Edekh you don’t remember anything after plunging into the Nile. Ask him to spread the word.”

“As if the high fever destroyed my memory? Excellent idea.” Beaming, Tyema said, “I particularly like your plan for going to Pharaoh. He’ll know what to do next, being a Great One himself.”

The baby was done nursing, so Sahure extended his arms to take the child and do the final burping, grabbing a cloth from the nearby table to protect his uniform. “I want you to stay in your rooms today. No one will be offended, as you’re recovering from a fever as far as the court is concerned.”

Tyema got out of bed, running her fingers through her disheveled hair. “On the contrary, I think I should go to Pharaoh’s library today. I can research methods for defeating sorcery.” She took the baby back. “I’m not likely to run into anyone there. It’s a feast day for the Great One Thoth, so all the scribes and librarians will be celebrating. The place will be locked and empty. I’ll be safe. Edekh gave me a key and the Chief Librarian gave me a tour the other day. I paid extra attention to the location of the section on magic.”

“Better if you stay in your rooms.” Sahure came for a kiss, hugging her and the baby in the circle of his strong arms. “I’ll have a word with Edekh before I set off to find Pharaoh, give him some instructions regarding your meals and increasing the guards on your rooms. “ He patted the baby’s chubby cheek. “Keep your mother safe until I come back.”




Sitting in her rooms playing with Seknehure and chatting with Renebti grew tedious. Tyema wasn’t the least bit tired, not after three days asleep, and even with the largest Tear as her amulet, she felt uneasy.
After all, I was wearing my amulet in Ibis Nome and safe in my temple and Nidiamhet’s power sought me out there.
Though she’d barely dipped into the appropriate texts on her first visit to the library, she felt there might be valuable information on how to protect oneself against black magic. Nidiamhet wasn’t going to give up easily when confronted by Pharaoh. Deciding it was her duty to gather as much knowledge as she could, and sure the library would be empty today, Tyema finally decided to venture to that end of the palace. Straight there, borrow the best books and hasten to her chambers to read them.

Having reached a decision, she dressed in one of her own garments and slipped out into the corridors. With Pharaoh away and most of the scribes at the festival honoring their god, the palace was quieter than usual and she met few people as she headed to the library wing. She blended in with the servants and no one took any notice of her, apparently just another maid on an errand.

“I was going to go mad, sitting and waiting all day for Sahure and Pharaoh, with nothing to do but twiddle my thumbs and amuse the baby. They might not even be back until tomorrow,” she said to herself as she turned the complicated key in the library door. Locking it behind her again, she hurried to the area where the tablets and scrolls on aspects of magic had been set aside for her, some piled on tables and others neatly standing on end, arranged in baskets on the floor.

Having forgotten there were so many, Tyema sat down to sort through the collection, pulling out the oldest first and skimming. She lost track of time, engrossed in deciphering some old hieratic on a promising scroll from hundreds of years past, when suddenly she heard the lock on the door opening.

She was annoyed, not wanting to be disturbed as she pored through the ancient, crumbling papyri, but simple irritation became terror when one of the newcomers spoke and she realized it was Nidiamhet.

“Are you sure we won’t be disturbed here?” asked another woman.

Blood running cold, Tyema recognized the lilting tone and unusual accent of Jadikiria.

“Positive. The librarians are all at the Feast of Thoth today and I’ve stolen the only other key. I’ll have it back on Edekh’s wall before tomorrow.” Nidiamhet sounded confident. “I have the complete run of the palace.”

Tyema glanced down at the key hanging from her belt, the spare one Edekh had ordered made for her.
Schemers always overlook something.
But then, so did I. Nidiamhet said she’d done much research here.
She slid off her chair with great care, slid her sandals from her feet and tiptoed deeper into the stacks of tablets and scrolls. From the sounds, the two women had seated themselves at the large table right by the door. Crouching behind a set of tall wooden shelves crammed with papyri, Tyema prayed she could remain undiscovered, while eavesdropping.
I wish I’d checked to see if the library had another exit.

“You have to abandon this obsession with Sahure,” Jadikiria said, her voice a mix of exasperation and chiding. “Your trick the other day on the queen’s barge was much too obvious. You only succeeded in making the little mouse of a priestess into a heroine, while you became the fool. And now your plan for sending her
to the underworld as a sacrifice has failed, it’s time to move on, start a fresh path.”

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