Mastered (The Enforcers #1) (21 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #BDSM, #Romance

BOOK: Mastered (The Enforcers #1)
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Evangeline panicked, avoiding Drake's gaze, because she wasn't going to be presumptuous. Not when he, as he'd bluntly told her, called all the shots.

“Soon,” Evangeline said vaguely. “But there's more. He didn't like me working at the pub.”

Before she could continue, her father interrupted.

“Good. Sounds like a man with a good head on his shoulders and like someone who'll look after my little girl. I'm glad he talked some sense into your head.”

Drake chuckled, covering the sound with his hand while Evangeline glared at him.

“When he insisted on knowing why I worked such long and late hours there, I told him that I was working to help my family.”

Her mother emitted a sound of distress and Evangeline closed her eyes, knowing how important her pride was to her. Something she and Evangeline's father had passed on to her.

“He wants to help,” Evangeline continued, trying to cover the awkward moment. “He's adamant that I no longer work there, and so he's going to wire money into your account tomorrow. I wanted to call to
let you know so you didn't think it was a mistake or draw the wrong conclusion.”

Her mother gasped in surprise but recovered quickly. “Just how well do you know this man, Evangeline? Does he treat you well? You can always come home. You know that. We'll get by. We always have.”

It was then that Drake surprised her and picked up the phone, turning off the speaker as he put the phone to his ear. Before she could demand he give the phone back to her, he began speaking to her mother.

“Mrs. Hawthorn, my name is Drake Donovan and I care a great deal for your daughter, and where she was working is a dangerous place.”

Evangeline launched a protest only to be immediately silenced by a firm squeeze from the arm surrounding her body.

“Not only that, the apartment building she lived in is not in a good neighborhood and is not well maintained. She lived on the seventh floor and the elevators haven't worked in at least a year. Her locks were so flimsy a child could break in. I was not going to idly stand by and allow her to continue endangering herself when I am in a position to help in any way I can, and I intend to do just that. My first priority is Evangeline, and as you are her first priority, then you are important to me as well because I want her to be happy, but most of all I want her to be safe. She was working herself to the bone, exposed to men who would think nothing of hurting her, and
I will
allow under any circumstances. I understand your concerns. I share them. But rest assured, Evangeline will be perfectly safe under my protection and care, and I think we can all agree that if you are provided for financially, that will be one less burden she has to bear.”

There was a prolonged silence on Drake's end as he intently listened to whatever her parents were saying, and she was squirming with frustration and impatience at being left out of a very important conversation concerning her! The longer she sat there, trapped by Drake's hold, the angrier she grew until she was seething with it.

“She will be under my constant protection, and she will be residing with me from now on. She will be safe at all times and her happiness is of utmost importance to me, something I think the three of us share. I would not be much of a man if I did not do everything possible to alleviate Evangeline's worry and stress, and part of that is ensuring that the people she loves most are provided for. In the past, she took on that task single-handedly. That's going to change starting now. Now she has me. I will gladly provide you with all my contact numbers as well as the phone number of our residence, and you should have Evangeline's new number now that she has called you. You are welcome to call at any time; however, if you should have any concerns and especially if you have need of anything, I would prefer you go through me, just so Evangeline is caused no unnecessary worry.”

Evangeline gave Drake a stricken look. Was he cutting off her communication with her parents? Was he restricting her access to them?

He hugged her to him and brushed a kiss across her brow as he listened to her parents' response.

“Good,” he finally responded. “It would appear we are all in agreement in this matter.”

Evangeline felt the burn of helpless tears.
Everyone but me.
But the words remained unspoken, only echoing in her mind.

“Yes, sir, I completely understand, and in your position I would feel exactly the same, and I make you a promise. Evangeline will
be safe with me, and I'll move heaven and earth to make her happy and not regret her decision to give me her trust.”

But she was already regretting it, no matter that it appeared her parents, in particular her father, had given their blessing on the whole messed-up situation. Because she felt the ends holding her together, her life, loosening and starting to unravel faster and faster and her control evaporating under Drake's dominance. She wondered how she could possibly remain intact under someone as powerful and demanding as
Drake, without becoming someone altogether different from who she was. Evangeline.

She might not have much, but she'd always known who she was and where she stood. Now Drake threatened everything. She was so shaken by what had just transpired, and perhaps she'd been too caught up in the whole Cinderella fairy tale that she hadn't truly comprehended the magnitude of what she'd agreed to.

Or perhaps she'd known exactly what she was getting into and that secret part of herself that had reveled in Drake's authority had asserted itself and reached out for something she'd been missing, an essential part of herself that would have been denied. She could resist and risk being unfulfilled, thus returning to her ordinary, predictable life. Or she could embrace the unknown but tantalizing life Drake was offering her and perhaps discover who she truly was and what the
Evangeline wanted.

Drake knew Evangeline was upset and off balance when she hastily scrambled from his lap when his phone call to her parents had ended and she'd muttered some excuse about needing to touch up her makeup.

He wasn't going to call her out on it or remind her that she'd promised to relinquish control to him and that she'd given him her trust. He didn't want to ruin the night he had planned for her. And it was understandable the way she'd reacted. The more he got to know her and peeled back the delicate layers that made up the woman he now called his, he liked who and what he saw. He was
proud of her. He was asshole enough to admit that rarely had he truly felt respect and admiration for, much less pride in any of the women he associated with, but his angel was on a completely different plane. She was a challenge he simply could not resist, even if he wanted to, and he definitely wanted her, the entire package, and he was anticipating every step in their relationship. He just hoped like hell that she could manage to handle all that he dished out, because he planned to return in equal measure everything she gave to

She was a woman deceptively fragile and naïve looking but with an inner core of steel. And after listening in on her conversation with her
parents and then speaking to them himself, he also realized that he'd come to some errant conclusions where her parents were concerned.

He'd been angry. No, not angry. He'd been
at what he'd considered a case where two people who should have been protecting Evangeline were in fact taking horrible advantage of her. Now, after hearing the obvious love and affection the three of them held for one another, he knew that her parents didn't like Evangeline giving up so much for them any more than Drake did. It was
who was determined that she would do everything in her power to provide for the people who'd loved and raised her. Not many young women would put their life on hold indefinitely in order to do the right thing.

Only he had heard the relief in both her mother's and her father's voices when Drake had told them she would never work in the pub again and that he would ensure her safety at all times. In retrospect, he was glad he'd muted the phone before interrupting the conversation, because hearing what her parents had said would only hurt her and make her feel the worst sort of failure.

They didn't want financial help at the cost of their daughter. Yes, they most certainly needed the money she sent them on a regular basis, but they'd rather have Evangeline in school and happy, leading her own life, than tying her future up in her parents, always putting their needs before theirs. They were obviously both guilt ridden and wanted more and better for the daughter they clearly adored. Drake intended to make that happen for Evangeline and by proxy her parents.

Her father was especially concerned because he'd informed Drake, in a tone that could not be mistaken for anything but the warning it was, that Evangeline hadn't had boyfriends in high school, though plenty of boys came sniffing around. As a result she had little experience and was entirely too trusting. It worried him that she lacked the sophistication of the urbanites in New York City and would be taken advantage of. Yet another thing that Drake and Evangeline's father wholeheartedly agreed upon.

But it was the last thing her father had said that had rattled Drake's usually unshakable composure. He'd told Drake that Evangeline kept mainly to herself, shunning relationships, never seeing or recognizing her own appeal. But when Evangeline loved, she loved with her entire heart and soul, and never would a woman be more loyal or true to the man she loved. And that if Drake ended up being that man, he would be the most fortunate man in the world.

He nearly cursed as he waited for Evangeline to make her appearance. He wanted her to smile, to be happy and to shine. To light up the entire room when she made her appearance in the private box he'd arranged for her. Her every whim would be catered to, and no expense would be spared when it came to her enjoyment of her surprise.

He was saved any further introspection when Evangeline reappeared, her makeup refreshed, but there was a dullness in her eyes he didn't like at all. Something was clearly bothering her and he wanted her to be happy and enjoy her night, not be miles away in her head.

He sighed and held out his hand, gratified when she complied and walked to where he still sat behind his desk. He pulled her once more into his lap, but this time she didn't relax in his hold and melt into his body as she'd done before.

“Angel, we have an agreement. If something is bothering you, no matter how big or small, you are to confide in me, and it's obvious you have something on your mind. I want nothing to ruin this night for you, so until you tell me what's going on in that head of yours, you stay here with me.”

She looked . . . sad. Damn it. He didn't like his reaction to her obvious unhappiness. Or that it mattered so much to him.

Then she turned to look at him, fear and trepidation reflected in her eyes.

“You told my parents to call
, not me, that you didn't want me to worry unnecessarily. Are you cutting off my access to them? Will the
only information I get about them come from you now? Will I even be allowed to speak to them?”

He cursed softly, realizing how she could have misconstrued the one-sided conversation she'd heard.

“That is not at all my intention. They are free to contact you and you are free to contact them. However, if they have a need, I expect them to come to me and not you because I won't have you worrying over something I have the power to fix.”

Slowly she nodded, her body sagging with relief. Then she cast a sorrowful look at him.

“I'm sorry. I'm failing you already. I promised to trust you and yet I question you at the first opportunity.”

In ordinary circumstances, yes, Drake would be impatient and pissed. He would already have cut a woman loose for Evangeline's transgressions. But Evangeline's were understandable, and he couldn't bring himself to admonish her when her worries centered on others and not herself.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You haven't failed me, Angel. I imagine we will both make mistakes in our relationship's infancy. You be patient with me and I'll be patient with you.”

She smiled, the sparkle back in her eyes. “Now what's this about my surprise?”

He touched the bare expanse of her back, unable to stifle the urge to simply touch her silken skin.

“I believe I said that first we would eat. You must be starving. Besides, it's not time yet for your surprise.”

Her mouth turned down into a cute pout, though he doubted it was intentional or that she even realized she was pouting. Then she frowned and glanced downward at her dress in disgust.

“I probably should have eaten before changing. I'll probably make a mess of my dress and I'll have to do my makeup all over again.”

“No, you won't,” Drake said calmly. “Because every bite you eat will come from my hand.”

She turned, her eyes widening in surprise.

“Yes, my angel. You're going to sit right here in my lap while I feed you and I'm going to enjoy every minute of it, and if there is any mess on your mouth, I'll be more than happy to clean it up for you.”

Her look was puzzled. “Why would you want to feed me? Isn't that something I should do for you as your submissive?”

It was the first time she'd overtly acknowledged and said aloud what she was, and it pleased him that it came naturally with no thought or hesitation.

He gave her a squeeze, letting her know he was pleased with her question and the acceptance in her voice.

“I too have responsibilities as your dominant,” he said. “Yes, you obey me, answer only to me, but it is also my job to take care of you and see to your every need. The act of feeding my woman is very intimate and it's something I enjoy; therefore you are pleasing me.”

“Oh,” she said softly, a thoughtful look creasing her brow as she processed his explanation.

A knock sounded, heralding the arrival of the food Drake had ordered to be sent up. Evangeline tensed, but he kept his arm around her so she didn't bolt from his lap, and he gave her a warning squeeze that had her immediately relaxing against him once more.

“Come,” Drake said.

The door opened and one of the kitchen staff pushed a cart from the elevator and hurriedly began carrying over the plates to Drake's desk, arranging the entrées and utensils, and poured wine for both Drake and Evangeline. Mere seconds later, he and Evangeline were alone once again.

He tightened his hold on her, pulling her closer to him so she rested against his chest and so he could reach around her to still be able to use the arm holding her as he cut the succulent steak into bite-size pieces.

Then he speared a piece and gently held it to her lips, waiting for her to open her mouth and accept his offering.

Her tongue ran nervously over her lips, making him almost groan, before she parted them and allowed the fork to slide sensuously into her mouth. She made a small hmming noise as she chewed.

“Good?” he asked.

“Very,” she said in a husky voice.

As he continued feeding her, pausing from time to time to take a bite himself, she relaxed more and more until she was completely molded to his body. He could feel the motions of her chewing and swallowing, how her body moved against his, and he was seized by contentment that had eluded him for far too long.

He noticed that every time he ate a bite and then forked a bite into her mouth, she took her time, holding on to the fork and allowing it to slide over her tongue as if she were absorbing every part of his tongue that had just touched what was now in her mouth. It was completely innocent. He doubted she was cognizant of what she was doing, but it was arousing as hell and his erection was no doubt making a permanent imprint on her ass.

Discomfort be damned. He wasn't moving even an inch to alleviate the ache in his groin because he liked her exactly where she was. She was his. She belonged to him. He could have her any time, any way he wanted, and he savored that knowledge. Never had he taken things with a woman this slowly, but Evangeline wasn't just any woman, and for her, the waiting made things all the sweeter.

But tonight . . . Later, when he took her home. He would show her his dominance and demand her submission. Physically. His angel was tough. Her looks were deceiving, as was her naïveté. She possessed more inner strength than most men he knew, and yet she had the softest, sweetest spirit that captivated others on sight.

He had no doubt that what he had planned was nothing she wasn't
ready for and couldn't take. He just wished that the night were over so he could take her home and sate the erotic fantasies that had taken over his entire being since the moment he'd first laid eyes on her.

Finally Evangeline leaned all the way back into Drake's embrace, tucking her head beneath his chin, and let out a contented sigh.

“I can't eat another bite. I
to, but I'm about to die I'm so full,” she said ruefully.

He pushed the plate away and enfolded her in both arms, enjoying the feel of so much feminine softness in his arms. There wasn't a better feeling than holding a contented woman against him. Contentment he was responsible for. It was a huge ego boost and he could readily admit that.

He nuzzled his face into her hair, being careful not to mess up the elegant knot she'd arranged or else she'd flee to the bathroom and redo it all over again, and he much preferred her to stay right where she was for the time being.

“You were right,” she said softly, her breath softly whispering over his skin.

Curiosity overcame him because he was fast learning that Evangeline spoke whatever was on her mind, and he was positive that he would never be able to predict exactly what was on her mind at any given time.

“What was I right about, Angel?”

“It is very intimate to have someone feed you,” she confessed. “I would have thought it silly before. But it was . . . It . . . aroused me.”

He smiled at her inherent honesty, applauding his decision to make a blond-haired, blue-eyed angel his.

“It aroused me as well,” he said huskily.

“Too bad you made other plans for me,” she said in a mischievous voice.

He chuckled. “Oh, don't worry, Angel. I have more planned for tonight than just your surprise. In fact, I have a lot planned for when we get home.”

She squirmed on his lap, obviously turned on by his insinuation, and he nearly groaned out loud, because her squirming was not helping his dick and the fact that he wanted nothing more than to bury his dick as deep inside her as possible.

She sighed. “You're such a tease, Drake. How am I supposed to enjoy my surprise now when I know what happens after?”

He cupped her breast through the thin layer of the dress she wore and thumbed at her nipple until it was hard and jutting outward. And then he captured her gasp with his mouth as he kissed her long and hard until both of them were struggling to catch their breath.

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