Making New Memories (10 page)

Read Making New Memories Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #helicopter, #rescue, #marine, #wyoming

BOOK: Making New Memories
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At their planning meeting later that day,
Jacob expresses his frustration, "It all boils down to the fact we
need a witness that saw Thomas get in or out of that car on that
Saturday. Tom, can you check with the security company and see if
you can get a clear view of the car? I think that is going to be
our best bet. Otherwise, we'll have to hope someone comes forward
to identify Thomas."

Goose says, "What about finger prints? Did
they find anyone's fingerprints in the car besides Elena's and

Jacob says, "Good point. I haven't seen any
fingerprint evidence at all. I'll check with the prosecutor and ask
to sweep the car myself if necessary. It's a sure thing they didn't
find Dylan's prints. That is probably why it hasn't come up."

Goose adds again, "Another point is she was
killed by a left handed person. Dylan is right handed."

Jacob asks, "How do you know that?"

Goose adds, "The coroner's report said the
prints on her neck were made with a left hand. The person was
either leaning in the driver's side window or sitting in the
driver's seat when he choked her, or they were left handed. My
hunch is the killer was leaning over her from the passenger seat
pretending to kiss her while he choked her. That would have avoided
drawing undue attention to his activities."

Jacob asks, "What time did the coroner say
she died?"

Goose says, "He put the time of death around
five o'clock. They usually allow for a thirty minute window."

Jacob says, "All right, same time tomorrow.
Let's get busy."


After all of the guys leave the suite, Jacob
is sitting with Dylan. "Something is bothering me Dylan. We have
been assuming that Thomas contacted Elena after he saw you in the
game room. How is it that he saw you but you didn't see him? Have
you ever seen him during any of your visits with Damian?"

Dylan thinks, "I don't know. I haven't seen
Thomas to know who he is since I caught him in bed with Elena. I'm
not sure I would recognize him if I saw him. What are you getting
at Jacob?"

Hesitating Jacob says, "What if he knew
beforehand that you were going to be at the mall on Saturday? He
could have pre-arranged the meeting with Elena. If she was
blackmailing him, he could have told her to meet him to collect a
cash payment. The question is how would he have known? How long
beforehand did you know you were coming that day?"

Dylan answers, "Bobby didn't call me until
the day before to let me know they would be at the mall. I wasn't
sure Goose was going to get back from Phoenix in time for me to fly
down so I didn't make any plans until the night before I left. I
made a reservation for the car on line the night before. That would
have been the only way anyone in Amarillo could have known until I
submitted my flight plan the morning before I left. Bobby didn't
even know for sure I was coming until I walked in the game

"Come on, let's pay a visit to the folks at
Avis," says Jacob.


As they walk up to the Avis counter at the
Amarillo airport a pretty young girl says, "Mr. Drake, I didn't
realize you were coming today. Did you make a reservation?"

Smiling Dylan glances at the young woman's
nametag and says, "No, I don't have a reservation, Elizabeth, but I
do have a question. When I was here last month, do you know who
would have known I was coming?"

Turning red she says, "Well, the person who
was on duty when your reservation came in would have known and the
person who gave you your keys." Hesitating for a moment she then
adds, "I should tell you that your friend Mr. Thomas asked me to
call him and let him know the next time you were coming to town. He
said he wanted to surprise you with a welcome home party so I
called him when I saw your reservation come through. Was I wrong to
do that?"

"No, no, it was fine. When did you call

"Well, I called him as soon as I saw the
reservation the night before your arrival," she says.

"Thank you Elizabeth. You've been a great
help," says Dylan.


When I call that night, Dylan is light
hearted and happy. He says, "Hello Beautiful, it's good to hear
your voice."

"Hello Dylan, you sound very happy tonight.
Did something good happen today?"

"Actually yes, they caught Richard Thomas
trying to leave the country and arrested him. He has been
embezzling money from the bank. Evidently, Elena has been
blackmailing him."

"Does that mean they are going to drop the
charges against you?" I ask hopefully.

"No, they haven't dropped the charges yet. We
are hoping though. We are trying to find proof that it was Thomas
that killed her. At least, things are looking better for me."

"That's wonderful Dylan. You are going to be
pleased to know that my counseling sessions are helping me
tremendously. I can't wait to start making new memories with

"Oh Skye, I can't wait to start making new
memories with you either. I miss you Sweetheart."

"Does Jacob know when all of this is going to
be over?"

Dylan says, "Well, Jacob is going to request
the trial date be set immediately. He wants to get it all over with
before Christmas. It is one of my rights to have a speedy trial. I
want nothing more than to get this over with so I can come back to
the ranch and hold you in my arms."

"I can't wait for you to get here. I better
go. Did you know they are going to induce Melanie's baby tomorrow?
Barry is so excited he can't sit still."

"That's great Skye. Be sure to call me when
he gets here. I want to know all about it. Goodnight, Skye."

"Goodnight Dylan."


When Tom Christensen finally gets his hands
on the security video from outside the mall it is so grainy that it
is impossible to identify the man getting in the car. All you can
tell for sure is that he is wearing a dark hooded long sleeved
shirt or jacket. The hood was pulled up around his face preventing

According to the video, the man got into the
passenger side of the car. After about twenty minutes the video
shows him exiting the car and walking back into the mall. The man
was not wearing gloves.

After Tom examines the security video from
inside the mall near the game room he is able to produce a close up
of Richard Thomas wearing a dark zip up long sleeved jacket with a
hood. The video from the game room shows that Dylan is wearing a
white sweatshirt, the same sweat shirt he is wearing in the photos
taken when he was booked into jail. The sweatshirt does not have a

When Jacob gets the report of the
fingerprints found in the car it only shows prints from Elena,
Damian, and Richard Thomas. According to the notes of when the
police interviewed Thomas, he told the police of course his prints
were in the car because he was her banker and they had gone on a
few dates. It is common knowledge that Thomas cheats on his wife.
Dylan's prints were not found in or on the car.


The trial date is set for the second week of
December and Jacob is confident that he can get a not guilty
verdict. The prosecution has no evidence that Dylan killed her and
Jacob has plenty of evidence to create reasonable doubt. Jacob
really can't understand why the prosecutor is being so stubborn
about going to trial.

On the night before the trial is to begin,
Jacob is sitting in Evelyn's living room going over what Dylan can
expect the next morning when his cell phone rings,

"Jacob Murray,"

"Jacob, Tom Christensen. I found a Texas
Department of Transportation video of the highway running in front
of the mall. Because Elena's car was parked at the back of the lot
right next to the highway it clearly shows Elena's car in the
parking lot. It shows the man getting in and out of the car. I am
having it enhanced now to see if we can identify him. I'll keep you

"That's great Tom. I'll wait to hear from you
then," says Jacob.

He relates the new information to Dylan.

Dylan is very nervous. He trusts Jacob but he
is still going on trial for murder tomorrow and his fate is unknown
at this point. He now has a better understanding of how nerve
wracking it was for Barry when he faced the same charge a few years
ago. At least Jacob is completely sure he can obtain an acquittal
this time. At Barry's trial they didn't know until the last day
whether or not the evidence they had secured would be enough.

Jury selection will probably take a few days
before the actual testimony begins. The result of the trial is
going to depend on how much evidence the judge allows. If he
restricts the evidence concerning Richard Thomas, it will be much
more difficult to create reasonable doubt.


When they pull up to the courthouse the next
morning, Dylan is shocked by the number of people standing around
outside. Media trucks are everywhere. As they walk up the steps and
enter the courtroom Dylan's heart is pounding with apprehension and
his palms are sweaty. He is so nervous he can't think straight.
Walking up the center aisle to the defense table he is shocked at
the crowd inside the courtroom. He doesn't see an empty seat
anywhere. When he nears the front he sees Barry and smiles. Barry
is sitting on the aisle and next to him is Skye!

Skye is here! As he approaches Barry stands
and shakes his hand and Skye throws her arms around his neck and he
hugs her tight. Tears are streaming down her face so he smiles and
says, "It's going to be all right. I'm glad you're here."

Sitting next to Skye is Goose, Stump and
Pinky and he shakes their hands. Jacob tugs on his arm and they
move on to the defense table. Jacob leans in and says, "Remember,
don't express any emotion. Once the jury is selected it will be
extremely important not to express emotion. They will watch
everything you do and it can cause them to form an opinion. You
want their opinion to be based solely on the evidence not the fact
that you smiled at a pretty woman." Dylan nods in

When the judge declares court adjourned for
the day seven jurors have been selected, three men and four women.
Jacob is pleased so far with the jurors.

From court they drive to the hotel and enter
Jacob's suite where Barry and I are waiting with the other guys.
When Dylan enters the room I fly into his arms and he wraps them
tightly around me breathing in my scent and absorbing my warmth.
Turning my face up to his he gently brushes his lips against mine
and whispers, "Later."

Smiling I ask, "Promise?"

"I promise."

Pulling me to his side he greets the other
people in the room. A short time later, Dylan is surprised when
Evelyn enters the suite. Smiling he rises and introduces her to the
group. When he gets to me he says, "Evelyn, this is Skye. Skye,
this is my sister Evelyn."

Smiling warmly Evelyn says, "It is so nice to
finally meet you. Dylan has told me so much about you. I can't wait
to tell you how he used to torture me as a kid."

Laughing, I say, "I am all ears. I'll bet he
was a real stinker."

When Evelyn walked in the room, Goose glanced
at her then froze, his breath trapped in his lungs. He has never
been affected by any woman as he is by Scoot's sister. His mouth is
dry, he is tongue tied and can't think of a single thing to say
plus he knows he blushed from head to toe when he shook her hand.
She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen with her long
chocolate brown hair and dark green eyes.

Evelyn notices Goose too. He is so tall and
handsome with light brown hair and eyes that match. He has to be at
least six foot five and she feels petite next to him even though
she is considered tall by most standards. When he took her hand in
his she felt the tingle all the way to her toes. Wow!

The group enjoys a scrumptious dinner catered
by the steakhouse downstairs. While they are eating Jacob updates
everyone on how he thinks the trial is going. Just as everyone is
finishing their meal, Tom Christensen enters the suite.

Grinning from ear to ear he announces, "I
have fantastic news. We identified the man getting in the car. When
we enhanced the video we found one shot where he was looking
directly at the camera. It is Richard Thomas."

Dylan's heart leaps for joy and he squeezes
my hand. Everyone gathers around the television in the suite.

Tom sticks a CD into the video player then
hits play, "Watch."

Everyone has their eyes glued to the screen.
When the man enters the picture you can see him headed toward the
car. When he opens the door to get in he looks directly at the
camera and his face is clearly visible. It is Richard Thomas.

When Thomas' picture comes on the screen, I
tense and gasp audibly. Dylan, sitting next to me looks over at me
and my face is white as a sheet. He says, "Skye, what's wrong?"

"Oh my God! That is one of the guys that
raped me!" I exclaim.

Barry, sitting on my other side says, "Skye,
are you sure?"

"I'm positive. I will never forget that face!
I didn't know his name but he is the one that convinced me to go
with them. He is the one that gave me the drink with the drugs in

Jacob says, "You'll have to file charges in
the county in which the offense was committed. Where was it

"It was in Los Angeles. Some friends and I
went to a hard rock concert. We got separated and that guy
convinced me he would help me find them. He took me to a van and
gave me a cola to drink. After that a lot of it is hazy. I was
raped over and over. I think there were six of them but I'm not
positive that was all of them. He is the only one I saw before I
was drugged."

Dylan is furious. It's a good thing Thomas is
in jail or he wouldn't be able to control his urge to tear him limb
from limb. Taking slow deep breaths he tries to bring his emotions
back under control. At least the counseling has helped her to be
able to talk about it now. He is glad to finally know what has made
her so afraid and he hopes that maybe now she can heal.

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