Read Muslim Fortresses in the Levant: Between Crusaders and Mongols Online

Authors: Kate Raphael

Tags: #Arts & Photography, #Architecture, #Buildings, #History, #Middle East, #Egypt, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Social Sciences, #Human Geography, #Building Types & Styles, #World, #Medieval, #Humanities

Muslim Fortresses in the Levant: Between Crusaders and Mongols (158 page)

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Tarājim rijāl al-qarnayn al-sādis wa’l
, ed. M. al-Kawtharī (Cairo, 1947).

, Badr al-Dīn
, ‘
Iqd al-jumān fī ta’rīkh ahl-zamān
, ed. M. M. Amīn (Cairo,1988–1992), vols 2–4.

, Rukn al-Dīn,
al-mulūkiyya fī l’-dawla al-turkiyya
, ed.
(Cairo, 1987).

Mukhtār al-akhbār ta’rīkh al-dawla al-Ayyūbiyya wa-dawla al-mamalīk
752 H.,
(Cairo, 1993).

Kitab al-Nukhbat al-dahr fī ‘ajā’ib al-barr
, ed. M. A. F. Mehren (Saint Pétersbourg, 1866).

Tashrīf al-ayyām
fī sīrat al-malik
, ed. M. Kāmil (Cairo, 1961).

BOOK: Muslim Fortresses in the Levant: Between Crusaders and Mongols
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