Man Of Steel (12 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Man Of Steel
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She started
out a little shaky, but midway through, that steel shone through. She answered
the questions from the cross examination like she wanted to smash the fucker’s
face in
typical reaction of a nine year old being
made out to be a liar. I’d told her to think of him like a grown up trying to
get her in trouble for shit she didn’t do and it worked. She did everything but
call him a fucking liar, and the look on her face was priceless.

Dwayne the
fuck was sweating bullets. Nothing he’d expected of this day was panning out.
His last hope was either one of two things, that she would either be too scared
to testify or that the man he’d hired from inside to take her out would do the
job and he would walk. The fucker was done.

She spoke with
such conviction in her little voice that only a cold- hearted villain would
find untruths in her words. By the end of that first day we pretty much knew it
was in the bag.

We’d set up a
kind of after-party at the local fast food place so she could unwind after her
ordeal. Holly was gonna be there for sure and Jake was bringing his wife and
kids. Slash who I didn’t even know was married, decided to bring his little boy
along as well.

Now that the
hard part was over, we wouldn’t be spending as much time with her as before but
we weren’t exactly going to disappear out of her life either. She was already
in therapy, which had been set up by us; and she knew how to reach me at
anytime night or day. With all the necessary safeguards in place, we’d be
moving on to the next case. Hopefully that would be a long time coming because
it was getting harder and harder not to off these fuckers on sight.

As it was,
Dwayne wasn’t going to live out the week. After his sentence was handed down
and Stephanie got the justice she deserved, he was set to have an unfortunate accident
in his cell. It wouldn’t be the first time a child molester had been torched
behind bars and I doubt too many people would lose sleep over it. I sure the
fuck wasn’t going to that’s for sure.

Chapter 18

I rolled out
of bed after fucking the shit out of Lily in the middle of the day. It was her
off day and she’d hood winked me into cake tasting or some shit and the deal
was if I went through with it she’d let me do anything I wanted to her. Hey,
I’m not above using that shit to my advantage.

She wobbled her way to the bathroom
after an intense bout of balls deep stroking that had left me raw, so I could
only imagine what her little pussy was feeling. It was a good day.

I headed downstairs to see
about dinner since neither of us was in the mood to go out.

The doorbell
rang and I opened it up to see two of my guys standing there. “Come on in
guys…uh give me a minute.” My girl was in the shower and I’m just fucked up
enough to feel a way about them being here while she was naked.

I headed up to
the shower and eased the glass door back. I stood there grinning for a minute
because she was belting out some old song at the top of her lungs. “Baby.”

Yikes.” I reached out and grabbed her as she jumped and almost fell into the
wall behind her.

“Take it easy sweetheart.”

“Hayden you almost gave me a
heart attack.”

“Sorry about that, listen the guys
are here so cover up before you come down.” She wears these short sexy robes
after her bath that usually makes my dick hard. No way I wanted anyone else
getting any of that action. I pulled her in for a kiss and she plastered her
front to mine.

“Umm…” She groaned into my
mouth even as she rubbed herself against me, pure torture.

“Babe don’t
start, the boys are here.” She made her sex kitten noise and that was all it
took. Taking her lips once more I found her heat with my fingers and sunk them
in. With my thumb on her swollen clit I fingered her while sucking on her
tongue. She was in heat for sure if the sounds she made were any indication,
not to mention the way she rode my fingers. You’d think I hadn’t fucked her in
days instead of just a short hour ago.

“Shit, hold
on. Put your hand in your mouth baby.” As soon as she stuffed her fist into her
mouth I sucked down hard on her nipple, went after her G-spot with two fingers
while pressing down on her clit. It wasn’t long before she was flooding my hand
and squealing around the fingers in her mouth. I pulled my fingers out of her
as she slumped forward onto my chest.

I licked her
juices from my fingers but that little taste wasn’t enough. Pushing her back I
knelt on the marble floor outside the shower stall and lifted her leg so I
could sink my tongue into her. She damn near scalped me when I started tongue
fucking her while holding her ass still in my hands.

After I’d
brought her off again for the second time in five minutes, I got to my feet
again. “Hold that thought babe let me go see what the guys want.” I tried
really hard not to look at her face, that look in her eyes would only have me
brushing off the guys for a quick fuck and I didn’t have time.

“Shit, I have to brush my teeth.”


“I can’t have a meet with pussy
on my breath, those fucks will never let me live it down.” She howled with
laughter and closed the door going back to her shower.

After I’d cleaned
myself up, I headed back down where a couple more of my crew had arrived. I
picked up on the atmosphere right away but since no one was saying anything, I
decided to play

I know my men,
so I knew there was something brewing, but I could tell from the way they were
trying so hard to appear relaxed that they needed time to tell me whatever it
was that was on their minds. Each man had a beer so I reached into the cooler
for one myself.

“Damn bro, the least you could do
is change.”
grinned at me before taking a sip
of his beer.

“The fuck you talking about?” He gestured with his bottle
and I looked down at my front, which was wet in all the places she’d rubbed
herself. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where the water had come from.

“Shut the fuck up. Now,
tell me what the fuck is going on?

“It’s about Deanna.”
took the lead after a minute of silence.

“My ex, what about her?” I
stood at attention, not that I really gave much of a fuck about her, but anything
to do with her involved my kid. Ever since the BBQ a few weeks ago we’ve been
steering clear of each other. She hadn’t pulled any of her usual stunts, which
come to think of it,
a bit off.

“She’s dealing
with that fuck again it looks like. Holly’s detail picked up on it last week,
but he’s been changing up shit so we weren’t sure it was really
until now. He changed his hair color and everything.”

“Show me.” I knew they wouldn’t
come to me with this shit without some sort of proof to back it up. Deke passed
me an envelope, which I tore into. There was a sheaf of documents in there and
I started with the first.

paragraphs in I
headed for the door. I didn’t even
take the time to tell Lily I was leaving out but called her from the truck as I
pulled out of my driveway. In the rearview I saw my crew following behind as
was to be expected.

“Hayden?” She answered on the first
ring a sound of surprise in her voice. She was probably wondering why the fuck
I was calling her from downstairs. “Yeah baby sorry, something came up; I have
to make a run right quick. Can you do me a solid and make sure princess’s room
is ready?”

“Yeah, sure; everything okay?”

“I’ll fill you in when I get back babe. No driving and
talking remember?”

“Okay, see you soon.”


I reached my
destination in twenty minutes and slammed out of the truck. I was beyond pissed
but kept myself in check. I rarely let my kid see the ugly side of me. At three
years old her world is nothing but ponies and butterflies. It’s one of the reasons
I work my ass off doing what I do, so she never wants for anything, neither
material nor emotional. It would be really fucked for me to take care only of
the external shit and fuck her up internally.

I knocked on the door and rang the
bell to my old home even though I still held a key. It had been my decision to
leave my kid in her family home but the shit was still in my name because I’d
beaten Deanna’s ass in the divorce. She didn’t get shit from me, and since
there was no proof that I was a neglectful parent she couldn’t fight for child

I make sure my kid was well
taken care of in all ways, that’s why I’m here now.

what’re you doing here?” She opened the door with that slick smile of hers that
had caught me off guard when I was too young, dumb and fucking horny to know
any better. Now it just made my blood run cold.

I handed her the envelope without a
word and moved past her in the doorway. “What is this?” I didn’t bother to
answer her; my mind was on one fucking thing and one thing only.

“Daddy, daddy.” My lil bit came bounding into the room
pigtails flying, her cheeky grin brightening up her face.

“Come on Princess, you and
daddy are gonna go for a ride.”

“Wait a minute, you can’t just
barge in here and take her in the middle of the night.” She tried standing in
my way as I opened the door and beckoned one of the guys over.

I handed Holly off to Deke who
started tickling her to sidetrack her from the drama about to unfold.

“I warned you that if I found out
that you’ve had that fuck anywhere near my kid I’d bury you.” She tried pulling
on my shirt as I turned to leave.

“You can’t do this, you have someone in your life why can’t

“Bullshit, you’ve had plenty
since I ditched your ass and before come to think of it.” Her face paled and
she took a step back.

“Oh yeah, I
know all about your bed hopping and I didn’t give a fuck because I don’t give a
fuck about you. As long as you kept that shit away from my kid I could care
less. Now you’ve crossed the fucking line. Not only does he have a record, he’s
a violent fuck who likes to beat up on women and children. I told you this shit
months ago and you swore you got rid of him. That’s the only reason I didn’t
take her then.

If you’re that
fucking desperate go for it, but she won’t be a part of it; your choice.” I
left her standing there because there was nothing more to be said. My kid’s not
be a fucking statistic. I’ve gone above and
beyond to ensure her safety the best I could. I’ve taken measures not even her
mother knew about, and that’s how my guys were able to catch this shit before
it was too late.

When I’d first
made the decision to walk away from her, I’d come up with an idea. It was the
only way I could have a peace of mind while not being there everyday with my
practically newborn baby girl. I’d sent Deanna to her mother’s for a couple of
weeks, never letting on what I was up to.

While they
were gone, I’d done some repairs and other shit to hide up my true purpose. It
had taken everything in me not to wire the whole house but I couldn’t justify
infringing on Deanna’s privacy like that. I planted eyes in my daughter’s room
though, and could give a fuck what anyone thought of that.

In my mind,
since I couldn’t be there, that was the next best thing. I also rigged her
window so that an alarm would go off at my place if anyone tried opening it
from the outside. Anything and everything I could think of for my little girl’s
well being I put into effect back then, and have upgraded a lot since then.

By the time they came back and I served
Deanna with divorce papers, I’d already taken care of my daughter’s safety. I’d
seen too much shit when I was on the force and later as a Steel and I’m not
taking any chances. You can’t really prepare for everything; life’s always
throwing fuck you balls at you. Some things come out of left field and
blindside your ass on a good day, but my plan is to cover as much shit as I can
for my little princess. That was daddy’s promise the first time I ever held her
tiny little form in my arms and I mean to keep that shit.


Saying that my
life became a shit storm after that is putting shit mildly. Instead of backing
down and getting her head straight Deanna, for the first few weeks at least,
decided to play hardball, or what she thought was hard. She held to the idea
that as an adult she could do whatever she wanted with her life, which was
never at issue in the first damn place. Sometimes I think this trick is on
something because she doesn’t understand so

I kept conversation
with her ass to a minimum. I was more about seeing for myself if she’d ever get
her head out of her ass long enough to get her shit together. She was all torn
the fuck up that Lily was now spending more and more time with Holly which as a
fair man I can see how that shit would sting. In all honesty I don’t want and
won’t ever fucking allow some other dick to have any part in raising my kid.
How the fuck I’m supposed to deal with that shit if that day ever comes,
is left to be seen

I don’t try to
force my kid to call Lily mom, but I do like the fact that they get along. With
that said my little girl misses her mom and whenever she asked for her in those
first few weeks it killed me not to give her what she wanted. But there was no
way in hell I was letting Deanna have her unless she figured her shit out. She
shouldn’t be messing with an asshole like this guy anyway, not with the sheet
he had.


After she
wised up to the fact that her tactics weren’t working or her fucking Xanax
kicked in, she started acting right. Instead of yelling and screaming on the
phone or coming to my fucking door with threats against my woman she was
actually calm and had gone so far as to apologize to Lily. Lily on the other
hand had told Deanna point blank to kiss her ass and get fucked, along with
some other choice things. What can I say? Apparently she had some shit of her
own that had been building up over the years.

I caved and
let her have Holly on a trial basis after that, but I had made up my mind sort
of, to keep my kid with me from now on. Something about the situation with this
guy was bothering the fuck out of me. He seemed familiar somehow but for some
reason I couldn’t put my finger on it. But my radar was going haywire whenever
he came up so I knew there had to be something there.

Lily and I had
been cruising along and even when we had lil bit with us nothing had really
changed in our home. We still fucked like tomorrow never comes and our shit was
tight. She was talking weddings and honeymoons and shit, which I wanted no
fucking part of. Shit was a minefield for men if you ask me. But she seemed
happy enough to deal with it on her own with her girls and her mom.

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