Midnight Eternal (16 page)

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Authors: NJ Cole

BOOK: Midnight Eternal
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“Mine!” he shouted each time he thrust into me. I was no longer attempting to be quiet, rather screaming his name in pleasure, pain, and most of all, surprise.

“Stay still,” he moaned as he thrust erratically. “Mine…mine…mine…” he chanted as he began to fill me. Unlike the other times, his come wasn’t cold, or even cool, it felt hot, like lava flowing into me. Involuntarily, I jerked away, surprised at the sensation.

“Please,” he cried out in a strangled voice that sounded as if he were in pain.

The molten come that was flowing into me should have been painful, but it was reacting with mine in ways I couldn’t even describe.  

Spurt after spurt had me still screaming out his name, and with each thrust, he moaned that I was his.

Long after he stilled, I didn’t move, just feeling the pulsing of his cock depositing even more of his fluid inside my body.

This time when he pulled back, things were very different. I still felt the mark on my chest, but the ones that had just been throbbing against my stomach seemed to have disappeared.

“I’m so sorry, Babygirl,” he said, standing up and pulling me to my feet. My legs trembled and he tried to steady me, but he seemed even weaker. “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Shhhhh. It was bigger than both of us,” I interrupted.

“I love you,” he smiled. “How did I get so lucky?”

“I’m the lucky one,” I replied, genuinely believing my statement.

We stood in silence, looking up at the moon, which seemed to fill the entire sky.

“Tell me you’ll love me for the rest of your life.” His words echoed the question I’d asked him earlier.

“The rest of my life? How about the rest of your life?” I smiled.

His lips crashed onto mine and it was frantic at first, but after a few moments it became soft and tender.

“I wish it could always be like this,” I said, breaking our kiss and panting for air.

“You wish what could? The night? The moon being so full? Us here together, alone, nude?”

“All of it,” I whispered. “I want this to be my midnight eternal.”

“It doesn’t have to be midnight. I always want to be alone with you.”

After his words, our lips met again in the most passionate kiss we’d shared—one that conveyed our love and promises for each other without speaking.


Chapter Fifteen



I slept.

It wasn’t like lying in the sun, closing my eyes to rest. It was actual sleep and I needed it. I needed it so much that I woke to Bec calling my name in the morning.

“Oliver? Master?” she asked with concern. I opened my eyes to see her standing over me. “We’re supposed to leave for your parents house now, but you wouldn’t wake up.”

Looking at the clock, I realized I’d slept for ten hours. After whatever it was that happened on the patio last night, Bec and I had come inside and lay in my bed together. I planned on talking to her about it, trying to apologize for my behavior, but I’d been tired. I thought perhaps if I rested my eyes for a few minutes, I’d be fine, but ten hours later I was still exhausted.

“Do you want to sleep more? I can call your parents and tell them we won’t be coming.”

Her concern was sweet. I did want to keep sleeping, but I also wanted to talk to my family about what had happened.

We arrived forty-five minutes late for brunch, and when I said it was because I’d overslept, there were a few chuckles, all of them assuming I was kidding and that the real reason was that Bec and I had been making love.

After Bec had gone off to talk with my mother, Caleb, and Sydney, I pulled Shane, Payton, and Gabriel aside. “I need to talk to you about something going on with Bec. Last night after we’d made love in the shower, I was drying her off and a mark appeared over her left hip bone.”

“Not her mating mark?” Gabriel asked.

“No, it wasn’t her mating mark. That was still on her chest. This was different and it kept moving across her stomach and around her pussy.”

Their eyes went wide. “You mean fertility marks?” Shane gasped.

I’d heard of them, but had never seen them. In Bocaj, when the females were ovulating, they produced marks to entice their mate, similar to the way peacocks showed their feathers or other animals released pheromones. Supposedly they filled the male with desire to breed with his mate. What I’d felt last night was more than desire.

“It couldn’t have been, or he would have bitten her,” Payton responded.

“I almost did,” I admitted.

“Wait, were your fangs out?” Gabriel asked. “And how long did it last? A few minutes?”

“Yes they were out, and it lasted about six hours I’d guess. I was so tired I slept the rest of the night. Bec woke me up this morning. I swear I could sleep another day.”

Gabriel, Payton, and Shane were just staring at me.

“What?” I asked after nearly a full minute.

“You had sex with her while she was in heat for six hours, and resisted the urge to bite her the entire time?” Gabriel asked incredulously.

“It was hard, but I didn’t want to hurt her. I was worried, though. A few times I almost did. I’d told her to stay still and she did, but I swear, if she wouldn’t have, I would have bitten her to make her still. How sick is that?”

Payton shook her head. “It’s not sick, Oliver. It’s instinct.” She smiled at me. “It’s a male’s way of making sure the female stays for the entire mating process.”

“Reproduction is very hard on both the males and females, which is one reason it’s not done that often. The male is exhausted, leaving him vulnerable while he rests, and the female is semi or fully paralyzed for some time,” Gabriel explained.

“I just don’t know how you resisted,” Shane said, shaking his head. “If Sydney even comes near me when that happens, I go insane. I mean, she always spends the few hours it lasts away from me, but still.”

Payton chuckled. “Remember Caleb wearing the chastity cage the other week? He saw mine and pounced. I know how hard it was for him to resist, so the punishment wasn’t long. I was proud of his control, but not as proud as I am of yours, Oliver.”

I should have taken it as a compliment, but I was scared. “You shouldn’t be proud. You don’t know how close I came to biting her. There were several times I felt like I wasn’t in control. If she wouldn’t have stayed still, I really think I would have bitten her so that she would have.”

“You’re planning on doing it at some point anyway, aren’t you?” Shane asked insensitively.

“I don’t know!” I snapped back at him.

“Oh come on,” Shane continued. “You know you can’t live without her. You’re too hard on yourself. What difference would it have made if you took her last night?”

I lost it. Grabbing him by the shirt, I spat, “What difference? What
? Um, I don’t know,” I added sarcastically. “I was thinking that if I bit her, maybe it might be nice to do it in a clean, safe environment, when she was ready. Not when I was fucking the shit out of her on the balcony.”

“Calm down, Son,” Gabriel said, using his dominant and fatherly voice combined. I let go of Shane immediately.

“Sorry, Shane,” I said, stepping back.

“It does bring up an interesting thought, though. If you’re planning to alter her, perhaps it’s better to do it before it happens accidentally.”

Gabriel did have a point.

“We could do it here next weekend. You could bite her and we would all be around to help her through it. We’d be able to protect her while she was paralyzed.”

“And I wouldn’t?” I asked defensively.

“You just said yourself that you were worried about what might have happened. I just thought better safe than sorry.”

“Safe? Who says this will be safe? There is a huge chance she won’t make it through the transformation.” My argument was valid.

“Actually, Son, I’ve done some more research. It seems that it’s extremely likely that Bec will make it through the transformation just fine.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Our hypothesis about it being semen seems to be true.”

“What hypothesis?” Payton asked.

“Oliver and I had been discussing reasons that some people lived through the transformation while others didn’t. It seemed that the ones who had survived had consumed at least some semen either orally or internally before being bitten,” Gabriel explained.

“That explains the women who have survived the mutation, but what about the men?”

“Same explanation,” Gabriel added.

“You mean they had semen?” Shane asked, astonished.

“Well, it was hard to get them to talk about it, but after a bit of convincing, the two that I did speak with admitted to being assaulted as humans, then being bitten and surviving.”

My mind was reeling. Maybe it wasn’t as dangerous as I’d believed. “So, shall we do it next Sunday?” Gabriel asked.

“I haven’t even really asked her if it’s something she wants to do.”

“Then I guess you two have a lot to talk about this week. You can tell us at the club on Wednesday. You’re still coming, right?”

“Yeah, Bec loves it. I was thinking of doing a small public scene with her this week. Just a flogging.”

Shane groaned next to me and I smiled. “Yeah, yeah, you’ll get to see the lines on her ass, though honestly, they don’t show up like they used to.”

Gabriel opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, our mates entered the room. “Ready for lunch?” Caroline asked.

Before I could find out what he was going to say, we all went into the dining room. Caroline hadn’t even bothered to make human food, as all that Bec wanted was the same food as us now. Looking back on it, it should have been so obvious at that point, but I was so naive and so in love, I completely missed it.

Later that afternoon, I sat down with Bec to talk about the idea of her becoming Bocaj. “Baby, last night you said something to me. You said you wanted this to be your midnight eternal. What did you mean?”

She smiled at me. “Maybe I was lost in the moment, but what I want is for it to be like that forever with you. In the beginning, you and I only had nights. That’s when I fell for you. Now, my nights turn into days and back into nights, and I’m even more in love with you. I know you and I aren’t the same, but I just want forever with you.”

I couldn’t help but return the smile. “It may be possible, and that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

We were sitting on the balcony, absorbing the sun’s energy. Bec shielded her eyes and sat up. “What do you mean?”

“Do you remember when I told you about how some people who were bitten by Bocaj became like us?”

She nodded. “But you said it was dangerous. You said that there was like only a fifty percent chance I’d live.”

“I did say that, but it turns out there might be something off with that theory. After seeing what my semen does to you, how it makes you like a Bocaj, Gabriel did some research and found that all the transformation survivors had the fluid in them, either orally or absorbed through some form of intercourse.”

“So…that means if you bit me right now, I’d be like you forever?”

I nodded. “Yes, but I do have to tell you that we aren’t certain it will work. I’m still nervous. We know that all of the people who made it through the change consumed semen, but we don’t know if there were humans who consumed it and didn’t make it. Bec, I want you to think about this before you make a decision.”

She smiled. “I’ve already decided. You know I want to be with you forever. This is as close as I’m going to get. I’m ready.”

She tilted her head back as if she was in some cheesy vampire movie and I’d come out wearing a black cape and swooped down on her neck.

“Bec, Baby. I’m not going to do it now. First, I really want you to think about it for a few days, and second, if you want to do this, I asked Gabriel to help me. He suggested that we do it next weekend after Sunday brunch.”

“How long will it take?”

“I’m really not sure because it varies. It’s usually finished in four or five hours from what I’ve heard.”

She nodded. “Does Gabriel think it’s safe?”

“He does, but he still wants to be there.”

“I don’t need to think about it, but if you’d like me to wait, I’ll wait until next Sunday.”

After our talk, it was like my girl was on a mission to have as much come in her system as possible. She wore seductive outfits around the house and to work. I swore there was one time she went and masturbated in the bathroom so that when she came back to the conference room, her scent was so strong I had no choice but to march her right up to the seventh floor and fuck the daylights out of her.

She hadn’t eaten human food in weeks, with the exception of the few things we ate together. She had, however, started sleeping again, taking short naps here and there.

We were, for all intents and purposes, a regular Bocaj couple. When we headed to the club on Wednesday, she was confident and eager. We’d gone a few times since the first week, and although Gretchen wasn’t friendly to her, she’d kept her distance and her mouth closed.

butterfly knelt before me in the changing area, I stroked her hair and attached the chain to her wrist. Earlier in the week I’d learned that her nipples had become extra sensitive, and I’d been infatuated with them ever since. Reaching down, I used a suction device to attach an O-ring to each erect peak. The soft moan that rumbled from within her told me that she liked it, too. It was a slow pressure that would build, and it wouldn’t be long before she was begging to have them removed. I couldn’t wait to hear what she would come up with to offer me.

Gabriel and Shane were already in the upper part of the club, sitting on two lounge chairs with their pets at their feet. I walked over with butterfly behind me. Some Masters liked their pets to crawl, as actual animals would, but I
preferred mine, especially butterfly, to walk a few feet behind me.

As we approached my family, Shane stood up to greet me, though his eyes were fixed on my girl. It was the first time I’d had butterfly truly topless, and with the O-rings around her nipples, her breasts looked spectacular. Apparently Shane thought so too, because without taking his eyes off of her, he lowered his zipper and whispered something to Sydney that had her mouth on his cock before we were all the way over to them.

“Shane,” I said, extending my hand.

“Oliver,” he responded, tearing his eyes from her breasts and looking at me. Had he not been able to do that, there would have likely been a situation. I had no problem with men admiring my butterfly’s body, but it was the uncontrollable lust that I would not allow.

“Hello, Oliver,” Gabriel said, standing and shaking my hand, as well. “Your pet looks lovely. I see you are doing a bit of endurance training tonight?”

I noticed butterfly’s brow crease for a moment as she took in his words. Apparently she hadn’t realized the pressure that was likely building on her nipples would continue to increase. I lifted a breast and rubbed my thumb across her nipple. Although her eyes remained on the floor, her breath hitched and she let out a slight moan at the contact. Shane, upon hearing her, let out a larger groan as he came down Sydney’s throat.

Ignoring Shane, I continued to rub butterfly’s nipple with the pad of my thumb. “Do you like that, little girl?” I whispered in her ear, causing goose bumps to appear all over her skin. She nodded. “Answer me,” I commanded, gently pinching her over sensitive nipple.

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