Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (14 page)

BOOK: Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Justin circled Jester around the arena displaying Jester’s impressive gaits and
Grand Prix
-level dressage movements. He turned and, spurring Jester into a gallop, rode toward the three targets set up at the end of the arena. He very quickly shot three arrows at the three targets, hitting each one dead center as he steered Jester around the bottom of the arena with his legs. The three targets traditionally represented the three kingdoms of Korea, but to Justin, today, they represented past, present, and future. He brought Jester to a stop in front of the judge’s stand, executed a formal bow, and cantered out of the arena to the thunderous applause of the crowd, not a few of whom were crying. A number of the crowd remembered Alexa Davis and her stunning routines from last year’s show, especially her moving freestyle musical rides. However, most were touched by the beauty and power evident in the performance of Justin and Jester and also by the emotion apparent in Justin’s poignant good-bye.

I really needed to do this, to formally affirm Alexa’s importance in my life and to say good-bye in a manner she would have appreciated.
It was a fitting tribute to Alexa and a formal end to Justin’s grief over her death. Now he, Kelly, and Jester could move into the future. When Justin dismounted outside the dressage arena Kelly joined him, and he kissed her to the resounding applause of the crowd and said, “Will you marry us?”


“Jester and I,” he said with a grin. “It’s a package deal!”

“Absolutely! I couldn’t imagine having one without the other,” she said as he reached into a pocket and pulled out a sparkling, three-stone diamond engagement ring which he put on her finger.

Kelly was thrilled. She had been sure over the past months that Justin was making good progress in dealing with his grief and guilt over Alexa, but today she saw the certainty and the love in his eyes as he put the ring on her finger. His moving performance on Jester had put the icing on the cake. She was sure the relationship they were forging would be strong and lasting, and something on which to build the future.

To Justin, the three stones represented their yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It was a trilogy in memory of the past, of appreciation for the present, and of hope for the future, all expressed in the sparkle of three of the hardest stones in the world circling the finger of the person in the world most important to him.

The crowd went nuts.




I was born in New Jersey and grew up an only child on a small farm in the “Garden State.” My father grew acres and acres of flowers for commercial florists and various produce such as tomatoes. My high school years were spent at Wayne Hills High School, where I was not one of the popular preppy kids or one of the hoods, which kind of left me in limbo as I wasn’t one of the brainiacs either. Weekends were spent going into “the City” and Greenwich Village with my friends and doing a lot of things I probably shouldn’t have—don’t tell my grandkids!

After attending the Katharine Gibbs School in Montclair, New Jersey, I began a career as a legal secretary and then a paralegal. I moved to Florida and currently live in Davie, Florida, with my dog, Snickerdoodles, and my cat, Mimi. I was married for eight years but have been single for many years. My major addiction is jewelry, but any kind of shopping will do for a fix!

After my longtime job as a paralegal was ended by the economic downturn, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade and finally write the stories I’d had in my head for many years. I had always wanted to write romance novels, but my family and job kept me too busy.

My major interest aside from my family and friends is horses. I enjoy putting an animal character into my stories if possible. I am extremely “low tech” and probably should have been born in the 1800s as I enjoy driving a horse and buggy for fun. I also enjoy horseback riding, but the ground has gotten harder and further away over the years.

I have a small farm and vacation home in Ocala, Florida, which is my favorite place in the world. There’s nothing as wonderful as swinging in the hammock in the shade and listening to the music of the wind in the pines while cuddled under a quilt, reading a good book.

Books have always been my escape into love and adventure, and through reading I have been able to be many people, do many things, and go to many wonderful places I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to be, do, or see.

I hope that all hard-working women who have a moment to put up their tired feet and relax with a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine) enjoy getting to meet my fantasy friends and to experience something new and different with a touch of hot romance thrown in for good measure!

Please visit Skye’s Facebook Fan Page at


Her email address is [email protected]

Also by Skye Michaels

Siren Classic: Le Club 1:
Calleigh’s Collar

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.


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