Man Of Steel (10 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Man Of Steel
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With that shit
over I could turn my attentions to enjoying the day. Jake’s women had put out a
spread of monumental proportions which was needed when the rest of the guests
started showing up. I was having a time of it keeping my eye on my guys and
making sure they weren’t getting into shit. Just because I’d just made a deal
with these guys didn’t mean that some knucklehead wouldn’t say or do the wrong
thing. It was par for the course when dealing with this ilk.

Lily was
gabbing away in what appeared to be the women’s designated area so she was fine
for now. Lil bit hadn’t shown up yet and the guys were talking about a game of
shirts and skins. Everyone except
that is, if
there wasn’t a bat or pigskin involved he wasn’t interested. I figured I could
relax since everyone seemed to be getting along well.

I grabbed a
beer and went to the table closest to the entrance to wait for my little girl.
I know she loves shit like this, and between her and the others kids milling
around I had no doubt Jake’s place would be shit in ten seconds flat. Better
him than me. I was beginning to grin at the thought when I caught movement out
the corner of my eye.

I turned
around in time to see Deke throwing some guy into the side of the house. I was
running before I knew I’d even stood. “Deke what the fuck?” I had to speed up
before he reached the guy again which he was about to do. “Deke, drop him.”

“No, he has to apologize.”

“I don’t have to do no such thing, who are you anyway? This
has nothing to do with you.” I didn’t know what the fuck, but I did notice
Jake’s tenant standing there close to tears and wringing her hands.

“Deke, put him the fuck down
now.” he shook him like a rag doll before dropping him like a sack. “What the
fuck are
you thinking? We talked about this shit.”

“You didn’t
hear what he said to her.” I could see him tensing to charge again. Meanwhile
the asshole would not shut the fuck up and the woman was out and out crying
now. Fuck me can’t I have just one day?

happened?” Deke puffed up before he looked at me square in the eye. “He said he
shouldn’t have to dole out money for the kid, that it wasn’t his fault that
she’d gone ahead and had the imbecile after he told her not to.”

“How would you
know what I said to my wife if you weren’t eavesdropping on our conversation?
Anything to do with my family has nothing to do with you.” Before I could deal
with the asshole Deke made a step towards the woman. “You’re still his wife?”

“No his ex.”
The asshole reached towards her and Deke pulled her out of his reach. “Don’t
fucking touch her.” What the fuck was going on here anyway? He said something
to her I don’t know what and she walked off and headed back to the other side.
So far it didn’t seem like anyone else had witnessed this little showdown and
I’d like to keep it that way if only the asshole would put a sock in it.

“You shut the fuck up.”

“I’m not one of your boys.” He did the air quotes deal and
kept mouthing off. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

I just walked over and throat punched the fucker. “Educated

He choked out and his legs
started kicking like he was going into shock or some shit. I figure that was
better than letting Deke cap his ass, which I was pretty sure would’ve been

“There ought to be a law.”

“What law is that boss?”

“Where you can shoot a
motherfucker for being stupid. There are entirely too many scholastic
institutions in this fucking country for people to be that fucking dumb.”

By the time
dickhead got his shit together and crawled away with his tail between his legs
Jake was making an appearance from the other side. “You better hope you didn’t
do any damage to Jake’s house or it’ll be your ass.”

“Nah Jake’s cool besides he’ll
agree with me.
I should tell him what that
fucker did.”

“No you will not. There’re
women and children here they don’t need to witness any bloodshed for fuck
sake.” If there was one thing I knew from the years that I’ve known Jake and
his family it’s that he’s very protective of the women and children. Somehow
this woman and her son had become part of that unit. There’s no telling what
the fuck he’d do to this guy, deserving or not.

He finally made it over to us. “I
saw you spear chucking the asshole what was that about?”

was nothing he was just mouthing off.


Fucker's mouth barely moves but
his eyes don't miss shit.

“It was nothing, just a little
misunderstanding.” Jake cocked his brow in his ‘I eat fuckwits for breakfast’
Deke smirked at me like he had me and came within two minutes of feeling my
boot in his ass

looks like your kid is trying to see how your grill really works.”

head snapped around and he was moving "Where the hell is his mother?
Fucking kid.”

Tell me about it.

I turned back to my own problem child but
was waylaid by my daughter’s scream of excitement. The little ball of energy
came flying towards us at top speed.

“Dee, Dee, Dee.” what the fuck?

made a beeline for her boy, hands up ponytails flying and the biggest grin on her
face. He on the other hand had knelt down and opened his arms for her. His
smile was almost as big as hers as she kissed his cheeks and gabbed away before
turning to me.


so you noticed me did you?”

She reached and I took her not
the least bit put out that she'd gone to her big brother first. It was always
jolting seeing those two together. Deke was as hard as they come but he'd come
a long way from the menacing boy I'd put away years ago. Seeing him so loving
and tender with my kid did something to me every time.

When she grew
tired of us she climbed down and ran off to find her friends. “You’re good with
her Deke. When are you planning to settle down and start one of your own?” I was
just fucking with him because I knew his mind was nowhere near that shit, but
his answer threw me.

“I’m thinking about it.” I followed
his gaze to Jake’s tenant. Fuck!

“Deke, you fuck with that and Jake will have your ass boy.”
He laughed it off and clapped my shoulder as he walked away but I wasn’t
convinced. “It’s just a thought boss, just a thought.”



I’d told Donna
not to bring Steph until a little later in the afternoon. I figured by then any
shit that could go south would be over and done with. She was a little skittish
when she first showed up which was understandable, until she saw that all her
boys were here. I hadn’t told the other crews about her they weren’t one of us
yet and it was none of their business, but it would be good to see how they
interacted with the kids.

She took a
minute to warm up but the other kids soon had her running and jumping like the
nine year old she was. Her mom was being cosseted by the sisters and all in all
it was a good break for the two of them. My guys were on high alert and without
being too obvious Jake’s men and mine were patrolling the perimeter. There was
always the threat of one of Dwayne’s asshole pals showing up here and instead
of shrugging that shit off and thinking no way, I decided to be cautious.

I watched the
other MCs as they milled around and got acquainted,
them out I guess you can say. Slash made his way to me about ten minutes later.
“She one of yours?” He nodded his head in Stephanie’s direction.

“Yep.” That was
fuck he was gonna get outta me until I knew where he was going with

“She’s still hurting, it’s in her eyes. He in jail?”

“The case starts Monday.”

His jaw ticked and the veins in his arm throbbed as if he
were holding himself back, and just like that Slash became my boy.

“What do you say me and my boys come along on this run, see
how you do things.”

I slapped his shoulder and
sipped my beer. “Don’t see nothing wrong with that.”


Things were
going good, looked like everyone was having a good time. My kid’s laughter
could be heard ringing out as she played with her friends, which was always a
good thing for me. I saw the women in some type of huddle and was about to
tease Jake about what the fuck they were up to when I noticed the dynamics.

Most of the
women were bent over Lily’s hand, which could only mean one thing; they were
gushing over her ring. There was one person who wasn’t taking part in the
festivities and from the look on her face she was loaded for bear. Her eyes
connected with mine and she made a beeline for me. Well shit.

“How could you do this to me, how
can you embarrass me like this?”

“Not here and not now.”

“I can’t believe you’re actually gonna marry her, whatever
happened to all your big talk about Holly, and giving her the life she

“She does have the life she
deserves, because I’m there twenty-four seven if she needs me and she never
wants for nothing. What did you think, that by some miracle we were gonna get
back together?” She folded her arms and tapped her feet.

“We’re leaving.”

“My kid’s not ready to go she’s
having fun; don’t do this shit. It’s neither the time nor the place.” She
stomped off and to keep the peace I decided to let it go. There was no point in
spoiling everybody’s fucking day. No, just my kid’s; one more thing that Deanna
fucked up with her selfish bullshit.

When Holly
started kicking and screaming I headed over there, it broke my heart every time
I heard her cry, and there was nothing worst than leaving her in that state.
“Hey baby it’s okay, daddy will come get you tomorrow and do something fun.” I
picked her up and tried to calm her before shit got out of hand.

“No I don’t
wanna.” She stiffened up her little body and fought to get down. Deanna tried
taking her out of my arms but she wasn’t having it. When she tried wrestling
her away I almost lost my shit. “Don’t manhandle my kid Deanna, I don’t care
how upset you are you don’t ever do that shit.”

“Let’s go
Holly I’m not gonna tell you again.”
She totally ignored me and growled at the poor kid who had nothing to do
with this shit. I started to walk with them back to the car. Halfway across the
yard I saw Deana throw a triumphant look over her shoulder.

I had no doubt
what I would see when I turned around and wasn’t the least bit surprised when
my eyes met Lily’s. Although the argument had been kept low the other women’s
body language spoke volumes. They knew what the fuck was going on.

I dropped my
head in frustration at the whole fucked up situation. I felt like I was being
pulled in ten fucking directions at once and none of them good. Holly was my
main concern no matter what. She was the only innocent here and I was bound to
protect her at all cause.

On the other
hand, my woman was also my responsibility. She lets me into her body, that’s
the most intimate and trusting thing in my book, for a female to do. That shit
is supposed to mean something, and how I handle this little flare up will go a
long way proving to her once and for all whose side I’m on. All I could hope
for right now, was that Lily knew her man well enough to know that I would
never fucking go there.

She let me
know just how much she was with me by meeting me halfway when I returned. The
scene at the car hadn’t been pretty and when she walked up and wrapped her arms
around me that went along way to easing the strain. I was suddenly very tired
and so fucking done. I wasn’t about to spend the next few months in a tug of
war with Deanna, which I knew is just where this shit was headed.

It sucked, but
for now I had to put my personal shit aside and think about Stephanie. The next
few days were
be rough on her and she was
looking to the Steels to take care of shit. So I accepted my woman’s hug and
her whispered words of encouragement and trooped the fuck on. I’ll deal with
Deanna and her shit later.

Chapter 16

At the end of
the night, we all headed back home. Tonight’s detail had come and picked up
Donna and Stephanie’s tail, and some of the boys were headed to the clubhouse
while I was headed for home and bed with my woman.

Even though
been understanding
after the shit had gone down,
I knew her well enough to know that she was still a little raw. And who could
blame her? I was
have to lighten the mood and
get us back on track. We were supposed to be celebrating our engagement for
fuck sake.

Back at the
house, I was overly attentive. She probably saw right through my shit but so
what. I was doing damage control. “You wanna take a shower with me baby?” I
kissed her neck and grabbed her ass, pulling her pussy hard against my growing
hard on. She lifted her mouth to me in answer and I picked her up with her legs
wrapped around my waist and our mouths fused together as I navigated my way to
the bathroom.

As I’m
walking, I’m mapping out in my head just how this night was
go. First a little laughter to wipe away the taint from our day and then I’ll
move in for the kill. I nibbled and licked her as I undressed her body. She was
already breathing hard by the time I rolled her thongs down her thighs.

I took my time
and licked up the inside of her thigh, enjoying the salty taste of her flesh.
It had been a while since we’d gotten real sweaty together. I don’t think
there’s a better way for a man to show his woman just how much he fucking feels
for her, than by fucking the shit out of her every once in a while.

With Lily my
whole perspective had changed, not with Deanna, or any of the pussy I’d had
before or after her had I been the way that I am with Lily. I went from
straight vanilla to threesomes with hoppers and an assorted bevy of women who
wanted on my cock. But none of them had brought out of me what Lily did.

I used to make
love before because hey let’s face it, that’s what the world tells you is the
right way to treat your lady. It’s the sort of flowery poetry bullshit dreams
are supposedly made of. Nothing feels better than being balls deep in her pussy
from behind while I’m pulling her hair and biting into her neck; nothing
flowery about that shit. And tonight I feel the need to fuck out my frustration
in her and on her. It’s what we do for each other after a hard fucking day.

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