Man Of Steel (9 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Man Of Steel
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I gave them
some time to hammer out what it was they wanted to do, but I left them with the
knowledge that one way or another, we were gonna do something whether they were
too afraid or not. In the end Thomas, who it turns out was the uncle of the
fifteen year old who was gunned down while playing a friendly game of
basketball, was the one to take the lead and ask for our help.

“I can’t speak
for everyone else but I live here too and it was my family that was hit the
hardest. We can’t afford to let this shit go on any longer. Do whatever it is
that you need to Mr. Blade, my family and I appreciate it.” His words shamed
some of the others it seemed because soon more people were approaching us and
offering their hands in thanks. Then they offered us coffee and cake and I felt
like I’d fallen down the rabbit hole.

ass right that the elderly
women latched onto him.
He did have that innocent boy next door look if
you overlooked the million and one tats and the piercings that were visible. He
blushed beet red when one of them took his hand led him over to the table where
she handed him a cupcake with sprinkles and gushed over what a polite young man
he was when he said ‘yes ma’am’ and ‘thank you’. I kept my hand over my mouth
to hide the laughter and not embarrass him farther, but
had no such qualms. Of course I was the
one he glared at once the deluded grandmother wasn’t looking.

We hung around for a while longer since
the tension seemed to have abated a bit. I guess they were secure in the fact
that we weren’t there to rob them and run off with their women in the middle of
the night. And after learning that I was an ex-cop the resistance melted away
almost entirely. I guess that shit still had its purpose.

I gave them a
brief rundown of what we were going to do and after some browbeating got the
names of the main players in the gang that was running roughshod over their
liberty. We’d already ascertained some of the info but it was always best to
have the inside track. It was the only sure way to ensure that we weren’t
fucking up an innocent bystander.


From there it
was over to Stephanie’s place to take up guard duty. She was a little more
excited tonight because of the BBQ tomorrow. It was the first time in a while
that she would be seeing the kids. I’d introduced her to Holly and Jake and
Jackie’s twins along with Andrew the little boy that was the son of Jake’s
tenant. According to Lily it was important for kids who’d been through this
shit to try to have as normal a life as possible. The problem is that so far
Stephanie refuses to leave her house unless we were there, even when it came to
school. This was my way of giving her as much normal as I could.

Chapter 15

The next day
was BBQ day, I’d already called Jake to see if there was anything he needed us
to bring but he shut me down. I wasn’t at all nervous about the fact that I was
about to bring rival crews together in a place where there were going to be
women and children. Jake’s team was already slated to be on hand and I’d told
my guys no weapons. I’m not sure how Jake planned to enforce that rule among
the others but he said he had it all under control.

After getting
off the phone I went in search of lily,
she needed a head start on the day. What the fuck she needed to do was
anybody’s guess. She was already done in the bath so I headed for the shower. I
guess there wasn’t going to be any early morning nookie for yours truly. She
was puttering around the bedroom hopping from leg to leg as she tried to put on
her shoes and her earrings at the same time. That’s some female shit if I ever
saw any.

She was wearing
a new outfit, which was to be expected. For some reason whenever she was going
to be around strange women she went all out on the beauty front. I kept telling
her that she had no competition but apparently it wasn’t about me, it was some
secret female shit that all women had going on.

“You’re looking very un-doctor-like

“You like?” She turned and
showed me her ass in the tight low riders, which she knew would make me fuck
stupid. I grunted or something close to it until my eyes caught sight of her
lower back. “Lily what the fuck? Come here.” she sauntered over to me and I
pulled her the rest of the way in by her waistband before turning her around.
“What did I tell you about this shit?”

There was ink
in her back, now I wasn’t born on the back of a bike and everything I do isn’t
about being part of an MC. I have other likes and dislikes outside of that shit
and one of my dislikes is my woman having marks of any kind on her skin.

“It’s not
real, calm down. Can’t you see it looks all healed over and everything? how was
I supposed to have done that without you knowing?” She had a point, ink takes a
while to heal up and shit. Now that I knew it wasn’t real I took the time to
study it. She had my name Blade written in cursive with some sort of curlicue
design surrounding it.

I put her up
on the bed on her knees and reached around in front of her and lowered her
zipper before pushing her pants down to her knees. “Hayden.”

“Shh, it’ll be
fine I promise I won’t take long.” I pulled her thongs to the side and ran the
head of my already hard cock up and down her slit before sinking in. “Oh yeah.”
My hand went to her hair and I fisted it into a ponytail, while my other arm
went around her middle to pull her back on my cock.

“Um, um, um.”
Her cries grew in volume as I pounded away at her without mercy, going after
her cervix when she started juicing nicely. It was the only time I could do
that without causing her unnecessary pain. I fucked into her cervix until I
felt the tight ring snap around my cockhead. Now the fun begins. Holding myself
there I pulled on her clit hard, she trembled and rocked back trying to take
the last few inches into her.

“You’ll hurt
quit it.” She was too far-gone to give a fuck and I gave her what she wanted.
If her pussy hurt later I’ll take care of it. I looked down at my name scrawled
across her back and something strange happened to me. I never knew that seeing
that shit would make me go blind with lust.

This wasn’t
just your average everyday lust though. I think I went crazed for a minute
while the haze covered my eyes. I pulled back from her cervix and then went
back in a little harder this time but still not enough to cause her pain, not

I kept that up
for a while teasing in and out of her cervix until I was sure she could take
what I was about to do. Pulling back almost all the way I slammed back into her
hard as fuck. She came with a scream. I came, and came, like there was no end
in sight. “I think you should make it permanent.” I leaned over her back and
whispered in her ear before pulling out. “Told you it wouldn’t take long.”

“You’re a
fiend Hayden, I think you moved something that time.” I rubbed her tummy to
ease the discomfort but I knew she’d enjoyed that shit because her pussy was
still throbbing.

She hopped
down off the bed two minutes later when she could finally move. I was already
up heading for the en suite to get a washcloth. “Where’re you going?” I stopped
her in her tracks as she headed to the bathroom.

“I have to clean up, I can’t go to
the BBQ with you leaking out of me.”

“Two things, one, when I shoot
into your cervix there’s hardly ever any leakage and two, there’s going to be a
lot of unknowns there today, I want my scent on you.” I threw her top to her
and went about cleaning myself up.

There was one
more thing I needed to take care of before we left and I was hoping it didn’t
start any shit. I’d saved it for the last minute because; fuck if I know. Women
are unpredictable so this shit could go either way.

“You know
Deanna’s gonna be there with Holly right? So I need you to please just stay out
of her way.” I saw the tensing of the spine and the squaring of the shoulders
and figured I’d stepped in it. There was never an easy way to deal with this
situation, no matter how I dealt with this shit I always end up being the bad
guy, when all I’m trying to do is keep the peace.

“Why doesn’t she stay out of my
way?” Oh she was furious

“Why is it that every time we are going to be in the same
air space as your ex you pull this shit? Why don’t I do us all a favor and stay
home?” She tugged her top off over her head as she spat obscenities at me. My
little Ivy- league grad knows three or four languages and the little well
brought up society belle knows all the cuss words in those languages.

I didn’t have the first clue
what she was calling me this time but I knew she was pissing me off with her

“Put your clothes back on Lily we
don’t have time for this shit.”

“No I’m not going, how dare you stick up for your ex over

“What the fuck? How pray tell
am I picking up for her. Today there’s gonna be a lot of shit going down,
things could get sticky if cool heads don’t prevail. I’m asking you as my woman
to chill the fuck down and stay out of her way because you and I both know that
she’s chafing because of the engagement and there’s a good bet that she might
mouth off about it.”

“I don’t see
why she even has to be there if you want to know the truth.” Is this same woman
I was just buried
deep in? How the fuck did we
get form there to here?
I’d said that same thing to
a male they would’ve understood and seen my side no question.

“You know that
she and Jackie are friends, they were friends before you and I even met.
be there, she’s bringing Holly over it’s
as simple as that. She’s not coming there for me and even of she was I’m not
interested and you should know that by now. I’m simply asking you for the sake
of peace to steer clear of her that’s all. I know you’re not the one who starts
shit, but I also know that if she pushes too hard you won’t back down either.
All I’m saying is walk the fuck away. Now come here.”

She took her
sweet time making her way over to me but I let her slide. I pulled her in and
held her until she calmed the fuck down enough for me to kiss her. “You okay
now my little hellion?” She blushed pink and hid her face in my chest. “Yes,
but you’re gonna have to make it up to me for hurting me feelings,
.” I know what that shit means.



There was
already a fuck load of bikes lining the street leading up to Jake’s place. The
driveway had been left clear for my guys and I, along with Jake’s team. There
was music coming from around the side of the house along with children’s
laughter. The guys were following Stephanie and her mom over and should be here

There were a
few members from the three crews here already and of course the men were
posturing like ten year olds. I caught Jake’s attention and he walked over with
a beer in hand. I wasn’t planning on having too much because I needed to keep a
clear head and I tried not to imbibe when Lily was on the back of my ride.

The three
heads beat me here it looked like with their henchmen in tow. This shit was
beginning to feel like a mafia sit-down or some fuck. “How’s the atmosphere
Jake?” I took a sip of my beer and watched Lily across the yard yakking with
Jackie and some other women that I didn’t know. Women are strange fucking
creatures that way, they can meet and strike up conversations like long lost
friends. Men not so much, especially not
this bunch

“They’re cool.” Long-winded fucker.

We walked over to get things
moving since the guys were all sectioned off in their own groups. “Shamus,
Jared, Slash.” I greeted each man with a pound and stood back to see who was
set shit off.

Shamus was the eldest one here, as head of the
he’s been doing this shit for a minute and he looked it. He was a true
throwback to the bikers of old. With the foot long greying beard and the beer
gut to go with it. He was getting up there in age but word was he was still the
wrong motherfucker to mess with.

Jared probably
had a few years on me. He led the Outlaws and though he was tatted up from head
to toe with bulging muscles, he didn’t have that hard look to him yet. I think
he used to be an attorney or some shit in his past life. It was left to be seen
what, if anything he could bring to the table. That was whole purpose of this
little get together after all
to pool our resources.

Slash, the
head of the Invaders was in his late twenties and with his white blonde hair
shaved close and his tats and piercings on full display, he was a cross between
the other two. From my quick once over of the men they’d brought with them it
seemed each crew had a theme. Wish the fuck I could get my boys to be this uniformed.
Deke would probably kill me in my sleep if I tried to get him to wear anything
other then leather and
was a GQ model
be. So not happening.

“We doing this now or you guys need
some time?”

“Nah I think we’re all ready.”
Shamus spoke for the others and Jake nodded his head in the direction of the
far side of the backyard where he had a table set up. I shook my head no when
Deke and
started to follow me. The others
could have their shadows follow if they liked but this was my turf. I didn’t
feel the need to flex my muscles, not yet anyway.

The boys
weren’t too pleased but they stood down, though they stayed close. What the
fuck am I? Their grandfather or some shit? I ignored them and headed over to the
table where the others waited. I was the picture of relaxed, but I was ready
for anything; just because these fuckers claimed they came in peace that didn’t
mean I was about to let my guard down. The U.N. has been holding peace talks
for fucking ever before two factions and that shit was in

I sat back and
waited for one of them to talk, after all they were the ones that needed to
sell me on the idea of letting them in. My deal here today was to make sure
that they understood what it would mean if we accepted them. I wasn’t power
boating but I wasn’t about to play fast and loose with this shit either. Too
much was at stake for me to be anything but hard with this shit.

Once again Shamus took the lead.
“So what is it that you guys do anyway?”

“A lot.” What the fuck?

“I mean what exactly is it that
you do on a day to day. We’ve only got the bare bones of the operation and if
we’re gonna be getting on board we need to know just what it is that we’d be
getting into.”

“Here’s the
deal, this shit is serious. What we do is offer protection where it’s needed
but there’s a lot more to it than that. We have our hands full with a whole
slew of shit from security detail to relocation etc. etc. etc. Now the only
reason I’m even contemplating letting you guys in the door is because we’re
stretched thin. This thing has taken off and become huge. We’re getting request
from states all over the map not to mention internationally. We try not to turn
anyone away.

there’s more than one complaint at a time and since I don’t believe in short
changing one to take care of another, we could use the extra help. We don’t
need it but we could use it. The other thing that you guys need to know.” Here
I looked at each one of them with my ‘don’t fuck with me’ expression.

“We run this shit like the army,
there’s no stone left unturned and every situation is handled with care from
beginning to end. Any questions?”

I’ve got one. How do you choose
who you help?” Slash sat forward with his elbows on the table.

“We don’t, they
choose us. Here’s how it works, we get a call or email or what the fuck ever.
The first thing we do is
sure it’s legit. With
that we either do a background check or send a few guys out to scout the area.
Once we’ve ascertained that we’re really needed a team heads out right away.
Some cases are more serious then others, some might take days some weeks.
Here’s where you guys come in. All of you have chapters in other states that
can be deployed if need be. But understand anyone interested in joining us have
to go through the training.

This shit is
about more than riding around looking tough, they need to know how to deal with
victims of abuse along with some other training that we have in place.
There’s no grand standing and no
fighting for supremacy, this is the Hellions deal plain and simple anyone don’t
like that can walk now. We’ve been doing this shit for a couple years now and
we pretty much have shit on lock, we can always use new blood and we’re always
open to ideas. But nothing goes down on one of our cases without coming through
me. When there’re too many chiefs and not enough Indians shit gets FUBAR.”

I noticed
Flash and Jared to a lesser extent flexing but that shit didn’t faze me one
bit. I wasn’t about to fuck around with this shit and get an innocent killed.
When we ran an Op it was combed over in minuet detail from beginning to end, no
room for fuck ups. From the time we hit the ground running everything was in

There was no last minute calls
saying I can’t make it something came up. Or any of the other bullshit slackers
got away with in the ‘real world’. Each man had a part to play that was
essential to things going as smoothly as possible and there was one more thing
I needed to remind my colleagues of lest they forget. Remember, we’re doing
this for the children and for those victims out there who need us. It’s not
about us it’s always about them.

Now are you guys still interested?”

They mulled
shit over and we hashed things out. In the end we were all agreed that it was
something we could work with together and all that was left was to organize
training for the men who were gonna be onboard. I was still gonna keep me eyes
on these guys and their crews because I didn’t know them like that, but so far
during the preliminary backgrounds I’d ran on the charter members there hadn’t
been any red flags.

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