Making New Memories (11 page)

Read Making New Memories Online

Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #helicopter, #rescue, #marine, #wyoming

BOOK: Making New Memories
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I look at Barry and say, "I want to talk to
him, face to face."

Dylan says, "I'll take you."

Jacob interrupts, "No, you can't Dylan. I
know you're angry right now, but Thomas is still a witness against
you in a murder trial. You can't be anywhere near him."

Goose says, "I'll take you Skye. You trust me
don't you?"

Looking at Goose, I say, "Yes, Goose, I do
trust you. Thank you."

"When would be the best time Jacob? We don't
want to interfere in the trial," asks Goose.

"I don't see any reason you can't go tomorrow
after court. He is not scheduled to testify until Wednesday. With
the new video evidence it may not even come to that, we'll see how
the prosecutor reacts to it tomorrow," answers Jacob.

After the guys depart for their own rooms,
Dylan asks Evelyn to wait for a few minutes and he and I step into
the bedroom for some privacy.

He pulls me into his arms. Gazing into my
eyes, he says, "Oh Skye, I have missed you so much." Lowering his
head he tenderly brushes his lips against mine. Pulling on his neck
I open my mouth and he plunges into my warmth tasting my sweetness,
tongues tangling in the dance as old as time. When Dylan moves his
lips to my cheek and then down the graceful curve of my neck he
says, "Oh Skye, you move me as no other. I hope this is over

Breathing raggedly I say, "I miss you too

Pulling away, he says, "I better go. Tomorrow
is going to be a long day. Sleep well." Giving me one last brief
kiss, we re-enter the suite and he and Evelyn head for home.


When Jacob and Dylan walk into court the next
morning, the prosecutor immediately approaches them. "I got the
video your PI turned up. It certainly proves the man getting into
Ms. Drake's car was Thomas. I am going to drop the charges against
Mr. Drake." Dylan's heart leaps for joy.

Smiling Jacob says, "I really appreciate
that. When?"

The prosecutor responds, "As soon as the
judge gets here. We should be able to take care of it in his
chambers if that's all right with you."

Jacob answers, "No, I prefer a formal motion
for dismissal after court is in session. I'm sure you've noticed
the media that is covering this trial because of a few of Mr.
Drake's friends. I also would greatly appreciate it if you would
make a statement to them indicating the reason you are dismissing
the charges."

Blushing, the prosecutor says, "Certainly. I
am honored to have Barry Farrady in my town. I certainly don't want
anything to reflect negatively on Amarillo."

"Oh, one more thing I think I should let you
know. One of Mr. Drake's friends, Skye Reynolds, identified Richard
Thomas as one of a group of guys that raped her ten years ago in
LA. She is going to file charges against him but she wants to
confront him here. Do you have any objections?"

"Gang rape? Mr. Thomas sure has had a
colorful life. When he gets through with the justice system he'll
be lucky to ever see the light of day again, especially if the
media covers that trial."

"The media will be present. Ms. Reynolds is
the daughter of Benjamin Reynolds, Academy Award winning movie
director that committed suicide a few years ago. The Paparazzi
follow her everywhere," assures Jacob.

Once the judge arrives at the courthouse
everything moves swiftly. As soon as the judge calls the court to
order, the prosecutor openly makes a motion for dismissal based on
the new evidence. When Jacob agrees, the judge orders Dylan
released from custody immediately. Relief flows over Dylan as he
listens to the judge's order. The bailiff removes the ankle
bracelet and court is dismissed.

Dylan shakes hands with Jacob thanking him
for his representation and immediately turns to me and pulls me
into his arms for a warm kiss. He then shakes hands with all of the
Drake Security team and Tom Christenson. When they exit the
courthouse, the prosecutor is answering the reporter's questions on
the steps. When they see Dylan and Barry Farrady, attention is
diverted to them and the prosecutor makes a quick escape. After
answering a few questions, the guys all surround Jacob, Dylan,
Barry, and me and escort us to the waiting cars and away from the
horde of reporters.

From the courthouse the group makes their way
to a local restaurant for lunch and Goose and I head for the jail.
When we enter the visitor's area we have to sign a register. After
I sign my name I glance over Goose's shoulder and watches him sign
his name,

"Reginald Willingham?"

Blushing Goose says, "Yeah, now you know why
I prefer Goose."

Teasing I reply, "I don't know. I think
Reggie is kind of cute."

Blushing even more Goose says, "Oh hush, and
don't you dare tell Scoot."

While waiting for the jailer to bring Thomas
into the room, I have an attack of nerves. Looking at Goose I say,
"I'm not sure I can do this."

Squeezing my shoulder he says, "Sure you can.
You're one of the bravest women I have ever known. If you can skin
and gut a mountain lion, you can surely skin and gut a snake."

I turn back toward the door as Richard Thomas
enters the room. Looking into his beady eyes, I ask,

"Mr. Thomas, do you remember me?"

Shaking his head he says, "No, I don't
remember you. Why would I?"

"On June 30, 1999 you attended a hard rock
concert in LA. You and five of your friends drugged and raped me in
the back of a red van. I am here to let you know that I remember
you and I am going to file charges against you."

As she is talking Goose watches Thomas' face
and takes pleasure in seeing the color drain away. Thomas says,
"That's ridiculous. That was ten years ago and there is no way you
can remember who did what you said."

Smiling I reply, "Oh yes, there is something
you don't know about me. I have a photographic memory and your face
is very vivid in my mind. It was you and I will testify against you
in court, that is, if you ever get to court after you stand trial
for the embezzlement charges here and for the murder of Elena

Goose was surprised to see him turn even
whiter. Evidently he hadn't heard about the new evidence in the
Drake murder trial.

"That's all I wanted to say, have a good day
Mr. Thomas." I stand up and walk out of the visitation room as
regally as any queen. Goose was properly impressed and Thomas was
left with his mouth hanging open and beads of sweat forming on his


After my visit with Thomas, Goose and I head
to a local Tex-Mex Restaurant where Barry has reserved a banquet
room and the rest of the group is waiting. After a delicious lunch
Barry asks Evelyn why she doesn't quit her job and move to Wyoming.
He tells her Eric would love having the company and now that Damian
will be coming to Wyoming to live with Dylan it will be the perfect
place for her children to grow up. Jacob's daughter Dani needs a
girl close to her own age to grow up with too.

Dylan implores her, "Please say yes, Evelyn.
I don't want to lose you again. You are all the family I have

She says, "Well, let me discuss it with the
kids. It's their life too. Can I let you know something in a few

Barry says, "Of course, I can send the jet
back for you any time. I'm sure it might take a little while to get
your things packed anyway. Don't worry about furniture. Just bring
your personal things, clothes and toys. I'll take care of
everything else."

Goose says, "I'll be happy to stay and help
you get things together."

Smiling Dylan says, "That would be great
Goose. Make sure she comes, all right?"

"I'll do what I can to convince her," says
Goose smiling. His heart is pounding with excitement. He can't wait
to get to know Evelyn on a personal level.


The rest of the group heads to the airport.
Stump, Pinky, Barry, Jacob and I are flying back in Barry's private
jet. Dylan will fly back in the helicopter tomorrow. He is
scheduled to pick up Damian at Child Protective Services at five
o'clock this afternoon.

After Barry purchased the ranch next door to
Jacob and Jason Murray's ranch, they built a state of the art
airstrip for use by both ranches. It is lighted and the runway is
heated for use during the winter months. Jason Murray flew back to
Wyoming several days ago on the Murray's jet.

While they are waiting for the jet to be
readied for the flight, I tell the guys about my visit with Richard
Thomas. "He tried to tell me he didn't recognize me but he
remembered the incident. He turned as white as a sheet when I told
him the date and what they did. He tried to tell me I couldn't
remember his face after ten years but when I told him I have a
photographic memory he turned even whiter. It was a very empowering

Barry says, "Skye, I am so proud of you. You
have really come a long way since I pulled you out from behind that

Frowning Dylan says, "I haven't heard that
part. What happened?"

Barry says, "When Skye didn't come home and
her friends said she had gotten separated from them, Skye's father,
Ben, asked me to go and look for her. I was still a relative
unknown in LA so I went down to where the concert had been and
started looking. I talked to a lot of people but no one had seen
her so I started searching the area. I found her unconscious behind
a dumpster. I thought at first she was dead. Not only did they rape
her, they had beaten her and left her to die behind the dumpster. I
carried her home and her father brought in the best medical team he
could find to take care of her. Her room looked like an ICU room
for weeks. It was touch and go for a long time but eventually she
pulled through, at least physically. I worried then that she would
never fully recover emotionally. But now, I think she is well on
her way to a full recovery."

Tears in his eyes, he turns to me and raises
our clasped hands to his mouth kissing my palm. "You are one tough
lady. I am proud of you too."

Barry and Jacob exchange knowing looks. They
have both been exactly where Dylan is and know where he is headed
even if he doesn't know yet.

Dylan watches as the jet takes off headed
back for Wyoming. It is time for him to go and collect his son. He
can't believe after all these years he is actually going to have
Damian with him every day. He is so happy. He knows they will have
a period of adjustment but he is confident they will make it
through. He is grateful for the short visits he had with Damian
thanks to his friend Bobby Feldman. At least they won't be total

When he pulls into the Child Protective
Services office he feels like butterflies have taken up permanent
residence in his stomach. When he walks in the door, Damian pulls
away from the social worker and bolts toward him. He pulls him into
his arms and swings him around. Holding him tightly he looks at the
social worker and sees her smile.

She says, "Mr. Drake, I am very happy to see
that Damian is comfortable with you. We had been led to believe you
hadn't seen him for some time."

Blushing, Dylan says, "Well, Damian and I met
on several occasions at the mall and played video games. His mother
wouldn't allow formal visits so we met whenever we could."

She says, "To be honest I am very relieved to
know that. I was worried that you were going to be strangers to
each other. I can now comfortably allow you to take Damian back to
your home in Wyoming. I will be sending my files to the agency in
Cody. I'm sure you will be contacted by them in the near future. We
packed all of his things at their home. I'll have our clerk help
you load them into your car. Here is my card if you should need to
contact me. Good luck."

Dylan plans to spend the night at a hotel in
Amarillo and fly back to Wyoming in the morning giving he and
Damian some alone time to get to know each other better. After
checking into the hotel, they head down to the restaurant for an
early dinner. Sitting at the table he asks,

"Damian, how have you been? Have they been
treating you all right?"

Damian says, "They were nice enough to me.
Why did they tell me you weren't going to come get me? After they
told me Mom had died they said you wouldn't be coming to get me and
that I was going to have to stay in Foster Care. I didn't
understand why you wouldn't come." He looks at Dylan with hurt
showing in his eyes.

Dylan says, "They didn't tell you they had
arrested me for your Mom's death?"

Damian says, "What? They thought you killed
Mom? Why didn't they ask me? Richard killed her. I could have told
them that."

Dylan asks, "How do you know that?"

Damian answers, "Easy. Mom was taking money
from him and it made him really mad. I heard him say he was going
to kill her. I didn't like him at all. He was mean."

Dylan asks, "When did you hear him say

Damian answers, "I heard him talking on his
cell phone at the mall on Saturday. He said he had it all worked
out that he was going to kill her and blame you."

"Did you tell anybody what you heard?" asks

"I told the guy that came to tell me Mom was
dead. I think he said he was a pro see cuter," answers Damian.

"Well, that explains why they wouldn't let
Jacob talk to you," replies Dylan.

"So, did they finally figure out that Richard
did it? Is that why they let you come and get me?" asks Damian.

"Yeah, they figured it out. I'm sorry Sport
that I couldn't come sooner. I wanted to be there for you when they
told you about your Mom," says Dylan.

"So, tell me about the ranch where we are
going to live. Are there horses and cows and stuff? Are there other
kids for me to play with? Will I be able to play baseball? How long
will we have to drive to get to the ranch?"

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