Mended (9 page)

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Authors: By Kimberly M. Clayborne

BOOK: Mended
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Chapter 12

“These are awesome!” Rose gushed shaking her head as she stared at the drawings Kassie had given her. “It’s like I can almost touch it.”

“Your father taught me well.” Kassie smiled.

Rose’s dad was an illustrator also and he was always willing to help a young newcomer as his mentor had done for him. So Kassie pulled double duty taking classes at the art school where she studied and taking lessons from a veteran artist.

“Yeah, daddy was great.” She said. “Now he just paints mom in the nude. Yay for us.” Rose deadpanned.

“I think it’s cute.” Kassie giggled, remembering last year’s anniversary party and the large oil painting hanging in the living room.

“Not when they show them to you and the people you know.” Rose grumbled.

Kassie laughed when she thought about the look on Rosie’s face the moment she realized that was her mother in the painting.

“So I’ll send everything to Jared.” Rose glared at her best friend who was wiping tears from her face.

“Great.” Kassie pulled herself together.

“What are you up to tonight?” Rose asked her.

“Well I was going to grab some food and head to a hotel then head back to Elgin in the morning.” Kassie said.

“Spend the night with me. We can watch monster movies. I’ll even make Paul take the kids to his Mom’s and not walk around here in his boxers. The kids are too little to trick or treat so they’re not missing much of anything.” She noticed Kassie’s expression.

Kassie smiled, “Are you sure Rosie?”

“I’ve got popcorn and chocolate and beer.” Rose enticed.

“That’d be really nice.” Kassie sighed.

“Great! It’s settled.” She tucked Kassie’s drawings back into the large portfolio and slid them into her desk. “Pizza?”

“A bad one with banana peppers and sausage and bacon and extra cheese.” Kassie gushed hungrily. Kassie was a pizza addict; she knew all the best places to get a slice. She’d always been like that with both pizza and ice cream.

“Got ya.” Rose smiled. She gathered her things as Kassie stood. They left the office arm and arm, like when they were girls. “I love when you come home!”

“Me too.” Kassie smiled.


“So are you like totally over him?” Rose asked peeling another mini chocolate bar open and popping it into her mouth.

Kassie nodded taking a gulp of her beer.

They’d finished half of the pizza, an entire bowl of Doritos, half the six pack, all of the chocolate and half the quart of ice cream; Kassie was stuffed.

“Nick, definitely and Monroe, for the most part I am.” Kassie said. “I did have a “moment” with Monroe. He called me the day and we got into it. But he said he felt like he lost his best friend.”  Kassie shrugged, “I was always honest with him about my feelings, about what was happening in our marriage and everything that annoyed or pissed me off, and he lied so much.” Kassie shook her head.

“And Nick, Nick was just an asshole. I mean one minute you’re moaning all up in my ear and drooling on my boobs then you’re married again. I think I made the wrong choice by sleeping with him, but made the right choice letting him go.”

Rose made a face, digging her spoon into the ice cream they were sharing.

“I’ll tell ya though; sometimes I do miss being fucked by Monroe.” She said crassly without realizing it and it shocking Rose into choking on her ice cream.

Rose threw her head back roaring in laughter, “Holy shit!”

“It’s true!” Kassie said indignantly.

“What about that sexy neighbor of yours?” Rose said.

Kassie blushed. “He’s not really into me.” She sighed eating a spoonful of ice cream. “And he’s not really my type.”

“Kassie it’s been two years and just because Nick didn’t fit where you hoped he would doesn’t mean you give up. Please don’t become bitter.” Rose said.

Kassie lowered her head.

She wanted to move on; it wasn’t as if she wanted to spend the rest of her life pissed off and miserable. She just didn’t know how to move on. Kassie didn’t know how to forgive or forget the pain of all of the betrayal that happened in her life.

“I was mean to him. I treated him like a criminal when I first met him. I told him I’d poison his dog if it came into my yard when I knew I wouldn’t. I cursed at him at the barbeque.”

Rose stared at her, goggle eyed before finding her voice. “What the hell is going on over there?”

“I know, I know. I just don’t know what’s wrong with me. He’s so handsome and different. He even played the violin for me.”

“Kassie you have to let go of this anger.” Rose said quietly.

“All of my life Rosie, I’ve been hurt by the people I’ve loved! I don’t even try anymore. Why should I? I’m just going to get shitted on in the end anyhow.”

“I love you and I’ve never shitted on you.” Rosie said.

Kassie smiled softly and sighed.

“I know Rosie.”

“We’ve been friends for twenty years, best friends. You were my maid of honor at my wedding, you were my first client, and you were there when I had Jenna and Colby. I trust you more than I trust my Paul.” Rosie hugged Kassie fiercely “I want you happy.”

“I know.”

They were quiet for a moment.

“Tim is really cute. Like a hot nerd.” Kassie said thoughtfully.

“Yup, think Paul will get upset if I start spending Saturday night at your house?” Rosie asked innocently.

“Slut.” Kassie said, they giggled.


Kassie couldn’t believe how different she felt. Just talking to Rose last night, venting her pain and hearing another opinion made her feel a world better and not so alone. She couldn’t let her grief and anger control her life anymore. She wanted to move on, needed to move on. Monroe had, why couldn’t she?

She got home at nine the next morning. It was such a beautiful chilly autumn day. The neighbor down the street got toilet papered and the rest of the neighborhood didn’t escape the random egg throw. She had a few on the sidewalk in front of her house and one on the walkway leading up to her front steps.

She was getting out of her car as Tim and Griffin were coming back from a walk. Kassie smiled at him taking her overnight bag from the backseat.

“Good morning Tim.” She said with a pretty smile.

“Good morning.” He said noticing that she was still wearing what she had on last night.

Kassie bounded up the stairs, unlocking her front door and going inside. A deep dark thread of jealousy filled him. Where had she been? Who had she been with? Why did he care so much?

Are you really angry?
He wondered

“Yes, yes I am.” He mumbled to himself. Tim couldn’t believe he was angry about this and most of all he couldn’t believe that he had answered his own question to himself. She was making him crazy.


Kassie turned on some music as she took yoga pants and a tank out of her drawer. She hadn’t worked out in two weeks and it was a beautiful day. She figured that maybe she’d blend a few yoga moves with some Pilates and enjoy the bright sunny day while working off that binge with Rose last night.


Timothy bought his plate and coffee mug to the sink and filled the dish pan with hot water and dish soap. Griffin ran past the back porch with that ratty old squirrel in his mouth. The little dog fought with it like it was an actual animal and Tim wondered what the dog would do when he replaced it. The thing was starting to smell no matter how much he washed it.

Tim shook his head as Griffin pounced on it, jumped off and pounced again. He finished the last of his coffee thinking about seeing Kassie this morning. Even in repeat clothing she was beautiful and so sexy. His eyes caught movement in Kassie’s yard and he looked through the window alarmed.
‘Come on Griff, not again!’ 
Tim swore under his breath and was just about to go get the dog when he realized that it was Kassie in her yard this time.

She was exercising and he couldn’t resist watching her. Hell, this woman had turned him into a damn voyeur! If he even thought he heard her outside, he wanted to see her.

Tim pulled the curtains to and watched as she rolled out a yoga mat and proceeded to do some light stretching. Kassie’s body was, in his opinion, freakin’ awesome! She kept her frame trim but made no attempt to slim her curves and Tim found that delightful.

Slowly she lowered her body to the pink mat. Her luscious bottom rose in the air as she slid her breast against the mat and settled on it. Kassie pressed her feet together and pushed up with her hands, arching her back. For a moment Tim thought that her lush breasts would pop right out the top of her tank and his mouth went dry.

Turning onto her back, Kassie planted her feet on the mat and slid her arms beside her body. She slowly raised her hips up and then down repeatedly. He began to imagine himself between those legs with her doing something like that but completely, deliciously naked.  A wave of white hot lust coursed through his body, building in strength until it reached his cock.

“Fuck.” He growled dropping his mug in the dishpan, the warm soapy water splashed up in his face and onto his shirt. “Damn it.” He grabbed the dishtowel wiping the dishwater off his face in lusty irritation.


Tim was still in a daze as he went through his day. He got a few pieces of her mail and spent an hour staring at it on his mail table while he polished his violin. He wasn’t sure if he should go and bring it over to her. He wasn’t sure how to act in front of her.

But now here he stood at her door holding the two pieces of mail, trying to figure out what to do about it, about himself really. This new mailman had to be a drunk . . . or illiterate. Either way, he kept putting the neighbors’ mail in Tim’s box and Tim had to go give it out all over the neighborhood. This time it was Kassie's mail. Tim wasn’t too upset; it gave him an excuse to see her again, nerves aside.

She didn’t answer the door right away and Tim’s doubts began to assault him. Slipping the mail into the slot in her door, he turned and walked down the stairs. He couldn’t lie he was very disappointed.

Kassie was coming out of her studio when she saw the two pieces of mail fall in and watched the slot close. She walked to the door and opened it. Tim turned back and she smiled at him with uncertainty. Their relationship had been smoother lately and she was really trying to keep it that way.

His eyes rolled over her in capri length red sweatpants and white tee shirt. A pink bandana covered her hair and everything on her body, from head to toe, was speckled with pale yellow paint.


“Hi.” Tim said. “I got a few pieces of mail for you.”

“Oh,” Kassie said. “Thanks.” She picked them up.  “Did you enjoy your trick-or-treating?” She asked.

“Um yeah.” He said scratching his earlobe. “By the way, my daughter left you a bag of candy and was wondering if you would sign her books.”


“The ones you illustrated.”

“Oh, I’m not sure. I have to check with my boss. Sometimes the author may get angry if the artist signs their creation. It’s sort of like stealing someone’s idea.” Kassie said. “I’ll check it out and I’ll get back to you.”

“Ok.” He said softly. He stared at her a moment and lowered his head. He found his mouth working faster than his brain was and blurted out; “How was your night? . . . Out? . . . How was your night out?”

“Nice.” She smiled at him, offering no more than that.

“Yeah . . . well ok.” He swallowed past the lump in his throat.

Tim stood there a moment and Kassie knew that this was the perfect time to clear the air.

She bit her lip and looked at him remorsefully, “I would never poison your dog.”

“That’s good to know because he likes you.” He said.

She laughed, “I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen in love with him.”

They stood staring at each other a moment. Tim took a step towards her and was standing very close. Kassie almost couldn’t breathe.

“I’m an illustrator.”
What! You moron, he knows what you do?
  She scolded herself.

“I know; you’re pretty good.” He was smiling at her patiently.

“I love to hear you practice.” Kassie’s voice was low and breathless.

“You like classical music?” Tim’s cologne hit her and nearly made her melt.

“Not before you played it. Bye.” She stepped in and closed the door gently.

If he wasn’t being too full of himself, he could say honestly that she most definitely was flirting with him, just a little, right then. He wouldn’t tell Nora she was right though. She was like a dog with a bone when she was proven right about something and he couldn’t stand it when she gloated.

Tim had a huge smile on his face as he walked home and he knew it wouldn’t ever wipe off.


Chapter 13

It was an unseasonably warm autumn day and Tim walked Griff to the local park. There was a dog park there were Griffin and his friends often played. Tim would stand to the side and talk with the other owners but no one he knew was out today.

Tim sighed as he let the last beams of sun light hit his face. He started into the grass where Griffin was playing when he saw someone sitting in the oak tree at the other end of the field. Its branches were enormous and thick, and they curved down at such an angle that people often used them as benches for sitting. The oak had been there for three hundred years and was a symbol for the longevity of the town. Everyone took care of it, even teenagers in the town volunteered to rake its leaves in the fall.

For some reason Tim’s eyes were drawn to the figure in the tree. When the person leaned back against the trunk, he realized why; it was Kassie.

Geez, it’s like I’ve got radar for her or something. 
He thought.

He could see the big sketchpad on her lap; she took something out of a small pouch around her waist and let her leg drop, swinging it in a carefree, nearly childlike way that for some reason made her seem vulnerable.


Kassie stared at the leaf that was serving as the model for her sketch. It was beautiful, a deep reddish brown. Kassie was planning to pick it when she was finished. She often picked up leaves from the ground when she found a pretty one.

“This must be a great spot for drawing.” Tim said. Kassie looked over at him as he walked towards her. In his hand he held Griffin’s leash. He was dressed in navy blue slacks and a black sweater. His hair was a little disheveled as if he had taken a nap and only ran his fingers through it upon waking. But what she noticed the most was how soft his mouth looked.  The urge to kiss him rolled through her higher and wilder than ever before.

“Did he finally make a break for it?”

“It wouldn’t surprise you would it?” He laughed. “No he’s playing.” Tim pointed over at the grassy area where the dogs were all running around. Their owners were standing in groups talking.

“Oh.” Kassie said. She turned, moving her legs so he could sit beside her but he just leaned his bottom against the tree branch. “It is very nice. Very peaceful.”

“Yeah it is nice.” He said and Kassie got a whiff of his cologne. It was light and warm with some exotic spice. Kassie liked it. The scent was somehow . . . comforting and she lowered her head in case he caught her smelling him.

“Whatcha drawing?” He looked at the pad seeing the beautifully drawn leaf.

“This.” She plucked the leaf off, placing it on the page next to the one she’d just sketched. The two leaves looked almost completely identical and Tim was impressed.

“You’re really good.” He said softly.

Kassie smiled, looking up at him. “That’s what I get paid for.” She said.

They were quiet for a bit.

“Do you come here a lot?”
‘Nice pick up line Lawton.’
She thought to herself.

“Every day.” Tim smiled as if reading her mind. “But it’s my first time seeing you here.”

“I come here a few days a week, early in the morning to power walk or jog; whatever I’m in the mood for.” Kassie said.

Tim’s mind went back to her sexy poses in the backyard and that same electricity zipped through him.
‘God, don’t let me grab this woman and kiss her!’

“You don’t need to lose weight.” He said. “You’re perfect.”
‘Easy there tiger.’

Kassie smiled shyly. “I’m not trying that hard to. But I try to keep everything in the right place, which is really hard when you’re not blessed with a good metabolism . . . and you could eat an entire bag of Cheetos in one sitting.”

Tim chuckled.

“Well on behalf of all the men in this neighborhood, thank you for keeping everything in the right place.” He teased.

“Um,” She giggled. “You’re welcome?”

Tim laughed with her.

“Can we walk home with you?” He asked.

Kassie bit her lip nervously. She didn’t want herself getting ideas about them . . . but she really did want that.

“Sure.” She said and hopped down.

Tim whistled for Griffin who came running. He jumped on Kassie and she scratched his head affectionately.

“He really likes you.” Tim hooked the leash on.

“He’s a great dog.” Kassie smiled. “I always wanted one.”

“Didn’t you have one when you were a kid? Why don’t you get one?”

“Well my mom hated dogs and my ex was allergic.” Kassie said. “But now that I’m on my own, I may drop in to a pound or something when I’m less busy.”

Tim gave her Griffin’s leash and took her sketchpad. Kassie looked at him wide eyed and shook her head. She hadn’t ever walked a dog before.

“Oh no, I can’t.”

“Yes you can.” He assured her. “He won’t drag you.”

Kassie stared at him as Griff gave a quick tug starting off and she let the crazy dog lead her out of the park.


They walked the blocks in companionable silence.

“How long have you been divorced?” Kassie asked him as they crossed the street and reached the sidewalk.

“Seven years.” He said.

“When it first happened, were you sad about it?”

“Absolutely. Nora and I had been friends and lovers. Ending our marriage had felt like we failed each other and our Natalie. We just couldn’t figure out what went wrong.” He looked over at her. “Why?”

“My ex told me he missed me, that I was his best friend.” Kassie shook her head. “I think he just didn’t think I’d actually go.” She said quietly. “I don’t think he cared about me as much as he thought he did.”

“That’s a sad way to think of it.”

“Would you cheat on someone you love?”

“If they threatened to poison my dog I would.”

“Oh stop.” Kassie laughed and he couldn’t help laughing too.

“I guess I just don’t get it.” They turned the corner walking down Max’s street. “I mean to promise the world to someone when you two exchange vows.” Kassie shook her head. Her pretty face covered with sadness. “I didn’t cheat on him. I loved him so much.” She sighed, letting her words trail off.

They turned on their block and Griffin made the same cross that Tim always did when they were walking back. Tim smiled realizing that he knew his way home. So all of those times he got loose and Tim had to go find him he now knew that Griffin was just being difficult and didn’t need to be found. It was a little funny to Tim to know what a crazy personality his dog had, they really did fit each other.

“I don’t like to share; I was never good at it. In kindergarten I got demerits for being a bad sharer.” Tim stopped walking, laughing in shock as he stared at her. She stopped too, joining him in his laughter. Griffin sat on the ground, staring up at them curiously. “If I’m down with someone, that’s it. I give my all to making relationships work, romantic, friendships and professional, work out. So why can’t other people do the same? Is that too much to ask?”

“No. It, it’s not too much to ask.” Tim answered without blinking. He wasn’t sure if he was agreeing with her or making her a promise. Kassie straightened up, trying to hide her smile and pretend to not notice the flush of embarrassment spreading across his face.

“Thank you.” She said and started walking again. “I guess Monroe didn’t care to read the memo. Now he’s harassing me; telling me he misses me, how I was his best friend, and how he still loves me.”

“Maybe he does.” Tim said, falling into step beside her.

“When I lost my baby he was in bed with another woman.” Kassie said stopping at her fence. “I was in that hospital bed, crying in pain and begging God not to take my child and he was having sex.”

“Oh, Kassie, I’m sorry.” He said. His voice full of remorse.

“I get so hurt and angry when I think of it.” Kassie said shaking her head. “Now he’s telling me that he’ll break off his engagement if I go back to him. How do I forgive a man like that?”

“You don’t.” Tim said quickly as selfish as his motives were, he wanted to make damn sure she didn’t go back to him! This was his chance.

“I can’t, even if I tried. I know that now.” She took her sketchpad from him, tilted her head to the side and looked into his eyes thoughtfully. “You seem like a nice guy Tim.”

“Thank you, I am.”

She giggled and shook her head. “Would you do me a favor?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“When you meet your forever girl, treat her like she means everything to you. Every time someone gets cheated on they die, just a little, inside.” She said and the sadness in her features was haunting.

He watched Kassie as she walked away, up the path and to her front door. He wanted to promise her that it would turn out fine. That someday some guy would make her happy. That he could make her happy if she let him. But somehow, he didn’t think she was ready for that.

“Bye Kassie.” He called out.

“See ya over the fence Tim.” She winked at him, “Oh and thank you for walking me home.” He just gave her a smile and watched her door close before going on his way.


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