Morning Glories (Devil's Hornets MC Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Morning Glories (Devil's Hornets MC Book 3)
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Natalie couldn’t believe the turn her life had taken. She went from being all alone to having a very large family. They lived in a huge house in a country town that was more peaceful than she’d ever known it but very close to the major city where the boys did their dirt.


She had a little flower shop, and she helped people with their gardens. It was something she’d always wanted to do, but most people in the city where they used to live weren’t really into gardening. They wanted a flower arrangement they could pick up and give to who they wanted to or send out that day.


Sarah was coming along. Natalie would bring her out to the garden, and she would help some but talk more. They were both learning each other and liking each other more and more. It was the love of one man — that was the first thing they had in common — but it had grown from there. The heartfelt thank you Sarah had given her made her heart swell every time she thought about it.


The older woman wasn’t able to do much in the kitchen but direct her, but it made her feel like she was making dinner for her son, so Natalie didn’t mind the instruction. The store was only open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for very limited hours, but people could call her and she’d go in. She felt like she was living the dream.


The place they’d found was perfect for them; it was a group of 6 houses on a very large lot. Everyone was close, but not in each other’s hair. They could all look out for one another and still be home. The Storm house was the dining house since it seemed everyone came there for food. Thank goodness they were doing well financially because feeding that many grown men would take a hunk out of the budget. She laughed when she found out that the guys had been putting money in the account she pays for food with. They were a good bunch of guys even though the world would see them and call them criminals.


Today was one of the days she went in to the shop, so there she sat reading a book and glancing at her phone just in case Jack called her. She was so tired. It didn’t make any sense how tired she was. Natalie had been going to bed around 8 at night and getting up around 8 in the morning, but she was still exhausted.


Jack – Would you like some company?




Well she was happy that someone was coming in since the only orders she’d received had been pretty easy to fill. Maybe she should cut back her days or have this online. Then she could work out of her house… well The Storm house. It gave her a little thrill when she thought like that. She had a little family that was all her own.


When Jack came to see her, he wasn’t alone; he’d brought Sarah along with him.


“This is a nice surprise.” Natalie stood up to greet the woman in a wheelchair and hugged her.


“I just came from physical therapy, and I surprised Jack with something, and I didn’t think it was fair to not do the same for my daughter.”


Just her saying that made Natalie’s eyes tear up. She’d heard so many stories about bad in laws or mothers that didn’t like their son’s choice in women, but that had never been a problem for her and Sarah. From the start, she felt like family.


“I can’t wait to see.”


Sarah put the locks on both sides of her wheelchair and stood up. Natalie looked at Jack who stared at his mother proudly. She guessed this was the surprise because she hadn’t stood up on her own since the stroke as far as Natalie knew.


“Wow,” Natalie said, “you are doing great.”


“That’s not all.” Sarah took one foot and placed it in front of the other until she had walked the whole length of the room.


Natalie clapped and cheered for her friend. When the woman had made it over to where Natalie stood, she noticed that Sarah had a bag in her hand. Holding it out in front of her she gestured for her to take it.


“What is it?”


“It’s for you right now, but for all of us later.”


Natalie looked over at Jack.


“She let me put her in a wheelchair and told me not to follow her. I’m just as interested in what she brought you in that bag as you are.” Jack walked over to them as she opened the brown paper bag.


“Read it out loud,” Sarah said when she stood there looking at the contents of her gift.


“Competent information Pregnancy Test,” Natalie read for the room, and it took a minute to figure out why she was getting this box. “Sarah? Do you think I’m pregnant?”


“I’ve always wanted grandchildren, and from the way you’ve been acting lately, you have to be pregnant.”


“How would you know? You haven’t known me that long.”


“That may be true, but you go to bed so early and wake up so late along with eating everything in sight, it makes me sure.”


“I hope you’re not disappointed if we aren’t.”


“I won’t be upset about that. It just means you have to work a little harder.” Sarah’s smile was infectious, and she found herself hoping the older woman was right.


“You want me to do it now?” Natalie asked them as they stared at her expectantly.


“Of course,” Sarah said as she motioned for her to go to the restroom.


Natalie held the package tightly in her hand thinking about the weird way her body had been acting. She was eating so much she was hiding it, she slept for over 12 hours a day and was still tired, and there were times she felt irritable. It was weird for her because she honestly felt like she was happy, and the situation that was her life was more than she could have ever wanted. There were times she would cry in the afternoon for no damn reason, and she was gaining weight. She knew she was gaining weight because of all the meals she was sneaking.


Jack was right on her heels when she opened the door to the bathroom.


“Are you going to come in and watch me pee?”


“I don’t have to, but I’d like you to come out after you do so we can wait and see the results together.”


Natalie looked back at Sarah who had made it back to her chair pretty quickly. She must have been practicing walking at home she was so at ease with it.


“How will you feel… if we find out the test is positive?” Natalie didn’t want to have this conversation with Sarah so close by, but she had to know.


“I don’t think anything would make me happier.” He looked like he meant that with all his heart, and Natalie was glad they didn’t have to worry about that part at least.


“Okay, I’m going in, but I’ll be right back out.”


The instructions on the box were simple. Take off the cap and pee on the absorbent part that has been exposed and then wait 5 minutes. When it was all done, she put the cap back on the stick and turned it face down before leaving the bathroom.


Jack was waiting for her by the door, and she didn’t think she’d ever seen him this keyed up. He had loosened up in the bedroom, but in their regular life he still held himself in check. He looked like the kid who was next in line at Santa’s workshop in the mall. The expectation and excitement swirled around him like crazy. Sarah looked at her watch and said they had about 4 more minutes, and she didn’t know if she could wait that long.


She’d put on some music before they’d come in, and it was still playing on the radio.


“It’s time,” Sarah said in what seemed like hours later, “Go see what the magic stick says.”


There was nervous laughter all around as Natalie and Jack went into the bathroom alone.


“Why don’t you do the honors?” Natalie said as she handed the stick over to Jack.


“Are you sure?” He looked like she felt… like he was ready to pass out. She nodded and waited, but he didn’t move. Her big strong man who was the cock of the block in the streets or in the ring took the stick that was on a paper towel and prepared to turn it over. “Do you want to look at it at the same time?”


She shook her head no. “Let’s go out there with your mom. She’s the one who bought the test. Maybe she should do the honors.”


“Great idea,” he said as he grabbed Natalie’s hand and walked them out the door.


“Natalie wants you to look at it first.”


“I don’t think I’ve ever seen more people excited about holding a stick I peed on,” Natalie joked.


Sarah flipped it over so that she was the only one who could see it, and then placed it back on the paper towel. She had the best poker face Natalie had ever seen.


“Well,” Jack said when he was tired of waiting.


Sarah stood up from her chair and turned to Natalie. “Congratulations, Momma.”


Natalie could barely believe it. She accepted the kiss on the cheek from Sarah before she looked to see what Jack was doing. He was just standing there looking lost.


“What’s the matter, Jack? I thought you said you’d be happy if we found out we were having a baby.” Natalie walked a few steps to get to the man she loved. Neither of them had said the “L” word, but she knew this man who’d changed his life and moved his whole family to the other side of the country to be able to protect and keep her loved her, just as she hoped he knew it about her.


“It’s not that I’m upset about you being pregnant, but I brought my mother here for another reason.”


“What?” Natalie and Sarah said at the same time.


“I know you always wanted the white picket fence and the 2.5 children, but I didn’t think I was the man for all of that until recently. You changed my mind. I want it all, and I want it with you.” He went down on one knee. “Natalie Elizabeth Harper, would you marry me?”


Natalie could hardly breathe. She was just thinking about how good her life was, and she’d never thought the things that happened to her in the last few minutes would ever happen. It wasn’t that she was totally alright with that, but it was what it was. She was prepared to have Jack and his mother as family and considered herself lucky, but this was like the lottery.


“Yes… yes, Jack Andrew Storm, I will.”


The kiss went on so long she was almost embarrassed by the coughing Sarah was doing. Natalie had forgotten she was even in the room.


“Sorry, Sarah.” Natalie gave Jack one last peck before she moved out of his arms. “Well, I’m definitely closing up for the day. I’ve had so much news I’m worn out.”


“I think that’s a great idea,” Jack said as he went around turning off lights and things.


“Before we go… why were you looking so upset before you asked to marry me?” Natalie didn’t want to get too far without asking that. She was a worrier, and that thought would nag her the exact minute Jack wasn’t in her sight and she’d have to wait for the answer.


“I came in here to ask you to marry me, and I wanted my mother here so she could see it. You guys seem to love each other so much, I thought you’d want some sort of audience. When the baby came up, I wished I could have done this sooner. I don’t want you to think I’m marrying you for the baby, but just so you know I grew up having a father that ran out on us, and this little one isn’t going to have to experience that. I love you, Natalie. I know we’ve both not said the words, but we both know it’s true.”


“You’re right. I love you too, Jack.” Natalie felt like a dam had opened. She must have wanted to say those words for a long time for them to feel that awesome coming out of her mouth.


“And I love both of you and my grandson.” Sarah had moved to sit back in the wheelchair that they would be getting rid of soon. That woman was up and down so much, it was clear she didn’t need it at all.


“How do you know it’s going to be a boy?” Jack asked.


“Momma always knows.” Sarah said with a smile that seemed filled with knowledge. She knew that Natalie was expecting when no one else had mentioned it, and who could negate the power of intuition? There were things that happened in the world that just didn’t make sense… like the fact that a man like Jack could fall for a woman like her. Even though it didn’t make sense, she wouldn’t fight it and would welcome it all with open arms.

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