Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (4 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Thanks, and oh, yeah! The BDSM thing makes me way uncomfortable! But I am really dying to ride again.” Or so she was telling herself.
What a fibber! Getting to know Justin Devereau is a huge temptation. As to the BDSM issue, I’m not sure whether my stand on that might not waver for the right person and under the right circumstances.
Kelly’s conventional, small-Southern-town background had severely limited her sexual outlook and overall worldview. Her experiences in life were limited. Other than a few insignificant interludes in college, she was mostly inexperienced, and an unconventional lifestyle was not something she had ever seriously considered for herself. She wasn’t small-minded or rigid, but a change in perspective would take some thought and was not completely out of the question if she were honest with herself.

Chapter Five

Friday morning Kelly awoke early with a little twitch of excitement in her stomach. Knowing she wouldn’t fall back to sleep, she got up and dressed warmly in comfortable, old, buff riding breeches that fit her long legs like a second skin, a red silk sweater, black leather vest, and well-worn, high, black riding boots left over from high school days. She straightened her apartment, had breakfast, and was ready to go by 10:30. The appointed meeting time was noon. She would have to cool her jets for a while, but she was so excited her stomach was jumping.

Kelly threw her English jumping saddle into the small trunk of her little green VW Bug, affectionately known as “Kermit,” and drove north on U.S. Highway 27. The drive was pleasant after she passed the commercial areas off the interstate and got out into rolling horse country and heavily wooded land.

About twenty miles north of the interstate, she pulled off the highway and up to the security gates at the entrance to Devereau Plantation South. The gates opened in front of her car and she drove through. The vista was breathtaking. The winding driveway ran between well-pruned oak trees trimmed in what appeared to be white twinkle lights beside white-fenced pastures where some good-looking horses grazed.
Boy, this driveway would be spectacular after dark
. She followed the driveway around to the barn closest to the highway as instructed by Justin. Apparently, there were other barns as well and a residence that was not visible from the road.

As she parked her car, Justin approached and opened the door for her. As she got out she said, “My saddle is in the trunk.”
God, he looks fabulous
. The tight-fitting, tan riding britches with a full, leather seat, tall, black riding boots, and black turtleneck sweater accentuated his well-muscled physique, while his long, dark hair tied back in a tail accentuated his high, sculpted cheek bones and wide, sensuous mouth.

“No need. The horses are saddled and ready. We’ll have lunch at the pond when we get back.” He gestured to Jester and a small bay mare tied to a hitching post in front of the barn.

“Oh my! He is just gorgeous. Can I say hello?”

“Sure, just move slowly and let him smell your breath,” Justin replied as he walked Kelly over to Jester. He gave her a handful of sugar cubes. “Of course, bribery is always in order as well.”

Kelly cautiously approached the massive Friesian stallion tacked up in a dressage saddle and double bridle.
You never know about stallions
They can be nippy
. As she tentatively patted his huge neck with her hand and leaned in to blow her breath into his nostrils, he unexpectedly whinnied in her ear with a blast and pushed his muzzle into her breasts. She backed up hurriedly.

“Jester! Be a gentleman.” Justin reprimanded him. “He’s a boob man. I think you must remind him of someone he’s been missing,” he explained, without really explaining at all. He took Kelly over to meet Jezebelle, the mare she would be riding. “Jezzie’s a very gentle girl and well behaved on the trail. She’s hell on wheels on the polo field, though, and she really loves the competition. She’s quick as a snake, turns and changes leads on a dime, and she’s fearless.”

Kelly made friends with the mare, surreptitiously slipping a sugar cube into her mouth under the bit. Kelly had spent her girlhood and teenage years practically living at the barn, taking riding lessons, competing in horse shows, and hanging out with “horse” friends. It was all coming back to her in a rush. She then measured the stirrup leathers against her arm, adjusted the length, gave the bit and bridle a cursory check to be sure they were not pinching the mare’s mouth, and swung into the saddle. Justin held the leather down on the off side of the saddle as she mounted. He then swung easily onto Jester’s back.

* * * *

Justin was glad to see Kelly knew what she was doing around the horses. Just the act of checking the fit of the bridle and bit told him a lot.

He led the way down the driveway into the trees bordering the pastures onto the smooth bridle path the grooms used to exercise the polo ponies. This was familiar territory to the horses and they walked quietly side by side. After walking for a while to warm up their mounts he asked, “Want to pick up the pace a little?” He glanced over to see if she was comfortable on the small mare. “Or do you want to take some time to get your seat back?”

“I’m great! I will probably be crippled tomorrow, but right now, nothing could feel better than this mare under me!”

I might have an alternative suggestion.
He had a wicked grin on his face. “Ready for a good run then?”

“Absolutely! I bet that tank you lovingly call a horse can’t get out of his own way,” she said over her shoulder with an impish grin that should have warned him as she dug her heels into the mare’s sides and took off down the bridle path.

“Want to bet?” he shouted as he took off after her with Jester pounding the ground.

“What are the stakes? Make it worth my while,” she yelled back to him with a gleam in her eyes.

“Dinner with me if you lose, riding privileges on Jezzie any time you want if you win,” he called, grinning to himself.
Heads I win, Tails I win. I like that!
“There’s a nice straightaway around that next bend. Want to see who can get out of whose way?” he challenged.

“Fine with me,” Kelly returned to empty air. Justin had spurred Jester into an extended canter and his long strides were eating up the ground before Kelly could gather herself to follow suit. As Kelly encouraged Jezebelle to give chase, Jester broke into a ground-shaking dead gallop. Jezebelle made a valiant effort to catch up, but Jester’s slight head start combined with his longer stride kept him a few paces ahead. As Jezebelle made an effort to close the gap, Jester deftly shifted his hindquarters from side to side effectively blocking the way, keeping Kelly and Jezebelle just where he wanted them, firmly in second place!

As soon as Justin had an indisputable lead, he began to slow Jester back down to a canter, allowing Jezebelle to catch up, and the two horses began to wind down, finally slowing to a trot and then a walk.

“Well, what do you think about my tank now?” Justin asked with a wide grin.

“That was
fair…we’ll have to try that again…once Jezzie and I get our breath back!”

“Ready for that lunch I promised you?”

“Any time is fine with me,” she replied with a smile.

“Let’s walk back to the barn and cool these guys out. Max will have lunch ready to serve at the pond when we get back.”

“Who is Max?” she asked.

“My houseman, butler, whatever. He practically raised me and my younger brother single-handedly until we were sent off to boarding school. I’ll have to tell you about that sometime. My mother died when I was eight, and my brother, Jamie, and I were mostly raised by servants. My father was too engrossed in business and his other ‘interests’ to pay much attention to us, unless we crossed over the line.”

* * * *

Back at the barn, Justin turned the horses over to waiting grooms and ushered Kelly to the black Range Rover parked in front of the barn. He drove them another half mile further down the tree-lined driveway until they reached what was apparently Justin’s residence. It was a long, low, contemporary house with floor-to-ceiling windows and a dark-blue tile roof that was clearly under construction. It had an oriental feeling without being overtly oriental. He walked her around the house to the back where the windows overlooked a tranquil pond. A small table on the lawn had been set with crisp, white linens and beautiful china and crystal. An arrangement of wild flowers graced the center of the table.

“This is lovely, Justin,” she said. Without warning, Justin turned to Kelly and pulled her into his embrace. Kelly buried her cold cheeks against his corded throat and drank in the intoxicating smell of warm, excited male. He kissed her deeply, giving as much as he took. Kelly fell into the kiss, drowning in the sensual feel of him in her arms. She slowly surfaced and put a slight distance between them. “What’s happening here, Justin? This is not exactly what I had in mind when I came out here today,” she lied to him. But she couldn’t lie to herself.
I’ve been watching his morning workouts for weeks.
I think this is exactly what I have had in mind for a while but was too afraid to admit it
But besides that, there’s just something about a man who sits a horse well!

“Whatever we want to make of it, Kelly. It’s up to you. I think you already know what my vote will be,” he said as he brushed his lips gently over her temple and down her soft cheek to her jaw. “Let’s sit down to lunch before my good intentions take a powder.” She could see that Justin was out of breath and his heart was beating hard. Kelly was an exceptionally beautiful woman with the air of sweetness and innocence that had been missing in his previous relationship. He could see that she wouldn’t be a pushover, but she lacked the hard shell that had encompassed Alexa. Their shared interest in horses would be a plus as well. He could see himself really falling for this woman hard. “Anyway, since I won the race, you have to have dinner with me. How about tonight? We can eat at the club or go out to dinner somewhere in town. Whatever you would like.”

“Are you going to hold me to that wager?” she asked.

“Absolutely. A bet is a bet,” he said, grinning. “But I can be magnanimous. You can ride Jezzie any time you like regardless.”

Lunch was pleasant and relaxed. Sensing she was still a little uncomfortable in his presence, Justin steered the conversation to their shared interest in horses. “So what time shall I pick you up tonight?”

She was done kidding herself.
It’s obvious I’m warming up to him, and he’s downright hot!
She was fascinated by this man. He had a powerful aura and presence. He moved like a panther. She had seen over the past weeks that he had an inner depth and strength of character that was extremely attractive and did not require the trappings of his obvious wealth or social standing to be apparent. Maybe it was his intense devotion to martial arts or his love of horses. She couldn’t exactly put her finger on the cause, but she was feeling a strong connection to him. “Eight would be fine,” she said and smiling, gave him directions to her apartment.


Chapter Six

The Ming Suite at Le Club Laurel Oak occupied the entire third floor of the original house and contained a master suite, living room, media room, small kitchen, and two other smaller bedrooms. It was surrounded by a screened veranda overlooking the spectacular English gardens of the estate. The suite was decorated in an ornate oriental style with antique, black-lacquer furniture and oriental artwork. It was currently occupied by Justin and his butler, Max, an older man of great dignity who had a vast affection for and understanding of Justin and his younger brother, Jamison, and their extremely unusual childhood. Max was glad to see that Justin had a Friday night date, something that had not happened since Alexa’s death.

“Dinner is ready in the warming oven and can be served any time you and your guest are ready to eat. Don’t let it sit too long or it will dry out,” Max said. “I’m glad to see you seeking some female company, Justin. It’s time to move on with your life. I know, it’s easier said than done. I know how devastated you were by Alexa’s death. I’m just glad to see you show some interest in a woman, that’s all. Besides, I really like Kelly. She’s a lovely young woman.”

“I know you care, Max. Now make yourself scarce, old man, just in case I get lucky!” Justin grinned. “I’m going to pick Kelly up now.”

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