Read Mended Online

Authors: By Kimberly M. Clayborne

Mended (25 page)

BOOK: Mended
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Tim’s head began to go light and tingly, his abdomen trembled, and his balls tightened. He tried to slow, tried to stop himself; she was so delicious he just wasn’t ready to end this ecstasy. With one last thrust, he filled her with his warm seed screaming and bucking against her hard. Kassie held him as he gasped and quaked above her, his face covered in the most pleasure she’d ever seen haunt his handsome features. He gripped the sofa arm above her head and pressed deep into her, jolting and jerking inside of her before he stilled.

“Tim!” Kassie whimpered softly, still trembling. Comprehension of what happened between them simply eluded her and then within a moment it hit her in the most monumental way. They made love, they made up, and they were okay. She felt an odd mix of fear and elation fill her. She loved this man so much and she had told him. There was no turning back now and she didn’t want too.

“Fuck I forgot-,” Before he could finish his sentence, she quickly realized what he was going to say.

“I’m on the pill.” Kassie whispered kissing his neck and chin. “I’m on the pill but I’ll stop when you want me to.” She wrapped him in her arms and let him settle against her while she played with his hair.

“That will be very soon.” He sighed. “Very soon.” Tim relaxed into her.


Tim watched her, hours later, as she eased gingerly into a chair at the kitchen table and grinned, sipping his coffee. He’d loved her for what seemed like hours, in every possible position. His cheek was bruised from falling off the couch, her lips were swollen from his hungry kisses, he had claw marks on his back and she bites on her thighs, breasts and bottom. All in all, they looked a mess.

“Okay baby?” He asked sweetly.

“No.” She said, frowning at him. “Don’t even look at me you brute.” Tim laughed softly. “I think you broke it.” She grimaced.

Tim roared, “It’s your fault for being so hot baby, I’m not sorry.” He said with the most wickedly handsome smile she’d ever seen. Kassie felt herself go swoony. He really was beautiful.

“I know you’re not,” Kassie said. “You will be if I can’t ride later.” She stood slowly and walked to the fridge, pulling out a carafe of orange juice.

He chuckled behind her and continued to sip his coffee, but she could feel his hungry gaze on her.

Kassie felt a bubble of happiness and contentment run through her. She had missed him very much and her love burned in her heart. Kassie couldn’t understand why she was so afraid of him. Tim was everything she had dreamed of in a mate. He had loved her, if she was honest with herself, much harder and better than anyone else had loved her in her entire life. She would spend her life showing him how much she loved him too if he let her.

“I thought you were going to kill me when I said fuck you.” She said over her shoulder.

His eyebrows rose into his unkempt hair over his brow and he shook his head.

“I’ve never raised a finger to a woman and believe me Nora could drive you there, but I’m bigger and stronger. I would never be able to cope with myself after harming someone, most of all you.” He said.

Kassie turned to him and bit her lip.  “I’m so sorry I hurt you.” She whispered looking into his sky blue eyes. 

“God, you did.” He said. “It felt like every heartbeat was a heart attack when you told me you didn’t want me.”

Kassie felt tears come to her eyes. “Oh Timothy.” She said her voice breaking. “I never meant-,”

He shook his head at her and smiled.

“I have you back Kassidy. You’re mine, I can promise you that, and I can also promise you that I’m yours. I only want you and if you’re going to force me to wait then I will, I’ll wait.” He said.

“I’m yours Timothy; I just need to go slow.” She said softly. Tim nodded and sipped his coffee. “It all so fast, loving you like this. It’s never happened before. I’ve never loved a man like this and I’m scared shitless.”

Kassie was so angry with herself! She didn’t need time. She didn’t need to go slowly. She knew how she felt about him; she knew how much she loved him, so why was she fighting so hard?

“Do you really love me?” He asked hesitantly as she sipped her orange juice at the counter. Her throat was aching from all of her screaming.

She walked around the counter to him, putting her glass on the table and slowly, tenderly, straddled him. Tim chuckled at the discomfort he caused but honestly it was more like utter destruction if he could be honest. Kassie punched his chest softly, with a giggle and then cupped his face in her hands. She may doubt herself, but she wouldn’t let him doubt her, not again.

“Yes.” She said without hesitation, looking into his eyes. “I love you more than anything in this world.”

He smiled and said simply, “Then you have me.” They kissed tenderly feeling their love for each other course through their kiss.

Chapter 28

Tim stayed the night, returning after going to get Griffin. The dog greeted Kassie as if he’d missed her too and then trotted upstairs to his old room. Kassie showered and was finishing some work in the office when Ti
m went up to bed. He laughed at her when he stopped by and saw her sitting on a heating pad. She threw wadded up paper balls at him until he left.

She finished her work and talked to Rosie for a little while before she followed him up about two hours later. He was still up when she walked into the room and closed the door.

“You waited for me.” She smiled taking off her slippers and kicking them under the bed.

“Yes.” Tim said softly. “We need to talk.” Kassie sat next to him tucking her legs under her and staring into his eyes. Tim saw the fear she held and took her hand in his rubbing his thumb over the back of it lovingly.

“I love you Kassie. I love you so much more than you will ever understand or realize. I need to know what happened. Why’d you freak out on me like that when I told you that I loved you? Don’t you love me too?”

“Timmy I’ve been hurt so much that I think, on some level, like I don’t deserve you or love. I want you and I need you. You make me happy and loving you feels like a gift. I get to hold you, and kiss you and just love on you. I didn’t get that with Monroe. I’ve never been able to show people how I felt. I can do that with you, I want to do that with you.” Kassie lowered her head. “But I’m afraid.”

“Of what?”

“Of you.” She said. “You feel good Tim, like you’re supposed to be there, be here with me. What if you stop loving me?”

“I don’t think I can.”

“It happens.”

“Not when it feels like this.” He said tenderly. “I’m obsessed with you, infatuated to a point that is insane. I mean I nearly gave Paul a punch when he was talking about how sexy you are. My baby girl loves you, Nora likes you and Griffin is damn near in competition with me for your affections.”

Kassie giggled.

“He loses hands down.” Kassie said. They chuckled. “I want to screw everything sometimes and just marry you.” An enlightened look filled his eyes.

“Why don’t we?”

“Because it’s irresponsible.” She said. “And right and good.” She put her head on his shoulder and sighed. “Sometimes I think about it. I have money and a career that I love, my own house, everything I own is in my name . . .” She clucked her tongue and looked up at him. “I have you.”

“You have me.” He agreed.

“Marriage would be really nice. I still have to meet your folks.”

“You will.” He smiled. “They’ll be here for the flower society judging and they want to meet this great woman Nat keeps talking about. Dale and Tyler are coming too but they’ll only be here a day.”

“They’re not going to call me fat or anything, are they?”

“Not if they like smiling.” Tim said. She giggled squeezing him.

“You’re possessive.”

“I really am.”

“I wake up every night that you sleep over with your arm over me or you holding onto my arm.” She said softly.

“Your leg stays over me.” He said playful defensive.

“I know. I’m trying to hump you in my sleep.” She teased.

“I knew it!” Tim laughed.

“You’re hot.” Kassie played along. Tim kissed her lips softly. “I threw away my birth control pills.” Kassie whispered under his lips.

Tim pulled back looking into her eyes.

“What?” His expression was something she couldn’t understand. There were threads of elation, fear, hope and love weaved though his eyes.

“Well we kind of talked about it and I was just thinking,” She bit her lip and swallowed hard. “I mean if you decide to be a fucking pig I’m wealthy enough to give our child the best.”

“Still trying to ditch me huh?” He asked with a smile. “You should have tossed those shits like three months ago.” Tim kissed her again.

“Good thing I didn’t; you were mean to me three months ago and left.”

“That won’t happen again.” Tim said. “I won’t be foolish enough to let you run me off.”

“Timothy Baron I did not.” Kassie defended.

“You did too but I’m not going that easily next time even if we fight like cats and dogs.” He said.

“No cuz all I have to do is give you one of these.” She gave him a cheesy come hither stare and he roared with laughter remembering what he said to Rose. “And you’ll be all over me like a second skin.”

“I sure will baby.” He said laughing. “Speaking of babies.” He kissed her softly. “I want a fat one,” He slipped between her legs. “With curly brown hair and brown skin and your beautiful brown eyes.” Kassie wrapped her arms around him as she gave her soft sweet pecks. “I want five of them, all at the same time. All fat and cute like cubby little kittens.” Five! Kassie was fine with two maybe even three. But five? She remembered Rosie’s pregnancies and they weren’t pretty at all.

“You’re looking for a miracle.” Kassie said softly as he slipped his hand between them and ripped away the center of her briefs.

“I’ll get my way.” Tim kissed her neck. “If it’s the last thing I do.” Tim filled her tightly and Kassie melted in an instant. She held on to him, as he loved her with such pure unbelievable passion that she nearly lost her mind beneath him.


Kassie lay beside him in the darkness of her room. It was a cool night for summer so the air conditioner was off and the curtains were open. In the distance she could hear the faint sounds of someone’s music playing and knew it was some sort of party or barbeque. Other than that, the night was alive with bug sounds and an owl or two tossed in. Kassie was in total paradise beside him, in the arms of her man.

Tim placed a kiss on her cooled neck and moaned softly.

“I can’t sleep after that.” He whispered.

“Me either.” She said.

Tim slid his hand over her belly kissing her shoulder. Kassie put her hand over his and closed her eyes. She couldn’t believe what they were trying to do.

“With your eyes.” Tim whispered in her ear. “I want them all to look like you.” Kassie looked up at him. “Every baby we ever have I want them to be as beautiful as you.”

“I was hoping they would look like you, with your beautiful eyes.” She said. “And kids with glasses are so cute.” She gave a slight giggle.

He chuckled and kissed her lips.

“I will make you happy Kassidy.” He whispered.

“You do. I’ve never been so happy.” Kassie whispered. “I’m so in love with you.” She gave him the sweetest, gentlest kiss she’d ever given him and he felt it throughout his entire body.

“I love you Baron.” Tim whispered.

Kassie smiled.

“I can’t wait.” She whispered wrapping her arms around him. “Kassidy Jane Lawton-Baron.” She teased.

Tim laughed when she did. It did sound truly awful.

“I think Kassidy Baron would be the best way to go on that one.” They laughed wrapping each other up tightly. Kassie buried her face in his chest, giggling at the tone of his voice.

“Yeah me too.” She rested her head on his chest.

They followed each other to sleep, wrapped in each other’s warm embrace. Both of them knowing that this was it. Their search was over. They had found the love that they had been searching for and it was unbreakable. They’d never let each other go again. Not when love felt this true.


About Me

I am really totally boring so here goes. I’m a born and bred New Yorker (from Queens!) and, believe it or not, the youngest of seven. I’m an avid reader and, of course, writer. I love to cook, knit and am a total music junky. I’m a nature lover, which earned me the family nickname of Nature Girl.

I am currently working on my degree in Information Systems and will return to college when I’m done to pursue a degree in Creative Writing. I would love to turn writing into my full time job and have Info Sys as my fall back.

All of the proceeds from the purchase of my novels go to funding my education. So in a way you’re contributing to my education (Thanks so much!).


Dear Reader

I just really wanted to take a moment to thank you all so very much for reading and enjoying my stories. I started off writing for my own entertainment when I was a little girl but allowed my friends to read my stories about witches and trolls. I saw how much they enjoyed them and it inspired me to want to be a writer.

I’m getting to follow my dream because I have an audience who appreciates my ideas, my thoughts, and my imagination. I can’t imagine my life without reading or writing. So thank you for being an enormous part of the success of my dream.

With much, much love,





I hope you truly have enjoyed Mended. I loved writing it. I loved inventing a mean character. It was really a lot of fun to mold and shape Kassie’s personality. I think she’s the first truly mean female character I’ve ever written. I just can’t wait to create another mean character. Maybe he or she will be worse.



The opinion of my readers is always very important to me and I am always happy to answer questions and read the comments of my readers.


Always feel free to contact me!



[email protected]





BOOK: Mended
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