Mosaic (13 page)

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Authors: Leigh Talbert Moore

BOOK: Mosaic
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“Wait.” Julian’s voice sounded like he might agree with his mom for once. “What exactly is happening tonight?”

Mr. Kyser walked over to him and slapped his shoulder. “Your brothers and sister…and her fiancé, I suppose… are coming for diner, and tonight I want to get it all out. Lay our cards on the table, so to speak.”

“Hang on.” Julian stepped away, toward me but not really in a way that implied he needed my support. “I’m the one who knows these guys. Maybe this is something we should ease into—”

“Ease, my ass. We’re going to pull this Band-Aid off in one fast swipe and be done with it.”

Julian was about to argue when the door opened, and a high, musical voice filled the space. It was Lucy, beautiful as always in a bouncy, tiered pink dress. B.J. was right behind her.

“Hello, Dad!” She paused and kissed him on the cheek. “Lexy!” I watched as she went to Julian’s mother and gave her a warm hug. “If Will’s a jerk, which I’m sure he’ll be, just know I’m on your side. I think it’s wonderful that we’re telling everyone you’re dating Dad.”

I almost couldn’t breathe for Lucy’s misinterpretation of events. She clearly thought this was about introducing her dad’s new girlfriend to the family. B.J. only smiled and held Lucy’s waist, supportive as always.

Ms. LaSalle glanced at Mr. Kyser, and he did something I couldn’t remember ever seeing him do as long as I’d known his family—he stepped forward and hugged his daughter.

“Thank you, Lucy.” His voice was low and close to her ear, but audible.

When he released her and stepped back, her eyes glistened in her surprised face. She cleared her voice and smiled, and I decided no matter what happened tonight, it was worth it to see that moment pass between them.

“B.J.” Mr. Kyser reached for her fiancé’s hand. “Lucy said you got into med school in Birmingham. Congratulations.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Oh, Dad?” Lucy took her escort’s arm. “B.J. wants to go by Robert now.”

Her father’s eyebrows rose. “Is that so?”

“Yes,” she continued. “No more ‘Bobby Junior.’”

B.J.—or Robert only laughed. “If I’m going to be a doctor, I should probably lose the redneck nicknames.”

We all laughed, and I figured that was probably a hard nickname to grow up with in either of its forms. Lucy stepped over and gave me a huge hug followed by Julian.

“It’s so good to see you guys! I want to hear all about college, art school, New Orleans… Anna, you are going to flip when you see the bridesmaid’s dresses I’ve picked out. Spring break can’t get here soon enough!”

“I love the name Robert,” I said, squeezing her back. “It’s very professional.”

She shook her light blonde head. “I confess. It’s taking a little getting used to, but I’m glad he made the decision before all the invitations were printed.”

We didn’t have time for any more words because the door opened again, and Will marched in followed by Jack. My chest squeezed at the sight of them. They were both dressed in khaki pants, but Will had on a thin, black V-neck sweater, whereas Jack was wearing a green polo. As usual, his older brother’s expression was impatient and irritated.

He went straight to his father and shook hands. “Hello, Dad. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough what this is about.”

“Will.” Mr. Kyser shook his eldest son’s hand. “Thanks for driving over.”

“I don’t get all the cloak and dagger, but I’m here. And I managed to find him.”

Jack had walked to the other end of the room, where he was filling one of his father’s crystal tumblers with two fingers of scotch. Lucy gave me a worried look before walking over to her twin’s side. I watched her say something to him quietly, and he gave her a bored smile and a brief hug.

“I noticed my old car out front.” Will stood waiting, his eyes narrowed suspiciously at Ms. LaSalle. They’d just grazed Julian before he saw me. I got the usual sneer. “What’s this about?”

“Let’s have dinner,” Mr. Kyser said. “I hired a caterer. They’ll begin service once we’ve taken our seats.”

Lucy was still smiling as she gave her father a little wink, thinking she knew what was coming. I was sure I’d never be able to eat a thing my stomach was so tight. Even Julian seemed apprehensive as I held his hand.

Will had already taken his seat, and he stared the three of us visitors down from where he waited to his father’s right. Finally, Jack wandered over and sat, but he still either hadn’t seen me or had decided to pretend I wasn’t in the room.

Once we were all sitting, a male and a female dressed in black slacks and white shirts entered carrying platters of salads and ice water for everyone. I sat back and waited as they placed a portion on everyone’s plates and then exited the room again.

I stared at the dark greens in front of me wondering how much longer this agony would last. Lucy had taken the spot beside Ms. LaSalle, who sat at her father’s left. Robert was on her other side, and Julian was beside him, leaving me at the very end of the line. I was practically across from Jack.

Mr. Kyser spoke first as he stabbed a bite of salad. “I trust you boys had an easy drive up from New Orleans?”

Will didn’t touch a thing. “It was fine.”

Jack didn't even answer.

Everyone was on edge. Lucy was the only one who seemed giddy with excitement as she happily stabbed a bite of salad and ate it. “Will, I’m not sure if you know Ms. LaSalle, but she was a very important artist in this area back in the day. Her son Julian’s following in her footsteps it seems.”

Will’s eyes flicked from Ms. LaSalle to Julian as he picked up his fork. “To what do we owe the pleasure of such esteemed dinner guests?”

The way he said
indicated he meant the exact opposite, and I remembered that night last fall when he’d subjected me to his overt disgust with my presence at the mansion. I’d driven over to check on Jack after an ill-fated visit to New Orleans. It had been the beginning of the end for me.

The black and white-clad male and female re-entered the room and served us all plates of crispy-golden fried chicken, buttery red-skinned new potatoes, and steamed asparagus. It smelled delicious, but I still hadn’t been able to start my salad.

Jack finally glanced up, and mine was the first face he saw. His brow creased, and his normally bright blue eyes were stunned and bleary. I knew then he’d only just realized we were in the room. He was drunk. My heart hurt a little, but his gaze moved from me to Julian then back to me again. After that, he picked up the crystal tumbler and drained it.

“I’d hoped we could enjoy our dinner before we got to the heart of the matter.” Mr. Kyser placed his fork beside his plate. He reached to his left and covered Ms. LaSalle’s hand with his. She focused her attention on the physical connection between the two of them. “Alexandra, or Lexy, is an old friend of mine from before you were born.”

Will only stared her, expressionless while Lucy almost started clapping.

“I met her a few months ago,” she said, reaching out to squeeze Julian’s mother’s forearm. “Jack and I were in school with Julian last year, so we have a little connection.”

“I believe I recall the name.” Will wasn’t letting up. “But I still don’t understand the purpose of this get-together, or I should say why I had to drive up from New Orleans on a moment’s notice for it.”

His father took a deep breath and slid his place setting a little further from him. “Lexy and I were very close when we were younger. She was on the original Kyser-Brennan development team.”

Ms. LaSalle’s glance flickered up from their clasped hands to Will’s blue eyes, and she gave him the smallest smile. He did not return it. I wanted to kick his shin under the table hard. Julian didn’t look up from his plate. He seemed to be bracing himself.

“So this is about the business?” Will asked, and his father continued.

“Not necessarily. Lexy and I reunited several months ago, last spring, and I wanted all of you to know… we’re very much in love.”

At that, Will placed his fork down and straightened in his chair, putting his hands in his lap. Jack finally tore his attention away from the booze and focused it on Julian.

“You said
.” Will was catching up fast, I could tell. His blue eyes traveled from his father’s paramour to the boy sitting beside his sister’s fiancé. I watched as he scrutinized Julian’s face. “That means you have a history together.”

“A long time ago.” Mr. Kyser pushed his chair back and stood, slowly rounding the table behind Ms. LaSalle’s chair, passing Lucy’s, then Robert’s, and stopping behind Julian. My throat grew tighter the closer he came. “You’re all old enough now, and I’d like you to know the truth.”

Lucy turned in her seat, her brow creased as she looked up at her father. My heart was beating so hard, and I couldn’t even imagine how Julian must be feeling. His mother, by contrast, seemed to have gone completely still. She watched Mr. Kyser like she was resigned to whatever might happen.

Mr. Kyser placed his hand on Julian’s shoulder. “I’d like you to meet your brother. Julian LaSalle. Kyser.”

For a half a second, the entire room went deadly still. Then several things seemed to happen at once. Lucy’s jaw dropped and she exhaled a whispered “

Jack sat back in his chair abruptly and blinked at the new identity on a familiar face. Will was another matter.

He threw his cloth napkin beside his plate. “Are you saying—” His voice had risen in volume, but his father cut him off.

“I’m saying a long time ago, Lexy and I had a son together. Julian is that son, and I hope you’ll welcome him as part of our family.” Mr. Kyser’s hand was still on Julian's shoulder, and I reached under the table to lace my fingers with his.

At that moment, Julian looked up first at Jack, then he glanced at Will before looking at Lucy, who was still staring wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

“A son?” Will was still speaking too loud. “Who’s the same age as Jack and Lucy?” What you’re saying is this

“I will not hear your brother referred to by that term.” Mr. Kyser’s voice matched Will’s in volume.

“You won’t hear it?” Will roughly shoved his chair back and stood. “You’re damn well going to hear it. You cheated on Mom with this—”

!” Mr. Kyser’s jaw was clenched. “Take care how you address the woman I love.”

“The woman you
? The woman you LOVE?” Will’s upper lip curled. “What was our mother? The female who bore your children and kept your house clean?”

“That’s a conversation for another night. Tonight, is about reunions. Welcoming a new family member.”

Lucy’s astonishment had slowly dissolved into something different. She was still holding Ms. LaSalle’s arm, but now she reached out for Julian’s hand. It caught his attention, and he looked up at her. He caught her hand, and she gave him a warm smile. I wanted to kiss her sweet face.

Will was undeterred, however, sweeping his arm toward Jack. “As if things weren’t bad enough, I’ve got this loser, who won’t do anything but drink all day and squander what little potential he might’ve had. Now you’re telling me I’ve got some bastard brother and his social-climbing mother coming in to wreck things even further. Great move, Dad. One of your best.”

Mr. Kyser started to speak, but Lucy cut him off. In a flash, her hand left Julian’s and grabbed a plump, red tomato wedge off her salad plate.

“SHUT UP, Will!” She cried, hurling the tomato with surprising force at her brother.

The deep red fruit stuck to the front of his black sweater, and he flashed at her with pure shock on his face. “What the HELL?”

As if encouraged, she grabbed a round, buttery new potato and threw it too. “I said SHUT UP!”

Will flinched away. “Have you lost your mind?”

She grabbed another potato and threw it, and each item hit his black sweater and slid down, leaving a trail of shiny grease. “I’ve lost my tolerance for YOU!”

“Dammit, Lucy! If you throw one more piece of food at me…”

She did just that, grabbing two handfuls of potatoes, asparagus, and even a chicken breast, pelting her brother with them. The rest of us only sat, open-mouthed, watching.

“Shut your stupid mouth, you… you BULLY!” She yelled. “I’m sick of you pushing everyone around!”

“For God’s sake… Lucy!” Will was completely derailed, taking the cloth napkin again and dabbing it against his shirt. “This is Tahitian silk!”

Lucy jumped out of her chair, grabbed her water glass, and started in his direction.

“Need to wash it off?” She reared back, but Jack was out of his chair, catching her around the waist. I wouldn’t have thought he could move that fast in his condition.

“Take it easy, spitfire.” He laughed a little too much, holding her back and taking the water glass.

“Let me go!” She twisted in his arms, but her father stepped in at last.

“Stop this behavior
at once
!” His voice was stern, and his children did stop. But Lucy’s lips were so tight, I knew she was barely holding control. “I will not have you acting like this.”

I could barely breathe. Julian’s eyes were a mixture of shock and pride for his sister.

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