More than Friends - Monica Murphy (33 page)

Read More than Friends - Monica Murphy Online

Authors: Monica Murphy

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: More than Friends - Monica Murphy
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Kyla shakes her head some more. “I don’t think so. That’s really not my scene, Amanda. Thanks for including me, though.”

Dang it. I’m trying to include her and get closer to Kyla.

Once the game is over, we start to clean up. I’m almost finished when Eli makes his approach, a cocky smile on his face when he stops directly in front of me. “You going to Tuttle’s? Or are you afraid, since you two used to be together or whatever?”

“Afraid? I’m not afraid.” Nothing like getting right to the point. “And yeah, I’m going to his party.”

Eli’s brows shoot up. “Seriously?” His voice squeaks a little and he clears his throat. It’s sort of cute.

“Seriously,” I deadpan. “I’m guessing you’ll be there?”

“Oh yeah.” He nods eagerly, his face lighting up. “I’ll see you there.”

“See ya,” I say to his retreating back. Smiling, I turn to find Kyla watching me with her arms crossed. My smile immediately fades. “What’s wrong?”

“Bouncing from one football player to the next isn’t the best idea,” she says, her voice dry.

Yikes. Who crowned her Queen Judgey McJudgey Pants? “There is absolutely nothing going on with me and Eli.”

“Right. That’s why he just high fived all of his friends after talking to you.”

I glance over to where Eli is standing with his circle of friends, and they are
giving him high fives. That’s sort of embarrassing. “I have no idea what that’s about.”

“I’m sure I can tell you
about it. I’m guessing some of the guys made a bet with Eli that he couldn’t get in your panties tonight. And I’m pretty positive Eli said he could. To make the bet even more interesting, they put a little money on it. Just to liven it up, you know?” The hostility in Kyla’s voice is cluing me in that something like this might’ve happened to her. And that’s just…awful. “Don’t fall for their shit, Amanda. You’ll only end up getting hurt.”

Before I can utter a word or ask her a question, she turns and walks away.



By the time we’re entering Tuttle’s house, the party has been going on for a while. The place is packed. In some weird almost twist of fate, at one point I was supposed to ride in the same car as Eli and go to the party with him, and I was freaking out over it with Liv.

But that didn’t happen. Liv took too long getting ready and one of Eli’s teammates stopped by the Bennett house and got him. Ryan eventually came by Liv’s place and picked us up. I’m starting to feel like a total third wheel in their relationship, but most of the time they act like they forget I’m even with them. Meaning, they say things to each other in front of me that are kind of embarrassing—and intimate.


I’m still trying my best to forget the over the top things Liv and Ryan said to each other as I make my way to the kitchen, where I know the booze is. I grab a beer can and crack it open, guzzling it down as fast as possible. I’m tired and stressed over everything I’ve been trying to do the last few weeks. Now I just want to get a good buzz on and forget my troubles for a little while.

“Don’t get drunk,” Livvy says as she wags a finger at me. She grabs a beer too. “This is for Ryan. I’m the sober driver tonight.”

“How responsible of you.”

“I’m trying to turn a new leaf. After the—” She lowers her voice to a loud whisper. “—pregnancy scare, I realized I’m the only one responsible for my own actions. So no babies, no DUIs and no getting into drunken car wrecks!” She clinks the unopened beer can against mine. “Gotta go find Ryan. I’ll catch up with you in a few, okay?”

She ditches me before I can say anything, which feels like a common theme tonight. And now I’m thinking about Kyla and what she told me earlier, how angry yet sad she seemed. Did some of the football players try to trick her? I can’t imagine it happening now. She seems so in charge and sure of herself. Maybe when she was younger, did one of them—or a bunch of them—take advantage of her?

God, I hope not.

“Hey, you.”

I turn to find Em standing there, with Brianne Brown on one side of her and Lauren Mancini on the other.

I hate my life sometimes.

“Hi Em.” I aim my smile at her, barely looking at the other girls. They’ve always been mean to me, so why would they change now? “How are you?”

“I’m okay.” She cocks out a hip and I take her in. She’s wearing a cropped baby blue T-shirt that shows off the flat expanse of her belly, and a low slung pleated black miniskirt. Her hair is sleek and tucked behind her ears, and her lips are this deep, glossy pink. She looks like the typical schoolgirl gone bad.

If Livvy were here right now, she’d be mocking her hardcore.

“What’s going on with you?” Em asks.

“Not with Jordan anymore, huh?” Lauren asks sweetly, her expression pure innocence.

I’m not falling for it. She’s a total snake, just waiting to sink her fangs into me. I ignore her question and focus on Em.

“Not much. Been super busy lately.”

“Right, have to keep those boys hydrated,” Lauren says. The matching smirks on Brianne’s and Lauren’s faces make me want to smack them both.

“I’m sorry we haven’t talked much,” Em says, and she actually sounds sincere. “I, uh, figured you didn’t want to, considering you took Liv’s side.”

My mouth drops open. “I didn’t take Liv’s side.” Well, I sort of did.

“It’s okay, I get it. You were friends with her first. I can appreciate your loyalty.”

“God, this conversation is so boring,” Lauren says just before she fake yawns.

“I want to go find Dustin,” Brianne whines.

Em shoots me a look, then rolls her eyes.

“And I want to find Jordan.” Lauren hooks her arm through Brianne’s. “Let’s go.”

We watch them leave and Em sighs. “They’re so annoying.”

“Why do you hang out with them then?”

“I really don’t have anyone else,” she says with a shrug.

I actually feel sorry for her, and Livvy would probably yell at me if she knew that. “They’re total bitches.”

“I know. But their bitchiness protects me in a way.”

I sort of get it, though I don’t want to. “You need new friends.”

“I’d hang out with you if Livvy would let me.” Em’s expression turns sad. “But she’s still pissed.”

What can I say? Em is one hundred percent right. Instead of talking, I slam back the rest of my beer and then grab another one, cracking it open.

“It really sucks, because all Brianne does is talk about Dustin,” Em says. “And he barely talks to me anymore. He’s still mad at me too. I know he hates that Brianne and I are friends. I think he’s afraid I’m going to do something to ruin their relationship.”

I should tell her that’s everyone’s fear when it comes to her, but I keep my mouth shut. “You should tell Liv you miss her.”

“Why? She won’t even look at me, let alone talk to me. Telling her that would be completely pointless.” Em’s gaze sweeps the kitchen. “Is she here?”


“Did you come with her?”

“Yeah, her and Ryan.”

Em rolls her eyes. “That guy is a total douche.”

“They’re getting along right now,” I say in their defense. “They make a really cute couple.”

“Whatever. Just wait. He’ll grow tired of her eventually and then dump her ass.” Em sounds bitter. I remember that once upon a time, she went out with Ryan too. “Though I will admit, he’s been sticking with her for a while.”

I really don’t want to get caught up in this conversation. I came to Tuttle’s—oh, the irony—to have a good time, not get embroiled in some more drama. I’m about to bail when Eli Bennett magically appears, clutching a red cup, a giant smile on his face.

“Amanda,” he breathes, his gaze drinking me in. “You came.” He sounds surprised.

“I did.” I smile at him. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” He chugs from the cup like he’s nervous, then crushes the empty cup with a squeeze of his fingers. “You look pretty tonight.”

“Thanks. You’re so sweet.”

He flashes me a lopsided smile. “I bet you are, too.”

Is that supposed to be a pickup line?

“Um, what the hell is going on here?”

Crap. I forgot Em is still standing with us. “Em, do you know Eli?”

“Ryan’s brother.” She smiles coolly. “Nice to see you again.”

“Yeah,” Eli mumbles, looking away from her.

“Please don’t tell me you two are a thing,” Em says to me in disbelief.

“No, no,” I reassure her. “We’re just friends.”

“With benefits,” Eli tacks on, grinning wildly.

“Not even,” I mutter.

Em laughs. “You two are an—odd couple. But I’m kind of liking the possibilities. Revenge sex against Tuttle?”

There’s nothing happening between us,” I say again. “Seriously.”

“Whatever you say,” Em drawls, wiggling her fingers at us as she starts to walk away. “See ya later.”

The moment she’s gone, Eli is shifting closer to me, as if he’s trying to invade my space. I take a step back. “Trying to play it cool with your friends?” he asks.

“Um, I guess so.”

“So you wanna keep this on the DL?” He nods before I can give him an answer. “I’m cool. I’m down.”

“Uh-huh. Listen, Eli, it probably
better that we not make a big deal out of this, you know?”

“This?” He raises a brow. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know.” I hesitate. “You want to…hook up?”

“And you don’t?”

This is ridiculous. “You’re only fourteen.”

“Almost fifteen. Next week.”

“And a freshman.”

“Quarterback of the JV team. Next year I’ll be stepping in for Tuttle since he’ll finally be gone. Then I’ll be the fucking star.”

I’m sure he will. His easy confidence will take him far. “So Livvy said you have a thing for me.”

“Jesus,” he mutters, then takes my hand and drags me out of the kitchen.

“Where are you taking me?” I yell at him, dodging people as he tugs me through the crowd.

“I’m not having this conversation in the middle of the kitchen where everyone can hear.” He pulls me down the hall—the hall that leads to the secret back staircase, and he’s opening doors, one after another. He finds a supply closet, a linen closet, an empty bathroom—bingo—and drags me inside, shutting the door behind us. “Now what did Livvy say?”

“She said you…liked me.”

“I’m going to kill her,” he mumbles, running his hand through his hair, messing it all up. He looks adorable. What’s up with cute boys with messy hair? “Listen, you’re fine as
And you’re a senior. If you were into me and we hooked up tonight? I’d be a freaking legend.”

Seriously? “You probably shouldn’t tell me that.”

He frowns. “Why not?”

“You only want to hook up with me because I’ll give you legend status.” He just blinks at me. “That’s not really cool, Eli. You’re just using me because I’m a senior?”

Well, I’m supposedly only using him because he’s interested, so I guess we’re even.

Now he’s full on grinning. “But that’s a good thing. An honor. You’re hot, Amanda. And the best thing? It’s like you don’t even know it. You wear those tight jeans and we’re all staring at your ass out on the field while you’re handing out water bottles or bent over one of us, taping up our hands. We’re all trying to catch a look, or even better, cop a feel.”

“Cop a feel?” I’m dumbfounded.

“You don’t even notice, huh?”

“No.” He’s got to be exaggerating a little. “I had no clue.”

“Oh yeah. None of us would touch you, though. Tuttle made his claim and we weren’t allowed to hardly look at you.”

So freaking primitive. What is he, a caveman? I ignore the warm feeling that washes over me at the thought of possessive Jordan Tuttle. When he acted like he cared about me. When I believed I was the most important person in his life.

I shove the thought out of my head before I start to cry.

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