Me And Mrs Jones (25 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Me And Mrs Jones
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“She’s going to be so happy to get these back. They were the only thing she had left from her parents.”

“I know, that’s why I brought them to her. Tell Renee I’ll be talking to her later. Have a good night.” Sheriff Arness tipped his hat before stepping off the porch and heading back to his police car.”

Travis waited until he had driven away before going back into the house. He stopped in his tracks when he noticed Renee was no longer on the couch. Where was she? He hadn’t been outside that long with Sheriff Arness.

“Renee, where are you?” he yelled as he placed the bag with the rings down on the end table by the couch.

“I’m in the bathroom.”

Hurrying down the hallway, Travis found Renee sitting on the toilet holding something plastic in her hand. “What are you looking at?”

“I can’t believe it,” she whispered. “I’d forgotten I’d even taken this test before I lay down after coming home. I was just so worn down.”

“Sweetheart, you have only been asleep for about five minutes. What kind of test did you take? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He was getting concerned. Maybe he should have taken Renee to the hospital instead of taking her home.

Turning her head, Renee held the plastic stick out to him. “I’m pregnant.”


Chapter Thirty-Seven



Six months later


“Can I please have everyone’s attention for a moment?” Travis asked, dragging the room full of people’s attention from the vibrant and unique paintings covering the walls to him on the main stage at Renee’s gallery reopening launch party. “I would like to say a few words here tonight, but I need my beautiful girlfriend to come on stage with me.”

“Do you know what he’s going to say?” Dana whispered to Renee as she glanced up at Travis on the stage in front of them.

“No, he’s been acting very secretive all night.” Placing her glass of sparkling cider down on the table, Renee placed her hand on her swollen stomach as she made her way towards the stage.

“Should I help you the rest of the way?” Cruz teased her as she walked past him and she punched her friend in the shoulder.

“Stop teasing my girlfriend,” Travis said as he glanced at Cruz and her.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it,” Cruz shouted back as Renee made her way up the steps to stand next to Travis.

“Hi, baby,” he whispered and then kissed her.

“Enough of that you two,” someone in the crowd teased. “That is how Renee got pregnant in the first place.”

Leaning away from her, Travis winked at her then faced the crowded room of people. “I know tonight is supposed to be about the reopening of
Renee’s new gallery, but I want it to be about something more.”

Looking back at her, Travis took her hand in his. “Renee, I don’t think you know how much I love and adore you, sweetheart. I never thought I would be able to find the kind of love I feel with you. Every time I see you my love for you grows. You are everything to me. I can’t imagine my future without you at my side with our child and you as my wife.”

Soft gasps sounded in the room as he let go of her hand and got down on one knee. Reaching into his pocket, Travis pulled out a small black box. Flipping it open, he held it up to her and a stunning diamond ring shone back at her.

Renee blinked back the sudden tears that filled her eyes. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

“Sweetheart, I love you more than words can say. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

“YES!” she answered. “I’ll marry you.”

Travis quickly put the ring on her finger and got back to his feet before pulling her into his arms. “I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world,” Travis swore before he kissed her to a room full of screams and cheers.





“See, this is what you are going to be doing when you get older. I’m going to teach you everything about art and painting. I can’t wait until you’re old enough to hold your first paint brush.”

Moving away from the doorway, Renee walked over to her husband and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I was wondering where you’d gone with him. I woke up to check on the babies and only found one asleep in the crib.”

“Jackson was awake when I went in there to check on our sons, so I brought him downstairs with me while I worked on my newest painting. I didn’t want him to wake up Joshua.” Travis handed her their eight-month-old son.

“Well, you know Jackson does get his night owl personality from you,” Renee teased placing her squirming son on her hip. “He just seems to know when his daddy is awake. Joshua can sleep through anything in the world. They’re like night and day.”

“I know. Jackson is me and Joshua is you. I think we have the perfect babies,” Travis said.

“I still can’t believe the reason I was so tired for all of those months was because I was pregnant. I never thought I would be having kids so late in my life. I love being a mother and a wife.”

Placing his paint brush down on his easel, Travis turned around and faced her. “I’m just glad we’re a family. I still hate the fact you went through so much before you finally came into my life.”

“Sweetheart, the past is the past. We’re a family now and that’s the only thing that matters. We have two beautiful children who are going to be keeping us busy for a very long time. I’m just glad you wanted to spend your life with me.”

“How could I not want to be with the woman I fell in love with the moment she smiled at me. I was just worried about if I could ever get you to see me as a man and not someone younger than you.”

“I guess I finally saw things your way or we wouldn’t have two beautiful babies,” Renee laughed.

“Mrs. Cole, I think you are right,” Travis laughed pulling his wife into his arms.

The End





The Queen of Tease: If you want to read interracial romance stories that leaves you panting for more and turning the pages faster than you can read them. Marie is for you.

 After reading her first “dirty” book as a teenager, Marie knew she had to become a writer. She started writing a few years ago because she wanted to reach for her dream. She writes her characters so her fans will believe in the Happily Ever After. She loves collecting bear figurines and reading a HOT book when she gets the chance.


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