Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) (25 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“God, you’ve got me so ready to come I’m not sure I can walk,” he said.

“You don’t need to walk. Just let go of me and let me take care of you.” Savanna reached for him, but he backed away.

“I want to be inside you when I come.”

“Then let me up,” she begged.

Dustin helped her to her feet. There were clothes scattered all over the entryway by the door. She advanced on him, and he backed down the hall. She stalked him until he was in her bedroom. When the edge of the bed hit the back of his legs, he sat down hard on the mattress. Savanna skimmed her panties off and climbed up on his lap. Before he could move, she was straddling him and easing his weeping cock inside of her. By then, he only wanted to move one way, and that was up.

Savanna used her legs to move herself up and down his thick rod. Dustin ran a thumb around her pussy until he located her clit. Then he teased it mercilessly. She bucked against him, crying out as she began to come. Her vaginal muscles squeezed him, milking him. He stood up with her still impaled on him and turned them around where he could lay her back on the bed. She groaned and shivered when he pulled out of her and turned her over on her stomach. She got to all fours and looked back over her shoulder at him. His eyes were almost black and his eyelids nearly closed. Passion flared between them.

He nudged her legs apart and positioned his cock at her opening. She pushed back, and he slid inside of her. She was so wet and swollen from her earlier climax that he had no trouble pushing his way inside of her. She groaned when he reached the end of her. He pulled almost all the way out then pushed back in over and over until she was fighting another orgasm. He fucked her slow and deep at first then faster the closer he got to coming. She couldn’t hold on. It hit her hard, and she collapsed to the bed, screaming into the covers. Only his hands at her hips and his cock inside her held her up. Seconds later, he shouted as he came. She felt him shoot inside her. He collapsed against her on the bed but rolled over to his side.

“Shit,” he said.

“What’s wrong?” Savanna asked.

“I didn’t wear a condom.”

“It’s okay, I’m protected,” she said.

“Doesn’t matter, I shouldn’t have forgotten.” He kissed the back of her shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”

He disappeared into the bathroom. She heard the toilet flush and then water run in the sink. When he returned, he brought a warm, wet bath cloth with him. He cleaned her up and then took the cloth back to the bathroom. While he was gone, she pulled back the covers and climbed beneath them. She was exhausted now. He crawled into bed beside her and pulled her back into his arms.

“Baby, we need to talk,” he said.

“Later. I’m going to take a nap. We can talk later.”

Chapter Thirteen

A loud pounding at the door woke Dustin from a sound sleep. At first, he wasn’t sure where he was, then he remembered he was at Savanna’s apartment. The doorbell rang, and Savanna jerked next to him. Her knee very nearly emasculated him.

“Hey, wake up. Someone’s at the door.” Dustin rolled out of the bed, searching for his clothes. Damn, they were in the living room.

“Mmm, who’s ringing the doorbell at this hour?” Savanna asked.

“It’s actually nine.”

“Oh, shit!” Savanna jumped up and ran for the door.

“Hey, wait! You don’t have any clothes on.” He grabbed her before she made it to the hall. “Put on a robe. I’ll get the door. My pants are in there.”

She nodded and retreated into the bathroom. He continued down the hall, picked up his pants, and jerked them on as he reached the door. The bell rang again. He unlocked the door and opened it. Ben and Karen stood outside. He stepped back to let them in. Ben looked at him with sympathy in his eyes and shook his head. Dustin had no idea what that was about.

“You are in so much trouble, Dustin Liguori. How dare you!” Karen shook a paper in front of his face.

Savanna walked down the hall toward them. Dustin had a bad feeling things were going to go downhill fast.

“What’s going on? Karen?” she asked.

“I couldn’t sleep last night, so I decided I’d go to the office early this morning before anyone would be up and around. I was going to call you, but Ben refused to let me go without him, so I thought, why get you out of bed if he was going to go anyway.”

“Okay, so why are you so upset? Did you figure out who the client was that Martin is screwing?” Savanna asked. She looked from Ben to Karen in confusion.

“Oh, I found out all right.” Karen shook some papers in his face.

“Did you say Martin?” Dustin asked. He had a sick feeling in his gut.

“Yes, Martin. Sound familiar to you? It should.” Karen turned back to Savanna.

“Ben watched the elevators for me while I went through his desk and files. I found the prospective that I created, and sure enough, he had edited parts of it so that the company I said wasn’t worth anything looked like a good deal.”

“So did you find out the client’s name? Have you contacted him yet?” Savanna asked.

“I have his name, and I’m contacting him right now.”

“Fuck!” Dustin ran a hand through his hair. “You’re the assistant that he said screwed up his prospectus, aren’t you?”

“I don’t understand,” Savanna said. “What is going on?”

“Yep, that’s me. And you’re his client that he is trying to ruin.”

Dustin turned to Savanna and knew he was screwed. She stared at him as if he were a stranger. He guessed he was.

“You’re Martin’s client? I thought you didn’t have a job. You told me you drive a truck sometimes. You lied to me.” Her voice got louder as she talked until she was yelling at him.

“Karen, we need to go now.” Ben wrapped his arms around her and tried pulling her toward the door.

“I’m not going anywhere until she tells me to.” Karen pointed at Savanna.

“Honey, this is between them. You’ve done your damage now.” Ben opened the door behind him and started dragging her outside.

“You bastard! You let me think you didn’t have a job all that time!” Savanna continued to yell at him.

Ben continued dragging Karen out the door. “Can you close the door behind us?”

Savanna kicked the door closed and grabbed his shoes off the floor. She threw them at him.

“Get your crap on, and get the hell out of my apartment!”

“Savanna, let me explain,” he began. She threw his shirt at him, and he managed to catch it.

“I don’t want to hear it. We weren’t supposed to have any secrets between us anymore. You should have told me then.”

“I know. I should have. I tried to tell you last night, but things got out of hand.”

“Last night was too late. You should have told me before you left,” she said.

“I know,” he said. “Please, let me explain.”

“Why? It’s too late. I can’t trust you anymore.”

“Because I want you to know why.” Dustin sighed.

“Talk, then get the hell out of my home.”

“I own a business, Liguori Consolidated Industries. I have managers and assistants who run the day-to-day parts of it. I handle the major decisions when needed and drive a truck when I want to. I like driving trucks. I told you the truth, Savanna. Some weeks I drive, and some weeks I work behind a desk.”

“You let me believe that you didn’t have a steady job. You knew how I felt about that and you let me angst over that until I finally admitted to you that I loved you. How could you?”

Savanna’s tears were tearing him apart inside. He knew he was losing her, all because of his pride.

“I wanted you to love me for who I am, not my money or my job or even my cock. I wanted you to love me for me,” he finally yelled back at her.

“And I did. I loved you for who you were,” she almost whispered. “But you’re not who I thought you were.”

“Don’t do this, Savanna. Give us a chance. I love you.” Dustin took a step toward her, but she backed up.

“Get your bag and your briefcase and get out.”

Dustin let out a long breath and then nodded. He slipped his feet into his shoes without tying them. He slipped his shirt on but didn’t bother trying to button it. Half of them were all over the floor anyway. He stuck his socks in his pockets and grabbed his luggage and briefcase. He started to say something but thought better of it. Instead, he opened the door and walked out.

He piled his stuff back in his truck and pulled a folder off the windshield of his truck. It was the prospectus Karen had been waving in his face. He threw it on the seat next to his briefcase and climbed into the truck. He could look at it when he got home. He would have plenty of time.

Dustin had just finished reading through the folder Karen had left on his truck when his cell phone rang. He checked the number but didn’t recognize it. He almost let it go but decided at the last minute to answer it.

“Dustin, it’s Karen.”

“What do you want? Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage?” Somehow, he couldn’t find it inside of him to be angry with her. It was ultimately his fault for not telling Savanna the truth sooner.

“You were wrong to not tell her, Dustin.”

“Yeah, I got that part.”

“Have you tried to call her?” Karen asked.

“No. She’ll see that it’s me and not answer. I thought I would let her cool off some before I tried calling. Maybe she’ll talk to me or at least listen to me then.

“Martin is working with a guy named Jason Barnes. Jason wants you ruined for some reason, but he’s paying Martin to feed you erroneous information so you do it to yourself,” Karen told him.

“So why are you telling me this? I would think you would want me to lose it all.”

“Two reasons,” she began. “One, he was using me to do his dirty work, and I don’t want my reputation ruined like that. So I’m telling you what’s going on.”

“And two?” he asked.

“Two, I think that, given some time, Savanna is going to forgive you, and I want to be sure you can take care of her. She deserves it.”

“Have you talked to her?” he asked, letting hope infuse his heart.

“No, she’s not speaking to me right now either.” Karen laughed.

“Thanks for telling me. I know Jason personally and will enjoy taking care of that bastard.” Dustin thought about it for a second then asked. “I don’t suppose you need a job, do you?”

“What are you talking about?” she asked.

“I need a new assistant. Mine quit to move to
with his wife. I think you would be perfect for the job. I need someone who isn’t scared to take care of business.”

“I’ll think about it and let you know. Got to go. Ben is making faces.”

Dustin heard her hang up. He closed his phone and tossed it on the couch. At least now he knew why Martin was trying to ruin him. Jason was actually the one behind it all. The bastard was still pissed that Dustin had outmaneuvered him on a bid for a large hotel chain. Why go to such lengths for something as petty as that he wondered? Well, he would find out. He had a meeting with Martin tomorrow morning at ten. He’d get to the bottom of it then. Martin wouldn’t go down alone, and Dustin planned to take him down hard. The little bastard had cost him the woman he loved.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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