Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector (2 page)

Read Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector Online

Authors: Cheryl Johnson

Tags: #futuristic, #slave, #futuristic romance, #slave auction, #captive, #auction, #sci fi romance, #alpha male, #dak, #anderas

BOOK: Men of Anderas II: Dak the Protector
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This is interesting
. Dak watched with
growing curiosity as she slowly reached up and removed her hood,
never breaking eye contact with Murdock.

"Blast me to hell 'n back," whispered the
guard on Dak's right. "She's a crystal witch!"

One-by-one the people in the crowd noticed
the woman with the silver-white hair. Dak heard
white witch
whispered in awe throughout the crowd.
Not awe. Fear. The kind of fear you can smell
. The kind of fear
that could turn a menacing mob into a pack of sniveling slugs.

Very interesting
. Dak grinned as the
last of his guards backed behind the stone pillar.
What the hell
is a crystal witch? Anyone who can make Murdock and his pack of
mongrels piss themselves in fear can't be all bad. Wouldn't do her
any good to put a curse on Murdock's miserable life, though. The
bastard would take it as a compliment

"A-all r-right," Murdock stuttered while
backing away from the strange woman, "you maggots listen close. I
only gots me one pet today, so's ya better dig deep fer coin."

Dak tensed, the strange woman forgotten,
when Murdock turned and pulled a short-handled, braided leather
whip from beneath his sleeveless shirt. When the first blow struck
his chest, he clenched his jaw, waiting for the pain that never
really came. After six months of Murdock's abuse, the whip was
little more than an annoyance. The convulsive jerk of abused muscle
was the only visible indication that he felt the blow.

"E's built right fer heavy work."

Murdock laughed as he flicked the whip
against Dak's chest and arms. With his arms stretched tight above
his head, anchored to the top of the giant
-shaped stone
and his feet secured against the wide-spaced bottom, he couldn't
escape the lash. That knowledge didn't keep him from trying.
Grasping the heavy chains in his hands, he pulled at the confining
chains until muscles bulged and veins distended with his effort.
Struggling to keep his breathing even, he sought the anger that was
his constant companion, giving it free rein over the pain and

"An' wit' legs like these, he don' need no

"Hey, Murdock," yelled a drunken heckler
from the crowd, "after spendin' all this time as a guest o'yurs,
can he go the distance?"

Before the slave master could answer, Dak
raised his voice above the din of the crowd. "Ask your wife," he
taunted in a tight, harsh voice.

The mob laughed and applauded Dak's insult.
Whatever pleasure he got from delivering his verbal volley ended
when Murdock began to stroke the tip of the whip along the inside
of Dak's leg. He sucked in a hissing breath, silently cursing his
foolhardy insults.

"I tol' ya ta watch that tongue, didn'

Every muscle in Dak's body stiffened when
Murdock traced a path up his leg with the vile leather until it
rested against the very heart of his masculinity.

"Now, any of you females out there who might
likes a bit of action," he raised the whip until Dak's penis was
exhibited for the crowd's perverted pleasure, "this 'uns more 'n
enough fer ya. Ya all heard him braggin' 'bout his abilities."

Dak twisted violently against his
restraints. All he accomplished was to further mangle the abused
flesh of his back against the sharp rock.

With a careless flip of the leather whip,
Murdock laughed. "Claims to be a bloody
Anderan lord
. We
even found his prissy little crown. Now what's the first bid?"

Dak closed his mind to the rapid bidding.
That was
stupid. Your temper damn near got your
balls sliced off
. The sudden silence of the mob around him
brought his senses to full alert.

"'Ere now," Murdock yelled, "I ain't gonna
let this prime piece of meat go fer no pissin' sixteen hundert gold
coins. Jes' think of the ease ya can have with 'im doin' all yur

"Ain't nobody here got work to do, you
tight-fisted slop bucket. Now finish the deal."

Kierin shuddered at what she was about to
do. She had no other choice. Thanks to Draagon and his Phantom
Riders, the alternative was death. The horrid slave trader just
confirmed the rumors. Her quest would soon be over. She had so very
little time left. The cost of tracking the source of the tale to
this desolate place had been staggering, but she would pay whatever
it took. The stories were true!

Months ago, an Anderan Travel Craft with a
full crew of seventy-five men developed engine trouble and landed
here for repairs. Tricked by the false welcome of the landing
station, the crew was captured and sold at the slave market.

A healthy Anderan male would solve her
problem, but she had feared she would be too late. Her life would
be worth nothing if all the men were sold--or dead. Sighing with
relief, she allowed herself to hope. An Anderan lord. She must bid
on him, no matter the cost.

Kierin felt the sweat trickle down her neck,
between her breasts and under her arms. She pulled at the damp
material clinging to her body, knowing there would be no relief
from the mounting heat. She closed her eyes and imagined herself
back in her valley with its towering trees, bubbling stream and
gentle breezes. The image cooled her body, as she knew it would,
and she fought a smile at the reactions of those around her. They
believed in
witch magic
, but she knew the mind was the
source of true magical power.

Before Murdock could end the bidding, Kierin
interrupted in a strong, clear voice easily heard above the din of
the drunken crowd.

"Two thousand gold coins."

"That's more like it. Come forward and les'
see the color of yur coin."

Kierin maintained her eye contact while she
removed her robe. The earlier sight of her distinctive silver-white
hair had driven the crowd back until she was virtually alone near
the center of the platform. Her father would never approve of her
using her appearance and reputation in such a theatrical manner,
but she intended to have that Anderan. She needed him no matter the

Dak watched as the woman, the
removed her cloak and climbed the shaky ladder to the
platform. The cowering guards gave up all presence of courage and
stumbled over each other trying to get away from the approaching
woman. She was a tiny little thing. Pretty, too, with her
fairy-like appearance. Definitely no one to cause fear in grown
men. The most impressive thing about her was that heavy mane of
silver-white hair. There were blondes on Anderas but never had he
seen such totally white hair on someone so young. Even her skin
complimented her hair with its pale translucence. Pretty just
didn't do her justice but she wasn't beautiful, at least not in the
way he pictured beautiful women.
Exotic. Yea, that's what she is
… exotic

"Beggin' pardon, Lady," Murdock sniveled,
"but what use does one of yur kind have fer a slave?"

"My reasons are none of your concern." She
walked slowly around Dak, taking a good long look at what she saw,
especially the area between his waist and his knees.

"Relax, Murdock." Dak drawled, intending to
see just how far he could push Murdock's fear of this woman. "It's
obvious the
has a
she thinks I can fill."
He tried to ignore the sick guilt churning in his stomach at
insulting a female. Anderan men were raised to cherish and protect
women. It was as much a part of him as his personal honor and

Don't be a fool! You can escape from her
a lot easier than from this prison

If she heard his comments, Dak couldn't
tell. She continued to stare at his groin until he began to harden
beneath her gaze.

Blast and damn! You're worse than a
stallion sniffing a mare in heat! By all the Ancient Prophets I
will not
have an erection now

"Pay no attention, Lady," Murdock shot a
murderous glance at Dak, "he's a stranger and knows nothin' of yur
… uh … customs. He didn't mean no insult."

knows exactly what I meant,
Murdock," Dak argued, trying desperately to ignore the growing
evidence of her effect on him. His eyes locked with the pale aqua
of the crystal witch, praying she wouldn't glance back at his
penis. His eyelids dropped. "I look forward to her gentle touch
after such a long time under your care."

Dak knew himself well enough to
recognize the deep, husky sound of his voice for what it was--a
promise of long hours of heart-pounding, gut-wrenching sex. When
her aqua eyes widened in response and she looked back at the hard
length of flesh pulsing against his belly, his humiliation reached
an all-time high.

"Fuck." Dak's whispered declaration
summarized his opinion of himself in particular and the situation
in general.

"Shut yur bloody mouth, boy," Murdock
bellowed, landing a blow to the side of Dak's head. "It's bad 'nuff
you insult the Lady. Now, ya got a boner harder 'n any whore's
heart. What's the matter wit' you? Don't ya un'erstand? She's a
crystal witch
. Yur gonna bring death 'n destruction down on
all of us!"

"Death and destruction?" Dak laughed,
ignoring the ringing in his ears. "From one puny little woman?" He
turned to the woman standing next to him. "You may buy me," he
growled, seeking refuge in anger from his public display of lust,
"but I give you my vow that the first time you blink, I'll be

He made no attempt to disguise the rage and
frustration of the past months. "Do your worst
! Turn
me into a toad! Strike me dead! Death will be a welcome

He finally noticed that Murdock and the
entire mob of miscreants had backed further and further away from
the platform. The first trickle of fear slithered across his

Damn! What if she really is a witch, you
idiot? These assholes obviously know something you don't

"Your anger is justified; Anderan," she
consoled in a soft voice for his ears alone, "but I expected better
behavior from you. Well, it is unimportant now."

Dak watched warily, fear of her unknown
powers thundering in his increased heart rate, as she reached into
the gold metallic bag strapped to her waist. When she did nothing
more than lift a length of silver chain with a small amulet of
white stone suspended from it, he released his trapped breath.

“My crystal will assure your cooperation."
She stretched toward Dak's head with the chain and frowned when he
reared as far away from her hands as the rock allowed. "There's no
need for you to fight me," she whispered, "I won't harm you. The
stone will also take care of your … physical problem." She glanced
back at his groin and blushed at the pulsing proof of his

"If you think that tiny piece of rock….”
Whatever else Dak had to say died when the chain slipped over his
head and his mental capabilities scattered like so many dead

"You may remove his manacles, now," she told
Murdock with a slight smile, "and bring him some clothes. He won't
give you any further trouble."

When the manacles fell from his wrists, Dak
grabbed the piece of cool rock resting on his chest. He couldn't
lift it.
Must have gone too long without proper circulation?
He may be weak as a kitten but since she put it on she could take
it off.

Dak slipped into the pants a guard brought
for him, grateful that his unexpected arousal no longer pulsed with
life. The woman handed Murdock a sack that clinked with the solid
sound of gold in exchange for a small stack of papers. Giving her
time to finish the
gave him time to compose his
thoughts. He was having trouble keeping his mind focused on what
was happening.
Must be the heat

She turned to him with a slight smile. "Are
you ready?"

Yes! I'm ready for you to remove this
damn rock

"Yes, Lady," Dak answered softly.
the bloody hell is wrong with you? That's not what you were going
to say to her

"Excellent. It's too late today to arrange
for transport. I have a room ready where you can bathe and rest."
She turned without another word and climbed down to the dusty
street. Gathering up her discarded cloak, she motioned for Dak to
follow her. Without knowing why or how--he did just as she bid.

Chapter Two

From her position near the door, Kierin
watched the man sitting armpit deep in hot water. The harsh soap
provided by the innkeeper of this hovel definitely improved his
appearance. Once she trimmed his beard and hair and healed his
injuries, he would be passable.

"By what name are you called?” She asked to
break the uneasy silence. Now that her plan was in motion she
wasn't sure just how to proceed. The first step, obviously, was to
gain his trust.


The blazing fury lighting his deep brown
eyes gave lie to the soft tone of his voice. While the amulet
controlled his physical actions and his ability to resist her
instructions, the anger still flourished in his mind. His thoughts
were his own. That aspect had never occurred to her. After all, the
stones were created for use on large animals, not humans. He was a
proud man, this Anderan she owned.

No. Not owned. One person has no right to
own another. I'll release him as soon as he gives me what I need,
so he's just borrowed

"I can't trust you not to escape, can I?”
Kierin fought the wave of guilt threatening to devour her.

"I will escape, Lady."

The pain she sensed beneath his soft reply
brought the sting of tears to her eyes. "You have nothing to fear
from me. I won't harm you in any way. In fact, you may find you
enjoy your duties.” She couldn't prevent the blush that stained her
cheeks pink just thinking about what his
entail. She had to find a way to convince him to accept his
temporary situation. This plan, however foolhardy, wouldn't work
without his complete cooperation. He couldn't perform the services
she required while wearing the amulet, and she couldn't trust him
to stay if she removed the stone. There had to be compromise
between them.

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