MC: Brighton (6 page)

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Authors: L. Ann Marie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: MC: Brighton
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She watches me, then nods. Looking at the food I left out, she asks, “Are you hungry?”

“I’m starving, the fruit didn’t cut it.” I start looking in the cabinets for a pan.

“We have the Bakery stuff.”

I’m not looking at her but answer, “Pastry isn’t going to fill me up. I need a fuckin meal in me today.”

“What do I do?” she whispers, pulling my eyes from the onion I’m getting ready to cut over to her. She’s nervous.

“Can you get the foil for the tortillas? I’m going to fry the hamburger and onion. You can stir it while I get the rest of the stuff ready.” She nods and starts moving.

“Where did you learn to cook?” she asks as I’m getting the corn cooked.

“I was assigned Jess for a while when I was Prospecting. It was during the time they opened the Diner, so I picked up quite a bit.” I find the colander and drop the meat and onions in. I make six burritos and set them on a plate. She gets the chips and salsa and we sit. “You don’t do wine with dinner?” I see only water on the table.

She smiles. “Water or coffee.”

I get up and grab a beer, then sit back down, wondering why she’s not eating. “Aren’t you hungry?” She nods but doesn’t pick up her burrito. She’s waiting for me? “You don’t need permission to eat. If you’re hungry, eat.” She looks down. Fuckin jerk made her wait to eat? I pick up my burrito and eat, too pissed to notice how it tastes. When I look at her she’s smiling. “You like burritos.” I tamp down my anger and try to relax.

“I love them. It’s just like at the Diner.” She’s surprised. I throw her chin.

“Did you have a good day?” I feel stupid asking, but I want her to say something other than food related.

She smiles. What the fuck is with the smile that draws me to her? I want to move the plates and eat her for dinner. Fuck! I shake my head and listen to what she’s saying. Everyone is excited for her and she’s supposed to just roll with it. I’m smiling because she’s happy. I am in way over my head here. I don’t even care why the fuck she’s happy. I’m just glad she is.

We finish and I help her clean up. As I close the dishwasher and turn she’s two steps away, watching me. I straighten and pull her to me. My brain is telling me to get the fuck into the computer room, but my body is moving on its own again. Her hands go to my waist and she looks up at me. Fuck if this isn’t my favorite view of her. “We need to cross off the next item on the list.”

“Okay,” she whispers out, breathing fast already.

I bend to kiss her, moving slow. Her eyes close when I get closer and I think I just found the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. My body moves faster and takes her mouth like I’m drowning and need air. She moans, her hand goes in my hair, and she holds my head to her. I wasn’t moving away, so all this just adds to my need to devour her mouth. I lift her up and turn, putting her ass on the counter so I’m not grinding into her. Fuck. I need to move away. She leans into me, pushing her tits against my chest and I feel her hard nipples. My hand finds her tit and squeezes, making her moan again. I love that sound, but I need to step away. When my fingers find her nipple I roll it and feel the stud. Holy fuck, she’s pierced! I find the other but don’t feel a stud and for some reason I find that sexy as fuck too. My hand moves under her shirt and she whimpers, spurring me on.

I pull my mouth away and yank her shirt over her head. She cries out and covers herself with her hands. “Not fuckin likely, babe.” I move her hands and put my mouth back on hers. After a couple of seconds her hand is in my hair again. I can feel her scars as I run my fingers from her waist to her bra. I need to step back and stop this. She’s not letting me go, so I stay right the fuck here with my dick straining to be let loose. I slide her bra up and feel the scars on the underside of her tits. My fingers are fascinated with the grooves and I keep them feeling every one. She’s moaning louder, she’s going to come just like this. My focus shifts from feeling every bit of her tits to making her come so I can hear her scream. I pull my mouth away and bend to her pierced nipple, taking it just like I took her mouth. She cries out and holds my head to her like she’s afraid I’m going to move it. “So fuckin sexy, pretty Penny.” I suck her in hard, getting another moan, then flip her stud from side to side and she yells.

“Digs, please!” she moans and I want to hear it again. I want my name moaned out again.

Moving to her other nipple, I see it’s scarred, but I want nothing as much as I want to feel that with my tongue. When I do she groans and holds my head tighter, grabbing my hair and keeping me right where she wants my mouth. This must be more sensitive because she’s bucking her body into me. Fuck. If she keeps this up, I’m coming. I flip her stud with one hand and pull her tighter to me, sucking her nipple in deep. She yells my name with that hoarse sound and I smile against her tit. That’s what I want. I don’t stop until she lets my hair loose, then I kiss up her neck to her mouth. I hold her face so she can’t turn away and pull my mouth away. She opens her eyes and tries to turn, but I’m not letting this one go. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard, pretty Penny.” She moves her hands to cover herself. “No fuckin way you’re covering my new favorite part of your body, babe. My girl so sweet and innocent with a pierced nipple is fuckin sexy as hell.” She closes her eyes and a tear falls. Fuck! I wipe her tear and kiss her head, then hold her tight against me because I don’t know what the fuck to do or say. When she relaxes I step back. “What are the tears for?” As I’m asking, I adjust my dick so it’s not against my zipper. Even with tears on her face my dick wants in. This is when I realize I’m fuckin nuts like the rest of the crazy Brothers.

She opens her eyes and I see her confusion, but she’s surprised too. “I thought once you saw me you’d leave.” Shit, that’s a hell of a way to live. No wonder she’s been alone so long.

I think about how to say this so I don’t fuck it up while helping her get her bra back down and shirt on. “While you’re worried about what you look like, all I can think of is how to get into that delectable body of yours. Different isn’t bad, Penny, it’s just different. I’m offended you’d think I’d walk over fuckin scars. They’re part of you and in case you missed the ‘I’m in’ conversation we had, it means I’m not walking because you have a scar on your body or fuck load of baggage in your closet. I’m going to see and taste every bit of you, so get used to it. When we unpack those bags I hope you get I’m
in, so we don’t have to have this conversation over again. Yeah?”

She looks so fuckin hopeful. Asshole threw all this doubt on her. “Yeah,” she whispers.

I kiss her head. “I need to get some work done. Let me know when you go to bed.”

She looks confused, but I leave her with that. In the computer room I drop and do push-ups until my arms start shaking. The Club crosses my mind, but I want her mouth. I’m not willing to imagine her after hearing her come like that. I want her and it’s making me fuckin crazy.

I go in the bathroom and wash my face, then get to work. Jessie emailed me the pussy’s schedule and says he’s got him seeing Brothers everywhere he’s scheduled. Good, maybe he’ll get a taste of what he’s done to Penny. I start digging for Geek but look up when I hear her at the door. “Babe?”

She’s in shorts and a T-shirt that’s too big and she’s looking everywhere but at me. “I’m going to bed,” she says softly.

“I’ll be another hour or so. Do you need anything?” That brings her eyes to mine. She shakes her head no, then looks away. “Come here, Penny.” She doesn’t waste time and stands in front of me, wringing her hands. I pull her to my lap. “You need something you sit in my lap and ask. No matter what I’m doing, I’ll get it.” I kiss her head and my dick starts swelling. Fuck.

“Do I wait for you?” she whispers.

“No, babe, sleep when you need to sleep. I never sleep more than four or five hours. I’ll be in when I’m tired.” I wait and she doesn’t say any more, so I squeeze her and stand her up, then pull her face to me and kiss her. When I let her go we’re both ready for more. “Goodnight, pretty Penny.” I get her smile, then watch as she scurries away.



Chapter Four


Three days later...


It’s just closing in on six and I finish soldering the jewel on the stud when I hear her moving around. I wonder why she’s up and go to find out. “You’re up early.” She jumps a foot, letting out a yelp. I work at keeping a smile off my face. “You want breakfast?”

“No, I’m running with Tess and Jess. I do two days a week with them.” She grabs clothes from her drawer and goes into the bathroom. Why don’t I know that she runs with them? I grab my boots and belt so I’ll be ready when she comes out.

When she does she stops short, giving me a good view of her long legs in her little runner’s shorts. “Security knocks when they get close.”

“They come here?” I’m shocked VP and Rich lets them run this way.

She nods. “If they’re not on lockdown, if they are I just get picked up.” She’s been looking at me more when she talks, so I keep my face from reacting, but I’m not happy with this. Security is high and her ex is still pushing to get into town.

When she doesn’t say more I turn and head to the front door. I need to see who is picking her up. I hear her behind me and stand at the center of the doorway so she can’t just walk past. Driscoll is in an SUV in the driveway. I throw him chin and move aside. As she walks by, I stop her and bend, taking her mouth before she can say anything. When I pull away she watches me with a confused look. “When I leave you I make sure you know I’m going to miss you. When you leave I expect that back. Yeah?”

She gives me the biggest smile. “Yeah.”

I let her go and watch her run to the SUV’s back door. Driscoll closes it for her and throws me chin. I go back to putting tracking into the other jewels I picked up from Nancy. I won’t be giving them to her right now, but I need something to keep my hands busy so I’m not watching the video feeds like her fuckin stalking ex.


*  *  *




Tess is coming for lunch and to get the ‘scoop’, but I can’t stop thinking about Digs kissing me this morning. He always kisses me but wants me to kiss him when I leave. I wonder if that’s the scoop she wants. There is no way I’m telling her about the stuff we’ve done. I can feel my blush and I’m only thinking about it. Darn it all! My panties are wet remembering his mouth on my breast. He’s done it three times and every time I wish he’d do more. He doesn’t even tell me to take care of him, he’s not mean and he’s always smiling. I love when he smiles, but I want him to do more than that. Maybe I can find a way to ask Tess at lunch.

The door opens and I jump. I didn’t even know we were stopped. “Thanks, Driscoll.” I scoot around him and run up the stairs and straight through to the shower.

When I’m dressed and go for coffee Digs has a cup waiting for me. He even put my cereal and bowl out. “Good run?”

He’s a good boyfriend, always asking about everything I do. I smile and nod at him, then think about him being a good boyfriend. I guess he is, but it just hits me that I think of him like that. Jiminy! I put my head down and pour my cereal as he pours milk in his then mine. He always does little things like that and it makes me smile. He hasn’t asked me to serve him anything and always thanks me for the things I do. “Thank you,” I say, looking up at him.

He leans over and kisses my head. “You’re welcome. Eat. I need to get to work.” He smiles when he says it, so I smile back.

“Tonight I’m going out with the girls. Tess is picking me up at eight.” I rush through it, hoping he doesn’t get mad.

“Yeah, Rich put HS with you for the night,” he says like it’s not a big deal. I look at him, but he’s looking at his bowl. He doesn’t say anything else about it, so I relax and eat quick so he isn’t late for work.

He always does the same thing when we get to the shop. He opens the door and walks through it, then kisses me before he leaves. Today I follow him and pull him down to kiss him. I want him to know I’ll miss him. He smiles and kisses me again. “I like you taking what you want. I need to go before you decide you want more and VP sends HS to hunt me down. I’ll pick you up at five.”

I watch him walk out and get a shiver down my back. Dear Lord, it’s that easy to just kiss him. I wasn’t even nervous. I get through my morning and have everything ready when Tess comes in. She’s always so happy, like a little fairy godmother. “Are you excited about tonight, Penny?”

“I am. Digs didn’t say anything when I told him,” I tell her, smiling. He’s perfect.

She stops smiling, “He didn’t say anything?”

I think back. “He said Rich has HS on me for the night.”

That makes her smile. “Good. I thought you meant mad.”

I giggle. “Nope, he wasn’t mad at all.”

She hugs me. “I’m so excited for you! Digs is the perfect match. Just wait, you’ll see.” I laugh. She’s funny but doesn’t give me the scary chill down my back. We eat and talk about the Little Sisters, then she has to get back to work. We’re meeting at Nancy’s at three-thirty for some shopping, then she’ll pick me up at eight. I’m so excited and get all my shirts done before it’s time to shop.

At Nancy’s, CJ and Amanda meet up with us and we have a blast trying everything that Nancy put aside for us on. I take a dress and two skirts, but she bags all the things I tried on up. “Digs said to send them all home with you.” Oh dear. I want to tell her no, but he isn’t here to tell him I don’t need all this. I can’t buy stuff like the others. Even with Digs paying half of everything I don’t make enough to buy like them.

She’s smiling and looks at the door when the bell chimes. Rich is here for Tess. Bob and Digs are behind him. I look down when Digs stands in front of me. “Babe?”

I look up but then look at his shoulder. “Hi.”

He bends and kisses me, then takes the bag from Nancy and my hand. I tell everyone I’ll see them later. They’re all smiling and I feel the blush making my face hot. I follow him to the truck and climb in. He doesn’t shut the door, so I look at him. “You need to ask me something?” He steps closer and puts my head on his shoulder.

I take a breath and let it out slow, giving myself a pep talk. Just tell him. “I don’t buy clothes like the others. I can’t,” I whisper.

“Hmmm, well, it’s a good thing you didn’t buy this stuff then. When I want to buy you things that’s what I’m going to do. I watched you try every one of those outfits on and I want to see them on you in person. Since I never shopped for a woman this worked out well. Are we done now?”

I’m not sure how I feel about this, but I’m smiling, so it must be a good thing. Lenny always bought my clothes without me. At least these are nice clothes. “Yes, thank you.” He kisses my head and closes the door.

At home I hang all my new clothes up and I’m still smiling. I get the dress I’m wearing out and look for shoes to go with it. There’s a box on the floor and I wonder how I missed it. I sit and open it, then laugh. This is what Amanda gets, a box of panties and bras for the ones that Bob rips. I stop laughing, thinking about that. He plans on ripping my panties. Jiminy! This is a lot of panties to rip, I think as I’m pulling them out. Under them are bras and five corsets. I know he doesn’t care about the scars and wonder why he wants to cover them. Maybe he really doesn’t like seeing them. I shake my head. That’s not it.

“I thought you would like them, you’re worried about what you look like. Maybe this will take that away for you. I have to tell you, babe, I can’t fuckin wait to see that on you.” He’s standing above me, smiling, and I burst into tears. “Jesus!” He lifts me up and carries me to the bed.

He’s perfect and I’m crying like a baby. Fiddlesticks! “I’m sorry. You have been perfect and I’m an idiot.” He kisses my head and just holds me.


*  *  *




Fuck! I don’t know what to say, so I hold her until she calms. She’s been an idiot? Maybe she doesn’t feel the same. I thought she wanted me as much as I want her. I jumped all in without giving her a chance to get used to this. I fuckin knew it was too fast for her. I’ve been following the list, but I’ve pushed everything on her.

For the first time today she kissed me, I thought we were getting somewhere. Everything is going through my head at once and I can’t think of anything but making sure she stays mine. “Babe, this was too much too fast. I get that. We can slow it down until you’re ready to handle more.” She doesn’t say anything. Fuck! I turn her and hold her face so I can see her eyes. “I’m here, I’m all in. It happened fuckin fast for me too. I’m here when you’re ready, babe. I’m willing to wait until you’re all in, Penny.” Fuck. I’m ready to tell her I love her and haven’t ever thought about saying those words to a woman before. I need my fuckin head examined.

She closes her eyes and a tear falls. Her silence is killing me. That tear could mean too much. She opens her eyes and smiles. My whole body relaxes. It’s my smile; she doesn’t give it to anyone else. “You make me matter. I don’t want to give that up. I’m afraid you’ll get sick of my darn crying and leave. I’m sorry I make you feel bad, but no one has ever done things just to make me happy. It’s hard to think when it hits me. Thank you for the corsets. I’ll wear one tonight for you.” She finishes whispering and my mouth is on hers.

She’s still in and I’m fuckin relieved, then I’m hard. She’s wearing a corset for me. I hope to hell that means I’m seeing it later. I pull away before I can’t. “You need to eat and get ready or I’m not letting you go so I can see that thing sooner rather than later.” She slides off my lap, making me laugh. Maybe she’s not ready for everything, but she’s still in. Thank fuck!

I get our dinner on plates and sit. She has silverware, napkins, water and a beer for me already set. “What are you doing tonight?” she asks.

“Playing poker with the Brothers. That’s what they do on girls’ night. It keeps them busy so they’re not watching the feeds all night.” She giggles, making me smile.

We clean up and she goes to dress while I check the feeds. CK IT has quite a few cars tagged, but it’s fairly normal for a Friday night. I check the country bar and see two yellow tags, but Security is there watching. I know HS will be there, so I check surveillance and see little Ben is on with Sticks until eleven. I shut it down, feeling good about this, and go find the woman who is making me crazy.

Her hair is in waves going down her back and I want her to put it up. Patches says I can’t tell her what to wear or say anything about her makeup and shit, so I clench my jaw, making sure that doesn’t come out of my mouth. She bends closer to the mirror and I look from her ass to her heels, pissed that anyone else will see that tonight. I watch her put stuff on her face and relax. She’s beautiful and mine. She’s still in with me and no one else has that chance. Her eyes find mine and she smiles. I smile and hold the top of the door frame so I keep standing because my knees want to buckle. I am so fuckin gone. Tiny might as well buy me a whole box of tampons.

“I’m almost ready,” she says softly. I nod and take a breath, watching her put shit on her lips. I picture them shiny like that on my dick. I take another breath and turn around so I’m not torturing myself. I just finished telling her we can slow down when I want to pound balls deep into her. I go to the living room and drop for push-ups. I’m never going to make slow.

As I’m standing up, she walks in. “Ready?” She looks at me from my feet to my eyes and I’m hard. That’s not an innocent look in her eyes. She nods and I take a step toward her then hear the beep. Fuck! I put my hand out for her. She takes it and I walk her out.

Tess screeches from the front seats when I open the door. “You look good together, Penny!”

I smile and kiss her head. “You’re beautiful, babe, have fun.” I close the door on another screech, smiling. It must take every bit of energy for Patches and Rich to keep up with Tess.

I turn and remember my bike is still up at the shop. I call and get a Prospect to give me a ride to my house for my other bike, then decide to drive the truck just in case Penny has too much to drink. When I get to the Club I have to wait for the next hand.

“Where were you?” Rich asks.

“I went to get my bike from the house, then decided to drive the truck in case they had too much to drink.”

Danny laughs. “They will. Kate, Jess, and Nancy are with them.” They all nod.

“Anything on her ex?” Pres asks.

“Nothing more, no. The Little Brothers and Security are dogging him.”

He nods and goes back to his cards. Patches switches out to play pool with Jessie and Darren, so I sit in. No one is into the game, so it’s halfhearted and boring as hell. “I’m going for a ride. I’ll meet you at the bar at eleven.” Danny stands. Then we all do. We meet on Main and ride up the coast. I’m thinking about Penny being in and hope she’s all in soon. I never said I love you to anyone and I’m fighting to keep that in with a woman that doesn’t even know me.

Rich comes over my helmet, pulling me out of my head. “Love this guy. He raised a fuck ton for vets with a tour, he did.”

I listen and like the music. It’s a southern rock style that works for me and keeps me from making myself nuts over Penny. That is until a slower song comes on. It’s almost the same words I said to Penny earlier. The exact meaning anyway. I pull to the side and slow down. “What’s wrong, Brother?” Colby asks, slowing down on the side of me.

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