Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Kelly smiled at the older gentleman. “Some of them do seem a bit extreme, almost like manikins come to life.”

Jason remarked, “The teams look good. I know Justin is very excited about starting this league.”

“He is indeed. I think it’s been an excellent distraction for him. There is a tremendous amount of logistical preparation and planning, not to mention the actual practice and drilling required,” Max answered thoughtfully.

“As I remember from college, nobody is more organized than Justin,” Trent interjected.

“Oh, they’re about to introduce the teams,” Kelly exclaimed excitedly, bringing everyone’s attention back to the field as the opposing teams galloped out to center field and lined up. The spectators stood for the national anthem followed by the invocation for the safety of the players and their mounts. Kelly’s heart did a little flip-flop at the reminder of how dangerous this game really was for both man and beast, and she silently said an “amen” of her own. She was glad to see the ambulance and rescue team waiting at the bottom of the field, and she hoped they would not be needed.


Chapter Fourteen

After the opening ceremonies, both teams took the field. Devereau Plantation South started the first chukker off cautiously as Justin, wearing Number Three and playing the center position, probed the weaknesses of Black Oak Ridge Farm’s Number Four defending back, Raul Rodrigues, a local six-goal player. Justin made a cautious foray into enemy territory dribbling the ball toward the Black Oak Ridge Farm goal. He was blindsided by Black Oak Ridge Farm’s Number Two forward, Jorge Silvas, who, covering him closely, swooped in to snag the ball from between Justin’s pony’s front feet. Justin’s pony stopped on a dime and reversed direction to give chase at a full gallop while Devereau Plantation South’s Number Four back, Tommy Jamison, galloped downfield into position to defend his team’s goal.

The first chukker continued at breakneck speed. The players drove down to connect with the ball, mallets flying, ponies charging down the field. Devereau Plantation South’s Number Two forward, Joe Marino, made a forward ground shot through the Black Oak Ridge Farm goal to score the first point of the match. After Devereau Plantation South’s score, the teams changed goals. Justin picked up the ball, and reversing direction, started another drive toward the Black Oak Ridge Farm goal. Devereau Plantation South’s forwards, Sneider and Marino, moved into position guarding the Black Oak Ridge Farm center and back, as Justin made a long shot through the Black Oak Ridge Farm goal.

The crowd cheered as the first chukker came to a close. The score was two points for Devereau Plantation South and zero for Black Oak Ridge Farm. It had been seven and a half minutes of ground-pounding, heart-stopping action as the play moved from one end of the field to the other, only to reverse repeatedly. The players of both sides moved to their respective camps for the brief three-minute break between chukkers. Grooms appeared with quick drinks of water for the players and they hurriedly checked the tired ponies for any injuries or loose and broken equipment.

The teams took the field again for the second chukker, and the crowd held its collective breath as several wide shots for each side culminated in no goals, despite several hair-raising close encounters. The players dashed from one end of the field to the other on sweat lathered ponies only to reverse and fly back in the other direction, mallets flying as the ball was dribbled, driven, stolen and returned over and over again. During the short break after the second chukker the players changed ponies.

Mounted on fresh ponies for the third chukker, play resumed with a bang as Jorge Silvas scored a surprise long shot through the Devereau Plantation South goal. The score was now two for Devereau Plantation South and one for Black Oak Ridge Farm. Sides were changed once more. Devereau Plantation South was determined to maintain its lead and began an offensive drive, pounding down the field toward the Black Oak Ridge Farm goal at a breathtaking full gallop with Black Oak Ridge Farm’s defense in hot pursuit. Hearts stopped beating as Joe Marino and his pony slipped on the treacherous footing churned up by the pounding hooves and wiped out, leaving a four-foot skid mark in the turf. Joe and his pony scrambled to their feet uninjured. Play stopped as Joe quickly checked his horse for injuries and remounted. Play resumed.

Sensing another Black Oak Ridge Farm goal in the offing, Devereau Plantation South began a campaign of aggressive defense, staying hard on the hooves of Black Oak Ridge Farm’s center and forwards. Devereau Plantation South put themselves and their mounts between Black Oak Ridge Farm and another score. Then Devereau Plantation South’s Number One, in an overzealous attempt to halt the opposing team’s forward momentum, fouled their Number One forward. The resulting penalty shot tied the score at the end of the third chukker.

While the winded players took an all-too-brief break at halftime, the crowd of spectators moved out onto the field and began the time-honored tradition of divot stomping. Kelly, Calleigh, Paula, and Robbie, champagne glasses in hand, joined the boisterous crowd in treading in the divots of grass churned up by the flying hooves and stomping them back into place.

Kelly, excited and breathless from the hectic first half, was anxious for a brief word with Justin. She walked over toward the sideline where he sat astride his black pony. He was breathing hard, and sweat trickled into the curly dark hair in the vee of his bright blue and white jersey. Kelly stepped up to the heaving side of his mount and, putting her hand on his muscular thigh, inquired, “Do you want a sip of my drink, it’s only orange juice.” He smiled his thanks and, reaching down, took her glass in his gloved hand. He took a long swallow. Kelly’s breath caught as she watched the muscles work in the corded column of his throat. Sweating and out of breath, he was still the sexiest man she had ever seen.

After halftime the fourth chukker commenced with the score tied two to two. Devereau Plantation South was determined to regain the lead, and, pulling out all the stops, Justin led an unstoppable, full-tilt charge worthy of a cavalry platoon. Justin moved into position for a spectacular offside back shot under the tail of his pony resulting in another Devereau Plantation South goal. Black Oak Ridge Farm took possession of the ball but lost it quickly, and then regained it again. After a forty-yard drive toward Devereau Plantation South’s goal that looked destined to succeed, Justin slipped in between Black Oak Ridge Farm’s Number One and Two forwards and intercepted an offside stroke. On a pass from Devereau Plantation South’s forwards, the Number One for Black Oak Ridge Farm attempted to regain possession of the ball so recently his. In doing so, the player committed a foul against Joe Marino. Sneider made good on the penalty shot. The score was then four for Devereau Plantation South and two for Black Oak Ridge Farm as the fourth chukker ended. The players quickly changed ponies yet another time, several of the players moving from saddle to saddle without touching the ground. Grooms hurriedly replaced mallets for the team members as the mallets were calibrated to match the exact height of each individual horse and the length of each player’s arm.

The fifth chukker was hard played but scoreless as Devereau Plantation South adopted a stringent defense tactic, keeping Black Oak Ridge Farm from catching up despite their valiant efforts. Both teams galloped from one end of the field to the other, reversing direction as possession of the ball changed from one team to the other repeatedly. Devereau Plantation South’s Number Four back made several brilliant saves as the Black Oak Ridge Farm offense hammered over and over at the goalposts without success.

The sixth and final chukker began with a foul against Justin by Black Oak Ridge Farm’s Number One forward, who crossed the line of the ball in front of Justin, nearly causing another wipe out. Justin came close to biting the dust but managed to maintain his seat. The penalty shot brought the score to five for Devereau Plantation South and two for Black Oak Ridge Farm. Play went back and forth several times as Black Oak Ridge Farm tried to catch up. In the last two minutes of the final chukker, Black Oak Ridge Farm regained possession of the ball and started a hundred and fifty yard drive through Devereau Plantation South’s territory that culminated in the final goal. The final score was five for Devereau Plantation South and three for Black Oak Ridge Farm as the horn sounded ending the match.

The low score attested to the fact that the two teams were very closely matched. Justin was pleased to have been able to maintain the lead throughout the very hard-played match. He was also secretly pleased to have won the first match that Kelly had attended. Yes, it was just a game, but it was his game, his team, and hopefully, his woman.

Chapter Fifteen

The team dismounted as the grooms rushed to take charge of the tired and sweating horses, as well as the tired and sweating men. Sweat towels and tall, cool drinks were handed to the players. As the adrenaline began to settle and pulses returned to normal, Justin looked around to locate Kelly who was sitting with Calleigh, Paula, and Robbie. Justin, Trent, and Mike had joined the multitude of spectators on the field stomping divots in preparation for the second match of the afternoon, Hard Drive versus Green Gables.

The announcer invited the spectators to join the players on the field for the presentation of the traditional, silver loving cup awarded to the victorious team and the customary drink of champagne. Justin escorted Kelly toward the presentation stage for the closing ceremony.

Afterward they returned to the tent. Justin signaled the head waiter to begin serving brunch and went to escort the ladies to the buffet. The table was laden with an array of French country-picnic fare. The menu included vichyssoise, asparagus en croûte, quiche lorraine, ratatouille, heaping platters of assorted meats and cheeses, crusty golden baguettes, luscious fresh fruit, and an assortment of fruit-filled crepes and French pastries.

Everyone was starved and the food served in the fresh air was delicious. Justin, a gracious host, made sure everyone had been served before he joined the group with a heaping plate and a fresh Bloody Mary. As he greeted the three couples enthusiastically, making them feel like special guests, Kelly’s heart swelled with love. She realized that she had slowly but surely been sliding down the slippery slope into love. It was an unexpected development but not unwelcome. His dare-devil horsemanship, stunning good looks, and natural grace were breathtaking, but his genuine warmth and charm made her so proud of him she could bust! He was indeed a rare individual. Kelly leaned over and whispered in Justin’s ear, “Thank you for a wonderful day.”

He looked up, surprised, and said, “You’re welcome…to everything.”

* * * *

Max didn’t exactly understand the byplay but was astute enough to appreciate its significance, and he was delighted. A serious relationship with a lovely and suitable young woman was his fondest wish for Justin, and this one looked promising indeed. He had been fond of Alexa, but he had never really considered her suitable. He wanted the absolute best for Justin. During the past several weeks, he had discovered what Justin also knew, Kelly was a wonderful young woman, and he’d be crazy to let this one get away! Max had had numerous opportunities over the last several weeks while living at the club to get to know Kelly and appreciate some of her more obvious good qualities. Justin had told Max that he had confided his history with Alexa to Kelly and that her reaction had been positive and supportive. Max knew that Justin needed a mate who was understanding and sympathetic without being overly protective, one who could give him a kick in the butt when needed. Max felt that Justin needed to push past his grief and unwarranted guilt and get on with life. The pitter-patter of little Devereau feet was ringing in his ear as he smiled the satisfied smile of a proud papa with great expectations.

* * * *

As they waited for the second match to get underway, the guests and players began to settle down or quietly mingle. Conversations and groups shifted as plates and glasses were refilled. Kelly found herself sitting beside Justin’s teammate, forward Steve Sneider. The pretty lady in Justin’s life had not escaped the notice of the guys on the team either, and Steve, like his teammates, was glad that Justin seemed so happy, almost content. “Did you enjoy the match? Justin told us we’d better win this one, or else!”

“I thought you were all wonderful. I have to admit that my heart was in my throat a few times, especially when Joe took that spill, and of course in the sixth chukker when Justin almost wiped out.” Kelly knew that a fall at that speed in the middle of a pack of rampaging horses with mallets flying could be catastrophic, and possibly fatal.

“Yeah. It’s a full-contact sport all right. It can get a little hairy, and some serious accidents happen. But we’re really building a cohesive team, and we work well together, even at full tilt. It’s sort of like ice hockey on a horse weighing around a thousand pounds charging down the field at forty miles an hour.”

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