Midnight's Sweet Kiss (9 page)

BOOK: Midnight's Sweet Kiss
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“He’s one of the best friends I have, and the longest friendship I’ve kept.”

If she’d had any ill thoughts about Tate, they’d dissolved the second he walked up to her. Not only was Noah amazing, but so were his friends.

“Thanks so much for all this,” she said, gazing around at the scenery. “Especially for the food on such short notice.”

“My family used these props for their grand opening of their restaurant, and they’ve been in storage ever since. Plus, they love to cook, so it gave them a great excuse to show off their specialties.”

“How can I repay you?”

“Treat my boy good. He deserves it.”

“You can count on it.”

“Looks like some people want to speak with you. I’ll catch you later.”


Sophie turned to see the director of the committee walk toward her, a gracious smile across his aged features.

She swallowed down her nerves and hoped for the best.





Chapter Seven


On the ride back, Noah couldn’t help but notice the beautiful smile spread across Sophie’s delicate features.

“Ahem,” he said, clearing his throat to get her attention. “Anything you feel like sharing?”

She turned to him, her eyes vibrant as he’d never seen them before. “Are you kidding? Where do I start? You were great. Everyone who helped was great. Fantastic even. I never could’ve done this without your help.”

“I told you it was a good idea.”

“I’ll never doubt you again.”

“I noticed Tate talking to you. I half expected him to grovel on his knees for forgiveness. I hope you drew that out.”

Her musical laugh stirred him. “Nah, I took it easy on him. He wanted to apologize in person. You’re right, he’s a good friend.”

“Yeah, he is,” Noah agreed.

“If Olivia were here, I’d set the two of them up. He’d be just her type.”

He cocked a brow and looked over at her. “What type is that?”

“An alpha male who cooks. She doesn’t set foot in the kitchen unless it’s for a drink. The girl sustains on take-out.”

“She sounds like a born New Yorker.”

“In a way, yeah, she does.”

“You’ll have to invite her here.”

“I know she’ll love you.”

Flattered, he felt heat flame along his neck and ears. “I like her already.”

“I absolutely wouldn’t have gotten through last night or today without you. Anyone else would’ve walked away. Any other cab driver would’ve dropped me off at the corner and not looked back.”

He rolled his shoulders. He didn’t care what Tate said, he’d liked feeling like a hero. “I wanted to help make the start of your year better than the way it went out.”

“I liked how it went out,” she said. “For the most part, anyway. You realize we’re going to have to do this all over again tomorrow, right? For the grand opening of the Greek exhibit at the museum. The food, you and your friends in togas.”

“I’m up for it. In fact I’d be game to do everything again starting with a kiss at midnight.”

Noah glanced over in time to catch her cheeks tinge with a soft shade of pink. He couldn’t wait to taste those lips again. Among other parts of her body.

“And you do realize that I’m going to need your help house hunting.”

“Piece of cake. Don’t forget, I know a great real estate agent.”

“Ah yes, your sister.”

“She’ll get you a great deal. Someplace close to your work.”

“And not too far from you.”

“Not far at all.”

Feeling her eyes on him he glanced over and asked, “What’s that look for?”

“When we get to your place, I plan to rip that toga right off you.”

“I wouldn’t dream of stopping you.”

She ran her hand down his thigh. “Maybe you could drive faster?”

That was incentive enough. He took a quick assessment of the traffic and punched it a few miles over the limit.

True to her word, they were barely inside the door when Sophie grabbed hold of his garment and gave it a gentle yank. Noah busied himself with the buttons and zippers of her clothes, working diligently until she was naked.

He lowered to his knees, wanting to familiarize himself with her sweet taste.

“What are you doing,” she asked, her voice strained.

He parted her thighs and cupped her pussy. His fingers smoothed along the soft folds of her skin. Already she was wet and sticky sweet. He pushed a couple fingers inside her and watched her skin streak the soft pink color he adored. Her fingers raked through his hair and he leaned in to tease her clit with his tongue.

“Yes,” she moaned.

Noah groaned in reply. Damn he wanted inside her bad, but he liked pleasuring her too much. He suckled her clit a few minutes longer, inhaling the potent scent of her, and then rose to his feet, his fingers still pulsing inside her.

Her body trembled.

He sank his fingers deeper inside her pussy, ever reaching, filling her up with more fingers. Bent forward, he kissed her. She clasped her hand around his cock and gave it a good stroke. Heat barreled through his body. Yes, she was very eager.

He moved his fingers faster, deeper while she stroked him up and back, tightening her grip each time.

She broke from the kiss, her breath ragged, face flush. “I need you inside me, please.”

He wanted that too. God how he wanted her.

Noah pumped his fingers swift inside her and pressed his thumb against her clit. “First I’m going to make you come right here and now.”

“Noah,” she gasped.

He quieted the rest of her plea with his mouth and kissed her with an almost violent passion. Her soaked pussy was packed with his fingers and moved them with a relentless cadence. She trembled and quaked until she cried out. He slowed his rhythm and smiled at the sticky liquid coating his fingers.

“Please, I can barely stand.” She gripped his shoulders, her thighs quivering.

He withdrew his fingers and kissed her soft against the lips.

Her hand was still clasped around his cock. When she freed her lips from his kiss she knelt down. He watched with eyes wide as she ran her tongue along his cock.

“Sophie, I…”

She poised her lips right above the head of his cock. “It’s my turn.”

Her tongue teased and lapped all along the head and then she slid her lips over him, making them tight. Noah drew in his breath and she consumed him further, enveloping his entire length. As she ascended back up, she sucked him intensely.

It was unlike anything he’d felt before. Moist heat. His legs tensed as she skimmed her lips back and forth. Her fingers teased at his balls, prodding them while she worked her mouth, lips, and tongue. His gut tightened. Again she went down on him and this time bobbed her head. He hadn’t been pleasured this way in a very long time, and had forgotten how good it felt. But not how fast it could draw out an orgasm.

“Please, Sophie, I want to be inside you.”

He brought her up to him and gave himself a moment to catch his breath.

“Come with me,” he said and led her to the bedroom.




Sophie stretched out onto the bed, her eyes soft and hazy. He unrolled a condom and hovered over her, his sheathed cock against the curve of her belly. In response she parted her thighs further. She burned for him.

Her breath caught in her throat as his lips found their way onto hers again. They kissed until her lips were raw and tingling. He traveled his lips along her cheek and grazed against her ear, his breath hot and jagged.

“I’m going to take you now, Sophie.”

The husky way he said her name sent shivers along her naked flesh.

He entered her, full and swift. Currents of heat and lust welled inside.

“Oh, god,” she moaned.

Her body shook with each unhurried thrust of his length. The way he filled and stretched her made her body blaze. Each stroke bringing her endless pleasure.

She raised her hips off the bed and joined his steady rhythm, clenching her inner muscles tight around him. Noah looked at her, the steel eyes that soothed and calmed her. She placed her hands on his lower back and pulled him into her further, wanting all of him deep inside.

At the first sensation in her belly she gripped him hard. She loved the way he brought her to the edge so quickly.

“Faster,” she sobbed. “Please, faster.”

He complied with her raspy command and thrust into her full, fast, and oh so deep.

“Yes,” she moaned.

His groans deepened and she felt his muscles tighten. Together they moved quickly.

“Oh yes, now,” she gasped and completely came undone.

One spasm after another released and she let the intensity of her pleasure known with her satisfied cries.

“Come for me,” she whispered and watched his lips curl back.

Sweat dripped from his brow and he thrust into her once more when he reached his climax. His thrusts continued, growing slower until he withdrew and brought her body into his.

“You’re incredible,” she murmured and smiled. “You can wear that toga whenever you want.”

“If it turns you on, I will.”

She turned to face him, breathing him in. “Everything you do turns me on. Your words, your touch, your sweetness.”

“I hope you can keep up with me. I’m just getting started. We have a few hours before midnight. Remember, we need to reenact

Her body shivered in anticipation. “Oh trust me, I haven’t forgotten.”

How could she ever forget midnight’s sweet kiss. Sophie looked forward to another three hundred and sixty-four more. The future didn’t seem so scary. She had a man she loved and a job she was passionate about. Everything else would fall into place.





Chapter Eight


Sophie peeled off the adhesive tape from the envelope and sealed it with a press of her fingers. With a sigh of relief she dropped it into the mail slot. The ring was on its way to Kyle. He could give it to whatever flavor of the month he wanted, it wasn’t her problem anymore.

Elated, she got back inside the cab and put on her seatbelt. Noah leaned over and grazed her cheek with his lips.

“All set?”

“Yep.” The last of her tension eased from her shoulders.

“Did it feel good?”

“Great is an understatement.” She felt free.

“Okay, so I’ve got us a table reserved at Tate’s, hope you’re hungry.”

“Are you kidding? Thanks to you keeping me awake all night, I’ve worked up quite an appetite.”

“I’d say by that gleam in your eyes you’re not at all sorry.”

Sophie chuckled. “Not a bit.” Her phone vibrated and she tugged it out from her pocket. “It’s Olivia. Mind if I take it?”

“Go for it.”

“Hey Liv, about time you called me back.”

“Sorry,” her friend croaked, “but I just dragged my hung over ass home about five minutes ago.”

“Serious? Then I take it your date with DJ went well?”

“Eh. He was fun, just not my type. Too immature.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“No biggie. Soph, I don’t think I’ll ever meet the guy who really gets me, you know?” She faintly heard the sound of her friend closing cupboards and figured she was hunting for aspirin. “So hey, how did your night go? Did you surprise Kyle?”

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