Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3) (24 page)

BOOK: Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3)
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Mike nodded toward the double doors that led out to the back patio. Claire
walked through the set of doors to find Butch with his cell phone up to his ear and his back toward her. She stood there and waited for him to finish the call, but the more she heard the more she worried.

“Regina, you’ve got to be kidding me. We always used protection, there’s no way I knocked you up.” Butch let his head fall and shook it from side to side.

She didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, but she’d heard enough. Enough to know that it wasn’t her place to be listening. She considered silently sliding back through the doors she’d just walked through but decided against it. This wasn’t a game to her. Honesty in all of her relationship had been important until this thief had started playing games with her, and if nothing else, she wasn’t going to change. Claire cleared her throat and watched as Butch spun around aware of her presence.

“Regina, I’ve got to go, my fiancé needs me.” Butch shut his phone and held up his hands. “Angel, it’s not what you think.”

Claire tilted her head to the side and crossed her arms over her chest. ‘Really, then what is it?”

Butch took a step in her direction and Claire didn’t retreat, she stood her ground.

“She just wants me back, she’d got to be lying.” Butch snaked his arm around Claire’s waist and pulled her close.
He put his finger under her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his.

“How do you know she’s lying and you don’t have a baby somewhere?” Claire asked with a shaky voice. She’d just figured out her feelings for this man and it could all come crashing down around her before it even got started.

“Let’s think about this Claire, worst case scenario, I’m a daddy, right.”

Claire nodded.

“It doesn’t change how I feel about you. I’m still going to be here when this is all over. I’m still the same man you’re going to fall in love with….it’s just now there’s a little me in the world.”

Claire stepped out of his embrace and crossed her arms over her chest. “Butch…”

He took another step toward her and put his finger over her lips. “I know what you’re going to say angel. I would never abandon a child and we’ll deal with it, but it isn’t going to change that you
woman I want.”

Claire let him pull her into his steel arms. She knew he was right and she’d expected that he wouldn’t be the type of guy to
ignore his responsibilities if it came down to it
, his heart was big enough for the both of them, even if a child was in the picture.

“Angel, you can read my mind, if it helps.”

Claire didn’t have to even think about her answer. She believed him. He’d never lied to her before. She leaned back to look up into his face. “I believe you.”

Butch leaned down and kissed her. He pulled back but left his forehead resting hers. “Thank you baby.”

Butch took her hand and guided her back in the house. Mike
was at the stove, and from the smell
of it, he was frying bacon. Claire’s
stomach growled. Everyone else at the table looked up at her as her hand went to her belly.

“It’s almost done

called from over his shoulder.

Mike pulled everything from the stove, turning it off and grabbed plates full of food and took a seat across from her. Claire
raised her brow
to discuss her relationship with Butch.
Butch walked over to the coffee pot to fill them both a cup.
didn’t say a word. No
it wasn’t him that had a comment
it was the family intruder,

, I’ve seen three different sides of you in the last few days and you clean up nice
. B
ut I must say, I liked your look from this morning the best.” He
looked over at
Butch, “Hey
man, you wanna share?”

Mike almost fl
ew out of his seat, but Jake placed
hand on him.

Claire leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over
her chest. “Well, Mr. Thompson
, I can honestly say I haven’t seen any side of you that
. So
that’s not going to be an option.

She stood
placing her hands on the table,
and leaned
over in his direction. “There’s nothing y
have possibly give
me that could compare to the multiple
orgasms Butch
gave me last night.

raised her brow and waited for a comeback that never came. He sa
t there
opened his mouth
and no
words came out, so she
walked over to the pot of coffee and
took her cup out of Butch’s outstretched hand
threw his arm around her wa
st and pulled her in for a kiss.

“Don’t listen to him
. H
e’s just seeing if you’ll stick up for yourself. He apparently doesn’t know
you or
your sisters.
” Butch
winked, eliciting a grin from her.

Butch was right
meant nothing to her. She’d just met him. Even though her mother
taught her manners, this man just seemed to get under her skin.  She finished doctoring her coffee
walked back over to the table
and retook her seat. “
Mr. Thompson
, how many years did you tell us that
you’ve been chasing Winters?”

“A long time

Claire smirked. “Well
tell me
Mr. Thompson, if you haven’t found him yet, what makes you think that he’s here in Southall?

We’ve been watching several of his known accounts and some of the money is coming from here, besides, it’s a gut feeling
. Do you want
to know
what else my gut is telling me, Miss Bennett?”

Claire held her cup with both hands
taking a sip of her fresh coffee while watching th
e arrogant bastard over the rim
and contemplated what he was offering. “
What is that
Mr. Thompson?”

“My gut is screaming at me that you’re

Claire almost spit out her coffee
. H
er hand went to cover her mouth
and she gulped the remainder down. Claire
chanced a quick glance
at Mike and Jake before turning her gaze
back t
oward Thompson. “Really, how so
Mr. Thompson

“You’re the only woman I’ve met that’s been able to tame Butch.” Thompson shrugged. “So
forgive me for being so rude.” He pushed from his chair and walked around to her side of the table. He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. Claire had seen Butch and Jake do the same thing
numerous times before
. He’d apparently been schooled at the same place. He bent over at the wa
and bowed
. “I apologize from the bottom of my heart.”

Claire glanced over at Butch
who was grabbing plates full of food. He nodded
and she instantly knew what it meant. He was telling her that Thompson was being sincere.

Claire pulled her h
and from his and stood. “Let’s start over.” She held out her hand, “I’m Claire Bennett

Thompson took her hand and shook it. “Rick Thompson, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Claire smiled and gave a slight nod
“Thank you, Rick.” She gestured with her hand. “Please have a seat and join us for breakfast.”

Butch laid the plates on the table. “Glad you apologized
old friend, I’d hate to have
to kick your ass for
being rude to my fiancé

Jake and Mike hadn’t been surprised
. T
hey knew why Butch was saying that
. W
hat Claire didn’t think they’d been expecting was when
took her hand again and admired her ring. He glanced up at Butch and

Butch, I didn’t think you had it in you.” Claire turned toward Mike. His face had turned red. He looked ready to explode. Butch laughed
“You know I’m a man of my word.

He walked over to Claire
put his arm around her shoulders
and kissed her forehead. “Sit down and eat
I can tell Thompson is about to leave
and I’ll walk him out.”

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