Midnight's Sweet Kiss

BOOK: Midnight's Sweet Kiss
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Midnight’s Sweet Kiss


By Ann Cory


ISBN: 978-1-927111-50-5




Books We Love

192 Lakeside Greens Drive

, Alberta, T1X 1C2



Copyright © 2011 by Ann Cory


Cover art by Michelle Lee  Copyright © 2011



All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.



Chapter One


Sophie Kurtz roamed the arrival area of John F. Kennedy National airport. Her six-piece matching luggage set didn’t seem stylish or practical right then, in fact it was a hassle. After a lengthy flight from Portland, Oregon with three stopovers, she wanted nothing more than to soak in a warm bath and kick her feet up. Or kick a certain someone in the behind.

Kyle, her over an hour late fiancé, was nowhere to be found. She twirled the diamond engagement ring on her finger, as if the movement alone could summon him. Had he been unreliable before, she wouldn’t think twice about the minutes that ticked by. But Kyle was known for his punctuality, and abhorred lateness in both friends and business associates, a trait she didn’t mind. While she argued with herself that things were subject to change on occasion, she couldn’t figure out why he’d chosen now to do so.

She flipped open her phone and punched the number one. Under her breath she referred to him as the number one asshole. Again she was met with the impersonal voicemail message. Where the hell was he and why hadn’t he called? She considered leaving a message and thought it best not to if she wanted him to pick her up from the airport anytime soon. Instead she dialed her best friend Olivia for some long distance support.

After the third ring her friend answered.

“Hey Soph, I thought you were on a plane.”

“It landed a little over an hour ago,” she said, her words ending in a sigh.

“Yeah? How was the flight?”

Sophie groaned. “It sucked. I hate flying, you know that. I’m always stuck in between people who want to tell me about their lives or in front of a restless kid who should consider pro soccer for his future career. This trip I had the pleasure of both.”

“Ouch. So what’s up? And why have you been in the airport for over an hour?”

She pictured Olivia thrust a hand to her hip and frown.

“Kyle’s…late.” There, she said it. The lecture could begin.

Her friend clicked her tongue. “It figures.”

“Don’t do that,” she retorted before her friend could start in on her.

“What did I say?”

Innocence was lost on Olivia.

“I recognize the sarcasm,” Sophie pointed out. “It’s hard to miss.”

Her friend laughed. “I said two words.”

“With your signature tone,” she added.

“Look, you know I’m not a fan of the guy. Pardon me for wanting better for my best friend.”

“He’s a good man,” Sophie pressed, though right now he wasn’t her favorite person.

“If you’re into stuffy, boring, vain and self-centered,” Olivia listed in a rapid succession, “than yeah, he’s a prize.”

“Thanks,” Sophie replied dryly. “Remind me to dangle
boyfriend’s flaws when you’re stuck somewhere you’ve never been and about ready to have a nervous breakdown.”

“It would never happen.”

“You don’t know that,” she countered.

“Yeah, I do,” her friend stated. “After an hour of waiting he wouldn’t be my boyfriend anymore, and the nervous breakdown would wait until after I had a one-night stand with the first sex god that walked by.”

Olivia never let anyone walk on her, and she always had the last word.

“Point taken. You don’t put up with shit from people, unlike me.”

“If you’d quit wearing that doormat, you’d be better off,” her friend chimed. “Your figure’s much too nice.”

Sophie exhaled into the phone. “I called you for support, so support me. I’m not sure what to think. I’ve called him several times and he doesn’t answer. I’ve triple-checked that I’m in the right place and I even confirmed that the information I gave him was correct. I forwarded the itinerary straight to his email last night.”

“Maybe there was an accident?”

“Not one that he’d be stuck in,” she said. “I checked that first.”

“Work meeting ran late?”

At one time she’d have believed that, but not now. “Doubtful. Why wouldn’t he call?”

“I don’t know hon,” Olivia soothed. “I’d say take this as a sign—an out.”

“An out?” Had she heard correctly? “If I wanted an out I’d never have given up my great condo, quit my nice paying job, or considered living in New York.”

“I don’t know sweetie. I have this odd feeling he’s going to break your heart.”

The matter-of-fact delivery of her friend’s words concerned her. “You don’t know that.”

“I feel it in my gut. Or maybe that’s the fast food I ate,” she added.

“Ha ha.” Yep, good old Olivia.

“Just don’t get hurt,” her friend said in a lighter tone. “I think the world of you and want you to be happy.”

God she could really use a hug right now. “I know, and right back atcha.” She looked out at the sea of stranger’s faces wandering around, hoping to see one she recognized. “I guess I’ll give him another hour…”

“No,” Olivia interrupted. “What I suggest you do is get some booze in you and take a cab to his place. Surprise him, and let him know you aren’t going to put up with this shit. Oh, and be sure to demand unlimited sex.”

Sophie frowned. Unlimited sex with Kyle didn’t give her much incentive, but no one needed to know that.

“You’re too much,” she said.

“You know it’s why you called,” Olivia teased.

Sophie checked the nearest clock. “You’ve always been there for me. I miss you already.”

“Don’t go there. We did the goodbye thing this morning. I just applied a third coat of mascara and don’t want to cry.”

Not wanting to hang up just yet she asked, “What’s the occasion?”

“Dancing with DJ.”

She envied her friend’s confidence when it came to guys.

“Sounds like a night of fun.” More than what she planned to have. Kyle wasn’t big on crowds or parties unless they were business related. So she’d be ringing in the new year from the comfort of his…their home.

“Well, DJ’s more of a friend than anything but its still fun to flirt. Now hang up, drink up, and go show your man who’s boss.”

Like that would happen in this lifetime, but she decided to humor her friend. “Whatever you say. I’ll give you a shout tomorrow.”

“You better. Bye.”

She hung up and checked her messages. There was nothing in the message area but a big fat zero.

Sophie grabbed her airport carrier and dragged it behind her to the nearest bar. While not her scene, she had an affinity for bright colored drinks with fruit hanging off the rim. Late as it was, she decided on something less showy and ordered a mojito with its velvety mint garnish and clean, smooth taste.

Three mojitos later she was less pissed at Kyle, and just pissed in general. She moved to New York to start fresh with a new job, a new place, and a new life. It would be the start of an amazing year that included a walk down the aisle with her man of three years. Only now the plans didn’t look quite so promising. If she could somehow take herself out of the one to blame category, she would, but it
fell on her shoulders. No one twisted her arm to make the big move. She’d decided on her own and it was a bit late to change her mind.

Sophie tried Kyle’s number one more time and after cursing the voicemail message, paid the bartender. If she spent another minute in the airport, she was going to lose it. Luggage carrier in tow she headed outside into the cool December air and hailed a cab.

To her relief, one pulled up before her foot touched the curb. At least she could count on something. The cab driver opened his door to get out but she waved him off.

“Just pop the trunk, I’ll take care of my stuff.” There was no sense both of them being cold. Plus, all of her possessions were in the suitcases. It gave her comfort to load each one in. They felt like old friends.

She gave a final look back toward the airport and then scrunched into the cab. Ready or not she was on her way. She hoped Kyle would be thrilled by her surprise. And she hoped he had a real good reason for not picking her up.

“Where to, miss?”

The seductive deep voice from inside the cab sent shivers along her spine. She looked up and met steel gray eyes in the rearview mirror. They were deep-set and hypnotic and trained on her.

“Uh, Miss? I’ll need your destination.”

Sophie blinked to break her trance-like stare. “My fiancé’s place,” she blurted and felt her cheeks blaze red.

The driver’s dark brows arched. “I’m not familiar with that location. Maybe you could give me a street name?”

Heat spread from her neck on up. “Sorry, it’s on the corner of 9
and Davidson,” she replied with a shaky voice.

What was up with the knot of nerves forming in her belly? She might’ve been with Kyle for the last three years but it wasn’t like she’d never looked at another man.

A charming grin tugged the driver’s full lips. Even with his body half concealed by the front seat, her senses responded, and not with any subtlety. It was like he’d been chiseled out of a clay mold of perfection. His navy blue shirt fit him snug around the chest, and there was a slight vee in the collar area that made her want to hook her finger there, pull down, and check out the rest of him.

She returned her attention to the mirror and back to his eyes. They scanned the road, moving ever so slight from one side to the other and then for a brief moment at her. His gaze had her transfixed. With his take-me-I’m-yours looks, he could tell her to strip and she’d obey in a heartbeat.

You’re taken
, she reminded herself and glanced down at her ring. It was a princess cut, though the diamond was larger than she preferred. Kyle insisted on the size despite her preference for something modest. She wasn’t naïve. He’d bought it big to impress people with how much he’d spent on it.

“So, I take it you just flew in?”

Again shivers flecked her skin. How did his voice have such a commanding effect over her? “Yeah, I mean, yes,” she said and wondered if
ever made his girlfriend wait hours for him to show up. She didn’t think so. For right now, or at least while she stayed mad at Kyle, this dark-haired dream was the ultimate sex god and could do no wrong. Olivia would be jealous.

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