Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3) (36 page)

BOOK: Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3)
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Claire put her feet on the deck, straddling the chair
. “As much as I’d love to stay here for an entire month, I guess
get back. I still have to pick up my dress.”

Butch stood
holding his hand out to Claire. She took it, swinging her leg over to the other
and let him pull her up
. She looked down at Abby. “You sure you don’t want to stay here and enjoy the beach with Emma? You know you don’t have to come back
I’m sure they’ll do a good job at keeping me alive for one night.”

Abby pushed herself out of the chair. “I’m going to make sure of it

he said as she  head
the house.

Claire smiled up at Butch
I guess her mind’s made up.”

Butch laughed and tapped her on the butt as he walked by
she is
I wouldn’t expect anything less.”










Chapter 19




Claire’s tearful goodbye with Emma, Lily
and John had been hard
, but i
t wasn’t like they’d never see each other again. They’d been through worse, and who knew if the man after her would even show up to the benefit now that he’d been made. They might not be able to put a face or name to the unknown man, but now
at least they knew what to expect. They all rode in virtual silence on the plane trip back. She assumed each one was lost in thought
the possible doom they were flying back into.

They were met on the tarmac by some of Jake’s men
given a debriefing of everything they’d found
an escort back to her house. Even some of Mike and Abby’s coworkers had made the trip with them. Claire would love to hear the rumors and speculations going around Southall of what they’d found at her house.

Thinking of the rumor mill made her think of Mrs. A. Claire had completely forgotten that her lifetime friend was still plotting a way to get Mike and Elizabeth together. Claire tried to push it out of her mind. She had life
threatening things to worry about
. B
ut when this was all over, all bets were off
. S
he’d once again begin to think about her brother and his lack of a love life

Claire arrived at her house. Everything seemed in order, not like the
she’d left
. There were no police cruisers outside her house with their lights on, although
she spotted
a few armed guards strategically placed outside. Claire pushed through the door and breathed a sigh of relief.
Home Sweet Home.

Jenny greeted her with a clipboard in hand. “I’m glad you

Ms. Bennett. I’ve got everything arranged for
and the guest
will be arriving

“Thank you
Jenny.” Claire took her han
d and pulled her away from her
. “Can I spea
k to you privately in my office?

Jenny bit her bottom lip, her eyebrows scrunched together. “Uh

sure. Is there
he asked with uncertainty in her voice.

“No, there’s just a private matter that we need to discuss.” Claire kept walking toward her office with Butch on her heels. He didn’t need to be there for this conversation, but she knew that it w
ould put his mind at ease if he
were, so she didn’t make a big deal out of it.

They all walked in
and Claire gently closed the door behind her. Claire motioned with her hand. “Please have a seat.”

Claire didn’t walk around the desk to her leather chair. She took the chair next to Jenny. Claire had tried to forgo the route she was about to take where her assistant was concerned, but she’d run out of options. It was time to come clean and see if the
twenty seven
old knew more than what she was saying.

Claire let the barrier drop around her mind. She’d mastered the art of erecting it years ago as
way of stay
out of everyone’s mind. Butch walked over to her desk and sat on the edge. He glanced at Claire and gave a nod before training his eyes back on Jenny.

Claire pulled in a
Her determination was like a rock and unwavering.
“Jenny, there are some things you don’
t know about me
and I’d like you to let me finish before you say anything.”

Jenny nodded her agreement.

Claire got up and started pacing. This was her first time r
evealing her gift to a stranger,
ne that wasn’t a family member or trusted friend. Her gift wasn’t something she talked about every day or even tried to use unless the situation
it. And right now
warranted. If there was any chance that Jenny was in on this, she needed to

“I’m not sure how to explain this, so I’m going to come right out and say it. I have a gift. I can read minds.” Claire waited for a response.

“Go on
” Jenny whispered.

“I’ve only read one person

s mind without permission
and the situation called for it. I’d never intentionally break someone’s trust in that way unless it was important
and I’ve never read yours. A person’s thoughts are private
and I respect that. But something has come up
and I can’t keep my promise anymore. I’m telling you this out of courtesy because I like you
and I’d understand if you want to quit after this, but I need to read your mind.”

Jenny stood and pointed to herself
? W

Claire walked over to Jenny and took her hand. “All I can tell you is it’s important.”

Jenny stood there
thinking it over. “Okay.”

Claire squeezed her hand. “Thank you. I need to ask you a question.”

Jenny nodded
and sat back down
clasping her hands in her lap

Claire locked gazes with Jenny and concentrated as she asked, “Do you know who took the money

Jenny didn’t hesitate. “No.”
Why would she think I knew who took it. This is weird.

Claire smiled. “Do you know anyone who has a grudge against me or my family or would want to try to hurt us?”

Jenny again didn’t hesitate. “No.”
Why would anyone want to hurt these nice people
gave me
a job when
one. She raise
money to help people. Granted
reading minds is kinda strange, but why would anyone want to hurt them
It d
make sense
Maybe Claire’s lost her mind

Claire grinned. “I can assure you my mind is working perfectly.”

Jenny’s hand flew to cover her mouth. “Oh my god. You were telling me the truth.”

“Jenny, I can promise you one thing
I won’t ever lie to you. I had to know if you were telling the truth
. M
y life and the ones of those I love might depend on it.”

glanced from Butch back to her
“Am I in danger?”

Claire kept eye contact with her. “There’s a very big possibility
. T
hat’s why I want you to take the next few weeks off.”

you weren’t kidding when you said you wouldn’t lie to me.” Jenny
stood and walked toward the door.
She hesitated with her hand on the knob before she turned back around. “If it’s all the same to you, I think I’ll stay. There’s too much to do
and you need my help with the benefit.”
Jenny tilted her head to Butch
“Is that why he’s here, to guard you?”

Claire looked over to Butch
“Yes and
o, it’s complicated. Yes, he was assigned by my brother
law to keep me safe, but I’ve fallen in love with him
and I hope he’s here long after
all of
the threats are gone.”

Jenny nodded and turned her gaze to Butch
“Are you increasing security

Butch nodded but didn’t say a word.

“Then I guess I need to order more food
. J
ust tell me what I can do to help.”

Butch stood and walked to Jenny, picking up her hand and plac
a kiss on her knuckles. “Since you know what
going on, I’m going to need you to help me keep an eye on Claire. Her sister, Abby
will be here
tonight, but in the event that either myself or Abby isn’t around her, I want you to watch out for her.”

Okay. That sounds easy.”

“I’m also going to need a copy of the guest list and all of the event staff so my people can start running background checks.”

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