Read Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor Online
Authors: Hervé This
Tags: #Cooking, #General, #Methods, #Essays & Narratives, #Special Appliances, #Science, #Chemistry, #Physics, #Technology & Engineering, #Food Science, #Columbia University Press, #ISBN-13: 9780231133128
ceptions modulate the motor actions that break up food. Chewing causes the
structure of food to be modified, revealing its texture.
Laurence Mioche, Joseph Culioli, Christèle Mathonière, and Eric Dransfield
studied the question of texture in the case of meat (in this case beef), search-
ing for similarities between the sensory perceptions aroused by tasting, the
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mechanical properties of the meat (resistance to compression and cutting), and
the electrical activity of the muscles involved in mastication. The beef was pre-
pared in several ways: Some samples were toughened (to a degree that cooking
did not subsequently counteract) by immediate cooling after slaughter, and
other samples underwent a long aging process at a temperature of 2°c (36°f).
Then the different pairs of samples were cooked at 60°c (140°f) and at 80°c
(176°f). One piece of each pair was analyzed mechanically, and the other was
eaten by trained tasters who judged the elasticity, initial tenderness, overall
tenderness, and length of time in the mouth, which is to say the time needed to
chew the meat before being able to swallow it. During this exercise the physi-
ologists analyzed the process of mastication by recording the electrical activity
of the masseter and temporal muscles.
The Sensation of Toughness
The mechanical measurements corroborated the results of studies that had
been conducted for many years at Clermont-Ferrand. Immediate cold storage
of food after butchering multiplied by a factor of three or four the resistance
to both compression and cutting. Conversely, gradual cooling followed by a
prolonged maturation process diminished both types of resistance. Higher
cooking temperatures greatly increased the resistance to compression but not
to cutting. Finally, differences between the various samples of meat resulted
mainly from the action of myofibrillary proteins (responsible for muscle con-
traction) and the connective tissue, made of collagen, that surrounds the mus-
cle fibers. The physical reactions of the tasters displayed wide variation. The
aging period and cooking temperature had perceptible effects on the process of
chewing, but differences in preparation had little effect on the electrical activity
of the muscles involved.
As they went along the tasters noted their sensations. All of them correctly
identified the toughest meats: The type of muscle, the mode of storage, and
the cooking temperature affected sensory perception in the same way that
they affected mastication. Nonetheless, sensory descriptions did not match
the experimenters’ predictions. For example, the perception of elasticity did
not imply a corresponding initial impression of tenderness. Juiciness, which
tasters associated with an initial degree of tenderness, but not elasticity, was
influenced more by cooking temperature than by the type of storage; the loss of
Tenderness and Juiciness
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juice was not perceived as a loss of juiciness. Today we still do not know exactly
what juiciness is. Is it the quantity of water in the meat and in the mouth? The
quantity of fat? The quantity of saliva secreted in the course of chewing?
The tasters concluded their work by grouping the meats into five classes of
increasing tenderness. The meats they found to be the most tender were those
that had been aged the longest. The toughest meats were those that had been
refrigerated just after slaughter. Lengthening the aging time had a perceptible
effect only in the case of meats cooked at 80°c (176°f). Finally, meats cooked at
the lower of the two temperatures were thought to be more tender than those
cooked at the higher one. Juiciness was found to depend mainly on cooking
temperature and much less on the type of storage or aging or on the type of
muscle. Differences were plain after the first few bites.
The Reliability of the Senses
Mechanical measurements, sensory evaluations, and electromyographic
measurements all yielded the same results, then, with regard to tenderness:
Prolonged chewing is needed to make a judgment. By contrast, juiciness is
best assessed after a few bites, which detect the general characteristics of the
food, causing subsequent mastication to be adapted accordingly.
The Clermont-Ferrand study provided valuable methodological information
as well. It revealed that sensory evaluation is the most effective method for
detecting differences between various samples. The human perception of the
masticatory sequence from beginning to end does a better job of capturing the
sensory properties of the meat than mechanical measurements, and the num-
ber of masticatory cycles is a more reliable measure of elasticity, tenderness,
and toughness, as it is actually experienced in the mouth, than compression
measurements. But the mechanical measurement of relative compression is a
better guide to juiciness. Tasters are known to adapt their style of chewing to
the properties of a particular food, but at which stage of the chewing process
they do this merits further study.
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Measuring Aromas
Chewing slowly deepens the perception of odorant molecules in cooked
w h i c h a r o m a s d o w e p e r c e i v e when we eat? For a long time this
question could not be answered, for chemical analysis was unable by itself to
determine the concentrations of odorant molecules in the vicinity of the recep-
tor cells in the nose. Andrew Taylor, Rob Linforth, and their colleagues at the
University of Nottingham, working in association with Firmenich (an interna-
tional perfume and flavor research group), have been conducting experiments
since 1996 with a device that shows how aromatic compounds are released
during the mastication of food. The same food, it turns out, smells different
to different people.
Odorants—volatile molecules that stimulate the nasal receptors in passing
upward from the mouth through the rear nasal fossae as food is chewed—are
important components of flavor. Nonetheless, their sensory action is difficult
to analyze because these molecules interact with saliva and with various other
compounds present in foods. Accordingly, the odorant profile of a particular
food cannot be reduced to its chemical composition.
Because molecules can be detected by smell only if they pass into the vapor
phrase, physiologists have sought to measure the concentration of odorants in
the air above foods. But given that the chewing of food, breathing, and saliva-
tion all affect the release of aromas, one cannot rely on this measurement
alone. To identify the active aromas of a food, it is necessary also to measure
the release of odorant molecules while it is being consumed.
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The new method of mass spectrometry devised by Taylor and his colleagues
directly measures the concentrations of odorant molecules in the breath of sub-
jects as they are chewing food. A stream of gas containing the volatile molecules
to be analyzed is pumped into a chamber equipped with an electrically charged
needle that ionizes water molecules. The hydrogen ions that are formed in this
way then transmit their electrical charge to the odorant molecules, which are
attracted by a series of electrically charged plates in a focalization chamber.
From here they are channeled into another chamber for analysis.
The Wisdom of Chewing Slowly
The British chemists first examined how a gel composed of gelatin and sac-
charose releases the volatile components—ethylbutyrate, found in fruits such
as strawberries, and ethanol—that are trapped in it. A tube was placed in a
nostril of each of the subjects (who were nonetheless able to breathe without
difficulty) to capture a sample of the air present in the naval cavity.
The first observation was not surprising. Because molecular concentrations
in the air in the nose vary periodically with the rhythm of respiration, what one
wants to know, for each breath taken and expelled, is the maximum measured
concentration. In the case of acetone, the maximum concentration was the
same for each respiratory cycle because this molecule, which is released by the
metabolism of fatty acids in the liver, is naturally found in the breath.
By contrast, the ethylbutyrate and ethanol detected in the breath came from
the gel alone: The ethylbutyrate was released only during mastication, for
about a minute, whereas the ethanol was released for a longer period of time.
Because ethanol is soluble in water, it dissolves in saliva after having been re-
leased by the rupture of the gel, and only afterward does a part of it pass into
the air. This slow exchange between water and air is stimulated by chewing and
continues even after chewing is finished.
These studies also confirmed what the makers of chewing gum have long
suspected, namely that the release of odorant molecules depends on both the
speed of mastication and the softness of the gum. A comparison of the reac-
tions of three people to the same food (a gel made from gelatin containing
ethanol, butanol, and hexanol) revealed what might be called odorant inequal-
ity: The maximum concentration of molecules in the breath and the time it
took for this concentration to appear varied according to the rate of mastication
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for each person tested. The maximum odorant concentrations were lowest in
the case of the most rapid eaters, presumably because they broke up the gel
the least. Brillat-Savarin therefore was right to say, “Men who eat quickly and
without thought do not perceive the [succession of] taste impressions, which
are the exclusive perquisite of a small number of the chosen few; and it is by
means of these impressions that gastronomers can classify, in the order of
their excellence, the various substances submitted to their approval” (Medita-
tion 2,
The Physiology of Taste
Measuring Aromas
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At Table in the Nursery
Observing the eating habits of small children provides clues to their devel-
oping appreciation of food.
f o o d - m i n d e d p a r e n t s a r e f o r e v e r c o m p l a i n i n g that their chil-
dren like only starches (pasta, rice, potatoes), the blandest cheeses, and taste-
less meats (especially the white meat of chicken). Why do we begin our eating
lives liking such dull foods? How can children be set straight about food before
it’s too late? It used to be that psychologists and sociologists were likeliest to
wonder about the biological motivations that cause parents to despair for their
offspring. Today it is the sensory biochemists who have taken the lead in ex-
ploring the dietary preferences of children and how these change.
An important experiment that only now is yielding its first results began
in 1982 and finished in 1999 at the Gaffarell Nursery of the Dijon Hospital
in France. The children, aged two to three years, were allowed to decide what
they would eat for lunch, with several constraints. The menu contained eight
items: bread, two starters, meat (or a meat-based dish) or fish as a main course,
two vegetables or starches, and two cheeses. Sweets were not offered as part
of the meal because of the children’s presumed attraction to sugar; they were
reserved for snacks instead. The children could have extra helpings but not
more than three of the same food during the same meal. Their minders ac-
commodated and recorded the choices freely made by the twenty-five children
enrolled in the nursery each year. All eight dishes were placed on the table, and
the children were free to serve themselves as they pleased or to eat nothing at
all. In all 420 children were monitored, each for an average of 110 meals.
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The results are being scrutinized by Sophie Nicklaus and Sylvie Issanchou
at the Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Arômes at the Institut National de la
Recherche Agronomique station in Dijon, in collaboration with Vincent Bog-
gio of the medical school at the University of Dijon. They are interested in a
number of questions. What foods did the children eat? Did they show a general
aversion to certain dishes? How are different choices between dishes to be
interpreted? How are variations in choice to be explained: by individual pref-
erences? Sifting through the data, the researchers found evidence in favor of
certain familiar assumptions as well as a number of unanticipated outcomes.
A Taste for the Tasteless
First, as parents have long maintained, children do indeed prefer starches
and meats on the whole. The cheeses they select are almost invariably ones
with minimal taste and a soft texture. Rare are the
amateurs de roquefort
the age of two or three—gourmets in short pants one day perhaps, but not
in diapers. It may be a sign of the times that bread was the starch least often