Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Justin’s practice of several disciplines of Japanese martial arts, including
“the way of the sword,” and
, “the way of the bow,” dated back to his early teenage years, and he was now a master. But more important to him than the physical prowess inherent in the speed and power required to master the kata forms, was the
or “heart,” character, attitude, and code of honor of the samurai way of life.

As he approached Kelly, he said, “Good morning, Ms. Anderson. Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

“Please don’t let me interrupt your workout, Mr. Devereau.” Even wearing the loose-fitting, black pants and traditional
, with his long, wavy, dark hair pulled back in a tail tied with a twist of leather, he had the powerful aura of a jungle cat. It was clear that t
his man could be very dangerous
, although the glow in his brandy-colored eyes was warm and appealing. The perspiration in the dark hair arrowing down his chest and disappearing into the folds of the gi caught the sunlight. “No problem. I’m done for today. May I walk you back to the house? Have you had breakfast?”

“Thank you, but I’m a little late for work,” she fibbed. He could see that he made her a little nervous. Actually, he thought, he made her a lot nervous. He was aware that the testosterone-laden sexuality that rolled off him might be disconcerting to a less experienced woman.

“Then perhaps we can have dinner sometime. I’m new in town and at loose ends until my house is ready for occupancy. Calleigh Steele is overseeing the renovations at my new farm and I’m staying in the Ming Suite for a month or two.”

“Thank you, sir, but I don’t socialize with the members,” she replied with a tentative smile. Kelly didn’t want to offend him.

“I see,” he said. Justin found her very attractive in a fresh-faced, innocent way, though a little timid.
I will have to ask Steele or Trent about her. She seems very nervous
. He smiled. “Well, have a pleasant day. I have work at the farm that I need to see to.”


Chapter Three

Several days after having drinks at the club, Jason took Justin up on his offer and dropped by Justin’s farm for a little polo practice.

Jason reached down from the back of his bay thoroughbred polo pony and thwacked the polo ball with his mallet, passing it to Justin, who was thundering along beside him down the practice field. Justin moved the ball downfield and then passed it back again to Jason. The drill work was satisfying as was the feel of the muscular, very fit, and eager thoroughbred gelding under him.

Jason said, “God, Justin, I have missed this!” He had grown up on a thoroughbred breeding farm and had ridden as a kid. Despite living in the midst of horse country and having just purchased a new farm of his own, Jason had little time to enjoy riding. He had not played polo in several years. His law practice, club business, and new family life kept him very busy.

“You’re not too out of shape for a desk jockey lawyer,” Justin said with a grin as they broke from dead gallops down to spirited canters and finally to trots at the end of the practice field before the goal posts.

“Give me a break, Justin. Some of us have to work for a living,” Jason returned as he tried to regain his breath.

“Well, come out and drill with me any time, or just bring Calleigh out to ride. I have a couple of older ponies who enjoy a calm trail ride occasionally,” Justin replied as he removed his helmet and untied the leather thong securing his wavy, dark ponytail.

“Might do it,” Jason said. “I have time for a beer, and then I have to get back to the office. This has been a great lunch break.”

As they walked the ponies back to the barn to cool them out, Justin said casually, “So what’s Ms. Anderson’s story? Does she play?”

“Polo or BDSM?” Jason quipped. “Not polo, that I know of, and definitely not BDSM! She’s one of the nonparticipating employees at the club. As far as I know, she has never shown any interest whatsoever in the Lifestyle.”

“Any boyfriend or significant other?” Justin inquired further.

“Again, not that I know of. She’s rather private. She’s polite but distant. I have never seen her socialize with any of the members or their guests. And I have
heard the word ‘Master’ pass her lips!”

“Ah, I love a challenge!” Justin said with a smile.

“Don’t go harassing club employees, JD,” Jason replied with a frown.

“Do you honestly think I have
had to harass a woman?” Justin replied with a devilish grin. “That’s not my style, man.”

“True. We just have to be very careful about sexual harassment issues in this situation.”

“No problem. I’ll think about it. I’m not sure if I want to get involved in anything right now myself. I’m still dealing with my feelings for Alexa. Hey, let me introduce you to The Jester! He gets a little jealous when I ride someone else and he’ll be wanting some treats,” Justin said as they dismounted and handed the ponies over to grooms for unsaddling, hosing down, and walking out.

The gorgeous, black Friesian stallion hung his head over the stall door and whinnied for attention as soon as he saw Justin walk into the barn. He was seventeen hands high, powerfully muscled with a glossy black coat and a long, wavy, black mane and tail. He had the Friesian trademark feathers or long hair on his lower legs that flew in the wind when he ran.

“Hey, big boy,” Justin crooned as he reached into his pocket for sugar cubes.

“Justin, he is magnificent. I want to see you ride him. I know Calleigh will fall in love with him!”

“I’d be happy to give a demonstration. We’ve been working with the sword and bow and he is really coming along. I can notch an arrow and shoot at a dead gallop now, controlling him with just my knees. I need to find someone to train with who can use a sword on horseback though. I have been using stationary dummies for training, but I want to move on to live competition.”

“Now that is a skill set I would not think would be easy to locate.” Jason laughed.

“You’re right about that! Not too many people are sword experts, never mind on horseback. Jester’s dressage training has been a real asset in preparing him for Yoseikan Bajutsu. A lot of the high-level dressage movements have battle applications. Passage, piaffe, canter pirouettes, half pass, and tempe lead changes, to name a few, would all be movements needed on the battlefield. All of that made Jester especially adaptable for use in Japanese martial arts on horseback.”

“Where would you learn Yoseikan Bajutsu?” Jason asked. “I’ve never even heard of it before.”

“The Ecuries du Grand Royal in Belgium maintains a school for this sport, and I trained there, as well as at a
school in Japan, where I learned the art of shooting the whistling arrows, or
at full gallop. Three targets are used representing the three kingdoms of Korea. Japanese antipathy toward the Koreans goes back a long way!”

“That’s interesting. I’d like to see a demonstration.”

“Are you interested in trying it? I promise not to decapitate you!”

“I don’t think I’ll volunteer for dummy duty!” Jason laughed.

The Japanese equestrian sports and martial arts gave Justin a feeling of being grounded in traditions going back hundreds of years. Even though his personal family history in Louisiana was long and illustrious, his unconventional childhood had left him to deal with some difficult issues.

Chapter Four

Kelly had continued to watch him from the top of the lawn every morning, but Justin merely bowed in her direction and then ignored her. He sheathed his sword and started up the incline toward the house. “Good morning, Ms. Anderson,” he said. “Another spectacular day. Would you care to join me for coffee this morning?”

“Oh…I couldn’t,” she stammered, flustered as always by his overwhelming, masculine presence.

“Ms. Anderson, it’s just coffee, not a commitment,” he said with his soft, New Orleans drawl. “I’m planning on eating breakfast, not you, and I would really like some company.”

“You make me feel very foolish, Mr. Devereau.”

“Well, then join me for a cup of coffee, or better yet, some breakfast and we can feel foolish together,” Justin said with his Southern manners and most charming, one-hundred-watt smile. He took her arm and led her toward the table on the veranda before she could protest further.

When they were seated and he had ordered coffee and a huge breakfast for both of them he said, “So tell me about yourself.”

“Not much to tell. I’ve lived in Ocala all my life except when I went to Gainesville for college. I have a big family and they all live here. My dad’s a pediatrician and my mom’s a housewife. I’ve worked at the club since it opened and really enjoy my job. Anne Sutton is a great boss.”

“Any boyfriend or other significant relationship?” he inquired.

“Not since college. Tell me about your farm. I’ve heard it’s spectacular.” She really didn’t want to get into anything too personal with him, not that she had all that much to tell.

“It will be. It’s called Devereau Plantation South. It’s located on U.S. 27 in Friendship. At the moment, the house is torn up and the only places that aren’t in an uproar are the barns and pastures. The polo fields have been graded and seeded and are coming along nicely. My ponies arrived yesterday.”

“Ponies?” she asked.

“Polo ponies, smallish but very fit and tough thoroughbreds. We like them closer to the ground as it’s easier to reach the ball. I brought down twenty-four for the polo team I am planning to field.”

* * * *

“Wow, that must be a ton of work. I had a horse in high school, and I know how much work goes into taking care of just one,” Kelly said.
Not to mention the expense!
Wow, even in Ocala where the whole town revolves around the horse industry, the expense would be tremendous

“Well, I can’t take credit for all that myself. I have four grooms, a barn manager, and various other employees.” He grinned. “I do, however, usually take care of Jester myself. Jester is my war horse. He hasn’t taken to any of the grooms, and he’s very picky about who handles him. Perhaps you would like to come out and ride with me some afternoon,” he said craftily. It was common knowledge that once a horsewoman, always a horsewoman. And the best way to a horsewoman’s heart was through a horse!

“I don’t know…” Kelly was wary.
This guy is clever, but it would be so nice to be on a horse again
. She had missed riding and just being in the barn and around horses. She had missed the unique smell of a stable, the hay and pine shavings. It got into your blood and never really left. She had to give up her horse when she started college, and she hadn’t had the opportunity to get another. She had recently been considering whether she could afford the expense, not to mention the time it took to keep a horse of her own again. She could feel herself wavering.

He could see she was tempted. “Come on. Don’t be a chicken. When was the last time you rode?”

“It’s been a few years.” She struggled with the decision and then said, “Okay. I would really love to ride. That would be great.”

“When is a good time? Maybe Friday afternoon?” It seemed to Kelly that Justin wasn’t a man to waste time or a good opportunity.

They settled on Friday at noon. Kelly was really excited and the butterflies in her stomach were fluttering around and bumping into each other like mad.
Am I excited to be getting on a horse again, or just to be spending time with Justin Devereau?

When she got to her desk, she was already having doubts. “Anne, I just agreed to go riding with Justin Devereau at his farm on Friday afternoon, and I’m just not sure it’s a good idea.”

“He seems like a really nice man, always polite and a total gentleman. I don’t see why you can’t enjoy some time with him. It really has nothing to do with what goes on here you know. Anything of a personal nature would be completely consensual and totally up to you,” Anne replied with a smile. “I know the BDSM thing makes you a little uncomfortable. But, I have to say, I haven’t seen him ‘scene’ with anyone while he has been here. Have a great time. You haven’t had any time off in a while.”

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