Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3) (37 page)

BOOK: Mind Play (Bennett Sisters Book 3)
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Jenny nodded and pulled her hand from Butch’s. I’ll get it at once.”

She walked out
leaving Butch and Claire alone.




Butch stepped up to Claire and pulled her into his arms. “I’m proud of you.”

Claire looked up into his steely blue eyes. “Why?”

“For not taking the easy way out and being honest with her.” Claire wouldn’t have had it any other way
and he knew it. It wasn’t in her character.
That was one of the things he liked about her. She wasn’t a coward and wasn’t afraid to stick up for what she believed in. She
found a way to stay true to herself and get what she
needed at the same time.

“Anyone would have done it that way.”

Claire, you’re wrong. Not just anyone, but the woman I love did.”

Butch’s gaze locked with Claire’s,
only love showed in her eyes. “You heard me right,
. I love you.”

Butch pulled her in close and pressed a kiss to her lips. Butch ran his tongue across the seam of her lips wanting entry
. She opened her mouth on a gasp as he lifted her off her feet and sat her on her own desk. He stepped between her parted legs and pressed himself against her center needing to be closer to the woman he loved. Claire lifted her hands and wrapped them around his neck, entwining her fingers in his
silky brown
hair. Butch tilted his head
deepening the sensual kiss. All he wanted was to take her right her, right now. He wanted to make love to her. Butch rubbed
slow circles on her back
to arch
into his chest. She locked her legs around him and pulled him closer into her embrace, m
aking what he had to do next almost impossible.

He broke the kiss but kept her wrapped in his arms and said her name on a breath. “Claire, we have to stop.”

Claire hesitated, looked into his eyes
and smiled. “I thought that was
supposed to
be my line.”

Butch grinned. Damn
she was beautiful. “We still have a lot of stuff to do before your guests arrive, but make no mistake
, when your party is over, I plan to keep you in bed for a long time making love to you.”

He leaned down
kissed her neck
and whispered
“I love you.”

He stepped out of her embrace and held out his hand helping her down from the desk.

She hop
ed down. “I love you too.” Claire patted him on the ass and walked out of the room.

That little sneak, she’d
keep him on his toes. Butch followed Claire out of the room and back to the foyer. She’d grabbed her keys, like he was just going to let her leave by herself. There wasn’t a chance in hell.

“Where the hell do you think you


Claire spun around. “To pick up my dress.”

Butch stomped over to her
“Not alone,
. Let me grab my keys and I’ll take you.”

Jenny walked into the room with an armload of paperwork and stopped. “
Mr. Edwards, h
ere’s the
guest and employee
lists for tonight that you asked for.”

Jenny stretched her arms out
handing the paperwork over to Butch. Claire
slid up next
to him
stood on her tippy toes
and kissed him on the cheek. “I think you have more pressing things to do than drive me around. I’ll be careful.”

patted him on the back as he walked by
“I’ve got this
buddy. I’ll take her
and we’ll come straight back.”

Butch looked down at the paperwork. He knew how important it was to start the background checks on everyone that was attending and the staff. He wanted Claire by his side, but under the circumstances
if she had to go, he’d feel better if
with her.

“Straight there and
back, right

lifted his fist to his chest
“You have my word.”

h nodded and straightened. He s
t the papers on the table and walked to Claire
pulling her in
his arms. He pressed his lips to hers, pulling her tight against his body. When he pulled back
he gazed down at her
“Angel, let
take you.
It will make me feel better.”

Claire nodded and turned
walking through the door. She call
ed over her shoulder. “Thompson
you’re up for babysitting detail
. G
your ass
in gear.”

turned to Butch and smiled. “I like this one.”

“Me too
” Butch whispered to no
one but himself.
He walked out the door
the porch and watched Claire’s Jag disappear
turning at the end of the drive.
I’ve got to get my head in the game.




It was sweet of Butch to try to protect her
. A
t times she could use the distraction.
hadn’t been
planning on Thompson
coming with her. She wasn’t even sure she liked the man sitting in her passenger seat, but she’d try to be nice since he was a friend of Butch’s. Claire glanced over at the man. He was tall like Butch with brown hair. He was good looking like most of Butch’s friends, but she hadn’t liked his
to begin with. She returned her gaze on the road
Maybe his way of making sure no one g
was just for show
. She raised one eyebrow and smiled. She’d figure him out without her abilities
and when she did, he was fair game just like her brother. He needed a woman of his own that could put him in his place. Too bad all of her sisters were married, but she’d come
with someone. She always completed whatever she set her mind to.

“Claire, what’s
grin about
turned in his seat. “What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”

Claire turned on to Main
and parked in front of the dress shop. She turned off the ignition, unhooked her seatbelt
and placed her hands in her lap. “Mr.
, are you married?”

“You want me
I knew it.

grinned with a twinkle in his eyes.

Claire rolled her eyes. “
t hardly
. A
in a relationship with anyone?”

, W
re you willing?”

“Not a chance
I love Butch
I was just curious.”

pushed open his car door
“Curiosity killed the cat.”

Claire nodded and whispered, “Don’t I know it.”

held the boutique door open for Claire.
The owner
walked over to them and smiled.
had been buying all of her dress
from this store since she started throwing fundraisers. They’d been extremely gracious in how they treated her and had even gone out of their way a time or two to
last minute changes she’d requested. If everything in her life was as simple as it was to do business with this shop, she’d no doubt cruise through life without a problem in sight. Claire smiled back.

“Ah, Miss Bennett,
” the shop owner leaned into Claire, giving her air kisses on each cheek. “
your dress is in the back
. G
ive me a moment to get it for you.”

“Sure. We’ll be at the counter.”

Claire set her purse on the counter and pulled out her credit card. The shop owner returned with her dress and rang her up. “Have you set a date for the wedding, M
s Bennett? We have some lovely wedding dresses in the back
and if you
t like those, we could have one specially made for you.”

Claire glanced at
who grinned.
when is the big date
I need to clear my schedule.”

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