Mastered (The Enforcers #1) (18 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #BDSM, #Romance

BOOK: Mastered (The Enforcers #1)
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His jealousy evaporated because she was doing this—all of it—for

He sat back, a small smile on his lips as he watched Evangeline tilt her head to look up at Silas's much taller frame.

Then she simply reached into the container, pulled out a cupcake and held it out for Silas to take.

“Hi,” she said, repeating her earlier introduction to Hatcher. “I'm Evangeline. I promise I didn't poison
cupcake. Just Maddox's. And”—she leaned forward, whispering conspiratorially—“I made sure
had sprinkles and pink frosting.”

Laughter sounded behind her, but she kept her solemn attention on Silas as he slowly reached out, his palm up. She gently set the cupcake down in his hand and he stood there in bewilderment, a perplexed look in his eyes as if he had no idea what to do with Evangeline.

That makes two of us, brother.

“We're having fucking
parties now?”

Zander's voice boomed over the quiet room with the effect of a gunshot. Evangeline jumped, knocking the cupcake from Silas's hand. As it fell to the floor, it landed on his pants, leaving a glob of frosting.

“Oh my God, I'm
sorry,” Evangeline said in a stricken voice even as she hurried to scrape the frosting from Silas's knee. “I hope I didn't ruin your pants. That was so clumsy of me.”

Mortified tears sprang to Evangeline's eyes, and her embarrassed flush extended from her cheeks all the way down her neck. She no longer looked at any of the men in the room. Instead her gaze was solidly focused downward as she scrubbed ineffectually at the mess on Silas's pants.

Drake cursed, wanting to murder Zander on the spot for the damage he'd inadvertently done. For a few brief moments, Evangeline had overcome her shyness and uncertainty and had begun to relax around Drake and his men. Now she looked as though she'd like nothing more than for the floor to open beneath her and swallow her whole.

Silas sent Zander a killing stare and then to everyone's eternal shock, he leaned down and carefully took hold of Evangeline's hand that was still brushing frantically at his pants.

“Evangeline,” he said quietly. “It's all right. It wasn't your fault. If Zander had anything resembling manners, he wouldn't have barged in here and scared you half to death. You can be sure I'll send him the dry-cleaning bill.”

Drake sent Zander his own murderous glare, one that promised retribution. Zander's look of puzzlement only served to enrage Drake further because the stupid fuck had no idea what he'd just destroyed in three seconds' time.

Evangeline's expression remained worried, tears still glistening in her eyes, and she nearly dropped the container she held in her other hand because she was trembling so much. Silas rescued it and set it aside before reclaiming her hand so that he held both in his.

Now that Silas's grip ceased the shaking in her hands, the quiver of her chin was more pronounced. It looked as if it was taking every bit of her control for her not to burst into tears and flee the room as fast as she could.

Drake couldn't bear her obvious despair and opened his mouth to bark a command that would clear the room in seconds, but before he
could speak, Silas tightened his grasp on Evangeline's hands and stared down directly into her eyes, sincerity radiating from him.

“If there's another left, I'd love to have one,” Silas said, as if she were offering him the moon.

Drake watched as every single one of his men's mouths dropped open as Silas effectively soothed Evangeline's fear and embarrassment with a few simple words and a comforting touch.

Evangeline's smile would have lit up an entire city block as she reached for another cupcake and delivered it into Silas's waiting hand. Then Silas sent Zander a withering glare over her head.

“You owe the lady an apology,” Silas said, his voice like ice. “

“Ah hell,” Zander swore. “I guess I just ruined my chances for a cupcake.”

Drake saw Evangeline sneak a glance into the container and for a moment, he thought she was going to give Zander one, but instead she picked up the cupcake and turned the container upside down, signaling that there were no more.

“Sorry,” she said quietly. “But this one is for Drake.”

The others snickered and Maddox looked at Zander with a somber expression.

“Trust me, dude. You do not want to get on the bad side of this one.”

Drake ignored the goings-on as Evangeline hesitantly entered his space, walking behind his desk to stand in front of his chair that he'd pivoted around to watch her exchange with Silas.

“I'm sorry I was late,” she whispered. “We weren't really in a traffic jam. I overslept.”

Drake fought his smile but then gave up, not giving a fuck who saw his reaction to the angel standing in front of him holding a cupcake.

“I know,” he whispered back, absurdly pleased that she wasn't even capable of such a small deception.

A small smile curved her lips, one quirking upward a little higher than the other. “If I give you the last cupcake, am I forgiven?”

He drew her in between his splayed knees, the cupcake still in her upturned palm.

“That depends on whether you'll lick the icing off my lips when I'm done.”

A blush scorched her cheeks, but she needn't have worried. His men had disappeared the moment Evangeline had approached his desk. They might be irreverent fools for the most part, and they'd certainly stretched the limits of Drake's patience by occupying his office when they knew Evangeline was coming in, but they knew full well when to make their exit.

When Evangeline hastily looked around and realized what Drake had already known, she relaxed and a devilish glint entered her eyes. She swiped one finger over the top of the cupcake, leaving a dollop of frosting on the tip. Then she reached over before he realized what she was up to and smeared the frosting right across his mouth.

He blinked in surprise and then yanked her forward until she tumbled into his lap, the cupcake completely forgotten. She stared up at his lips and whispered, “Yum.”

pulled off the naughty vixen act. But then she promptly ruined it by blushing to the roots of her hair, causing Drake to throw back his head and laugh. As afternoons went, this was by far the most disordered, chaotic and as far from the usual boring ritual one he'd had in a very long time. All thanks to an impish, golden-haired, blue-eyed angel and a Tupperware container of cupcakes.

Evangeline hesitated, knowing she'd impulsively thrown down the gauntlet, and she couldn't very well take a napkin and wipe the frosting from his mouth. She was faintly horrified at what she'd done, but it had been a compulsion she couldn't ignore. His teasing had instantly given her the image of kissing and licking every bit of the delicious frosting from that hard mouth and, before she could think better of baiting the lion, she acted.

Who was this woman she'd never thought existed? She was acting like a sultry temptress and while one part of her was a little mortified, the other part of her was applauding the initiative she'd taken.

The look in Drake's eyes had told her that she hadn't made a mistake and now he was waiting, an air of expectancy surrounding him, for her to finish what she'd started.

Tentatively she cupped the hard line of his jaw and then leaned in, her tongue darting to the corner of his mouth where more of the icing had collected in a blob. She flicked, removing the sweet-tasting substance, and Drake groaned, giving her courage to continue.

She pressed her mouth to his, smearing the icing on her lips even
as her tongue came out, licking delicately over the male flesh. Then she slid her tongue inward, so he could taste the frosting they now shared.

She sucked in his quick exhale, savoring it before continuing with her slow, sensual removal of the frosting. She covered every inch of his mouth, licking and sucking until there was nothing left but their lips fused solidly together. With one last, leisurely lick, she broke away, breathless, her gaze seeking his in anticipation of his reaction.

His eyes glittered dangerously and she shivered, wondering just what she had provoked. That look made her feel deliciously hunted, like she was prey and he was a predator poised to pounce.

He hoisted her up until she was on her feet and then stood, pushing her back a short distance. Facing her, he wordlessly reached down and unfastened his slacks, shoving them down his hips. Then he reached into his boxers and pulled out his straining cock.

All she could do was stare at his enormous erection, her breath held in anticipation. Excitement, nervousness and a host of other sensations scuttled around in her belly until she felt light-headed.

“Take your fingers and coat every inch in the frosting,” he said.

Shocked, all she could do was stare incredulously at him, not at all sure what she'd gotten herself into. She was frozen and incapable of moving. All it appeared she was capable of was standing there with her mouth gaping open.

His eyes narrowed and she knew she'd displeased him, which left her with an odd sense of failure that she didn't at all like.

“Are you questioning me?” he asked in a dangerously quiet tone.

“N-no,” she stammered out. “But . . . but what if someone walks in?” she asked in a desperate, hushed tone, as if the walls had ears, and from what she'd observed so far, they did indeed seem to have just that.

He frowned, his look of displeasure intensifying along with the sinking sensation in her chest.

“First, no one would dare intrude when I'm alone with my woman, and furthermore, if I tell you to suck my cock and someone
walk in, I expect you to keep doing exactly as I've instructed. Do you understand?”

She bit into her bottom lip to quell the instant protest on her lips. Instead she slowly nodded her acceptance.

“Who do you belong to, Angel?” he asked in a harsh tone.

“Y-you,” she whispered.

“Who owns you? Who are you to always obey
without question

Oh God. What had she done? And was this truly what she wanted? The sane part of her screamed no, that she was crazy for even contemplating it. The impulsive part of her reminded her that she had signed on for this fully aware of Drake's demanding, dominant nature. It wasn't as though he hadn't been clear enough in his expectations. He couldn't have been more blunt.

“You, Drake,” she said, relieved that she sounded stronger and steadier than before.

He reached out to cup her chin firmly in his hand.

“Then you need to get on your knees and put your mouth where I told you.”

Dutifully, she sank to her knees and then shakily reached for the cupcake, swiping a goodly amount onto her fingers. Her touch was tentative as she smeared the sticky substance down the length of his extended cock. Satisfied that she'd done as he'd asked, she tossed the cupcake into the wastepaper basket near Drake's desk and then turned back, eyeing his erection with new appreciation.

She knew he was big. Her body had protested his intrusion when he'd made love to her, but she'd been too mindless with pleasure to really pay attention to his size. But now, she wasn't so sure she was going to be able to pull this off.

He had to know she'd never done this. Surely he did.

“Evangeline,” he said, his voice not as terse as it had been before.

She glanced up at him, swallowing nervously.

“I'll guide you. If I wanted a woman who was an expert at giving head, there are any number of women I could have. But your innocence is a turn-on like none I've ever experienced. I like that I'm the only man who has felt your sweet mouth around his cock. Relax. I promise that my being inside your mouth will be nothing short of perfection.”

Buoyed by his words and absurdly happy that he wanted her, that he liked her inexperience, she leaned forward, placing her hands on his thighs only for him to gently pry them away and lower them to her own thighs.

“Keep your hands down. I'll direct your movements. All you have to do is relax and trust me.”

She realized in that moment, misgivings and all, that she did trust him and she couldn't even say why. God only knew the rocky, tumultuous start of their . . . whatever this was between them . . . didn't lend itself to blind trust, but she felt safe with him and some part of her knew he wouldn't hurt her.

After ensuring her hands were in their proper place, she leaned up on her knees and tentatively swirled her tongue around the bulbous head of his cock, licking it clean. Then she opened her mouth wider and began to slide him further into her mouth, working her tongue around his girth so that no spot was left untouched.

To her dismay, he was only halfway in when she felt the tip brush against the back of her throat. She'd been right. There was no way she could take all of him. Not without making an embarrassing spectacle of herself and gagging. How humiliating would that be? She had no knowledge of deep-throating, something she'd only heard of by listening in on her friends' more bawdy conversations. According to them, men liked women who could deep-throat very much. But then Drake had contradicted that claim by saying if he wanted a woman who was an expert at giving head, as he'd described it, there were no shortage of women he
could call on. He'd told her he wanted
. That had to mean something, right?

“Relax, Angel,” Drake said gently. “I like it long and slow. Getting off quickly in such a sweet mouth would be a crime. Take a deep breath. I'll guide you. Breathe through your nose. I won't overwhelm you.”

His words had a calming effect and she instantly relaxed. His fingers tangled into her hair and he palmed her head with his hands, holding her firmly as he took over.

He thrust forward, his instructions replaying in Evangeline's mind. He paused a moment and she peeked up at him from underneath her lashes to see his face creased in ecstasy. He withdrew and then pushed in again, deepening his thrust.

She felt a moment of fleeting panic and forced herself to breathe out through her nose and relax.

For several long minutes, he leisurely thrust in and out, each time gaining more depth as he allowed her to become accustomed to the experience and his considerable size.

She sensed the change in him immediately and knew he was nearing his breaking point. His grip on her head tightened and his movements became less gentle. He was hot and silky and so very hard in her mouth, sliding over her tongue again and again.

“I'm going to fuck your mouth, Angel. And I'm going to fuck it hard.”

Before she had time to react to the statement, he began thrusting harder, fucking her mouth just like he'd fuck her pussy. She didn't have time to react or overthink or even panic. She was too focused on staying as relaxed as possible and remembering to breathe. It took every ounce of her strength not to choke or gag, but she was determined not to disappoint him.

A tiny burst of liquid escaped on her tongue, surprising her. And she knew he was very close.

“Swallow it, Angel. Do not let one drop escape the mouth I'm about to come in.”

She shuddered at his words, her entire body tingling, her nipples and clit swollen and aroused. So much so that a single touch would catapult her into orgasm.

She'd never performed oral sex on a man, much less swallowed his ejaculate. And he'd given her strict orders not to allow a single drop to escape her lips. She closed her eyes, giving in to Drake's urgent demands and simply giving herself into his care, knowing she wouldn't fail as long as he was in control.

He thrust hard, at one point his balls bumping her chin. His entire body was rigid and his hands were making a tangled mess of her hair. He couldn't seem to remain still, his fingers and hands constantly stroking and caressing her head as he murmured words of encouragement and praise.

And then he thrust hard. Harder than any of his previous thrusts. And she felt an explosion of hot liquid hit the back of her throat and quickly fill her mouth. Remembering his strict order, she hastily swallowed and then swallowed again as more replaced what was already gone.

He continued to thrust, though his movements had slowed and lacked his earlier urgency. Semen bathed her tongue, the insides of her cheeks and the very back of her throat, filling her with the very essence of him. And she swallowed it all, ensuring that nothing escaped.

When he finally began to pull from her mouth, she lovingly bathed him with her tongue, wiping it clean of his release just as she'd licked every bit of frosting from it before.

Then he reached down and carefully pulled her to her feet. She was shaking, her senses shattered by what had just occurred. She'd never really had any interest in going down on a man. It just seemed too messy,
too much work and well, not very pleasant. But Drake had changed her opinion on that matter in only a few minutes.

She loved that she could bring him so much pleasure, that in fact, in her own way, she had a measure of power over him.

“Go get cleaned up,” he said in a husky voice. “The bathroom is through there.” He pointed in the direction of a door. “You won't be disturbed. Go ahead and change into the clothes you brought for tonight and I'll have food brought up so we can eat when we get hungry.”

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