Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (6 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Will you stay with me for the rest of the weekend, Kelly? I have a lot more to show you,” Justin crooned in her ear.

“Okay, I would like that. I can go home and get a few things in the morning,” she said as she nestled into his chest and purred like a kitten. He woke her several times during the night to repeat the most amazing performance of her limited experience. Then they slept the sleep of the dead until dawn, when the peacocks that strolled the garden paths at Le Club began their raucous, screaming calls. Justin rolled over and buried his head under the pillow. “I could be severely tempted to try peacock soup. What do you think?”

She snuggled closer, twining her long legs with his. “I’m feeling too good to resent the peacocks this morning.” She giggled.


Chapter Seven

After breakfast on the veranda, Kelly had gone home to pack a few necessities and some clothes for the weekend while Justin joined Jason and Trent in the gym.

“How’s it going, JD?” Steele asked as he set up the weight bench. “I see you’re making progress on the Kelly front.”

Justin settled himself on the rowing machine. “It’s going. I had her out to the farm to ride yesterday afternoon. She had the poor judgment to think she could win a race against me and Jester, and that got her here for dinner last night. We’ll see where it goes from here.” Justin, being a gentleman, would never tell just exactly how well it was going.

“That was poor judgment!” Trent said with a grin as he settled into his stride on the treadmill. “I sure would never make a wager against you two. That is the most powerful-looking horse I’ve ever seen. Speaking of poor judgment, Paula’s birthday present could turn out to be one of my biggest errors in judgment to date. We’ll have to wait and see about that as well.”

“I have a question for the doctor, if he’s in,” Steele said cautiously.

“What would that be?” Trent asked.

“Well, you know that Calleigh is two months along, and her hormones have been raging. She was the one who wanted a weekend at the club. Her doctor said it was okay to have sex, but I’m a little concerned about it,” Steele said.

“Well, I’m not a gynecologist, but it’s early on, and if you take precautions to protect her belly, I don’t see why it should be a problem,” Trent responded with a grin. “No hanging from the rafters, whipping, or extreme bondage though,” he cautioned grinning.

“Right! I’ll have to remember that, Doc! Thanks for the advice. Send me your bill!”

Justin had to laugh.
As though Calleigh would put up with any of that!
He grinned to himself. Since Kelly was somewhat resistant to the idea of BDSM, he doubted she would put up with it either. This relationship promised to be new and interesting for both of them. He had hopes of broadening her horizons, and hopes that she would bring a sense of discovery and adventure back to him. Her delightful innocence promised to be a change from his somewhat jaded view of the world, and he looked forward to it.

* * * *

Kelly joined the ladies at the pool, the quintessential feminine meeting place at Le Club. She had never made use of the club facilities before, always feeling that as an employee she should keep some distance between herself and the members and guests.

Calleigh Steele and Paula Greenley had been best friends since college and had met Robbie Hamilton on their first visit to the club. The three women had become fast friends and confidants. Their first visit had resulted in the three getting into some mischief that led to the resignation of the lone female Domme in the club, Adrienne Vieira, known to be a vicious bitch, and opened a membership opportunity for Justin Devereau.

Calleigh, a Southern girl from an old Jacksonville family, was a graduate of the University of Florida and currently had her own architectural firm. She was tall with wavy, blonde-streaked, dark-honey hair and a curvy figure. She and Paula Greenley had been college roommates. Paula, the editor of
Ocala Country Life
magazine, was barely five feet two with a cap of dark, curly hair and a compact, athletic figure.

After Kelly settled herself on one of the spacious wicker chaise lounges ringing the black-bottom swimming pool, the other women greeted her warmly. “Good morning, Kelly. Lovely day to spend at the pool, isn’t it?” Calleigh asked.

Paula raised a questioning eyebrow to Calleigh. They were a little surprised to see Kelly at the pool as she had never before socialized with any of the members or their guests.

Kelly stretched languorously and said, “It’s a

Paula laughed. “Kelly you look like the cat that swallowed the canary, and if I’m not mistaken, I see some yellow feathers around your mouth!”

Kelly looked embarrassed.

“Don’t feel that way, sweetie,” Calleigh said. “We were newbies not that long ago, and Robbie Hamilton was kind enough to fill us in.”

“Well…” She hesitated. “I am spending the weekend here with Justin Devereau, and this is the first time I’ve been involved in any ‘club’ type activities. I’m not sure that any of that stuff is for me.”

Calleigh smiled. “Jason told me there might be something going on between you and Justin. I’m redesigning his house at the farm, and I have to say that working with him has been a pleasure. Lots easier than working with Jason on this place.” Calleigh had been the project architect on the Laurel Oak Estate project and had designed the entire Le Club facility without ever knowing its intended purpose as a BDSM sex club.

“There really wasn’t anything going on until yesterday. Although to be honest, I have been watching him for weeks.” She shivered. “He is just so damn gorgeous, who wouldn’t look?”

“I sure would!” Calleigh and Paula said in chorus, laughing delightedly. They were glad to see Kelly loosen up a little. She always seemed to be wrapped just a little tightly.

Calleigh continued, “As Robbie told us, ‘It may not be for you, but at least you’ll have something to tell your grandchildren…
or not!
’ But really, open yourself up to something new, relax, and enjoy the journey. You always have your safe word if things get a little too intense or more than you can handle. It’s fun, it’s sexy, it’s an adventure. To tell the truth, all Steele has to do is lower his voice to the ‘Master’ tone and I’m a goner.”

“Speaking of the Great Steele…You are absolutely glowing, Miss Calleigh. Are you pregnant?” Paula asked with a suspicious grin as she noted Calleigh’s secret smile.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! I have been dying to tell you! But I didn’t want to do it over the phone,” Calleigh replied. “I’m almost two months along. Having a little morning sickness and crazy hormones, but other than that I feel terrific.”

“Congratulations. That’s wonderful news,” Kelly said with a genuine smile as Paula jumped up to hug her best friend.

“Well, ‘Happy Birthday’ to me! What a great present. I get to be ‘Auntie Paula,’ and spoil a little niece or nephew absolutely rotten! Do you know if it’s a boy or girl yet?”

“Nope, too early. So do you and Trent have any special plans for your birthday dinner tonight? I have your present in the suite.”

“I don’t know,” Paula replied. “I’m sure he has something up his sleeve though. You know he can’t keep a secret from me, but he’s not talking. I’ll just have to wait and see.”

Just then the three most gorgeous men ever created walked down the path to the pool to collect their ladies. Three smiling and very appreciative faces greeted them.

“Ready for lunch, ladies?” Steele asked. “Our table is ready on the veranda, and then I have some plans for you, Madame,” he said with a smile for Calleigh.

“Ditto.” Trent and Justin said laughing.

The three couples gathered at a beautifully set table on the veranda overlooking the gardens. When lunch had been ordered and drinks delivered to the table, Justin turned to Kelly and said in a conspiratorial loud whisper, “Don’t let these two crazy women get you into trouble, Kelly. I think they are known to get into mischief.”

Kelly laughed and replied, “Don’t I know it! I was here the last time some of their craziness was going on. Or was that Paula and Robbie Hamilton on that particular occasion?”

“Since their shenanigans got me this membership, I can’t really complain!” Justin said.

Jason piped in, “It wasn’t Calleigh,” as Calleigh simultaneously said, “It wasn’t me!” Everyone burst out laughing.

Paula looked at Trent and started to giggle. “I take full responsibility for my reprehensible actions!” Paula said with an unrepentant grin. “I think it was actually one of my finer moments.”

Luncheon was served family style, and everyone dug in with gusto as conversations crossed and re-crossed the table. Kelly was glad to see Justin interacting with his friends. It looked to her as though they had not been separated by the miles and years since college. It was a friendly, outgoing group, and Kelly was really enjoying the companionship. She realized she had cut herself off from the possibility of some really nice friendships, both male and female, as well as some new and different life experiences. Her standoffish attitude was limiting her, and she determined to make some changes. After talking with Calleigh and Paula at the pool, she thought that maybe dipping her toe into the BDSM pool wouldn’t be such a bad idea. After lunch, the couples split up and went their separate ways.


Chapter Eight

In the Ming Suite, Justin and Kelly relaxed on the veranda with tall glasses of iced tea. “Ummm, Justin…I was talking to Calleigh and Paula at the pool, and I was thinking that maybe…we could try a little of the D/s stuff,” she said embarrassed. “It has really been on my mind lately, even though I did not want to admit how curious I’ve been about it. I guess I was in serious denial.”

He smiled.
Oh yeah! Things are moving along just great! There’s nothing like a little peer pressure from a couple of satisfied women!
“If you want to, I would be happy to train you as a sub. Do you want to discuss hard limits?”

“Justin, I don’t know what that means.”

“Hard limits are things you absolutely do not want to do, like whipping or extreme bondage. I will assume those things are off the table, correct?” he asked.

“Absolutely correct! I don’t want any of that extreme stuff,” she whispered, embarrassed to have brought up the subject at all.

“Don’t worry, baby, I will take care of you. That’s my job as Dom. I know exactly what to do. Your job as sub is to obey my orders immediately and without reservation. If things get to be too much you can use your safe word, Magnolia, and I will stop whatever I’m doing. I am completely in charge of your body. I will control your pleasure and your pain. I will provide discipline and rewards. Understand?”

“That’s a little scary,” she replied. “But I want to try it.”

“You can call me ‘Sir’ or ‘Mister Devereau’ while we are in a scene, since I understand you have an aversion to the term ‘Master.’ Someday, you may be comfortable enough to call me that. From now on, you are not to wear any panties when you are here. Bras are okay when you’re at work. Now take off your clothes and lie down on the bed. Spread your legs wide.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said. She hastened to remove her shorts, top and underwear, and to step out of her sandals. She lay down in the middle of the red, satin-covered bed and did as he ordered. Before she knew it, he had bound her hands and feet to the corners of the bed. She had a terrified expression on her face, and his heart softened.

“Trust me, Kelly. I won’t hurt you.” Her face and body relaxed somewhat, and she took some deep breaths. He sat on the bed beside her and began running his hands over her body, massaging her high, firm breasts, pinching her raspberry nipples lightly, and running his strong hands down over her belly to her prominent, curl-covered mons and pretty pussy. She tensed up momentarily but relaxed again as he said, “This is nothing new. We did this yesterday.” As she continued to relax under his hands, he followed the same path with his tongue, tormenting her breasts and clit with his rough tongue and soft lips until she began to moan and lift up to meet his tongue. “Very good, sub. You’re very responsive and nice and wet.” She closed her eyes tight in embarrassment. “Look at me, sub. You are not to be ashamed of your body’s honest responses,” he said sharply. “Don’t make me have to discipline you for disrespecting yourself.”

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