Read Midnight Eternal Online

Authors: NJ Cole

Midnight Eternal (13 page)

BOOK: Midnight Eternal
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“She said some pretty terrible things, and I’d like to hear what she has to say for herself. It’s not only me she needs to apologize to, though. There is a submissive’s code of helping other submissives, especially new ones, that she is not living up to. If she’d like to apologize, then she can do it to my butterfly.”

Vincent stepped back and my Master whispered in my ear. “Eyes up, head up, my girl.”

I looked ahead to see Gretchen drop to her knees and crawl to me. Looking up at Vincent who nodded, she kissed the tops of my feet. “I am sorry for what I said. Will you please forgive me?”

Her eyes were down the entire time she spoke and I knew her apology wasn’t sincere, but I accepted it anyway.

Vincent turned to Oliver. “Do you accept it as well?”

My Master nodded but then reached down and lifted Gretchen up by her hair. She scrambled to stand.

“Look.” His command was simple as he thrust her face within inches of my breast. “Look at it.” Gretchen gasped. “Does it look like I fucking drew it on with marker?”

She shook her head slightly, but the grip he had didn’t allow much movement.

“She’s my mate you stupid cunt. Don’t ever talk to her again. Got it?”

She nodded her head as he released her to Vincent.

I watched as Vincent took Gretchen over to Sydney, who was still kneeling at Shane’s feet, though she’d seen it all.

“What are we going to do about their behavior?” Vincent asked Shane. “My girl needs to learn her place.”

“While I’m not thrilled that snowflake was fighting, she was only defending another submissive—one who happens to be mated with her brother. I won’t reprimand her for doing that. I would have done it, as well.”

“I don’t blame you, but my little girl needs to learn a lesson. I can’t think of a punishment she won’t enjoy. She loves to be spanked and fucked hard.”

“By you,” Shane responded. “What if you decided her punishment, but someone else carried it out?”

“You want to punish her?” Vincent’s eyes were wide.

“No. I was thinking my snowflake might be better suited. She was a Domme for a few decades.”

I could see the horror on Gretchen’s face as Vincent led her away.

“Come, butterfly,” my Master said and led me to an empty corner with a couch and a few stuffed chairs. Like other parts of the room, there were pillows on the floor.


I dropped to my knees and he moved in front of me, pressing my head to his navel. I could smell his cock through his pants and the aroma calmed me.

“You did well, little one. This isn’t how I expected your first visit to the club to go. I’m sorry that Gretchen was so rude to you, and it was gracious of you to accept her apology.”

I smiled at his words but kept my eyes trained on the floor. He sat down on the couch next to where I was kneeling.

“Close your eyes, butterfly.”

I did as he asked and felt his fingers lift my chin. Electricity shot through my body when his lips touched mine. I waited to feel the probe of his tongue, then opened my mouth to him. When our tongues met, we kissed slowly and passionately. His left hand remained in my hair while his right hand moved to my breast. My mark tingled as his fingers danced over it, causing me to moan into his mouth. Reaching into the leather bra, he lifted my breast and removed it from the cup. His mouth left my lips for a moment and he kissed his way to my ear.

“Such a good girl,” he said as his thumb caressed my nipple. I knew my back was to everyone and they couldn’t see, but I still felt exposed and the thought thrilled me.

His mouth found its way back to mine and we kissed for a while longer before I heard people approaching us. Instinctively, I tensed up and went to pull back, but my Master held my lips to his and didn’t stop caressing my breast. I sighed and relaxed again.

A moment later, after it was clear that I was going to allow him to continue to kiss me and use my body, he slipped my breast back into the cup of the leather bra and pulled back.

“We don’t mean to interrupt.” I recognized Gabriel’s voice from behind me. Recalling what I was wearing, I felt the blush spread over my body. The parents of the man I was in love with were standing behind me, and I was wearing a leather thong.

“You aren’t interrupting. I was just enjoying my butterfly. Please, join us.”

There was movement, and I could see Gabriel sit down. I also saw the legs of a woman who was wearing thigh high black leather boots and a very short skirt sit in the chair next to the couch.

Caroline followed Gabriel and stood in front of him. She was wearing black Mary Jane shoes and knee socks. From my position, I couldn’t see the rest of her outfit until she knelt down next to me. It was a blue plaid skirt and white top. Her hair was parted and in two braids, making her look very young. I finally understood what my Master had meant about the classroom being a ‘Gabriel and Caroline’ thing.

I also saw Caleb out of the corner of my eye, along another woman kneeling next to him, which confirmed that the woman in the leather boots was Payton. The woman beside Caleb was completely nude, with the exception of a leather collar that she wore. She had a chain clipped to hers, but unlike my chain, hers was thick and could actually be used to hold a dog. Caleb appeared to be nude, as well, though I couldn’t see him completely.  

“May I say that your butterfly looks breathtaking tonight?” Gabriel commented, starting the conversation.

“Thank you. I can barely keep my hands off of her.”

Payton laughed. “Barely?” It looks like you had your hands all over her when we got here. Not that I blame you. I’d love to have those pretty lips between my thighs. And that ass…I’m not sure if I want to spank it, bite it, or fuck it.” I tried to hide my shock at her words.

“You know Oliver doesn’t plan to share his butterfly anytime soon, Payton, so you might want to calm down.” Gabriel was laughing as he spoke.

“Oh, I know. I was just enjoying the view and the aroma,” she moaned, causing me to blush. She was quiet for a moment, then spoke in a hushed tone. “Did you know that Sir Oliver has collared a submissive, little girl?”

The woman didn’t respond, but I didn’t expect her to. “Would you like to see her? Speak.”

“Yes, Mommy.” Her voice was high and sounded very much like a little girl.

“You may look.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the woman Payton referred to as little girl, peek around Caleb and gaze at me. The hair on my arms stood up at being looked at in such a way.

“It appears that they like each other,” Payton laughed, and I could only assume that her little girl had some sort of physical reaction similar to mine.

“It would be nice if they were
” My Master was careful to emphasize the word friends, making it clear to both of them that the relationship would be nothing more. “And
if she doesn’t get my butterfly into trouble. I see your pet has gotten himself into some. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a chastity device on him.”

My ears perked up. I’d seen a few male chastity devices when I’d researched BDSM on the internet, though I’d never seen one actually on a man.

“He’s been wearing that since yesterday morning. He was a very bad boy.”

“How so?”

“My fertility marks appeared, and instead of being in control of himself like a good little pet, he lunged at me and attempted to mount me.”

Questions ran through my head at what she was describing. Oliver had told me about markings Bocaj had, and I was very interested to learn more about fertility marks.

“It was fortunate that I was able to push him away and, using my voice, I got him to come to his senses.”

“Before he penetrated you?” My Master’s voice was filled with awe.

“Yes, but not until
he got an erection without permission, or before he tore one of my favorite blouses.”

Gabriel and my Master laughed. “That was a terrible offen
se. I still think it’s remarkable that he was able to stop. I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard of a Bocaj male having enough control to stop himself once he’s seen his mate’s fertility marks.”

“But he did stop, and now he’s wearing the cage,” Payton responded. “Enough talk about this, though. I want to hear about what we walked in on when we got here. Not that I was surprised to see Sydney and Gretchen rolling around on the floor fighting, but what started it?”

“Gretchen was insulting my butterfly and Sydney defended her.”

“Shane let it go on for a while. I guess he liked it,” Payton joked.

“He and Gretchen’s Dom both allowed it to play out. Now they are working on a punishment.”

“I see that,” Gabriel said. “I think your butterfly did a wonderful job of keeping her composure.”

“Yes she did,” Payton agreed. “Perhaps our pets would like some time to talk and relax before we take pleasure from their bodies.”

“You may stay with me if you’d like, butterfly, but I think you will enjoy talking to other submissives.”

I wanted to get to know other submissives, so I nodded to my Master, silently telling him that I would like to go. “I’ll be right here.” He slipped the chain off of my wrist.

“My little girl, please take butterfly to the submissives’ corner.” Caroline stood at Gabriel’s words, and I followed her over to the part of the room Sydney and Gretchen had been fighting in.

I became nervous the closer we got, but when I hesitated, Caleb whispered in my ear, “You are welcome here.”

I smiled, then followed and sat down on a pillow next to him. I noticed he winced when he sat. I had kept my eyes on his face the entire time, not sure if I should look or not, but the curiosity was killing me.

“How long has it been on?” Caroline asked, obviously having noticed the wince, too.

“Since yesterday. It will come off tonight, if I serve my Mistress well.”

“Does it hurt?” I asked the question before I could stop myself.

Neither of them seemed to mind or think it odd that I’d asked. “It only hurts if I get hard, though this part right here sometimes pinches.”

He pointed to something, but I still stared straight at his nose.

“Oh yes, that does look like it could hurt,” Caroline sympathized. It was clear she was looking at it, as her and Caleb’s heads were bent.

“Bec?” Caleb asked. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” I answered, still staring at the top of their heads. “I just…I’m not sure if I’m supposed to look. I don’t want my Master or Payton to be upset with me.”

“It’s alright. Your Master expects you to see nudity or he wouldn’t have brought you here, and my Mistress is fine with it or she wouldn’t have dressed me this way. In fact, she usually keeps me nude. She likes to see what arouses me.”

“But you can’t get aroused while you’re wearing that, right? What would happen?”

Caleb groaned. “It would hurt like you don’t even know.”


“Look down, Bec, it’s alright.”

I closed my eyes for a moment and then looked down at the device between Caleb’s legs. There was a large ring that went around his balls, and what looked like a metal cage that encased his penis. It was small, maybe two or three inches. If Caleb became erect, he would have no room to grow.

“Ouch,” I exclaimed.

“I will wear it proudly if it will make my Mistress forgive me.”

“I understand that. I feel the same way when I disappoint my Master.”

“It’s a submissive thing,” Caroline commented. “That’s why I like talking to other submissives. It’s a good group of people who don’t judge.”

I wanted to say that Gretchen judged me, but Caroline was right. I could say things to these people that I’d never be able to say to anyone else.

“If you ever have any questions, you can ask us.”

I bit my lip. I wanted to ask them about anal sex, but I wasn’t quite sure how. I knew I liked the idea of it, and I often got myself off by putting my finger in the area, but I’d never had anal sex and I was a bit nervous. “Well, there is something my Master wants to try.”

“Oh?” Caroline questioned, prompting me to continue.


“The key is to relax. Just give yourself to him.” Caleb’s words shocked me.

I hadn’t realized that when he said his Mistress fucked him, he must have meant anally. “You’ve had anal sex?”

He smiled. “Not with a man, but my Mistress enjoys taking me that way. Sometimes she takes my ass while I fuck her little girl. It is one of the best feelings in the world for me.”

I thought about his words. He liked it because his Mistress liked it.

“I feel the same way. When Daddy first wanted to take me that way I was shocked. He worked me into it, but even then, it felt strange to give up that control. It’s been a long time since that first time, but even now I have to relax and remember that he owns my body, and that when I give it to him, I feel good.”

We talked a bit more about different expectations. The entire time, Payton’s little girl just knelt there silently. Caleb and Caroline didn’t seem to find it strange, so I thought she might just be quiet.

BOOK: Midnight Eternal
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